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@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

(function (chaiAsPromised) {
(function () {
"use strict";

@@ -15,344 +15,356 @@

} else {
/*global self: false */
// Other environment (usually <script> tag): plug in to global chai instance directly.
// Expose as a property of the global object so that consumers can configure the `transferPromiseness` property.
self.chaiAsPromised = chaiAsPromised;
}(function chaiAsPromised(chai, utils) {
"use strict";
var Assertion = chai.Assertion;
var assert = chai.assert;
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = function (assertion, promise) {
assertion.then = promise.then.bind(promise);
function isJQueryPromise(thenable) {
return typeof thenable.always === "function" &&
typeof thenable.done === "function" &&
typeof === "function" &&
typeof thenable.pipe === "function" &&
typeof thenable.progress === "function" &&
typeof thenable.state === "function";
function chaiAsPromised(chai, utils) {
var Assertion = chai.Assertion;
var assert = chai.assert;
function assertIsAboutPromise(assertion) {
if (typeof assertion._obj.then !== "function") {
throw new TypeError(utils.inspect(assertion._obj) + " is not a thenable.");
function isJQueryPromise(thenable) {
return typeof thenable.always === "function" &&
typeof thenable.done === "function" &&
typeof === "function" &&
typeof thenable.pipe === "function" &&
typeof thenable.progress === "function" &&
typeof thenable.state === "function";
if (isJQueryPromise(assertion._obj)) {
throw new TypeError("Chai as Promised is incompatible with jQuery's thenables, sorry! Please use a " +
"Promises/A+ compatible library (see");
function assertIsAboutPromise(assertion) {
if (typeof assertion._obj.then !== "function") {
throw new TypeError(utils.inspect(assertion._obj) + " is not a thenable.");
if (isJQueryPromise(assertion._obj)) {
throw new TypeError("Chai as Promised is incompatible with jQuery's thenables, sorry! Please use a " +
"Promises/A+ compatible library (see");
function method(name, asserter) {
utils.addMethod(Assertion.prototype, name, function () {
return asserter.apply(this, arguments);
function method(name, asserter) {
utils.addMethod(Assertion.prototype, name, function () {
return asserter.apply(this, arguments);
function property(name, asserter) {
utils.addProperty(Assertion.prototype, name, function () {
return asserter.apply(this, arguments);
function property(name, asserter) {
utils.addProperty(Assertion.prototype, name, function () {
return asserter.apply(this, arguments);
function doNotify(promise, done) {
promise.then(function () { done(); }, done);
function doNotify(promise, done) {
promise.then(function () { done(); }, done);
// These are for clarity and to bypass Chai refusing to allow `undefined` as actual when used with `assert`.
function assertIfNegated(assertion, message, extra) {
assertion.assert(true, null, message, extra.expected, extra.actual);
// These are for clarity and to bypass Chai refusing to allow `undefined` as actual when used with `assert`.
function assertIfNegated(assertion, message, extra) {
assertion.assert(true, null, message, extra.expected, extra.actual);
function assertIfNotNegated(assertion, message, extra) {
assertion.assert(false, message, null, extra.expected, extra.actual);
function assertIfNotNegated(assertion, message, extra) {
assertion.assert(false, message, null, extra.expected, extra.actual);
function getBasePromise(assertion) {
// We need to chain subsequent asserters on top of ones in the chain already (consider
// `"foo").that.equals("bar")`), only running them after the existing ones pass.
// So the first base-promise is `assertion._obj`, but after that we use the assertions themselves, i.e.
// previously derived promises, to chain off of.
return typeof assertion.then === "function" ? assertion : assertion._obj;
function getBasePromise(assertion) {
// We need to chain subsequent asserters on top of ones in the chain already (consider
// `"foo").that.equals("bar")`), only running them after the existing ones pass.
// So the first base-promise is `assertion._obj`, but after that we use the assertions themselves, i.e.
// previously derived promises, to chain off of.
return typeof assertion.then === "function" ? assertion : assertion._obj;
// Grab these first, before we modify `Assertion.prototype`.
// Grab these first, before we modify `Assertion.prototype`.
var propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Assertion.prototype);
var propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Assertion.prototype);
var propertyDescs = {};
propertyNames.forEach(function (name) {
propertyDescs[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Assertion.prototype, name);
var propertyDescs = {};
propertyNames.forEach(function (name) {
propertyDescs[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Assertion.prototype, name);
property("fulfilled", function () {
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
that._obj = value;
"expected promise not to be fulfilled but it was fulfilled with #{act}",
{ actual: value });
return value;
function (reason) {
"expected promise to be fulfilled but it was rejected with #{act}",
{ actual: reason });
