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Comparing version 1.8.2 to 2.0.0




@@ -1,2 +0,17 @@

export declare const asPending: (action: any) => any;
export declare const asError: (action: any) => any;
import type { ReduxAction } from "./types";
* Transforms the action into the same type with `meta.isLoading` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the pending version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The pending action
export declare const asPending: <P = any>(action: ReduxAction<P>) => ReduxAction<P>;
* Transforms the action into the same type with `error` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the error version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The error action
export declare const asError: <P = any>(action: ReduxAction<P>) => ReduxAction<P>;

@@ -15,5 +15,19 @@ "use strict";

exports.asError = exports.asPending = void 0;
* Transforms the action into the same type with `meta.isLoading` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the pending version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The pending action
var asPending = function (action) { return (__assign(__assign({}, action), { meta: __assign(__assign({}, action.meta), { isLoading: true }) })); };
exports.asPending = asPending;
* Transforms the action into the same type with `error` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the error version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The error action
var asError = function (action) { return (__assign(__assign({}, action), { error: true })); };
exports.asError = asError;



@@ -22,26 +22,37 @@ /**

import type { ReduxAction, SubstateItemData, SubstateListData } from "./types";
* Returns a reducer that manages an async data item.
* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=I] The action payload type
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [reduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<P|E>): SubstateItemData<I,E>} The reducer
export declare const newAsyncDataReducer: (reduceFn?: (state: any, action: any) => any) => (state: any, action: any) => any;
export declare const newAsyncDataReducer: <I = any, E = any, P = I>(reduceFn?: (state: I, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I) => (state: SubstateItemData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<E | P>) => SubstateItemData<I, E>;
* Returns a reducer that stores/replaces a single item in an async data list.
* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @param {function(I | E): string} keyFn A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [itemReduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I|E>): SubstateListData<I,E>} The reducer
export declare const newAsyncListItemReducer: (keyFn: any, reduceFn?: (state: any, action: any) => any) => (state: any, action: any) => any;
export declare const newAsyncListItemReducer: <I = any, E = any>(keyFn: (payload: I | E) => string, reduceFn?: (state: I, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I) => (state: SubstateListData<I, E, E>, action: ReduxAction<I | E>) => SubstateListData<I, E, E>;
* Returns a reducer that deletes a single item in an async data list.
* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=any] The action payload type. May likely be *like* `I`, similar to the
* newAsyncDataReducer or newAsyncListItemReducer versions, but the only requirement is that `keyFn`
* be able to extract the correct key from the payload.
* @param {function(P): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, action: ReduxAction<P>)} - The reducer
export declare const newAsyncListItemDeleteReducer: (keyFn: any) => (state: any, action: any) => any;
export declare const newAsyncListItemDeleteReducer: <I = any, E = any, P = any>(keyFn: (payload: P) => string) => (state: SubstateListData<I, E, E>, action: ReduxAction<P>) => SubstateListData<I, E, E>;

@@ -51,9 +62,12 @@ * Returns a reducer that takes a list payload and stores it as an object, where each value is of

* @param {function(payloadItem):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [LE=E] The error type for the list's failed load. May or may not be the same as `E`.
* @param {function(I): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* list item
* @param {function(dataFromItemState, itemAction):object} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* @param {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): I} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* produces a new data entry for a single item in the list, given the data entry from the current
* item state and an action containing the item as its payload
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E,LE>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): SubstateListData<I,E,LE>} - The reducer
export declare const newAsyncListReducer: (keyFn: any, itemReduceFn?: (state: any, action: any) => any) => (state: any, action: any) => any;
export declare const newAsyncListReducer: <I = any, E = any, LE = E>(keyFn: (item: I) => string, itemReduceFn?: (state: SubstateItemData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I) => (state: SubstateListData<I, E, LE>, action: ReduxAction<LE | I[]>) => SubstateListData<I, E, LE>;

