Patches for Selenium scripts and test suites to run on BrowserStack when RUN_ON_BSTACK=true is set in environment.
Currently supports Nightwatch.js.
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Running the test
npm install browserstack-automate
Node script
- To run locally, run
npm link && cd examples/simple_sample/ && npm install && npm link browserstack-automate
- To run on BrowserStack, run
RUN_ON_BSTACK=true node sample.js
Nightwatch test
Add the following line in your configuration file:
To run locally, run npm link && cd examples/nightwatch/ && npm install && npm link browserstack-automate
To run on BrowserStack, run RUN_ON_BSTACK=true ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch -c conf.js
Configuring Tests
The following environment variables are supported,
RUN_ON_BSTACK - Boolean. To run your tests on BrowserStack
BSTACK_LOCAL - Boolean. Whether to start/stop BrowserStackLocal for your tests
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME - your BrowserStack username
BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY - your BrowserStack accesskey
Clone the repo
Install dependencies npm install
Export the environment variables for the Username and Access Key of your BrowserStack account
export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username>
export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>
To run tests
npm test
To integrate with your nightwatch framework
- Add the following to