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Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Bull is a Node library that implements a fast and robust queue system based on Redis. It is designed to handle background jobs and message queues, providing features like job scheduling, concurrency control, and job prioritization.
Job Creation
This feature allows you to create and add jobs to a queue. The code sample demonstrates how to create a queue named 'myQueue' and add a job with data { foo: 'bar' } to it.
const Queue = require('bull');
const myQueue = new Queue('myQueue');
myQueue.add({ foo: 'bar' });
Job Processing
This feature allows you to define a processor for the jobs in the queue. The code sample shows how to process jobs in 'myQueue' by logging the job data and performing some processing.
myQueue.process(async (job) => {
// Process the job
Job Scheduling
This feature allows you to schedule jobs to be processed at a later time. The code sample demonstrates how to add a job to 'myQueue' that will be processed after a delay of 60 seconds.
myQueue.add({ foo: 'bar' }, { delay: 60000 });
Job Prioritization
This feature allows you to set the priority of jobs in the queue. The code sample shows how to add a job with a priority of 1 to 'myQueue'. Higher priority jobs are processed before lower priority ones.
myQueue.add({ foo: 'bar' }, { priority: 1 });
Concurrency Control
This feature allows you to control the number of concurrent job processors. The code sample demonstrates how to process up to 5 jobs concurrently in 'myQueue'.
myQueue.process(5, async (job) => {
// Process the job
Kue is another Redis-based priority job queue for Node.js. It provides a similar set of features to Bull, including job creation, processing, scheduling, and prioritization. However, Kue has a more extensive UI for monitoring and managing jobs.
Agenda is a lightweight job scheduling library for Node.js that uses MongoDB for persistence. It offers features like job scheduling, concurrency control, and job prioritization. Unlike Bull, which uses Redis, Agenda uses MongoDB, making it a good choice for applications already using MongoDB.
Bee-Queue is a simple, fast, and robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis. It is designed for high performance and low latency, making it suitable for real-time applications. Bee-Queue focuses on simplicity and performance, whereas Bull offers more advanced features and flexibility.
A lightweight, robust and fast job processing queue. Carefully written for rock solid stability and atomicity.
It uses redis for persistence, so the queue is not lost if the server goes down for any reason.
Follow manast for news and updates regarding this library.
npm install bull
Note that you need a redis version higher or equal than 2.8.11 for bull to work properly.
var Queue = require('bull');
var videoQueue = Queue('video transcoding', 6379, '');
var audioQueue = Queue('audio transcoding', 6379, '');
var imageQueue = Queue('image transcoding', 6379, '');
videoQueue.process(function(job, done){
// job.data contains the custom data passed when the job was created
// job.jobId contains id of this job.
// transcode video asynchronously and report progress
// call done when finished
// or give a error if error
done(Error('error transcoding'));
// or pass it a result
done(null, { framerate: 29.5 /* etc... */ });
// If the job throws an unhandled exception it is also handled correctly
throw (Error('some unexpected error'));
audioQueue.process(function(job, done){
// transcode audio asynchronously and report progress
// call done when finished
// or give a error if error
done(Error('error transcoding'));
// or pass it a result
done(null, { samplerate: 48000 /* etc... */ });
// If the job throws an unhandled exception it is also handled correctly
throw (Error('some unexpected error'));
imageQueue.process(function(job, done){
// transcode image asynchronously and report progress
// call done when finished
// or give a error if error
done(Error('error transcoding'));
// or pass it a result
done(null, { width: 1280, height: 720 /* etc... */ });
// If the job throws an unhandled exception it is also handled correctly
throw (Error('some unexpected error'));
videoQueue.add({video: 'http://example.com/video1.mov'});
audioQueue.add({audio: 'http://example.com/audio1.mp3'});
imageQueue.add({image: 'http://example.com/image1.tiff'});
Alternatively, you can use return promises instead of using the done
videoQueue.process(function(job){ // don't forget to remove the done callback!
// Simply return a promise
return fetchVideo(job.data.url).then(transcodeVideo);
// Handles promise rejection
return Promise.reject(new Error('error transcoding'));
// Passes the value the promise is resolved with to the "completed" event
return Promise.resolve({ framerate: 29.5 /* etc... */ });
// If the job throws an unhandled exception it is also handled correctly
throw new Error('some unexpected error');
// same as
return Promise.reject(new Error('some unexpected error'));
A queue can be paused and resumed globally (pass true
to pause processing for
just this worker):
// queue is paused now
// queue is resumed now
A queue emits also some useful events:
.on('ready', function() {
// Queue ready for job
// All Redis connections are done
.on('error', function(error) {
// Error
.on('active', function(job, jobPromise){
// Job started
// You can use jobPromise.cancel() to abort this job.