@@ -37,2 +37,15 @@ "use strict";

var _ = require("lodash");
* An identity function that is the default reduce function for the generic reducers in this module.
* Given the state and an action, returns the action's payload as the new item state for this
* substate of the store.
* @template [S=any] The type representation of the Redux store state. Can be a full or partial
* typing; if the state type represents a partial slice of the store state, it is recommended to
* declare that type as an interface.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param state {S} The Redux store state
* @param action {ReduxAction<P>} The action being reduced
* @returns {P} The action payload
var identityFn = function (state, action) { return action.payload; };

@@ -42,5 +55,8 @@ /**

* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=I] The action payload type
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [reduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<P|E>): SubstateItemData<I,E>} The reducer

@@ -61,2 +77,8 @@ var newAsyncDataReducer = function (reduceFn) {

lastUpdated: new Date(),
// This typecast to ReduxAction<I> is a bit misleading, because it's not always accurate; see
// newAsyncListReducer below. If a caller wishes to solely update the error or loading state, as
// in the previous two cases, then the payload is either irrelevant (loading) or E (error). We
// assume that if neither of those things are true, then the payload is of the item type I.
// Alternatively, if we do not intend for callers to use it this way, then we can force the
// typecast in newAsyncListReducer instead.
data: reduceFn(, action),

@@ -70,6 +92,8 @@ };

* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @param {function(I | E): string} keyFn A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [itemReduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I|E>): SubstateListData<I,E>} The reducer

@@ -90,4 +114,9 @@ var newAsyncListItemReducer = function (keyFn, reduceFn) {

* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=any] The action payload type. May likely be *like* `I`, similar to the
* newAsyncDataReducer or newAsyncListItemReducer versions, but the only requirement is that `keyFn`
* be able to extract the correct key from the payload.
* @param {function(P): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, action: ReduxAction<P>)} - The reducer

@@ -109,8 +138,11 @@ var newAsyncListItemDeleteReducer = function (keyFn) { return function (state, action) {

* @param {function(payloadItem):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [LE=E] The error type for the list's failed load. May or may not be the same as `E`.
* @param {function(I): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* list item
* @param {function(dataFromItemState, itemAction):object} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* @param {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): I} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* produces a new data entry for a single item in the list, given the data entry from the current
* item state and an action containing the item as its payload
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E,LE>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): SubstateListData<I,E,LE>} - The reducer

@@ -117,0 +149,0 @@ var newAsyncListReducer = function (keyFn, itemReduceFn) {

@@ -1,29 +0,48 @@

export declare const newAsyncDataSelectors: (fieldPath: any, options?: {
itemDefault: any;
}) => {
itemLoading: (state: any) => boolean;
itemLoadError: (state: any) => any;
itemLoaded: (state: any) => boolean;
itemLastUpdated: (state: any) => any;
item: (state: any) => any;
import type { ItemMap } from "./types";
* The options type for newAsyncDataSelectors and newAsyncListSelectors. Currently the only option
* is for specifying the default item value.
* @template I The item type for this group of selectors
export type SelectorOptions<I> = {
itemDefault: I | null;
export declare const newAsyncListSelectors: (subKeyPath: any, options?: {
itemDefault: any;
}) => {
listLoading: (state: any) => boolean;
listLoadError: (state: any) => any;
listLoaded: (state: any) => boolean;
listLastUpdated: (state: any) => any;
list: import("reselect").OutputSelector<any, any[], (res: any) => any[]>;
itemsByID: import("reselect").OutputSelector<any, {
[x: string]: any;
}, (res: any) => {
[x: string]: any;
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
export declare const newAsyncDataSelectors: <S = any, I = any, E = any>(fieldPath: string, options?: SelectorOptions<I>) => {
itemLoading: (state: S) => boolean;
itemLoadError: (state: S) => E;
itemLoaded: (state: S) => boolean;
itemLastUpdated: (state: S) => Date | undefined;
item: (state: S) => I;
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
* @template [LE=E] The error for failing to load a collection of items.
export declare const newAsyncListSelectors: <S = any, I = any, E = any, LE = E>(subKeyPath: string, options?: SelectorOptions<I>) => {
listLoading: (state: S) => boolean;
listLoadError: (state: S) => LE;
listLoaded: (state: S) => boolean;
listLastUpdated: (state: S) => Date | undefined;
list: import("reselect").OutputSelector<S, I[], (res: ItemMap<I, E>) => I[]>;
itemsByID: import("reselect").OutputSelector<S, {
[key: string]: I;
}, (res: ItemMap<I, E>) => {
[key: string]: I;
itemLoading: (state: any, id: any) => boolean;
itemLoadError: (state: any, id: any) => any;
itemLoaded: (state: any, id: any) => boolean;
itemLastUpdated: (state: any, id: any) => any;
itemsLoaded: (state: any, ids: any) => boolean;
item: (state: any, id: any) => any;
itemLoading: (state: S, id: string) => boolean;
itemLoadError: (state: S, id: string) => E;
itemLoaded: (state: S, id: string) => boolean;
itemLastUpdated: (state: S, id: string) => Date | undefined;
itemsLoaded: (state: S, ids: string[]) => boolean;
item: (state: S, id: string) => I;

@@ -6,5 +6,13 @@ "use strict";

var _ = require("lodash");
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
var newAsyncDataSelectors = function (fieldPath, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = { itemDefault: null }; }
var itemState = function (state) { return _.get(state, fieldPath, {}); };
var itemState = function (state) {
return _.get(state, fieldPath, {});
return {

@@ -19,5 +27,14 @@ itemLoading: function (state) { return !!itemState(state).isLoading; },

exports.newAsyncDataSelectors = newAsyncDataSelectors;
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
* @template [LE=E] The error for failing to load a collection of items.
var newAsyncListSelectors = function (subKeyPath, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = { itemDefault: null }; }
var listState = function (state) { return _.get(state, subKeyPath, {}); };
var listState = function (state) {
return _.get(state, subKeyPath, {});
var listData = function (state) { return listState(state).data || {}; };

@@ -24,0 +41,0 @@ var itemState = function (state, id) { return listData(state)[id] || {}; };

@@ -309,143 +309,130 @@ "use strict";

describe("events", function () {
describe("events include request and response information", function () {
ALL_METHODS.forEach(function (method) {
it("".concat(method, " request"), function (done) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var testBody, testHeaders, testResponse;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
testBody = { x: 5 };
testHeaders = { "X-test-header": "value", "X-test-2": "value2" };
testResponse = new Response("ok");
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, function (request, response) {
try {
// This is a bit annoying, but Fetch.Get automatically removes any trailing slashes.
if (method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET) {
else {
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method !== Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET && method !== Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
// We can't directly compare the headers objects because Fetch adds some itself, like Content-Type.
catch (err) {;
fetchMock.once("*", testResponse);
if (!(method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET || method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.DELETE)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 1:
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL, testBody, testHeaders)];
case 3:
_a.label = 4;
case 4: return [2 /*return*/];
}); });
describe.each(ALL_METHODS)("events for FetchMethod %s", function (method) {
test("events include request and response information", function () { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var testBody, testHeaders, testResponse, mock;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
testBody = { x: 5 };
testHeaders = { "X-test-header": "value", "X-test-2": "value2" };
testResponse = new Response("ok");
mock = jest.fn(function (request, response) {
// This is a bit annoying, but Fetch.Get automatically removes any trailing slashes.
if (method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET) {
else {
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method !== Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET && method !== Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
// We can't directly compare the headers objects because Fetch adds some itself, like Content-Type.
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mock);
fetchMock.once("*", testResponse);
if (!(method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.GET || method === Fetch_1.Fetch.Method.DELETE)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 1:
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL, testBody, testHeaders)];
case 3:
_a.label = 4;
case 4:
return [2 /*return*/];
describe("fires a SUCCESS event for a successful request", function () {
ALL_METHODS.forEach(function (method) {
it("".concat(method, " request"), function (done) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, function (request, response) {
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 1:
return [2 /*return*/];
}); });
}); });
test("fires a SUCCESS event for a successful request", function () { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var mock;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
mock = jest.fn();
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mock);
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 1:
return [2 /*return*/];
describe("fires an ERROR event for an unsuccessful request", function () {
ALL_METHODS.forEach(function (method) {
it("".concat(method, " request"), function (done) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var err_2;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, function (request, response) {
fetchMock.once("*", new Response("error", { status: 401 }));
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
_a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 2:
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 3:
