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@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ ## Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of
any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address,
without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of
any kind
- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address,
without their explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting

@@ -134,2 +134,1 @@ ### Enforcement Responsibilities


@@ -17,24 +17,24 @@ ## Contributing to Chat Bridge

git clone
git clone
3. Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature-or-fix-branch
git checkout -b feature-or-fix-branch
4. Make your changes and commit them:
git add .
git commit -m "Description of your changes"
git add .
git commit -m "Description of your changes"
5. Push your changes to your fork:
git push origin feature-or-fix-branch
git push origin feature-or-fix-branch

@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ 6. Open a pull request (PR) against the `main` branch of the original repository.

npm install
npm install

@@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ 2. Create a new bot on Facebook and get your access token.

node path/to/your/entry/file
node path/to/your/entry/file

@@ -75,6 +75,6 @@ ### Code Style

- Provide a clear and concise description of the changes.
- Reference the related issue if applicable.
- Ensure that your changes pass all tests.
- Keep the pull request focused on a single issue or feature.
- Provide a clear and concise description of the changes.
- Reference the related issue if applicable.
- Ensure that your changes pass all tests.
- Keep the pull request focused on a single issue or feature.

@@ -87,2 +87,2 @@ ### Code Review

We appreciate your contribution to Chat Bridge. You're awesome! 🎉
We appreciate your contribution to Chat Bridge. You're awesome! 🎉

@@ -0,22 +1,20 @@

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { FastifyInstance } from 'fastify';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
interface ClientOptions {
accessToken: string;
verifyToken: string;
endpoint?: string;
port?: number;
host?: string;
loggers?: boolean;
interface PageInformation {
name: string;
id: string;
* Represents a persistent menu for a specific user.
declare class PersistentMenu {
private psid;
private persistentMenu;
* Creates a new instance of PersistentMenu.
* @param psid - The PSID (Page Scoped ID) of the user.
* @param persistentMenu - The array of persistent menu items.
constructor(psid: string, persistentMenu: PersistentMenuItem[]);
* Converts the PersistentMenu object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the PersistentMenu object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -27,2 +25,5 @@ psid: string;

* Represents a persistent menu item.
declare class PersistentMenuItem {

@@ -32,3 +33,13 @@ private locale;

private callToActions;
* Creates a new instance of PersistentMenuItem.
* @param locale The locale of the menu item.
* @param composerInputDisabled Indicates whether the composer input is disabled for this menu item.
* @param callToActions The call to actions associated with this menu item.
constructor(locale: string, composerInputDisabled: boolean, callToActions: CallToAction[]);
* Converts the persistent menu item to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the persistent menu item.
toJSON(): {

@@ -40,2 +51,5 @@ locale: string;

* Represents a call to action in the persistent menu.
declare class CallToAction {

@@ -47,3 +61,15 @@ private type;

private webviewHeightRatio;
* Creates a new instance of the CallToAction class.
* @param type - The type of the call to action.
* @param title - The title of the call to action.
* @param payload - The payload of the call to action.
* @param url - The URL of the call to action.
* @param webviewHeightRatio - The webview height ratio of the call to action.
constructor(type: string, title: string, payload: string, url: string, webviewHeightRatio: string);
* Converts the CallToAction object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the CallToAction object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -59,14 +85,49 @@ type: string;

* @type {Client}
* @example
* const { Client } = require('@badend/chatbridge');
* const client = new Client({
* accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN", // required
* verifyToken: "YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN", // required
* // webHookPath: "/webhook", // default
* // port: 8080, // default
* // host: "localhost", // default (only for development) or (for production)
* });
* Represents the options for configuring a client.
interface ClientOptions {
* The access token for authentication.
accessToken: string;
* The verify token for authentication.
verifyToken: string;
* The endpoint URL for the client.
endpoint?: string;
* The port number for the client.
port?: number;
* The host address for the client.
host?: string;
* Specifies whether to enable logging.
loggers?: boolean;
* Represents information about a page.
interface PageInformation {
* The name of the page.
name: string;
* The ID of the page.
id: string;
* Represents a client for interacting with a chat service.
* Extends EventEmitter for event handling.
declare class Client extends EventEmitter {

@@ -79,171 +140,134 @@ server: FastifyInstance;

host: string;
* Information about the page associated with the client.
page: PageInformation;
* Creates a new instance of the Client class.
* @param options - The options for configuring the client.
constructor(options: ClientOptions);
* Handles the verification request from the chat service.
* @param request - The Fastify request object.
* @param reply - The Fastify reply object.
* @returns The verification response.
private handleVerifyRequest;
* Handles the webhook request from the chat service.
* @param request - The Fastify request object.
* @param reply - The Fastify reply object.
* @returns The webhook response.
private handleWebhookRequest;
* Start the server
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.start(async () => console.log(`Listening on ${} (${})`));
* @param {Function} [callback]
* Starts the client and listens for incoming requests.
* @param callback - An optional callback function to be called when the server starts.
start(callback?: () => void): Promise<void>;
* Register a plugin
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.register(require('fastify-cors'), {
* origin: '*',
* });
* @param {Function} ...args
* Registers a plugin with the client's server.
* @param args - The arguments to pass to the Fastify register method.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the plugin is registered.
register(...args: Parameters<FastifyInstance['register']>): Promise<undefined>;
* Sends a request to the specified path with the given method and body.
* @param options - The options for the request.
* @returns The response body of the request.
* @throws Error if the request fails or the status code is not 200.
private sendRequest;
* Send an API message
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendApiMessage("USER_ID", {
* text: "Hello, World!",
* quick_replies: [
* {
* content_type: "text",
* title: "Hello",
* payload: "HELLO",
* }
* ]
* });
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {object} message
* Sends an API message to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param message - The message to send.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendApiMessage(recipientId: string, message: object): Promise<unknown>;
* Send a message
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.send("USER_ID", {
* text: "Hello, World!",
* quick_replies: [
* {
* content_type: "text",
* title: "Hello",
* payload: "HELLO",
* }
* ]
* });
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {object} message
* Sends a message to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param message - The message to send.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
send(recipientId: string, message: object): Promise<unknown>;
* Get page information
* @memberof Client
* @example
* const pageInformation = await client.getPageInfo();
* console.log(pageInformation);
* @returns
* { name: "Page Name", id: "PAGE_ID" }
* Retrieves information about the page associated with the client.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the page information.
getPageInfo(): Promise<Pick<PageInformation, 'name' | 'id'>>;
* Send a text message
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendTextMessage("USER_ID", "Hello World!");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} text
* Sends a text message to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param text - The text message to send.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendTextMessage(recipientId: string, text: string): Promise<unknown>;
* Send an attachment
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendAttachment("USER_ID", "image", "");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} type - image, audio, video, file
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} [isReusable=false]
* Sends an attachment to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param type - The type of the attachment (image, audio, video, file).
* @param url - The URL of the attachment.
* @param isReusable - Indicates whether the attachment is reusable.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendAttachment(recipientId: string, type: string, url: string, isReusable?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Send an image
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendImage("USER_ID", "");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} [isReusable=false]
* Sends an image attachment to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param url - The URL of the image.
* @param isReusable - Indicates whether the image is reusable.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendImage(recipientId: string, url: string, isReusable?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Send an audio
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendAudio("USER_ID", "");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} [isReusable=false]
* Sends an audio attachment to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param url - The URL of the audio.
* @param isReusable - Indicates whether the audio is reusable.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendAudio(recipientId: string, url: string, isReusable?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Send a video
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendVideo("USER_ID", "");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} [isReusable=false]
* Sends a video attachment to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param url - The URL of the video.
* @param isReusable - Indicates whether the video is reusable.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendVideo(recipientId: string, url: string, isReusable?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Send a file
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.sendFile("USER_ID", "");
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} [isReusable=false]
* Sends a file attachment to a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param url - The URL of the file.
* @param isReusable - Indicates whether the file is reusable.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
sendFile(recipientId: string, url: string, isReusable?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Set typing indicator
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.setTyping("USER_ID", true);
* @param {string} recipientId
* @param {boolean} typing
* Sets the typing indicator for a recipient.
* @param recipientId - The ID of the recipient.
* @param typing - Indicates whether the typing indicator should be turned on or off.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
setTyping(recipientId: string, typing: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
* Set persistent menu
* @memberof Client
* @example
* const { PersistentMenu, PersistentMenuItem, CallToAction } = require('chat-bridge');
* const persistentMenu = new PersistentMenu('12345', [
* new PersistentMenuItem('default', false, [
* new CallToAction('postback', 'Help', 'HELP_PAYLOAD', '', ''),
* new CallToAction('postback', 'Start', 'START_PAYLOAD', '', '')
* ])
* ]);
* client.setPersistentMenu(persistentMenu);
* @param {PersistentMenu} persistentMenu
* Sets the persistent menu for a user.
* @param psid - The ID of the user.
* @param persistentMenu - The persistent menu items.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
setPersistentMenu(psid: string, persistentMenu: PersistentMenuItem[]): Promise<unknown>;
* Get persistent menu
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.getPersistentMenu("12345");
* @param {string} psid
* Retrieves the persistent menu for a user.
* @param psid - The ID of the user.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.
getPersistentMenu(psid: string): Promise<unknown>;
* Delete persistent menu
* @memberof Client
* @example
* client.deletePersistentMenu("12345");
* @param {string} psid
* Deletes the persistent menu for a user.
* @param psid - The ID of the user.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the API response.