property("fulfilled", function () {
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
that._obj = value;
"expected promise not to be fulfilled but it was fulfilled with #{act}",
{ actual: value });
return value;
function (reason) {
"expected promise to be fulfilled but it was rejected with #{act}",
{ actual: reason });
that.then = derivedPromise.then.bind(derivedPromise);
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness(that, derivedPromise);
property("rejected", function () {
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
that._obj = value;
"expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with #{act}",
{ actual: value });
return value;
function (reason) {
"expected promise not to be rejected but it was rejected with #{act}",
{ actual: reason });
property("rejected", function () {
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
that._obj = value;
"expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with #{act}",
{ actual: value });
return value;
function (reason) {
"expected promise not to be rejected but it was rejected with #{act}",
{ actual: reason });
// Return the reason, transforming this into a fulfillment, to allow further assertions, e.g.
// `"reason")`.
return reason;
// Return the reason, transforming this into a fulfillment, to allow further assertions, e.g.
// `"reason")`.
return reason;
that.then = derivedPromise.then.bind(derivedPromise);
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness(that, derivedPromise);
method("rejectedWith", function (Constructor, message) {
var desiredReason = null;
var constructorName = null;
method("rejectedWith", function (Constructor, message) {
var desiredReason = null;
var constructorName = null;
if (Constructor instanceof RegExp || typeof Constructor === "string") {
message = Constructor;
Constructor = null;
} else if (Constructor && Constructor instanceof Error) {
desiredReason = Constructor;
Constructor = null;
message = null;
} else if (typeof Constructor === "function") {
constructorName = (new Constructor()).name;
} else {
Constructor = null;
if (Constructor instanceof RegExp || typeof Constructor === "string") {
message = Constructor;
Constructor = null;
} else if (Constructor && Constructor instanceof Error) {
desiredReason = Constructor;
Constructor = null;
message = null;
} else if (typeof Constructor === "function") {
constructorName = (new Constructor()).name;
} else {
Constructor = null;
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
var assertionMessage = null;
var expected = null;
var that = this;
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(that).then(
function (value) {
var assertionMessage = null;
var expected = null;
if (Constructor) {
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was fulfilled with #{act}";
expected = constructorName;
} else if (message) {
var verb = message instanceof RegExp ? "matching" : "including";
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with an error " + verb + " #{exp} but it was " +
"fulfilled with #{act}";
expected = message;
} else if (desiredReason) {
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was fulfilled with #{act}";
expected = desiredReason;
if (Constructor) {
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was fulfilled with " +
expected = constructorName;
} else if (message) {
var verb = message instanceof RegExp ? "matching" : "including";
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with an error " + verb + " #{exp} but it " +
"was fulfilled with #{act}";
expected = message;
} else if (desiredReason) {
assertionMessage = "expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was fulfilled with " +
expected = desiredReason;
that._obj = value;
that._obj = value;
assertIfNotNegated(that, assertionMessage, { expected: expected, actual: value });
function (reason) {
if (Constructor) {
that.assert(reason instanceof Constructor,
"expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
assertIfNotNegated(that, assertionMessage, { expected: expected, actual: value });
function (reason) {
if (Constructor) {
that.assert(reason instanceof Constructor,
"expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
var reasonMessage = utils.type(reason) === "object" && "message" in reason ?
reason.message :
"" + reason;
if (message && reasonMessage !== null && reasonMessage !== undefined) {
if (message instanceof RegExp) {
"expected promise to be rejected with an error matching #{exp} but got #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with an error matching #{exp}",
var reasonMessage = utils.type(reason) === "object" && "message" in reason ?
reason.message :
"" + reason;
if (message && reasonMessage !== null && reasonMessage !== undefined) {
if (message instanceof RegExp) {
"expected promise to be rejected with an error matching #{exp} but got #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with an error matching #{exp}",
if (typeof message === "string") {
that.assert(reasonMessage.indexOf(message) !== -1,
"expected promise to be rejected with an error including #{exp} but got #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with an error including #{exp}",
if (typeof message === "string") {
that.assert(reasonMessage.indexOf(message) !== -1,