err_2 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 4: return [2 /*return*/];
}); });
}); });
it("fires an ERROR event for an unsuccessful request", function () { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var cb, err_2;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
cb = jest.fn();
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, cb);
fetchMock.once("*", new Response("error", { status: 401 }));
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
_a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL)];
case 2:
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 3:
err_2 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 4:
return [2 /*return*/];
describe("allows registering multiple handlers for the same event", function () {
ALL_METHODS.forEach(function (method) {
it("".concat(method, " request"), function (done) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var eventsFired, markEventFired, err_3;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
eventsFired = {
a: false,
b: false,
c: false,
d: false,
markEventFired = function (id) { return function (request, response) {
eventsFired[id] = true;
if (eventsFired.a && eventsFired.b && eventsFired.c && eventsFired.d) {
}; };
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, markEventFired("a"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, markEventFired("b"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, markEventFired("c"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, markEventFired("d"));
fetchMock.once("".concat(TEST_URL, "success"), "ok");
fetchMock.once("".concat(TEST_URL, "error"), new Response("error", { status: 404 }));
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method]("".concat(TEST_URL, "success"))];
case 1:
_a.label = 2;
case 2:
_a.trys.push([2, 4, , 5]);
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method]("".concat(TEST_URL, "error"))];
case 3:
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 4:
err_3 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
}); });
}); });
test("allows registering multiple handlers for the same event", function () { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var spy, mockEventHandler, err_3;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
spy = jest.fn(function (id) { return id; });
mockEventHandler = function (id) { return function () { return spy(id); }; };
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler("a"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler("b"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, mockEventHandler("c"));
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.ERROR, mockEventHandler("d"));
fetchMock.once("".concat(TEST_URL, "success"), "ok");
fetchMock.once("".concat(TEST_URL, "error"), new Response("error", { status: 404 }));
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method]("".concat(TEST_URL, "success"))];
case 1:
_a.label = 2;
case 2:
_a.trys.push([2, 4, , 5]);
return [4 /*yield*/, FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method]("".concat(TEST_URL, "error"))];
case 3:
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 4:
err_3 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 5:
return [2 /*return*/];
}); });

@@ -523,16 +510,13 @@ describe("global headers", function () {

}); });
it("includes global headers in event handlers input", function (done) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
it("includes global headers in event handlers input", function () { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
var mockEventHandler;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
mockEventHandler = jest.fn(function (request) {
Fetch_1.Fetch.setGlobalHeader("x-test", "value");
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, function (request, response) {
try {
catch (err) {;
Fetch_1.Fetch.on(Fetch_1.Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler);
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");

@@ -542,2 +526,4 @@ return [4 /*yield*/,];

return [2 /*return*/];

@@ -544,0 +530,0 @@ }

@@ -85,2 +85,3 @@ "use strict";

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
Endpoint.prototype.handler = function (_req, _res, _next) {

@@ -87,0 +88,0 @@ return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {

@@ -1,2 +0,11 @@

export const asPending = (action) => ({
import type { ReduxAction } from "./types";
* Transforms the action into the same type with `meta.isLoading` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the pending version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The pending action
export const asPending = <P = any>(action: ReduxAction<P>): ReduxAction<P> => ({

@@ -9,5 +18,12 @@ meta: {

export const asError = (action) => ({
* Transforms the action into the same type with `error` set to true.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param {ReduxAction<P>} action The action to be transformed into the error version of itself
* @returns {ReduxAction<P>} The error action
export const asError = <P = any>(action: ReduxAction<P>): ReduxAction<P> => ({
error: true,