@@ -254,20 +278,17 @@ deletePersistentMenu(psid: string): Promise<unknown>;

* Collections class
* @class
* @classdesc A class to manage collections
* @property {Array} items - An array to store items
* @method add - A method to add an item to the collection
* @method get - A method to get an item from the collection
* @example
* const collections = new Collections();
* collections.add({ name: 'item1', value: 1 });
* collections.add({ name: 'item2', value: 2 });
* collections.get('item1'); // { name: 'item1', value: 1 }
* collections.get('item2'); // { name: 'item2', value: 2 }
* */
* Represents a collection of items.
declare class Collections {
private items;
* Adds an item to the collection.
* @param item - The item to add.
add(item: any): void;
* Retrieves an item from the collection by name.
* @param name - The name of the item to retrieve.
* @returns The item with the specified name, or undefined if not found.
get(name: string): any;

@@ -277,8 +298,3 @@ }

* Constants
* @example
* const { Constants } = require('chat-bridge');
* console.log(Constants.BASE_URL); //
* console.log(Constants.MESSAGE_URL); //
* Constants object containing base URL and message URL.

@@ -290,6 +306,18 @@ declare const Constants: {

* Represents a call button that can be used in a chat interface.
declare class CallButton {
private title;
private phoneNumber;
* Creates a new instance of the CallButton class.
* @param title The title of the call button.
* @param payload The phone number associated with the call button.
constructor(title: string, payload: string);
* Converts the CallButton object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the CallButton object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -302,6 +330,18 @@ type: string;

* Represents a postback button.
declare class PostbackButton {
private title;
private payload;
* Creates a new instance of the PostbackButton class.
* @param title The title of the button.
* @param payload The payload associated with the button.
constructor(title: string, payload: string);
* Converts the PostbackButton instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the button.
toJSON(): {

@@ -314,6 +354,18 @@ type: string;

* Represents a URL button.
declare class UrlButton {
private title;
private url;
* Creates a new instance of the UrlButton class.
* @param title The title of the button.
* @param url The URL associated with the button.
constructor(title: string, url: string);
* Converts the UrlButton instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the UrlButton.
toJSON(): {

@@ -326,2 +378,5 @@ type: string;

* Represents a generic element used in a chat message.
declare class GenericElement {

@@ -333,5 +388,25 @@ private title;

private buttons;
* Creates a new instance of GenericElement.
* @param title - The title of the element.
* @param subtitle - The subtitle of the element.
* @param imageUrl - The URL of the image associated with the element.
constructor(title: string, subtitle: string, imageUrl: string);
* Sets the URL of the item associated with the element.
* @param itemUrl - The URL of the item.
* @returns The updated GenericElement instance.
setItemUrl(itemUrl: string): GenericElement;
* Adds buttons to the element.
* @param buttons - An array of buttons to be added.
* @returns The updated GenericElement instance.
addButtons(buttons: Array<CallButton | PostbackButton | UrlButton>): GenericElement;
* Converts the GenericElement instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the GenericElement instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -346,6 +421,18 @@ title: string;