"expected promise to be rejected with an error including #{exp} but got #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with an error including #{exp}",
if (desiredReason) {
that.assert(reason === desiredReason,
"expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with #{exp}",
if (desiredReason) {
that.assert(reason === desiredReason,
"expected promise to be rejected with #{exp} but it was rejected with #{act}",
"expected promise not to be rejected with #{exp}",
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness(that, derivedPromise);
that.then = derivedPromise.then.bind(derivedPromise);
property("eventually", function () {
utils.flag(this, "eventually", true);
property("eventually", function () {
utils.flag(this, "eventually", true);
method("notify", function (done) {
doNotify(getBasePromise(this), done);
method("notify", function (done) {
doNotify(getBasePromise(this), done);
method("become", function (value) {
return this.eventually.deep.equal(value);
method("become", function (value) {
return this.eventually.deep.equal(value);
// `eventually`
// `eventually`
// We need to be careful not to trigger any getters, thus `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` usage.
var methodNames = propertyNames.filter(function (name) {
return name !== "assert" && typeof propertyDescs[name].value === "function";
// We need to be careful not to trigger any getters, thus `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` usage.
var methodNames = propertyNames.filter(function (name) {
return name !== "assert" && typeof propertyDescs[name].value === "function";
methodNames.forEach(function (methodName) {
Assertion.overwriteMethod(methodName, function (originalMethod) {
return function () {
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalMethod, this, arguments);
methodNames.forEach(function (methodName) {
Assertion.overwriteMethod(methodName, function (originalMethod) {
return function () {
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalMethod, this, arguments);
var getterNames = propertyNames.filter(function (name) {
return name !== "_obj" && typeof propertyDescs[name].get === "function";
var getterNames = propertyNames.filter(function (name) {
return name !== "_obj" && typeof propertyDescs[name].get === "function";
getterNames.forEach(function (getterName) {
var propertyDesc = propertyDescs[getterName];
getterNames.forEach(function (getterName) {
var propertyDesc = propertyDescs[getterName];
// Chainable methods are things like `an`, which can work both for `` and as
// `"object")`. We need to handle those specially.
var isChainableMethod = false;
try {
isChainableMethod = typeof{}) === "function";
} catch (e) { }
// Chainable methods are things like `an`, which can work both for `` and as
// `"object")`. We need to handle those specially.
var isChainableMethod = false;
try {
isChainableMethod = typeof{}) === "function";
} catch (e) { }
if (isChainableMethod) {
function () {
var assertion = this;
function originalMethod() {
return, arguments);
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalMethod, this, arguments);
function () {
var originalGetter = propertyDesc.get;
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalGetter, this);
} else {
Assertion.overwriteProperty(getterName, function (originalGetter) {
return function () {
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalGetter, this);
if (isChainableMethod) {
function () {
var assertion = this;
function originalMethod() {
return, arguments);
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalMethod, this, arguments);
function () {
var originalGetter = propertyDesc.get;
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalGetter, this);
} else {
Assertion.overwriteProperty(getterName, function (originalGetter) {
return function () {
doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(originalGetter, this);
function doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(asserter, assertion, args) {
// Since we're intercepting all methods/properties, we need to just pass through if they don't want
// `eventually`, or if we've already fulfilled the promise (see below).
if (!utils.flag(assertion, "eventually")) {
return asserter.apply(assertion, args);
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(assertion).then(function (value) {
// Set up the environment for the asserter to actually run: `_obj` should be the fulfillment value, and
// now that we have the value, we're no longer in "eventually" mode, so we won't run any of this code,
// just the base Chai code that we get to via the short-circuit above.
assertion._obj = value;
utils.flag(assertion, "eventually", false);
asserter.apply(assertion, args);
// Because asserters, for example `property`, can change the value of `_obj` (i.e. change the "object"
// flag), we need to communicate this value change to subsequent chained asserters. Since we build a
// promise chain paralleling the asserter chain, we can use it to communicate such changes.
return assertion._obj;
function doAsserterAsyncAndAddThen(asserter, assertion, args) {
// Since we're intercepting all methods/properties, we need to just pass through if they don't want
// `eventually`, or if we've already fulfilled the promise (see below).
if (!utils.flag(assertion, "eventually")) {
return asserter.apply(assertion, args);
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness(assertion, derivedPromise);
var derivedPromise = getBasePromise(assertion).then(function (value) {
// Set up the environment for the asserter to actually run: `_obj` should be the fulfillment value, and
// now that we have the value, we're no longer in "eventually" mode, so we won't run any of this code, just
// the base Chai code that we get to via the short-circuit above.
assertion._obj = value;
utils.flag(assertion, "eventually", false);
asserter.apply(assertion, args);
// Because asserters, for example `property`, can change the value of `_obj` (i.e. change the "object"
// flag), we need to communicate this value change to subsequent chained asserters. Since we build a
// promise chain paralleling the asserter chain, we can use it to communicate such changes.
return assertion._obj;
// Now use the `Assertion` framework to build an `assert` interface.
var originalAssertMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(assert).filter(function (propName) {
return typeof assert[propName] === "function";
assertion.then = derivedPromise.then.bind(derivedPromise);
assert.isFulfilled = function (promise, message) {
return (new Assertion(promise, message));
// Now use the `Assertion` framework to build an `assert` interface.
var originalAssertMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(assert).filter(function (propName) {
return typeof assert[propName] === "function";
assert.isRejected = function (promise, toTestAgainst, message) {
if (typeof toTestAgainst === "string") {
message = toTestAgainst;
toTestAgainst = undefined;
assert.isFulfilled = function (promise, message) {
return (new Assertion(promise, message));
var assertion = (new Assertion(promise, message));
return toTestAgainst !== undefined ? :;
assert.isRejected = function (promise, toTestAgainst, message) {
if (typeof toTestAgainst === "string") {
message = toTestAgainst;
toTestAgainst = undefined;
assert.becomes = function (promise, value) {
return assert.eventually.deepEqual(promise, value);
var assertion = (new Assertion(promise, message));
return toTestAgainst !== undefined ? :;
assert.doesNotBecome = function (promise, value) {
return assert.eventually.notDeepEqual(promise, value);
assert.becomes = function (promise, value) {
return assert.eventually.deepEqual(promise, value);
assert.eventually = {};
originalAssertMethods.forEach(function (assertMethodName) {
assert.eventually[assertMethodName] = function (promise) {
var otherArgs =, 1);
assert.doesNotBecome = function (promise, value) {
return assert.eventually.notDeepEqual(promise, value);
var customRejectionHandler;
var message = arguments[assert[assertMethodName].length - 1];
if (typeof message === "string") {
customRejectionHandler = function (reason) {
throw new chai.AssertionError(message + "\n\nOriginal reason: " + utils.inspect(reason));
assert.eventually = {};
originalAssertMethods.forEach(function (assertMethodName) {
assert.eventually[assertMethodName] = function (promise) {
var otherArgs =, 1);
var returnedPromise = promise.then(
function (fulfillmentValue) {
return assert[assertMethodName].apply(assert, [fulfillmentValue].concat(otherArgs));
var customRejectionHandler;
var message = arguments[assert[assertMethodName].length - 1];
if (typeof message === "string") {
customRejectionHandler = function (reason) {
throw new chai.AssertionError(message + "\n\nOriginal reason: " + utils.inspect(reason));
returnedPromise.notify = function (done) {
doNotify(returnedPromise, done);
var returnedPromise = promise.then(
function (fulfillmentValue) {
return assert[assertMethodName].apply(assert, [fulfillmentValue].concat(otherArgs));
returnedPromise.notify = function (done) {
doNotify(returnedPromise, done);
return returnedPromise;
return returnedPromise;

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ {

"version": "4.0.0",
"version": "4.1.0",
"author": "Domenic Denicola <> (",

@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ "license": "WTFPL",

"devDependencies": {
"chai": "~1.8.0",
"chai": "~1.8.1",
"coffee-script": "~1.6.3",
"cover": "~0.2.8",
"ecstatic": "~0.4.9",
"ecstatic": "~0.4.12",
"glob": "~3.2.6",
"jshint": "~2.1.11",
"jshint": "~2.3.0",
"mocha": "~1.13.0",

@@ -40,0 +40,0 @@ "opener": "~1.3",

@@ -161,2 +161,17 @@ <a href="">

### Customizing Output Promises
By default, the promises returned by Chai as Promised's assertions are regular Chai assertion objects, extended with
a single `then` method derived from the input promise. To change this behavior, for instance to output a promise with
more useful sugar methods such as are found in most promise libraries, you can override
`chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness`. Here's an example that transfer's Q's `finally` and `done` methods:
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = function (assertion, promise) {
assertion.then = promise.then.bind(promise); // this is all you get by default
assertion.finally = promise.finally.bind(promise);
assertion.done = promise.done.bind(promise);
### Compatibility

@@ -163,0 +178,0 @@

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