@@ -24,4 +24,18 @@ /**

import * as _ from "lodash";
import type { ItemMap, ReduxAction, SubstateItemData, SubstateListData } from "./types";
const identityFn = (state, action) => action.payload;
* An identity function that is the default reduce function for the generic reducers in this module.
* Given the state and an action, returns the action's payload as the new item state for this
* substate of the store.
* @template [S=any] The type representation of the Redux store state. Can be a full or partial
* typing; if the state type represents a partial slice of the store state, it is recommended to
* declare that type as an interface.
* @template [P=any] The payload type for the given action
* @param state {S} The Redux store state
* @param action {ReduxAction<P>} The action being reduced
* @returns {P} The action payload
const identityFn = <S = any, P = any>(state: S, action: ReduxAction<P>): P => action.payload;

@@ -31,7 +45,12 @@ /**

* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=I] The action payload type
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [reduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<P|E>): SubstateItemData<I,E>} The reducer
export const newAsyncDataReducer = (reduceFn = identityFn) => (state, action) => {
export const newAsyncDataReducer = <I = any, E = any, P = I>(
reduceFn: (state: I, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I = identityFn,
) => (state: SubstateItemData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<P | E>): SubstateItemData<I, E> => {
// Leave existing data intact while loading

@@ -50,3 +69,3 @@ if (action.meta && action.meta.isLoading) {

isLoading: false,
error: action.payload,
error: action.payload as E,
lastUpdated: new Date(),

@@ -59,3 +78,9 @@ };

lastUpdated: new Date(),
data: reduceFn(, action),
// This typecast to ReduxAction<I> is a bit misleading, because it's not always accurate; see
// newAsyncListReducer below. If a caller wishes to solely update the error or loading state, as
// in the previous two cases, then the payload is either irrelevant (loading) or E (error). We
// assume that if neither of those things are true, then the payload is of the item type I.
// Alternatively, if we do not intend for callers to use it this way, then we can force the
// typecast in newAsyncListReducer instead.
data: reduceFn(, action as ReduxAction<I>),

@@ -67,11 +92,16 @@ };

* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(dataFromState, action):object} [reduceFn] - A function that produces a
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @param {function(I | E): string} keyFn A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @param {function(I, ReduxAction<I>): I} [itemReduceFn] A function that produces a
* new data entry, given the data entry from the current state and the action object
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I|E>): SubstateListData<I,E>} The reducer
export const newAsyncListItemReducer = (keyFn, reduceFn = identityFn) => (state, action) => {
export const newAsyncListItemReducer = <I = any, E = any>(
keyFn: (payload: I | E) => string,
reduceFn: (state: I, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I = identityFn,
) => (state: SubstateListData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<I | E>): SubstateListData<I, E> => {
const itemKey = keyFn(action.payload);
const currentItemState = _.get(state, `data.${itemKey}`) || {};
const newItemState = newAsyncDataReducer(reduceFn)(currentItemState, action);
const newItemState = newAsyncDataReducer<I, E>(reduceFn)(currentItemState, action);
return { ...state, data: {, [itemKey]: newItemState } };

@@ -83,6 +113,13 @@ };

* @param {function(payload):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [P=any] The action payload type. May likely be *like* `I`, similar to the
* newAsyncDataReducer or newAsyncListItemReducer versions, but the only requirement is that `keyFn`
* be able to extract the correct key from the payload.
* @param {function(P): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for the list item
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E>, action: ReduxAction<P>)} - The reducer
export const newAsyncListItemDeleteReducer = (keyFn) => (state, action) => {
export const newAsyncListItemDeleteReducer = <I = any, E = any, P = any>(
keyFn: (payload: P) => string,
) => (state: SubstateListData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<P>): SubstateListData<I, E> => {
const itemKey = keyFn(action.payload);

@@ -92,3 +129,3 @@

// new reference
const newState = { ...state, data: { } };
const newState = { ...state, data: { } } as SubstateListData<I, E>;
if ( &&[itemKey]) {

@@ -105,12 +142,23 @@ delete[itemKey];

