Back in 2015, we created a bot base for StreamMe that was not open-source. We're changing that. We believe that we can help the community more by providing the code for the community to use and build on and here we are.
Upon release of the software, we will provide more information on the usage. For now, pleaser refere to Compiling
ChatBot-CE uses TypeScript. Review their documentaiton on installing the TypeScript compiler. Once installed, just run npm run compile
Please refer to the Developing Addons documentation for more information.
ChatBot CE is licensed under GNU AGPLv3. You may use the source code to your hears content. However, as stated in the license, you must...
- Disclose the source code
- Leave our copyrights
- State all changes
- Distribute under the same license
- If you're using the software on the website, you must disclose it upon request
This license does not apply to "addons" that you develop. This license applies to the code provided here.
Copyright (c) 2018 Marked Bots
Copyright (c) 2018 Halfpetal LLC