Advanced tools
ckeditor4-vue 3.2.1
Other Changes:
Please note that this patch release doesn't provide any security fixes. It's a part of our administrative maintenance updates.
ckeditor4-vue 3.2.0
⚠️️️ CKEditor 4 CDN dependency has been upgraded to the latest secure version. All editor versions below 4.25.0-lts can no longer be considered as secure! ⚠️
Other Changes:
ckeditor4-vue 3.1.0
⚠️️️ CKEditor 4 CDN dependency has been upgraded to the latest secure version. All editor versions below 4.24.0-lts can no longer be considered as secure! ⚠️
Other Changes:
ckeditor4-vue 3.0.0
This release introduces a support for the LTS (”Long Term Support”) version of the editor, available under commercial terms ("Extended Support Model").
If you acquired the Extended Support Model for CKEditor 4 LTS, please read the CKEditor 4 LTS key activation guide.
Other Changes: