This is a repository of base templates for pages
served by the Sheer engine.
This repo is currently housing templates that bridge the gap between the current
WordPress theme (cfpb_nemo) and future sitewide Sheer templates.
The hopeful, eventual end state of this repo is the single source for all
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for sitewide use on
What's in this repo?
Layouts pull together everything needed to display a whole page.
The base template on which all others are built. Includes:
{% import macros %}
{% block additional_styles %}
{% block head_scripts %}
{% block body_top %}
{% block include_header %}
{% block content %}
{% block include_footer %}
{% block body_bottom %}
{% block body_scripts %}
Includes are template partials and Jinja helpers.
, nemo_subnav.html
, and nemo_footer.html
Included in base.html
, these files contain replicas of the current
(as of November 2015) header, navigation and footer,
adapted to have basic responsiveness.
Styles for these are found in nemo.less
and nemo-shim.less
This file sets up a left-hand navigation sidebar based on the designs modeled
by cfgov-refresh.
See below for further instructions.
Stores macros that can be called in templates.
Imported into base.html
so that it's available everywhere.
How to use these
Coming soon: getting started instructions.
To activate the sidebar secondary navigation, first create a nav_items
in a new include file in your project.
The recommended naming convention is _vars-<projectname>.html
Each item has three components: the path, an ID for the item, and the link text.
Use this example from the FinEd Resources project to guide you:
{% set nav_items = [
('/adult-financial-education/', 'adult-financial-education', 'Adult financial education'),
('/youth-financial-education/', 'youth-financial-education', 'Youth financial education'),
('/library-resources', 'library-resources', 'Resources for libraries'),
('/parents/', 'parents', 'Resources for parents'),
('/managing-someone-elses-money/', 'managing-someone-elses-money', 'Guides for managing someone else’s money'),
] -%}
On each page, after extending layout-side-nav.html
set the active_nav_id
variable to enable highlighting the current page,
and then import the _vars
file you just created:
{% set active_nav_id = 'library-resources' -%}
{% import '_vars-libraries.html' as libraries with context %}
You'll also want to grab the latest styles for the navigation component from
the cfgov-refresh project
If you'd like to use two-level sidebar navigation,
then for each parent nav item that will have children:
Add a fourth element, named <parentitem>.children
to the parent item
in the nav_items
declaration, like so:
('/library-resources', 'library-resources', 'Resources for libraries', libraries.children),
Add a line like this, above the nav_items
{% set libraries = { 'children': null } if not libraries else libraries %}
Create a _vars-<parentitem>.html
file with a children
{% set children = [
('/library-resources/program-ideas/', 'program-ideas', 'Program ideas'),
('/library-resources/librarian-training/', 'librarian-training', 'Librarian training'),
('/library-resources/marketing-materials/', 'marketing-materials', 'Marketing materials'),
('/library-resources/websites-videos-courses/', 'websites-videos-courses', 'Websites, videos, and courses'),
] -%}
Import the new _vars
file in the parent and its children,
under the import of the main _vars
Continuing with the Libraries example, the first four lines of our
file now look like this:
{% extends 'layout-side-nav.html' %}
{% set active_nav_id = 'library-resources' %}
{% import '_vars-libraries.html' as libraries with context %}
{% import '_vars-resources.html' as vars with context %}
Note: Use of this navigation sidebar requires your project to have the
cf-expandables package available.
Getting involved
We welcome your feedback and contributions.
Known issues
- cfgov-refresh demo banner needs to be made optional
Open source licensing info
Credits and references
2.1.9 - February 21, 2018
- Changes paths in on-demand header and footer CSS to point at root font path.