A small node module for parsing fixed-width text.
Supply an array of column widths and get back an array of values.
Supply an array of [name,width]
pairs to get back a hash/dictionary instead.
An optional second argument preserves whitespace on the ends of a value (by default, values are trimmed).
npm install chopped-and-viewed
Returns a function that will parse a line of text according to the column widths supplied.
If columnWidths
is an array of character widths, like [5,2,3]
, the parser will produce arrays of strings.
If columnWidths
is an array of two-item arrays with a column name and a character width, like [["firstName",10],["lastName",12]]
, the parser will produce hashes/maps/dictionaries.
By default, each value in the resulting array or hashmaptionary will have whitespace trimmed from the beginning and end. If you want to preserve it, pass true
as a second argument.
Option 1: Array
var cav = require("chopped-and-viewed");
var parser = cav([3,3,3,4]);
console.log(parser("A BCDEF GHIJ"));
console.log(parser("NPMIS THEBEST"));
Option 2: Hashmaptionary
var cav = require("chopped-and-viewed");
var parser = cav([["do",5],["re",3],["mi",5]]);
console.log(parser("FOO BARSTUFF"));
Preserving Whitespace
var cav = require("chopped-and-viewed");
var trimWhitespace = cav([8,8,8]);
console.log(trimWhitespace("PEOPLE PLACES THINGS"));
var keepWhitespace = cav([8,8,8],true);
console.log(keepWhitespace("PEOPLE PLACES THINGS"));