BWIP for node
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install bwip
var bwip = require('bwip');
var bcid = 'code128';
var scale = 4;
var rotate = 'L';
var text = '^FNC1011234567890';
var options = {
alttext: '(01)01234567890',
parsefnc: true
var png = bwip.png(bcid, text, scale, rotate, options);
function : bwip.png(bcid, text, scale, rotate, options);
'bcid' is the name of the bwip-js barcode rendering function e.g.
'text' is the text to be bar coded.
'scale' is an integer value from 1 .. 10. Default is 2.
'rotate' takes the values:
N normal, unrotated (the default)
R clockwise, 90 rotation
L counter-clockwise, 90 rotation
I inverted, 180 rotation
'options' is the object what can take any of the bar code options defined in the BWIPP documentation.
(Coming soon)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2014 Hearty, Oh.. Licensed under the MIT license.