Run your CDK Stack's Lambda functions as if they were in a development environment.
- As simple as
cdkw "MyApp/MyApi/**"
- Your code will be watched and built with the same esbuild config as when deploying your stack
- Simply switch-out your existing
with the WatchableNodejsFunction
- Opt-in to real-time logs, so no more digging through CloudWatch to find your Lambda's logs
- Load your node modules as a separate lambda layer (allows for faster build/upload times)
- Written in TypeScript
- No extra infrastructure required, unless you are opting-in to real-time logs
Getting Started
1. CDK Updates
Simply switch to use the WatchableNodejsFunction
rather than the NodejsFunction
- import {NodejsFunction} from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs';
+ import {WatchableNodejsFunction} from 'cdk-watch';
// ...
- const lambda = new NodejsFunction(this, 'Lambda', {
+ const lambda = new WatchableNodejsFunction(this, 'Lambda', {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/my-lambda.ts'),
handler: 'handler',
2. Run Your Stack
$ yarn cdkw "**"
$ yarn cdkw "MyStack/API/**"
$ yarn cdkw "MyStack/API/**" --no-logs
$ yarn cdkw "MyStack/API/**" -c foo=bar -c hello=world
$ npm run cdkw "**"
Skip to the command reference.
Real-time Logs
provides real-time logs over web-sockets to make the development
feedback-loop faster when debugging your lambdas. This is an additional feature
that requires opt-in, and you have two options for achieving this.
- Turn on for all Lambdas: To turn on real-time logging by default for all
watchable lambdas in your stack you can set the context variable
to true
- To set an individual Lambda to support real-time logging you can pass a prop
to the
: watchOptions.realTimeLoggingEnabled=true
How does real-time logging work?
When deploying your stack the WatchableNodejsFunction
will include the
necessary infrastructure to support WebSockets via API Gateway. It'll also
assign a Lambda Layer Extension to wrap your lambda, the wrapper will patch the
and forward all logs to all API Gateway connections. If you have
multiple lambdas in your stack it'll only create the require infrastructure
once, and reuse it for all lambdas that need it.
Node Modules Layer
CDK-Watch allows you to install your node-modules as a stand alone layer. This
means that when you deploy, cdk-watch
will install your modules in a separate
asset and install them as the lambda's layer. This is great for dev-performance
as the upload bundle will be much smaller. You can configure this using the
bundling: {
nodeModulesLayer: {include: ['knex']}
bundling: {
nodeModulesLayer: {exclude: ['knex']}
How, what & why?
Why would you want to do this?
- Deploying via CDK is slow, it takes 1 minute to release an update to a
zero-dependency, 1 line Lambda function
- AWS provides a tonne of great services, therefore running your code and CDK
Stack on AWS when developing makes sense rather than attempting to fully
replicate the environment locally, or missing out on using some of it's services
- Provided you keep your Lambda's small, an update via
will take a
couple of seconds
How does it work?
will run cdk synth
- At synthesis the
construct will write a manifest
file including Lambda Logical IDs, their Stack names and their esbuild config
- The CLI will now read the manifest and make API calls to fetch the Physical
IDs of the lambdas
- The CLI will start polling the logs of each Lambda
- The CLI will now start esbuild in
mode for each Lambda
- When the code successfully rebuilds it Zips and uploads the output to Lambda
directly by calling
SST runs your Lambda functions locally by mocking the deployed lambda with your
local environment. It comes with a number of performance benefits due to the
fact that it doesn't need to upload your function code every time it change.
That said, cdk-watch
does not come with a slow feedback loop, you can expect
1s-5s from the moment you save a file to the moment its available on AWS. The
upside of cdk-watch
is we deploy no extra infrastructure to facilitate the
development environment so there is less discrepancy between prod and pre-prod
Command Reference
For more info on each command add a --help
flag after any one of them.
- Watch:
cdkw "**"
watch your Lambda where the CDK construct path matches
the glob
- List:
cdkw ls "**"
lists all your available WatchableNodejsFunction
Constructs, a convenience command to help you get find paths you need
- Once:
cdkw once "**"
updates your lambda's once, rather than in watch
- Logs:
cdkw logs "**"
just tails logs for each of the matching lambdas
✈️ /