* @param {function(payloadItem):string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load
* @template [LE=E] The error type for the list's failed load. May or may not be the same as `E`.
* @param {function(I): string} keyFn - A function that returns a unique key for every
* list item
* @param {function(dataFromItemState, itemAction):object} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* @param {function(SubstateItemData<I,E>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): I} [itemReduceFn] - A function that
* produces a new data entry for a single item in the list, given the data entry from the current
* item state and an action containing the item as its payload
* @return {function:Object} - The reducer
* @return {function(SubstateListData<I,E,LE>, ReduxAction<I[]|LE>): SubstateListData<I,E,LE>} - The reducer
export const newAsyncListReducer = (keyFn, itemReduceFn = identityFn) => (state, action) => {
export const newAsyncListReducer = <I = any, E = any, LE = E>(
keyFn: (item: I) => string,
itemReduceFn: (state: SubstateItemData<I, E>, action: ReduxAction<I>) => I = identityFn,
) => (
state: SubstateListData<I, E, LE>,
action: ReduxAction<I[] | LE>,
): SubstateListData<I, E, LE> => {
// Leave existing data intact but update metadata if necessary
const newState = newAsyncDataReducer((currentState) => currentState || {})(state, action);
const newState: SubstateListData<I, E, LE> = newAsyncDataReducer<ItemMap<I, E>, LE, I[]>(
(currentState: ItemMap<I, E>): ItemMap<I, E> => currentState || {},
)(state, action);

@@ -123,3 +171,3 @@ if (newState.isLoading || newState.error) { = {};
const items = action.payload;
const items = action.payload as I[];

@@ -140,3 +188,3 @@ // If items is null or undefined just give them empty data. We need to allow

const currentItemState = _.get(state, `data.${itemKey}`) || {};
const newItemState = newAsyncDataReducer(itemReduceFn)(currentItemState, {
const newItemState = newAsyncDataReducer<I, E>(itemReduceFn)(currentItemState, {

@@ -143,0 +191,0 @@ payload: item,

import { createSelector as createMemoizedSelector } from "reselect";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import type { ItemMap, SubstateItemData, SubstateListData } from "./types";
export const newAsyncDataSelectors = (fieldPath, options = { itemDefault: null }) => {
const itemState = (state) => _.get(state, fieldPath, {});
* The options type for newAsyncDataSelectors and newAsyncListSelectors. Currently the only option
* is for specifying the default item value.
* @template I The item type for this group of selectors
export type SelectorOptions<I> = {
itemDefault: I | null;
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
export const newAsyncDataSelectors = <S = any, I = any, E = any>(
fieldPath: string,
options: SelectorOptions<I> = { itemDefault: null },
) => {
const itemState = (state: S): SubstateItemData<I, E> =>
_.get(state, fieldPath, {} as SubstateItemData<I, E>);
return {
itemLoading: (state) => !!itemState(state).isLoading,
itemLoadError: (state) => itemState(state).error,
itemLoaded: (state) => !!itemState(state).lastUpdated,
itemLastUpdated: (state) => itemState(state).lastUpdated,
item: (state) => itemState(state).data || options.itemDefault,
itemLoading: (state: S): boolean => !!itemState(state).isLoading,
itemLoadError: (state: S): E | undefined => itemState(state).error,
itemLoaded: (state: S): boolean => !!itemState(state).lastUpdated,
itemLastUpdated: (state: S): Date | undefined => itemState(state).lastUpdated,
item: (state: S): I => itemState(state).data || options.itemDefault,
export const newAsyncListSelectors = (subKeyPath, options = { itemDefault: null }) => {
const listState = (state) => _.get(state, subKeyPath, {});
const listData = (state) => listState(state).data || {};
const itemState = (state, id) => listData(state)[id] || {};
const itemLoaded = (state, id) => !!itemState(state, id).lastUpdated;
* @template [S=any] The state that will be passed to this selector. This can be the type for the whole store or
* an interface that defines only the slice of the store state needed by these selectors.
* @template [I=any] The type for an item returned by these selectors.
* @template [E=any] The error type for an item's failed load.
* @template [LE=E] The error for failing to load a collection of items.
export const newAsyncListSelectors = <S = any, I = any, E = any, LE = E>(
subKeyPath: string,
options: SelectorOptions<I> = { itemDefault: null },
) => {
const listState = (state: S): SubstateListData<I, E, LE> =>
_.get(state, subKeyPath, {}) as SubstateListData<I, E, LE>;
const listData = (state: S): ItemMap<I, E> => listState(state).data || {};
const itemState = (state: S, id: string): SubstateItemData<I, E> => listData(state)[id] || {};
const itemLoaded = (state: S, id: string): boolean => !!itemState(state, id).lastUpdated;
return {
listLoading: (state) => !!listState(state).isLoading,
listLoadError: (state) => listState(state).error,
listLoaded: (state) => !!listState(state).lastUpdated,
listLastUpdated: (state) => listState(state).lastUpdated,
list: createMemoizedSelector(listData, (data) =>
listLoading: (state: S): boolean => !!listState(state).isLoading,
listLoadError: (state: S): LE => listState(state).error,
listLoaded: (state: S): boolean => !!listState(state).lastUpdated,
listLastUpdated: (state: S): Date | undefined => listState(state).lastUpdated,
list: createMemoizedSelector(listData, (data: ItemMap<I, E>): I[] =>, (value) => || options.itemDefault),
itemsByID: createMemoizedSelector(listData, (data) =>
itemsByID: createMemoizedSelector(listData, (data: ItemMap<I, E>): { [key: string]: I } =>
_.mapValues(data, (value) => || options.itemDefault),
itemLoading: (state, id) => !!itemState(state, id).isLoading,
itemLoadError: (state, id) => itemState(state, id).error,
itemLoaded: (state, id) => itemLoaded(state, id),
itemLastUpdated: (state, id) => itemState(state, id).lastUpdated,
itemsLoaded: (state, ids) =>
itemLoading: (state: S, id: string): boolean => !!itemState(state, id).isLoading,
itemLoadError: (state: S, id: string): E | undefined => itemState(state, id).error,
itemLoaded: (state: S, id: string): boolean => itemLoaded(state, id),
itemLastUpdated: (state: S, id: string): Date | undefined => itemState(state, id).lastUpdated,
itemsLoaded: (state: S, ids: string[]): boolean =>
_.reduce(ids, (loaded, id) => loaded && itemLoaded(state, id), true),
item: (state, id) => itemState(state, id).data || options.itemDefault,
item: (state: S, id: string): I => itemState(state, id).data || options.itemDefault,

@@ -180,96 +180,80 @@ import { Fetch } from "./Fetch";

describe("events", () => {
describe("events include request and response information", () => {
ALL_METHODS.forEach((method) => {
it(`${method} request`, async (done) => {
const testBody = { x: 5 };
const testHeaders = { "X-test-header": "value", "X-test-2": "value2" };
const testResponse = new Response("ok");
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, (request, response) => {
try {
// This is a bit annoying, but Fetch.Get automatically removes any trailing slashes.
if (method === Fetch.Method.GET) {
} else {
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method !== Fetch.Method.GET && method !== Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
// We can't directly compare the headers objects because Fetch adds some itself, like Content-Type.
} catch (err) {;
fetchMock.once("*", testResponse);
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method === Fetch.Method.GET || method === Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
} else {
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL, testBody, testHeaders);
describe.each(ALL_METHODS)("events for FetchMethod %s", (method) => {
test("events include request and response information", async () => {
const testBody = { x: 5 };
const testHeaders = { "X-test-header": "value", "X-test-2": "value2" };
const testResponse = new Response("ok");
const mock = jest.fn((request, response) => {
// This is a bit annoying, but Fetch.Get automatically removes any trailing slashes.
if (method === Fetch.Method.GET) {
} else {
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method !== Fetch.Method.GET && method !== Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
// We can't directly compare the headers objects because Fetch adds some itself, like Content-Type.
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mock);
fetchMock.once("*", testResponse);
// Fetch.Get and Fetch.Delete don't support custom bodies or headers.
if (method === Fetch.Method.GET || method === Fetch.Method.DELETE) {
} else {
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](TEST_URL, testBody, testHeaders);
describe("fires a SUCCESS event for a successful request", () => {
ALL_METHODS.forEach((method) => {
it(`${method} request`, async (done) => {
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, (request, response) => {
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");
test("fires a SUCCESS event for a successful request", async () => {
const mock = jest.fn();
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mock);
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");
describe("fires an ERROR event for an unsuccessful request", () => {
ALL_METHODS.forEach((method) => {
it(`${method} request`, async (done) => {
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, (request, response) => {
fetchMock.once("*", new Response("error", { status: 401 }));
try {
} catch (err) {
// do nothing - an error is expected
it("fires an ERROR event for an unsuccessful request", async () => {
const cb = jest.fn();
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, cb);
fetchMock.once("*", new Response("error", { status: 401 }));
try {
} catch (err) {
// do nothing - an error is expected
describe("allows registering multiple handlers for the same event", () => {
ALL_METHODS.forEach((method) => {
it(`${method} request`, async (done) => {
const eventsFired = {
a: false,
b: false,
c: false,
d: false,
const markEventFired = (id) => (request, response) => {
eventsFired[id] = true;
if (eventsFired.a && eventsFired.b && eventsFired.c && eventsFired.d) {
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, markEventFired("a"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, markEventFired("b"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, markEventFired("c"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, markEventFired("d"));
fetchMock.once(`${TEST_URL}success`, "ok");
fetchMock.once(`${TEST_URL}error`, new Response("error", { status: 404 }));
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](`${TEST_URL}success`);
try {
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](`${TEST_URL}error`);
} catch (err) {
// do nothing - an error is expected
test("allows registering multiple handlers for the same event", async () => {
const spy = jest.fn((id: string) => id);
const mockEventHandler = (id: string) => () => spy(id);
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler("a"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler("b"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, mockEventHandler("c"));
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.ERROR, mockEventHandler("d"));
fetchMock.once(`${TEST_URL}success`, "ok");
fetchMock.once(`${TEST_URL}error`, new Response("error", { status: 404 }));
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](`${TEST_URL}success`);
try {
await FETCH_FUNCTIONS[method](`${TEST_URL}error`);
} catch (err) {
// do nothing - an error is expected

