Workspace Convertigo Angular Framework (CAF)

CAF brings to Angular / Ionic 5 the same functionalities that CTF (Convertigo Templating Framework) brings to JQuery. The goal is to add Convertigo back end support directly in to the Ionic HTML templates without having to program complex TypeScript. For example calling a Convertigo sequence from a button is as simple as that:
<button ion-button full (click)="call('.Login')">Click Me</button>
CAF will automatically handle the sequence call, using the configured endpoint. Displaying data from a Sequence response, for example assuming that sequence returns a
"login": "some data"
Object, is as simple as that:
See? No other TypeScript to Write !
CAF also handles forms easily. To submit a form to a Convertigo sequence (for example "Login") just use:
<form (ngSubmit)="call('.Login')">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="form.user">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="form.password">
<button type="submit">
The login sequence will be called and automatically will receive a 'user' and a 'password' variable populated by the user input.
Technical Documentation
c8o-sdkangular-caf project is located into projects/c8ocaf
Build c8o-sdkangular-caf
From root, run ng build c8ocaf
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/c8ocaf
directory. Use the --prod
flag for a production build.
Publishing package
Run cd dist/c8ocaf
and then npm run publish
. Use the --beta
flag for a beta publish.
If you are not logged in with npm run npm adduser
creadentials are stored in Google Drive file Comptes pour développeurs Convertigo
From now, there are two pricipales branches
- master that holds
Ionic 3 version
- ionic-5 that holds
Ionic 5 version