TLDR: A bit like npm link
, but for workspaces / monorepos :rocket:
canarist is a tool that allows you to combine multiple yarn workspace monorepos into one single temporary workspace and execute commands inside each of them.
This is useful if, for example, you have a tool or library that is being developed inside a monorepo and you want to test out new changes to your library in downstream projects by executing their test suites.
At XING we have this automated within our CI, so that PRs to central repositories will be tested against a few downstream projects.
If you want to read more into how and why this tool works, check out the overview (which I had prepared for a small presentation in our company).
System requirements
This tool is built with modern Node.js and needs at least Node.js 10.13 or higher.
Since this is a tool for managing yarn workspaces, it is required to have yarn
and git
installed locally.
Quick start
You can use canarist as a CLI tool: Install it globally or use npx to run it as a one-off command:
npx canarist -r . -r
This command will create a temporary folder and clone the repository from your current working directory (.
) and the some/other
repository from GitHub into a temporary folder and execute yarn test
in both repositories.
Configuration and projects
canarist is fully configurable through cosmiconfig
and even allows to specify multiple different combinations of repositories (called "projects") which can be run from the CLI.
You can configure canarist through one of the following places:
- a
key in the package.json - a
file - a
Example single-mode configuration in package.json
"canarist": {
"repositories": [
"url": ".",
"directory": "local-repo",
"commands": [""]
"url": "",
"commands": ["yarn build"]
"url": "",
"directory": "my-other",
"branch": "next"
"rootManifest": {
"resolutions": {
"typescript": "3.2.4"
"targetDirectory": "~/work/canarist-target",
"yarnArguments": "--production"
The above configuration can be executed by typing:
npx canarist
into the terminal and will do the following:
- clone the local repository (
) into ~/work/canarist-target/local-repo
- clone the remote repository (
) into ~/work/canarist-target/other
- clone the remote repository (
) into ~/work/canarist-target/my-other
- create a
in ~/work/canarist-target/
which combines all workspaces from the other repositories - execute
yarn --production
in ~/work/canarist-target/
- execute
yarn build
in ~/work/canarist-target/other
- execute
yarn test
in ~/work/canarist-target/my-other
Note: This configuration will link all packages from all three configured repositories together.
In case you want to test multiple different combinations, you can make use of projects (see below):
Example project-mode configuration in package.json
"canarist": {
"projects": [
"name": "canarist",
"repositories": [
"url": ""
"url": "",
"directory": "my-canarist",
"branch": "next",
"commands": ["yarn build", "yarn test"]
"rootManifest": {
"resolutions": {
"jest": "^24.0.0"
"name": "other",
"repositories": [
"url": "",
"branch": "next"
"url": "",
"directory": "my-other"
"yarnArguments": "--ignore-scripts"
The above configuration specifies two projects, which can each be run by typing:
npx canarist -p canarist
npx canarist -p other
into the terminal.
Note: This configuration allows to link canarist
with my/canarist
and some/other
with my/other
, this is useful when you want to test changes in several different repositories without linking all of them together at once.
CLI output:
$ canarist --help
Usage: canarist options [<target>]
--repository, -r
The URL (or local file path) to a repository to clone.
This option accepts sub-arguments (see examples):
--branch, -b
The branch that should be checked out (default: master).
--command, -c
The command to execute in this repository (default: "yarn test").
--directory, -d
This option allows to change the directory name in case of conflicts.
--root-manifest, -m
A valid JSON string that should be merged into the generated root manifest.
--yarn-arguments, -y
Additional arguments that should be passed to the "yarn install" command.
--project, -p
The name of a project to execute in a multi-project configuration.
$ canarist -r -r
Clones xing/canarist and some/other into a temporary directory
and executes "yarn test" in both repositories.
$ canarist -r [ -b next -c] -r
Clones the "next" branch of xing/canarist and the master branch of some/other
and executes no command in xing/canarist and "yarn test" in some/other.
$ canarist -r [ -d canarist] -r [ -d my-canarist]
Clones xing/canarist into canarist and my/canarist into my-canarist inside a temporary directory.
$ canarist -r ~/work/canarist -r ~/work/other -m '{"resolutions":{"typescript":"3.2.4"},"devDependencies":{"jest":"23.0.0}}'
Clones the master branches of both local repositories into a temporary directory
and additionally installs yarn resolutions and a missing dev dependency.
$ canarist -r ~/work/canarist -r ~/work/other -r ~/work/other2 -r ~/work/other3
Clones the master branches of all four local repositories into a temporary directory
and executes "yarn test" for each of them.
$ canarist -r ~/work/canarist -r ~/work/other --y "--production=true"
Clones the master branches of both repositories and installs production dependencies only
$ canarist -p my-project
Looks up the project configuration with the name "my-project" in the cosmiconfig
of the current repository and clones and executes the repositories and commands therein.
Read more: