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Comparing version 1.4.2 to 1.5.0



"name": "chromadb",
"version": "1.4.2",
"version": "1.5.0",
"description": "A JavaScript interface for chroma",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [],

@@ -1,569 +0,5 @@

import {
} from "./types";
import { Configuration, ApiApi as DefaultApi, Api } from "./generated";
import Count200Response = Api.Count200Response;
// a function to convert a non-Array object to an Array
function toArray<T>(obj: T | Array<T>): Array<T> {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj;
} else {
return [obj];
// a function to convert an array to array of arrays
function toArrayOfArrays<T>(obj: Array<Array<T>> | Array<T>): Array<Array<T>> {
if (Array.isArray(obj[0])) {
return obj as Array<Array<T>>;
} else {
return [obj] as Array<Array<T>>;
// we need to override constructors to make it work with jest
function repack(value: unknown): any {
if (Boolean(value) && typeof value === "object") {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return new Array(...value);
} else {
return { ...value };
} else {
return value;
async function handleError(error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof Response) {
try {
const res = await error.json();
if ("error" in res) {
return { error: res.error };
} catch (e: unknown) {
return {
e && typeof e === "object" && "message" in e
? e.message
: "unknown error",
return { error };
async function handleSuccess(response: Response | string | Count200Response) {
switch (true) {
case response instanceof Response:
return repack(await (response as Response).json());
case typeof response === "string":
return repack((response as string)); // currently version is the only thing that return non-JSON
return repack(response);
class EmbeddingFunction { }
let OpenAIApi: any;
export class OpenAIEmbeddingFunction {
private api_key: string;
private org_id: string;
private model: string;
openai_api_key: string,
openai_model?: string,
openai_organization_id?: string
) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-extraneous-dependencies
OpenAIApi = require("openai");
} catch {
throw new Error(
"Please install the openai package to use the OpenAIEmbeddingFunction, `npm install -S openai`"
this.api_key = openai_api_key;
this.org_id = openai_organization_id || "";
this.model = openai_model || "text-embedding-ada-002";
public async generate(texts: string[]): Promise<number[][]> {
const configuration = new OpenAIApi.Configuration({
organization: this.org_id,
apiKey: this.api_key,
const openai = new OpenAIApi.OpenAIApi(configuration);
const embeddings = [];
const response = await openai.createEmbedding({
model: this.model,
input: texts,
const data =["data"];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
return embeddings;
let CohereAiApi: any;
export class CohereEmbeddingFunction {
private api_key: string;
private model: string;
constructor(cohere_api_key: string, model?: string) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-extraneous-dependencies
CohereAiApi = require("cohere-ai");
} catch {
throw new Error(
"Please install the cohere-ai package to use the CohereEmbeddingFunction, `npm install -S cohere-ai`"
this.api_key = cohere_api_key;
this.model = model || "large";
public async generate(texts: string[]) {
const cohere = CohereAiApi.init(this.api_key);
const embeddings = [];
const response = await CohereAiApi.embed({
texts: texts,
model: this.model,
return response.body.embeddings;
type CallableFunction = {
generate(texts: string[]): Promise<number[][]>;
export class Collection {
public name: string;
public id: string;
public metadata: object | undefined;
private api: DefaultApi;
public embeddingFunction: CallableFunction | undefined;
name: string,
id: string,
api: DefaultApi,
metadata?: object,
embeddingFunction?: CallableFunction
) { = name; = id;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.api = api;
if (embeddingFunction !== undefined)
this.embeddingFunction = embeddingFunction;
private setName(name: string) { = name;
private setMetadata(metadata: object | undefined) {
this.metadata = metadata;
private async validate(
require_embeddings_or_documents: boolean, // set to false in the case of Update
ids: string | string[],
embeddings: number[] | number[][] | undefined,
metadatas?: object | object[],
documents?: string | string[],
) {
if (require_embeddings_or_documents) {
if ((embeddings === undefined) && (documents === undefined)) {
throw new Error(
"embeddings and documents cannot both be undefined",
if ((embeddings === undefined) && (documents !== undefined)) {
const documentsArray = toArray(documents);
if (this.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
embeddings = await this.embeddingFunction.generate(documentsArray);
} else {
throw new Error(
"embeddingFunction is undefined. Please configure an embedding function"
if (embeddings === undefined)
throw new Error("embeddings is undefined but shouldnt be");
const idsArray = toArray(ids);
const embeddingsArray: number[][] = toArrayOfArrays(embeddings);
let metadatasArray: object[] | undefined;
if (metadatas === undefined) {
metadatasArray = undefined;
} else {
metadatasArray = toArray(metadatas);
let documentsArray: (string | undefined)[] | undefined;
if (documents === undefined) {
documentsArray = undefined;
} else {
documentsArray = toArray(documents);
if (
(embeddingsArray !== undefined &&
idsArray.length !== embeddingsArray.length) ||
(metadatasArray !== undefined &&
idsArray.length !== metadatasArray.length) ||
(documentsArray !== undefined &&
idsArray.length !== documentsArray.length)
) {
throw new Error(
"ids, embeddings, metadatas, and documents must all be the same length"
const uniqueIds = new Set(idsArray);
if (uniqueIds.size !== idsArray.length) {
const duplicateIds = idsArray.filter((item, index) => idsArray.indexOf(item) !== index);
throw new Error(
`Expected IDs to be unique, found duplicates for: ${duplicateIds}`,
