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Comparing version 1.0.15 to 2.0.0




@@ -1,32 +0,57 @@

import * as changeCase from 'change-case';
import * as lowerCase1 from 'lower-case';
import * as lowerCaseFirst1 from 'lower-case-first';
import * as changeCase1 from 'change-case';
import * as spongeCase1 from 'sponge-case';
import * as swapCase1 from 'swap-case';
import * as titleCase1 from 'title-case';
import * as upperCase1 from 'upper-case';
import * as upperCaseFirst1 from 'upper-case-first';
import * as isUpperCase1 from 'is-upper-case';
import * as isLowerCase1 from 'is-lower-case';
export declare const camelCase: typeof changeCase.camelCase;
export declare const capitalCase: typeof changeCase.capitalCase;
export declare const constantCase: typeof changeCase.constantCase;
export declare const dotCase: typeof changeCase.dotCase;
export declare const headerCase: typeof changeCase.headerCase;
export declare const noCase: typeof changeCase.noCase;
export declare const paramCase: typeof changeCase.paramCase;
export declare const pascalCase: typeof changeCase.pascalCase;
export declare const pathCase: typeof changeCase.pathCase;
export declare const sentenceCase: typeof changeCase.sentenceCase;
export declare const snakeCase: typeof changeCase.snakeCase;
export declare const lowerCase: typeof lowerCase1.lowerCase;
export declare const localeLowerCase: typeof lowerCase1.localeLowerCase;
export declare const lowerCaseFirst: typeof lowerCaseFirst1.lowerCaseFirst;
export declare const camelCase: typeof changeCase1.camelCase;
export declare const capitalCase: typeof changeCase1.capitalCase;
export declare const constantCase: typeof changeCase1.constantCase;
export declare const dotCase: typeof changeCase1.dotCase;
export declare const noCase: typeof changeCase1.noCase;
export declare const pascalCase: typeof changeCase1.pascalCase;
export declare const pathCase: typeof changeCase1.pathCase;
export declare const sentenceCase: typeof changeCase1.sentenceCase;
export declare const snakeCase: typeof changeCase1.snakeCase;
/** @deprecated Use trainCase instead */
export declare const headerCase: typeof changeCase1.trainCase;
export declare const trainCase: typeof changeCase1.trainCase;
/** @deprecated Use kebabCase instead */
export declare const paramCase: typeof changeCase1.kebabCase;
export declare const kebabCase: typeof changeCase1.kebabCase;
export declare const spongeCase: typeof spongeCase1.spongeCase;
export declare const swapCase: typeof swapCase1.swapCase;
export declare const titleCase: typeof titleCase1.titleCase;
export declare const upperCase: typeof upperCase1.upperCase;
export declare const localeUpperCase: typeof upperCase1.localeUpperCase;
export declare const upperCaseFirst: typeof upperCaseFirst1.upperCaseFirst;
export declare const isUpperCase: typeof isUpperCase1.isUpperCase;
export declare const isLowerCase: typeof isLowerCase1.isLowerCase;
export declare const upperCase: (str: string) => string;
export declare const localeUpperCase: (str: string, locales?: string | string[]) => string;
export declare const lowerCase: (str: string) => string;
export declare const localeLowerCase: (str: string, locales?: string | string[]) => string;
export declare const lowerCaseFirst: (str: string) => string;
export declare const upperCaseFirst: (str: string) => string;
export declare const isUpperCase: (str: string) => boolean;
export declare const isLowerCase: (str: string) => boolean;
* Class with static methods for string manipulation.
export declare class Case {
static camel: typeof changeCase1.camelCase;
static capital: typeof changeCase1.capitalCase;
static constant: typeof changeCase1.constantCase;
static dot: typeof changeCase1.dotCase;
static kebab: typeof changeCase1.kebabCase;
static lower: (str: string) => string;
static lowerFirst: (str: string) => string;
static localeLower: (str: string, locales?: string | string[]) => string;
static localeUpper: (str: string, locales?: string | string[]) => string;
static no: typeof changeCase1.noCase;
static pascal: typeof changeCase1.pascalCase;
static path: typeof changeCase1.pathCase;
static sentence: typeof changeCase1.sentenceCase;
static snake: typeof changeCase1.snakeCase;
static sponge: typeof spongeCase1.spongeCase;
static swap: typeof swapCase1.swapCase;
static title: typeof titleCase1.titleCase;
static train: typeof changeCase1.trainCase;
static upper: (str: string) => string;
static upperFirst: (str: string) => string;
static isUpper: (str: string) => boolean;
static isLower: (str: string) => boolean;