.on('progress', function(job, progress){
// Job progress updated!
.on('completed', function(job, result){
// Job completed with output result!
.on('failed', function(job, err){
// Job failed with reason err!
.on('paused', function(){
// The queue has been paused
.on('resumed', function(job){
// The queue has been resumed
.on('cleaned', function(jobs, type) {
//jobs is an array of cleaned jobs
//type is the type of job cleaned
//see clean for details
Queues are cheap, so if you need many of them just create new ones with different names:
var userJohn = Queue('john');
var userLisa = Queue('lisa');
Queues are robust and can be run in parallel in several threads or processes without any risk of hazards or queue corruption. Check this simple example using cluster to parallelize jobs across processes:
Queue = require('bull'),
cluster = require('cluster');
var numWorkers = 8;
var queue = Queue("test concurrent queue", 6379, '');
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
cluster.on('online', function(worker) {
// Lets create a few jobs for the queue workers
for(var i=0; i<500; i++){
queue.add({foo: 'bar'});
cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
console.log('worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' died');
queue.process(function(job, jobDone){
console.log("Job done by worker", cluster.worker.id, job.jobId);
####Message Queue
Bull can also be used for persistent message queues. This is a quite useful feature in some usecases. For example, you can have two servers that need to communicate with each other. By using a queue the servers do not need to be online at the same time, this create a very robust communication channel. You can treat add as send and process as receive:
Server A:
var Queue = require('bull');
var sendQueue = Queue("Server B");
var receiveQueue = Queue("Server A");
receiveQueue.process(function(msg, done){
console.log("Received message", msg);
Server B:
var Queue = require('bull');
var sendQueue = Queue("Server A");
var receiveQueue = Queue("Server B");
receiveQueue.process(function(msg, done){
console.log("Received message", msg);
####Returning job completions
A common pattern is where you have a cluster of queue processors that just process jobs as fast as they can, and some other services that need to take the result of this processors and do something with it, maybe storing results in a database.
The most robust and scalable way to accomplish this is by combining the standard job queue with the message queue pattern: a service sends jobs to the cluster just by opening a job queue and adding jobs to it, the cluster will start processing as fast as it can. Everytime a job gets completed in the cluster a message is send to a results message queue with the result data, this queue is listened by some other service that stores the results in a database.
This is the Queue constructor. It creates a new Queue that is persisted in Redis. Everytime the same queue is instantiated it tries to process all the old jobs that may exist from a previous unfinished session.
queueName {String} A unique name for this Queue.
redisPort {Number} A port where redis server is running.
redisHost {String} A host specified as IP or domain where redis is running.
redisOptions {Object} Options to pass to the redis client. https://github.com/mranney/node_redis
#### Queue##process([concurrency,] function(job[, done]))
Defines a processing function for the jobs placed into a given Queue.
The callback is called everytime a job is placed in the queue. It is passed an instance of the job as first argument.
If the callback signature contains the second optional done
the callback will be passed a done
callback to be called after the job
has been completed. The done
callback can be called with an Error instance,
to signal that the job did not complete successfully, or with a result as
second argument as second argument (e.g.: done(null, result);
) when the
job is successful.
Errors will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event;
results, as a second argument to the "completed" event.
If, however, the callback signature does not contain the done
a promise must be returned to signal job completion.
If the promise is rejected, the error will be passed as
a second argument to the "failed" event.
If it is resolved, its value will be the "completed" event's second argument.
Note: in order to determine whether job completion is signaled by
returning a promise or calling the done
callback, Bull looks at
the length property of the callback you pass to it.
So watch out, as the following won't work:
queue.process(function(job, done) { // Oops! done callback here!
return Promise.resolve();
This, however, will:
queue.process(function(job) { // No done callback here :)
return Promise.resolve();
You can specify a concurrency. Bull will then call you handler in parallel respecting this max number.
job {String} The job to process.
done {Function} The done callback to be called after the job has been completed.
#### Queue##add(data, opts)
Creates a new job and adds it to the queue. If the queue is empty the job will be executed directly, otherwise it will be placed in the queue and executed as soon as possible.
data {PlainObject} A plain object with arguments that will be passed
to the job processing function in job.data.
opts {PlainObject} A plain object with arguments that will be passed
to the job processing function in job.opts
opts.delay {Number} An amount of miliseconds to wait until this job
can be processed. Note that for accurate delays, both server and clients
should have their clocks synchronized. [optional]
opts.attempts {Number} A number of attempts to retry if the job fails [optional]
opts.backoff {Number|Object} Backoff setting for automatic retries if the job fails
opts.backoff.type {String} Backoff type, which can be either `fixed` or `exponential`
opts.backoff.delay {String} Backoff delay, in milliseconds
opts.lifo {Boolean} A boolean which, if true, adds the job to the right
of the queue instead of the left (default false)
opts.timeout {Number} The number of milliseconds after which the job
should be fail with a timeout error [optional]
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the job has been succesfully
added to the queue (or rejects if some error occured). On success, the promise
resolves to the new Job.
