A fast TTL Cache
for node >= 4.2
About the memory mangement:
The cache stops caching more items if the memory is getting full (> 70% of the heap used). It accepts
new items but removes the oldest ones before the ttl or max size is reached.
Create cache instance
var Cachd = require('cachd');
var myCache = new Cachd({
ttl: 3600000 // max age of items in msec (default: 3600000 -> 1h)
, maxLength: 1000 // the maximum of items to store (default: 10000)
, removalStrategy: 'leastUsed' // remove the least used items if the cache is getting
// too full (default: oldest)
Add item. You have to pass a unique hash and the value.
myCache.set(hash, value);
// alias of set
myCache.add(hash, value);
Check if an item exists
if (myCache.has(hash)) {
// there it is ;)
Get an item
var item = myCache.get(hash);
Remove an item
Get all hashes
var hashMap = myCache.getHashMap();
Get first cached item. This is the most accessed item if the cache has the
«leastUsed» removal strategy, else its the most recent added item.
var item = mycache.getFirst();
Get last cached item. This is the least accessed item if the cache has the
«leastUsed» removal strategy, else its the least recent added item.
var item = mycache.getFirst();
the cache emits events when an item is added or one is removed
myCache.on('add', function(hash, value) {
myCache.on('remove', function(hash, value) {