* Represents a greeting message.
declare class Greeting {
private locale;
private text;
* Creates a new instance of the Greeting class.
* @param locale The locale of the greeting.
* @param text The text of the greeting.
constructor(locale: string, text: string);
* Converts the Greeting object to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the Greeting object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -357,2 +444,5 @@ locale: string;

* Represents a media element used in a chat message.
declare class MediaElement {

@@ -363,4 +453,18 @@ private mediaType;

private buttons;
* Creates a new MediaElement instance.
* @param mediaType The type of media (e.g., 'image', 'video').
* @param media The media content (either a URL or an attachment ID).
constructor(mediaType: string, media: string);
* Adds buttons to the media element.
* @param buttons The buttons to add.
* @returns The updated MediaElement instance.
addButtons(buttons: Array<CallButton | PostbackButton | UrlButton>): MediaElement;
* Converts the MediaElement instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the MediaElement.
toJSON(): {

@@ -374,5 +478,16 @@ media_type: string;

* Represents a product element.
declare class ProductElement {
private id;
* Creates a new instance of the ProductElement class.
* @param id - The ID of the product element.
constructor(id: string);
* Converts the product element to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the product element.
toJSON(): {

@@ -383,2 +498,5 @@ id: string;

* Represents a receipt element.
declare class ReceiptElement {

@@ -391,3 +509,16 @@ private title;

private imageUrl;
* Creates a new instance of ReceiptElement.
* @param title - The title of the element.
* @param subtitle - The subtitle of the element.
* @param quantity - The quantity of the element.
* @param price - The price of the element.
* @param currency - The currency of the element.
* @param imageUrl - The URL of the image associated with the element.
constructor(title: string, subtitle: string, quantity: number, price: number, currency: string, imageUrl: string);
* Converts the receipt element to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the receipt element.
toJSON(): {

@@ -403,7 +534,23 @@ title: string;

* Represents a button template for a chat message.
declare class ButtonTemplate {
private text;
private buttons;
* Creates a new instance of ButtonTemplate.
* @param text The text to be displayed in the template.
constructor(text: string);
* Adds buttons to the template.
* @param buttons The buttons to be added.
* @returns The updated ButtonTemplate instance.
addButtons(buttons: Array<CallButton | PostbackButton | UrlButton>): ButtonTemplate;
* Converts the ButtonTemplate instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the ButtonTemplate.
toJSON(): {

@@ -421,2 +568,5 @@ attachment: {

* Represents a coupon template.
declare class CouponTemplate {

@@ -431,11 +581,61 @@ private title;

private payload?;
* Creates a new instance of the CouponTemplate class.
* @param title - The title of the coupon template.
* @param couponCode - The coupon code.
* @param couponUrl - The URL associated with the coupon.
constructor(title: string, couponCode: string, couponUrl: string);
* Sets the title of the coupon template.
* @param title - The title of the coupon template.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setTitle(title: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the subtitle of the coupon template.
* @param subtitle - The subtitle of the coupon template.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setSubtitle(subtitle: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the coupon code.
* @param couponCode - The coupon code.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setCouponCode(couponCode: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the URL associated with the coupon.
* @param couponUrl - The URL associated with the coupon.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setCouponUrl(couponUrl: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the button title for the coupon URL.
* @param couponUrlButtonTitle - The button title for the coupon URL.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setCouponUrlButtonTitle(couponUrlButtonTitle: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the pre-message for the coupon.
* @param couponPreMessage - The pre-message for the coupon.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setCouponPreMessage(couponPreMessage: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the image URL for the coupon.
* @param imageUrl - The image URL for the coupon.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setImageUrl(imageUrl: string): CouponTemplate;
* Sets the payload for the coupon.
* @param payload - The payload for the coupon.
* @returns The updated CouponTemplate instance.
setPayload(payload: string): CouponTemplate;
* Converts the CouponTemplate instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the CouponTemplate instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -459,2 +659,5 @@ attachment: {