@@ -322,14 +306,13 @@ });

it("includes global headers in event handlers input", async (done) => {
it("includes global headers in event handlers input", async () => {
const mockEventHandler = jest.fn((request) => {
Fetch.setGlobalHeader("x-test", "value");
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, (request, response) => {
try {
} catch (err) {;
Fetch.on(Fetch.Event.SUCCESS, mockEventHandler);
fetchMock.once("*", "ok");

@@ -336,0 +319,0 @@ it("only uses global headers for the specified methods", async () => {

@@ -244,3 +244,3 @@ import "isomorphic-fetch";

// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
export namespace Fetch {

@@ -247,0 +247,0 @@ // The static fields on the Fetch class allow using the enums, but

@@ -43,2 +43,3 @@ import * as express from "express";

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
async handler(_req: express.Request, _res: express.Response, _next: express.NextFunction) {

@@ -45,0 +46,0 @@ throw new Error(`handler() not implemented for ${}`);

"name": "clever-frontend-utils",
"version": "1.8.2",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A set of utils for frontend projects at Clever (and potentially elsewhere!)",

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"transform": {
"^.+\\.ts$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js"
"^.+\\.ts$": "ts-jest"

@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"@eslint/js": "^9.0.0",
"@types/express": "^4.16.1",
"@types/fetch-mock": "^7.3.0",
"@types/jest": "^18.1.1",
"@types/jest": "^27.5.2",
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.134",
"@types/node": "^12.12.24",
"@types/node": "^18.19.31",
"@types/requestidlecallback": "^0.3.1",
"@types/sinon": "^9.0.10",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^1.9.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^1.9.0",
"babel-eslint": "^7.1.1",
"eslint": "5.x",
"eslint-config-airbnb": "^6.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^4.2.3",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.34.1",
"fetch-mock": "^7.3.3",
"jest": "^18.1.0",
"globals": "^15.0.0",
"jest": "^27.5.1",
"prettier": "2.1.2",
"redux": "^5.0.1",
"sinon": "^8.1.1",
"ts-jest": "^18.0.3",
"typescript": "4.x"
"ts-jest": "^27.1.5",
"typescript": "^4.4.3",
"typescript-eslint": "^7.7.0"

@@ -45,0 +45,0 @@ "dependencies": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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