@@ -1,37 +0,80 @@

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isLowerCase = exports.isUpperCase = exports.upperCaseFirst = exports.localeUpperCase = exports.upperCase = exports.titleCase = exports.swapCase = exports.spongeCase = exports.lowerCaseFirst = exports.localeLowerCase = exports.lowerCase = exports.snakeCase = exports.sentenceCase = exports.pathCase = exports.pascalCase = exports.paramCase = exports.noCase = exports.headerCase = exports.dotCase = exports.constantCase = exports.capitalCase = exports.camelCase = void 0;
var changeCase = require("change-case");
var lowerCase1 = require("lower-case");
var lowerCaseFirst1 = require("lower-case-first");
var spongeCase1 = require("sponge-case");
var swapCase1 = require("swap-case");
var titleCase1 = require("title-case");
var upperCase1 = require("upper-case");
var upperCaseFirst1 = require("upper-case-first");
var isUpperCase1 = require("is-upper-case");
var isLowerCase1 = require("is-lower-case");
// Core
exports.camelCase = changeCase.camelCase;
exports.capitalCase = changeCase.capitalCase;
exports.constantCase = changeCase.constantCase;
exports.dotCase = changeCase.dotCase;
exports.headerCase = changeCase.headerCase;
exports.noCase = changeCase.noCase;
exports.paramCase = changeCase.paramCase;
exports.pascalCase = changeCase.pascalCase;
exports.pathCase = changeCase.pathCase;
exports.sentenceCase = changeCase.sentenceCase;
exports.snakeCase = changeCase.snakeCase;
// Extended
exports.lowerCase = lowerCase1.lowerCase;
exports.localeLowerCase = lowerCase1.localeLowerCase;
exports.lowerCaseFirst = lowerCaseFirst1.lowerCaseFirst;
exports.spongeCase = spongeCase1.spongeCase;
exports.swapCase = swapCase1.swapCase;
exports.titleCase = titleCase1.titleCase;
exports.upperCase = upperCase1.upperCase;
exports.localeUpperCase = upperCase1.localeUpperCase;
exports.upperCaseFirst = upperCaseFirst1.upperCaseFirst;
exports.isUpperCase = isUpperCase1.isUpperCase;
exports.isLowerCase = isLowerCase1.isLowerCase;
import * as changeCase1 from "change-case";
import * as spongeCase1 from "sponge-case";
import * as swapCase1 from "swap-case";
import * as titleCase1 from "title-case";
const camelCase = changeCase1.camelCase;
const capitalCase = changeCase1.capitalCase;
const constantCase = changeCase1.constantCase;
const dotCase = changeCase1.dotCase;
const noCase = changeCase1.noCase;
const pascalCase = changeCase1.pascalCase;
const pathCase = changeCase1.pathCase;
const sentenceCase = changeCase1.sentenceCase;
const snakeCase = changeCase1.snakeCase;
const headerCase = changeCase1.trainCase;
const trainCase = changeCase1.trainCase;
const paramCase = changeCase1.kebabCase;
const kebabCase = changeCase1.kebabCase;
const spongeCase = spongeCase1.spongeCase;
const swapCase = swapCase1.swapCase;
const titleCase = titleCase1.titleCase;
const upperCase = (str) => str.toUpperCase();
const localeUpperCase = (str, locales) => str.toLocaleUpperCase(locales);
const lowerCase = (str) => str.toLowerCase();
const localeLowerCase = (str, locales) => str.toLocaleLowerCase(locales);
const lowerCaseFirst = (str) => str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
const upperCaseFirst = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
const isUpperCase = (str) => str === str.toUpperCase();
const isLowerCase = (str) => str === str.toLowerCase();
const _Case = class _Case {
_Case.camel = camelCase; = capitalCase;
_Case.constant = constantCase; = dotCase;
_Case.kebab = kebabCase;
_Case.lower = lowerCase;
_Case.lowerFirst = lowerCaseFirst;
_Case.localeLower = localeLowerCase;
_Case.localeUpper = localeUpperCase; = noCase;
_Case.pascal = pascalCase;
_Case.path = pathCase;
_Case.sentence = sentenceCase;
_Case.snake = snakeCase;
_Case.sponge = spongeCase;
_Case.swap = swapCase;
_Case.title = titleCase;
_Case.train = trainCase;
_Case.upper = upperCase;
_Case.upperFirst = upperCaseFirst;
_Case.isUpper = isUpperCase;
_Case.isLower = isLowerCase;
let Case = _Case;
export {
"name": "change-case-all",
"version": "1.0.15",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "All change-case methods bundled in a single module",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"type": "module",
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./dist/index.js",
"require": "./dist/index.umd.cjs"
"author": {

@@ -17,6 +25,5 @@ "name": "Jonas Gnioui",

"scripts": {
"tsc": "tsc",
"compile": "npm run tsc",
"test": "ts-node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine --config=jasmine.json --color",
"coverage": "nyc -r text -e .ts -x \"tests/*.test.ts\" npm run test"
"build": "vite build",
"test": "vitest run",
"publish": "npm run build && npm run test && npm publish"

@@ -38,23 +45,14 @@ "files": [

"dependencies": {
"change-case": "^4.1.2",
"is-lower-case": "^2.0.2",
"is-upper-case": "^2.0.2",
"lower-case": "^2.0.2",
"lower-case-first": "^2.0.2",
"sponge-case": "^1.0.1",
"swap-case": "^2.0.2",
"title-case": "^3.0.3",
"upper-case": "^2.0.2",
"upper-case-first": "^2.0.2"
"change-case": "^5.2.0",
"sponge-case": "^2.0.2",
"swap-case": "^3.0.2",
"title-case": "^3.0.3"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jasmine": "^3.10.2",
"jasmine": "^3.10.0",
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "^7.0.0",
"npm": "^8.0.0",
"nyc": "^15.1.0",
"prettier": "^2.4.1",
"ts-node": "^10.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.4.4"
"prettier": "^3.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.3.2",
"vite": "^5.0.2",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.3",
"vitest": "^0.34.6"
# change-case-all

@@ -13,8 +14,25 @@ [![npm](](

import { Case } from 'change-case-all';
const camel = Case.camel('test string'); // testString
const upper = Case.upper('test string'); // TEST STRING
import { camelCase, upperCase, ... } from 'change-case-all';
const camel = camelCase('test string'); // testString
const upper = upperCase('test string'); // TEST STRING
## Documentation
## Changelog
### 2.0.0
- Updated dependencies to `change-case@5.2.0`
- ParamCase → now KebabCase
- HeaderCase → now TrainCase
- Create mjs and cjs bundles
- Introduce `Case` helper class: e.g. `Case.camel('test string'); // testString`
- `TitleCase@4.1.0` failing in tests, thus kept at `3.0.3`

@@ -26,26 +44,62 @@ ## Links

## Methods
- camelCase
- capitalCase
- constantCase
- dotCase
- headerCase
- noCase
- paramCase
- pascalCase
- pathCase
- sentenceCase
- snakeCase
### Class based usage
import { Case } from 'change-case-all';
- lowerCase
- localeLowerCase
- lowerCaseFirst
- spongeCase
- swapCase
- titleCase
- upperCase
- localeUpperCase
- upperCaseFirst
- isUpperCase
- isLowerCase
const str = 'test string';
camel = Case.camel(str); // testString
capital =; // Test String
constant = Case.constant(str); // TEST_STRING
dot =; // test.string
no =; // test string
pascal = Case.pascal(str); // TestString
path = Case.path(str); // test/string
sentence = Case.sentence(str); // Test string
snake = Case.snake(str); // test_string
train = Case.train(str); // Test-String
kebap = Case.kebap(str); // test-string
sponge = Case.sponge(str); // TeSt StRiNg
swapCase = Case.swap(str); // TEST STRING
title = Case.title(str); // Test String
uppper = Case.upper(str); // TEST STRING
localeUpper = Case.localeUpper(str, 'en'); // TEST STRING
lower = Case.lower(str); // test string
localeLower = Case.localeLower(str, 'en'); // test string
lowerFirst = Case.lowerFirst(str); // test string
upperFirst = Case.upperFirst(str); // Test string
isUpper = Case.isUpper(str); // false
isLower = Case.isLower(str); // true
### Function based usage
import { camelCase, upperCase, ... } from 'change-case-all';
const str = 'test string';
camel = camelCase(str); // testString
capital = capitalCase(str); // Test String
constant = constantCase(str); // TEST_STRING
dot = dotCase(str); // test.string
no = noCase(str); // test string
pascal = pascalCase(str); // TestString
path = pathCase(str); // test/string
sentence = sentenceCase(str); // Test string
snake = snakeCase(str); // test_string
train = trainCase(str); // Test-String
kebap = kebapCase(str); // test-string
sponge = spongeCase(str); // TeSt StRiNg
swapCase = swapCase(str); // TEST STRING
title = titleCase(str); // Test String
uppper = upperCase(str); // TEST STRING
localeUpper = localeUpperCase(str, 'en'); // TEST STRING
lower = lowerCase(str); // test string
localeLower = localeLowerCase(str, 'en'); // test string
lowerFirst = lowerCaseFirst(str); // test string
upperFirst = upperCaseFirst(str); // Test string
isUpper = isUpperCase(str); // false
isLower = isLowerCase(str); // true
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