* Enum representing the types of feedback questions.
declare enum FeedbackQuestionType {

@@ -465,2 +668,5 @@ CSAT = "csat",

* Represents a feedback template for a chat application.
declare class FeedbackTemplate {

@@ -473,6 +679,31 @@ private title;

private expiresInDays?;
* Creates a new instance of FeedbackTemplate.
* @param title - The title of the feedback template.
* @param subtitle - The subtitle of the feedback template.
* @param buttonTitle - The title of the button in the feedback template.
constructor(title: string, subtitle: string, buttonTitle: string);
* Adds feedback screens to the feedback template.
* @param feedbackScreens - An array of feedback screens to be added.
* @returns The updated FeedbackTemplate instance.
addFeedbackScreens(feedbackScreens: Array<FeedbackScreen>): FeedbackTemplate;
* Sets the business privacy URL for the feedback template.
* @param url - The URL of the business privacy policy.
* @returns The updated FeedbackTemplate instance.
setBusinessPrivacy(url: string): FeedbackTemplate;
* Sets the expiration period in days for the feedback template.
* @param expiresInDays - The number of days until the feedback template expires.
* @returns The updated FeedbackTemplate instance.
setExpiresInDays(expiresInDays: number): FeedbackTemplate;
* Converts the FeedbackTemplate instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the FeedbackTemplate instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -495,5 +726,17 @@ attachment: {

* Represents a feedback screen that contains a list of feedback questions.
declare class FeedbackScreen {
private questions;
* Adds an array of feedback questions to the feedback screen.
* @param questions - The array of feedback questions to add.
* @returns The updated feedback screen.
addQuestions(questions: Array<FeedbackQuestion>): FeedbackScreen;
* Converts the feedback screen object to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the feedback screen.
toJSON(): {

@@ -503,2 +746,5 @@ questions: FeedbackQuestion[];

* Represents a feedback question.
declare class FeedbackQuestion {

@@ -511,7 +757,36 @@ private id;

private followUp?;
* Creates a new instance of FeedbackQuestion.
* @param id - The ID of the question.
* @param type - The type of the question.
constructor(id: string, type: FeedbackQuestionType);
* Sets the title of the question.
* @param title - The title of the question.
* @returns The updated FeedbackQuestion instance.
setTitle(title: string): FeedbackQuestion;
* Sets the score label of the question.
* @param scoreLabel - The score label of the question.
* @returns The updated FeedbackQuestion instance.
setScoreLabel(scoreLabel: string): FeedbackQuestion;
* Sets the score option of the question.
* @param scoreOption - The score option of the question.
* @returns The updated FeedbackQuestion instance.
setScoreOption(scoreOption: string): FeedbackQuestion;
* Sets the follow-up of the question.
* @param followUp - The follow-up of the question.
* @returns The updated FeedbackQuestion instance.
setFollowUp(followUp: FollowUp): FeedbackQuestion;
* Converts the FeedbackQuestion instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the FeedbackQuestion instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -526,7 +801,23 @@ id: string;

* Represents a follow-up question in a feedback template.
declare class FollowUp {
private type;
private placeholder?;
* Creates a new instance of the FollowUp class.
* @param type The type of the follow-up question.
constructor(type: string);
* Sets the placeholder text for the follow-up question.
* @param placeholder The placeholder text.
* @returns The updated FollowUp instance.
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): FollowUp;
* Converts the FollowUp instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the FollowUp instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -538,5 +829,17 @@ type: string;

* Represents a generic template for creating structured messages.
declare class GenericTemplate {
private elements;
* Adds an element to the generic template.
* @param element The element to add.
* @returns The updated GenericTemplate instance.
addElement(element: GenericElement): GenericTemplate;
* Converts the GenericTemplate instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the GenericTemplate.
toJSON(): {

@@ -553,5 +856,17 @@ attachment: {

* Represents a media template for creating rich media attachments.
declare class MediaTemplate {
private elements;
* Adds a media element to the media template.
* @param element The media element to add.
* @returns The updated media template.
addElement(element: MediaElement): MediaTemplate;
* Converts the media template to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the media template.
toJSON(): {

@@ -568,5 +883,17 @@ attachment: {

* Represents a product template.
declare class ProductTemplate {
private elements;
* Adds an element to the product template.
* @param element The element to add.
* @returns The updated product template.
addElement(element: ProductElement): ProductTemplate;
* Converts the product template to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the product template.
toJSON(): {

@@ -583,7 +910,23 @@ attachment: {

* Represents a collection of quick replies for a chat message.
declare class QuickReplies {
private title;
private quickReplies;
* Creates a new instance of QuickReplies.
* @param title The title of the quick replies.
constructor(title: string);
* Adds an array of quick replies to the collection.
* @param quickReplies The quick replies to add.
* @returns The updated QuickReplies instance.
addQuickReply(quickReplies: QuickReply[]): QuickReplies;
* Converts the QuickReplies instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the QuickReplies instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -594,2 +937,5 @@ text: string;

* Represents a quick reply option for a chat message.
declare class QuickReply {

@@ -599,5 +945,23 @@ private title;

private imageUrl?;
* Creates a new QuickReply instance with the specified title.
* @param title The title of the quick reply.
constructor(title: string);
* Sets the payload for the quick reply.
* @param payload The payload to be sent when the quick reply is selected.
* @returns The updated QuickReply instance.
setPayload(payload: string): QuickReply;
* Sets the image URL for the quick reply.
* @param imageUrl The URL of the image to be displayed with the quick reply.
* @returns The updated QuickReply instance.
setImageUrl(imageUrl: string): QuickReply;
* Converts the QuickReply instance to a JSON object.
* @returns The JSON representation of the QuickReply instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -611,2 +975,5 @@ content_type: string;

* Represents a receipt template.
declare class ReceiptTemplate {

@@ -622,7 +989,39 @@ private recipientName;

private adjustments;
* Creates a new instance of the ReceiptTemplate class.
* @param recipientName - The name of the recipient.
* @param orderNumber - The order number.
* @param currency - The currency.
* @param paymentMethod - The payment method.
* @param timestamp - The timestamp.
constructor(recipientName: string, orderNumber: string, currency: string, paymentMethod: string, timestamp: string);
* Adds an element to the receipt template.
* @param element - The element to add.
* @returns The updated ReceiptTemplate instance.
addElement(element: ReceiptElement): ReceiptTemplate;
* Sets the address for the receipt template.
* @param address - The address to set.
* @returns The updated ReceiptTemplate instance.
setAddress(address: Address): ReceiptTemplate;
* Sets the summary for the receipt template.
* @param summary - The summary to set.
* @returns The updated ReceiptTemplate instance.
setSummary(summary: Summary): ReceiptTemplate;
* Adds adjustments to the receipt template.
* @param adjustments - The adjustments to add.
* @returns The updated ReceiptTemplate instance.
addAdjustments(adjustments: Array<Adjustment>): ReceiptTemplate;
* Converts the ReceiptTemplate instance to JSON format.
* @returns The JSON representation of the ReceiptTemplate instance.
toJSON(): {

@@ -646,2 +1045,5 @@ attachment: {

* Represents an address.
declare class Address {

@@ -654,4 +1056,21 @@ private street1;

private country;
* Creates a new instance of the Address class.
* @param street1 - The first line of the street address.
* @param city - The city name.
* @param postalCode - The postal code.
* @param state - The state or province.
* @param country - The country.
constructor(street1: string, city: string, postalCode: string, state: string, country: string);
* Sets the second line of the street address.
* @param street2 - The second line of the street address.
* @returns The updated Address object.
setStreet2(street2: string): Address;
* Converts the Address object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the Address object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -666,2 +1085,5 @@ street_1: string;

* Represents a summary of a receipt.
declare class Summary {

@@ -672,3 +1094,14 @@ private subtotal;

private totalCost;
* Creates a new Summary instance.
* @param subtotal - The subtotal amount.
* @param shippingCost - The shipping cost amount.
* @param totalTax - The total tax amount.
* @param totalCost - The total cost amount.
constructor(subtotal: number, shippingCost: number, totalTax: number, totalCost: number);
* Converts the Summary object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the Summary object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -681,6 +1114,18 @@ subtotal: number;