#### Queue##pause([isLocal])
Returns a promise that resolves when the queue is paused. A paused queue will not process new jobs until resumed, but current jobs being processed will continue until they are finalized. The pause can be either global or local. If global, all workers in all queue instances for a given queue will be paused. If local, just this worker will stop processing new jobs after the current lock expires. This can be useful to stop a worker from taking new jobs prior to shutting down.
Pausing a queue that is already paused does nothing.
isLocal {Boolean} True to only pause the local worker. Defaults to false.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the queue is paused.
#### Queue##resume([isLocal])
Returns a promise that resolves when the queue is resumed after being paused.
The resume can be either local or global. If global, all workers in all queue
instances for a given queue will be resumed. If local, only this worker will be
resumed. Note that resuming a queue globally will not resume workers that have been
paused locally; for those, resume(true)
must be called directly on their instances.
Resuming a queue that is not paused does nothing.
isLocal {Boolean} True to resume only the local worker. Defaults to false.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the queue is resumed.
#### Queue##count()
Returns a promise that returns the number of jobs in the queue, waiting or paused. Since there may be other processes adding or processing jobs, this value may be true only for a very small amount of time.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the current jobs count.
#### Queue##empty()
Empties a queue deleting all the input lists and associated jobs.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the queue is emptied.
#### Queue##close()
Closes the underlying redis client. Use this to perform a graceful
var Queue = require('bull');
var queue = Queue('example');
var after100 = _.after(100, function () {
queue.close().then(function () { console.log('done') })
queue.on('completed', after100);
can be called from anywhere, with one caveat: if called
from within a job handler the queue won't close until after
the job has been processed, so the following won't work:
queue.process(function (job, jobDone) {
Instead, do this:
queue.process(function (job, jobDone) {
Or this:
queue.process(function (job) {
return handle(job).then(...);
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the redis client closes.
#### Queue##getJob(jobId)
Returns a promise that will return the job instance associated with the jobId
parameter. If the specified job cannot be located, the promise callback parameter
will be set to null
jobId {String} A string identifying the ID of the to look up.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the job instance when the job
has been retrieved to the queue, or null otherwise.
#### Queue##clean(options)
Tells the queue remove all jobs created outside of a grace period. You can clean the jobs with the following states: completed, waiting, active, delayed, and failed.
//cleans all jobs that completed over 5 seconds ago.
//clean all jobs that failed over 10 seconds ago.
queue.clean(10000, 'failed');
queue.on('cleaned', function (job, type) {
console.log('Cleaned %s %s jobs', job.length, type);
grace {int} Grace period in milliseconds.
type {string} type of job to clean. Values are completed, waiting, active,
delayed, and failed. Defaults to completed.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with an array of removed jobs.
The cleaner emits the cleaned
event anytime the queue is cleaned.
queue.on('cleaned', function (jobs, type) {});
jobs {Array} An array of jobs that have been cleaned.
type {String} The type of job cleaned. Options are completed, waiting, active,
delayed, or failed.
###PriorityQueue(queueName, redisPort, redisHost, [redisOpts])
This is the Queue constructor of priority queue. It works same a normal queue, with same function and parameters. The only difference is that the Queue#add() allow an options opts.priority that could take ["low", "normal", "medium", "hight", "critical"]. If no options provider, "normal" will be taken.
The priority queue will process more often highter priority jobs than lower.
var PriorityQueue = require("bull/lib/priority-queue");
var queue = new PriorityQueue("myPriorityQueues");
queue.add({todo: "Improve feature"}, {priority: "normal"});
queue.add({todo: "Read 9gags"}, {priority: "low"});
queue.add({todo: "Fix my test unit"}, {priority: "critical"});
queue.process(function(job, done) {
console.log("I have to: " + job.data.todo);
Warning: Priority queue use 5 times more redis connections than a normal queue.
### JobA job includes all data needed to perform its execution, as well as the progress method needed to update its progress.
The most important property for the user is Job##data that includes the object that was passed to Queue##add, and that is normally used to perform the job.
#### Job##remove()Removes a Job from the queue from all the lists where it may be included.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the job is removed.
#### Job##retry()
Rerun a Job that has failed.
returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the job is scheduled for retry.
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2013 Manuel Astudillo manuel@optimalbits.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Job manager
The npm package bull receives a total of 719,155 weekly downloads. As such, bull popularity was classified as popular.
We found that bull demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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