return [idsArray, embeddingsArray, metadatasArray, documentsArray]
public async add(
ids: string | string[],
embeddings: number[] | number[][] | undefined,
metadatas?: object | object[],
documents?: string | string[],
increment_index: boolean = true,
) {
const [idsArray, embeddingsArray, metadatasArray, documentsArray] = await this.validate(
const response = await this.api.add(,
// @ts-ignore
ids: idsArray,
embeddings: embeddingsArray as number[][], // We know this is defined because of the validate function
// @ts-ignore
documents: documentsArray,
metadatas: metadatasArray,
incrementIndex: increment_index,
return response
public async upsert(
ids: string | string[],
embeddings: number[] | number[][] | undefined,
metadatas?: object | object[],
documents?: string | string[],
increment_index: boolean = true,
) {
const [idsArray, embeddingsArray, metadatasArray, documentsArray] = await this.validate(
const response = await this.api.upsert(,
ids: idsArray,
embeddings: embeddingsArray as number[][], // We know this is defined because of the validate function
documents: documentsArray,
metadatas: metadatasArray,
increment_index: increment_index,
return response
public async count() {
const response = await this.api.count(;
return handleSuccess(response);
public async modify(name?: string, metadata?: object) {
const response = await this.api
new_name: name,
new_metadata: metadata,
this.setName(name ||;
this.setMetadata(metadata || this.metadata);
return response;
public async get(
ids?: string[],
where?: object,
limit?: number,
offset?: number,
include?: IncludeEnum[],
where_document?: object
) {
let idsArray = undefined;
if (ids !== undefined) idsArray = toArray(ids);
return await this.api
.aGet(, {
ids: idsArray,
public async update(
ids: string | string[],
embeddings?: number[] | number[][],
metadatas?: object | object[],
documents?: string | string[]
) {
if (
embeddings === undefined &&
documents === undefined &&
metadatas === undefined
) {
throw new Error(
"embeddings, documents, and metadatas cannot all be undefined"
} else if (embeddings === undefined && documents !== undefined) {
const documentsArray = toArray(documents);
if (this.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
embeddings = await this.embeddingFunction.generate(documentsArray);
} else {
throw new Error(
"embeddingFunction is undefined. Please configure an embedding function"
var resp = await this.api
ids: toArray(ids),
embeddings: embeddings ? toArrayOfArrays(embeddings) : undefined,
documents: documents, //TODO: this was toArray(documents) but that was wrong?
metadatas: toArray(metadatas),
return resp;
public async query(
query_embeddings: number[] | number[][] | undefined,
n_results: number = 10,
where?: object,
query_text?: string | string[], // TODO: should be named query_texts to match python API
where_document?: object, // {"$contains":"search_string"}
include?: IncludeEnum[] // ["metadata", "document"]
) {
if (query_embeddings === undefined && query_text === undefined) {
throw new Error(
"query_embeddings and query_text cannot both be undefined"
} else if (query_embeddings === undefined && query_text !== undefined) {
const query_texts = toArray(query_text);
if (this.embeddingFunction !== undefined) {
query_embeddings = await this.embeddingFunction.generate(query_texts);
} else {
throw new Error(
"embeddingFunction is undefined. Please configure an embedding function"
if (query_embeddings === undefined)
throw new Error("embeddings is undefined but shouldnt be");
const query_embeddingsArray: number[][] = toArrayOfArrays(query_embeddings);
return await this.api
.getNearestNeighbors(, {
query_embeddings: query_embeddingsArray,
n_results: n_results,
where_document: where_document,
include: include,
public async peek(limit: number = 10) {
const response = await this.api.aGet(, {
limit: limit,
return handleSuccess(response);
public async createIndex() {
return await this.api.createIndex(;
public async delete(ids?: string[], where?: object, where_document?: object) {
return await this.api
.aDelete(, { ids: ids, where: where, where_document: where_document })
export class ChromaClient {
private api: DefaultApi;
constructor(basePath?: string) {
if (basePath === undefined) basePath = "http://localhost:8000";
const apiConfig: Configuration = new Configuration({
this.api = new DefaultApi(apiConfig);
public async reset() {
return await this.api.reset();
public async version() {
const response = await this.api.version();
return await handleSuccess(response);
public async heartbeat() {
const response = await this.api.heartbeat();
let ret = await handleSuccess(response);
return ret["nanosecond heartbeat"]
public async persist() {
throw new Error("Not implemented in JS client");
public async createCollection(
name: string,
metadata?: object,
embeddingFunction?: CallableFunction
) {
const newCollection = await this.api
if (newCollection.error) {
throw new Error(newCollection.error);
return new Collection(name,, this.api, metadata, embeddingFunction);
public async getOrCreateCollection(
name: string,
metadata?: object,
embeddingFunction?: CallableFunction
) {
const newCollection = await this.api
'get_or_create': true
if (newCollection.error) {
throw new Error(newCollection.error);
return new Collection(
public async listCollections() {
const response = await this.api.listCollections();
return handleSuccess(response);
public async getCollection(
name: string,
embeddingFunction?: CallableFunction
) {
const response = await this.api
return new Collection(,,
public async deleteCollection(name: string) {
return await this.api
export { ChromaClient } from './ChromaClient';
export { Collection } from './Collection';
export { IEmbeddingFunction } from './embeddings/IEmbeddingFunction';
export { OpenAIEmbeddingFunction } from './embeddings/OpenAIEmbeddingFunction';
export { CohereEmbeddingFunction } from './embeddings/CohereEmbeddingFunction';

@@ -7,1 +7,69 @@ export enum IncludeEnum {

type Number = number;
export type Embedding = Array<Number>;
export type Embeddings = Array<Embedding>;
export type Metadata = Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
export type Metadatas = Array<Metadata>;
export type Document = string;
export type Documents = Array<Document>;
export type ID = string;
export type IDs = ID[];
export type PositiveInteger = number;
type LiteralValue = string | number;
type LiteralNumber = number;
type LogicalOperator = "$and" | "$or";
type WhereOperator = "$gt" | "$gte" | "$lt" | "$lte" | "$ne" | "$eq";
type OperatorExpression = {
[key in WhereOperator | LogicalOperator]?: LiteralValue | LiteralNumber;
type BaseWhere = {
[key: string]: LiteralValue | OperatorExpression;
type LogicalWhere = {
[key in LogicalOperator]?: Where[];
export type Where = BaseWhere & LogicalWhere;
type WhereDocumentOperator = "$contains" | LogicalOperator;
export type WhereDocument = {
[key in WhereDocumentOperator]?: LiteralValue | LiteralNumber | WhereDocument[];
export type CollectionType = {
name: string;
id: string;
metadata: Metadata | null;
export type GetResponse = {
ids: IDs;
embeddings: null | Embeddings;
documents: (null | Document)[];
metadatas: (null | Metadata)[];
error: null | string;
export type QueryResponse = {
ids: IDs[];
embeddings: null | Embeddings[][];
documents: (null | Document)[][];
metadatas: (null | Metadata)[][];
distances: null | number[][][];
export type AddResponse = {
error: string;
export type CollectionMetadata = Record<string, unknown>;
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