* Represents an adjustment in a receipt.
declare class Adjustment {
private name;
private amount;
* Creates a new instance of the Adjustment class.
* @param name - The name of the adjustment.
* @param amount - The amount of the adjustment.
constructor(name: string, amount: number);
* Converts the Adjustment object to a JSON representation.
* @returns The JSON representation of the Adjustment object.
toJSON(): {

@@ -687,0 +1132,0 @@ name: string;

"name": "chat-bridge",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "Chat Bridge simplifies the integration of Facebook Messenger webhook handling into your Node.js applications.",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"author": {
"name": "BadEnd777",
"email": ""
"homepage": "",
"repository": {

@@ -17,5 +9,14 @@ "type": "git",

"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
"url": "https:/"
"author": {
"name": "BadEnd777",
"email": ""
"license": "MIT",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"keywords": [

@@ -35,7 +36,32 @@ "facebook",

"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"fastify": "^4.25.2",
"undici": "^6.2.1"
"fastify": "^4.26.2",
"undici": "^6.7.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@changesets/cli": "^2.27.1",
"@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports": "^4.1.1",
"@swc/core": "^1.4.2",
"@types/jest": "^29.5.12",
"@types/node": "^20.11.24",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.1.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.1.0",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",
"prettier": "^3.2.5",
"prettier-plugin-pkg": "^0.18.1",
"tsup": "^8.0.2",
"typescript": "^5.3.3",
"unimported": "^1.31.1",
"validate-branch-name": "^1.3.0",
"yalc": "1.0.0-pre.53"
"scripts": {
"build": "tsup",
"format:fix": "prettier --write . --list-different",
"fotmat": "prettier --check .",
"lint": "eslint --ext .ts src",
"prerelease": "pnpm build && changeset add && changeset version && pnpm format:fix",
"release": "pnpm build && changeset publish",
"unimported": "unimported"
<div align="center" id="about">
<img src="" alt="Chat Bridge Logo" width="200px">
<img src="" alt="Chat Bridge Logo" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 50%;">
<h1>Chat Bridge</h1>

@@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ <a href="">

- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
- [License](#license)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
- [License](#license)
### Features
- **Easy Integration**: Simplifies the integration of Facebook Messenger webhook handling into your Node.js applications.
- **Incoming Events Handling**: Provides a convenient way to handle incoming events from users.
- **Customizable**: Offers flexibility for customization according to specific application needs.
- **Event Driven**: Built on an event-driven architecture, making it easy to listen for and respond to various events.
- **Simple API**: Provides a straightforward API for sending messages and interacting with users.
- **Scalable**: Designed to scale with your application, handling high volumes of incoming messages efficiently.
- **Open Source**: Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE), Chat Bridge is open source and free to use.
- **Easy Integration**: Simplifies the integration of Facebook Messenger webhook handling into your Node.js applications.
- **Incoming Events Handling**: Provides a convenient way to handle incoming events from users.
- **Customizable**: Offers flexibility for customization according to specific application needs.
- **Event Driven**: Built on an event-driven architecture, making it easy to listen for and respond to various events.
- **Simple API**: Provides a straightforward API for sending messages and interacting with users.
- **Scalable**: Designed to scale with your application, handling high volumes of incoming messages efficiently.
- **Open Source**: Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE), Chat Bridge is open source and free to use.

@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ ### Installation

// Import the Client class
const { Client } = require("chat-bridge");
const { Client } = require('chat-bridge');
// Create a new client instance
const client = new Client({
const client = new Client({
accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',

@@ -68,3 +68,3 @@ verifyToken: 'YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN'

// Listen for incoming messages events
client.on("message", (event) => {
client.on('message', (event) => {
const { sender, message } = event;

@@ -96,4 +96,4 @@

- [fastify]( — Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- [undici]( — HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js
- [fastify]( — Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- [undici]( — HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js

@@ -100,0 +100,0 @@ ### License

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ # Security Policy

- Latest stable release
- Latest stable release

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ ## Reporting a Vulnerability

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