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Comparing version 0.3.3 to 1.0.0



'use strict';
var d = require('d')
, assign = require('es5-ext/object/assign')
, forEach = require('es5-ext/object/for-each')
, map = require('es5-ext/object/map')
, repeat = require('es5-ext/string/#/repeat')
, memoize = require('memoizee')
, memoizeMethods = require('memoizee/methods')
, tty = require('tty')
var d = require('d');
, join = Array.prototype.join, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty
, defineProperties = Object.defineProperties, abs = Math.abs
, floor = Math.floor, max = Math.max, min = Math.min
, mods, proto, getFn, getMove, xtermMatch
, up, down, right, left, getHeight, memoized;
mods = assign({
// Style
bold: { _bold: [1, 22] },
italic: { _italic: [3, 23] },
underline: { _underline: [4, 24] },
blink: { _blink: [5, 25] },
inverse: { _inverse: [7, 27] },
strike: { _strike: [9, 29] }
// Color
['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']
.reduce(function (obj, color, index) {
// foreground
obj[color] = { _fg: [30 + index, 39] };
obj[color + 'Bright'] = { _fg: [90 + index, 39] };
// background
obj['bg' + color[0].toUpperCase() + color.slice(1)] =
{ _bg: [40 + index, 49] };
obj['bg' + color[0].toUpperCase() + color.slice(1) + 'Bright'] =
{ _bg: [100 + index, 49] };
return obj;
}, {}));
// Some use cli-color as: console.log('Error!'));
// Which is inefficient as on each call it configures new clc object
// with memoization we reuse once created object
memoized = memoize(function (scope, mod) {
return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
d(assign({}, scope._cliColorData, mod)));
module.exports = Object.defineProperties(require('./bare'), {
windowSize: d(require('./window-size')),
erase: d(require('./erase')),
move: d(require('./move')),
beep: d(require('./beep')),
columns: d(require('./columns')),
strip: d(require('./strip')),
throbber: d(require('./throbber')),
reset: d(require('./reset')),
art: d(require('./art'))
proto = Object.create(Function.prototype, assign(map(mods, function (mod) {
return () { return memoized(this, mod); });
}), memoizeMethods({
// xterm (255) color
xterm: d(function (code) {
code = isNaN(code) ? 255 : min(max(code, 0), 255);
return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
d(assign({}, this._cliColorData, {
_fg: [xtermMatch ? xtermMatch[code] : ('38;5;' + code), 39]
bgXterm: d(function (code) {
code = isNaN(code) ? 255 : min(max(code, 0), 255);
return defineProperty(getFn(), '_cliColorData',
d(assign({}, this._cliColorData, {
_bg: [xtermMatch ? (xtermMatch[code] + 10) : ('48;5;' + code), 49]
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
xtermMatch = require('./lib/xterm-match');
getFn = function () {
var fn = function (/*…msg*/) {
var start = '', end = '';
forEach(fn._cliColorData, function (mod) {
end = '\x1b[' + mod[1] + 'm' + end;
start += '\x1b[' + mod[0] + 'm';
}, null, true);
return start +, ' ') + end;
fn.__proto__ = proto;
return fn;
getMove = function (control) {
return function (num) {
num = isNaN(num) ? 0 : max(floor(num), 0);
return num ? ('\x1b[' + num + control) : '';
module.exports = defineProperties(getFn(), {
width: ? function () {
return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[0];
} : function () {
return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[1] : 0;
height: = process.stdout.getWindowSize ? function () {
return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[1];
} : function () {
return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[0] : 0;
reset: () {
return'\n', getHeight() - 1) + '\x1bc';
up: d(up = getMove('A')),
down: d(down = getMove('B')),
right: d(right = getMove('C')),
left: d(left = getMove('D')),
move: d(function (x, y) {
x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : floor(x);
y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : floor(y);
return ((x > 0) ? right(x) : left(-x)) + ((y > 0) ? down(y) : up(-y));
moveTo: d(function (x, y) {
x = isNaN(x) ? 1 : (max(floor(x), 0) + 1);
y = isNaN(y) ? 1 : (max(floor(y), 0) + 1);
return '\x1b[' + y + ';' + x + 'H';
bol: d(function (n/*, erase*/) {
var dir;
n = isNaN(n) ? 0 : Number(n);
dir = (n >= 0) ? 'E' : 'F';
n = floor(abs(n));
return arguments[1] ?
(((!n || (dir === 'F')) ? '\x1b[0E\x1bK' : '') +'\x1b[1' + dir + '\x1b[K', n)) : '\x1b[' + n + dir;
beep: d('\x07'),
xtermSupported: d(!xtermMatch),
_cliColorData: d({})
"name": "cli-color",
"version": "0.3.3",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Colors, formatting and other tools for the console",

@@ -22,4 +22,6 @@ "author": "Mariusz Nowak <> (",

"dependencies": {
"d": "~0.1.1",
"es5-ext": "~0.10.6",
"ansi-regex": "^1.1.1",
"d": "^0.1.1",
"es5-ext": "^0.10.7",
"es6-iterator": "^0.1.3",
"memoizee": "~0.3.8",

@@ -29,5 +31,5 @@ "timers-ext": "0.1"

"devDependencies": {
"tad": "~0.2.2",
"xlint": "~0.2.2",
"xlint-jslint-medikoo": "~0.1.2"
"tad": "^0.2.2",
"xlint": "^0.2.2",
"xlint-jslint-medikoo": "^0.1.2"

@@ -34,0 +36,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -36,2 +36,8 @@ # cli-color

Styled text can be nested:
console.log('red ' +'blue') + ' red'));
__Best way is to predefine needed stylings and then use it__:

@@ -457,3 +463,3 @@

#### Terminal reset
#### Reset

@@ -463,5 +469,55 @@ Terminal can be cleared with `clc.reset`

#### Erase
##### clc.erase.screen
Entire screen
##### clc.erase.screenLeft
Left portion of a screen
##### clc.erase.screenRight
Right portion of a screen
##### clc.erase.line
Current line
##### clc.erase.lineRight
Right portion of current line
##### clc.erase.lineLeft
Left portion of current line
#### Move around functions

@@ -477,3 +533,3 @@

##### clc.moveTo(x, y)
#####, y)

@@ -483,53 +539,82 @@ Absolute move. Sets cursor position at _x_ column and _y_ row

process.stdout.write(clc.moveTo(0, 0)); // Move cursor to first row and first column in terminal window
process.stdout.write(, 0)); // Move cursor to first row and first column in terminal window
##### clc.bol([n[, erase]])
##### clc.move.up(n)
Move cursor to the begining of the line, with _n_ we may specify how many lines away we want to move, value can be positive or negative. Additionally we may decide to clear lines content with _erase_
Move cursor up _n_ rows
process.stdout.write(clc.bol(-2)); // Move cursor two lines back and place it at begin of the line
##### clc.up(n)
##### clc.move.down(n)
Move cursor up _n_ rows
Move cursor down _n_ rows
##### clc.down(n)
Move cursor down _n_ rows
##### clc.move.right(n)
##### clc.right(n)
Move cursor right _n_ columns
##### clc.left(n)
##### clc.move.left(n)
Move cursor left _n_ columns
##### clc.move.lines(n)
Move cursor `n` lines forward if `n` is positive, otherwise `n` lines backward.
#### Terminal characteristics
##### clc.width
##### clc.windowSize.width
Returns terminal width
##### clc.height
##### clc.windowSize.height
Returns terminal height
### Additional functionalities (provided as separate modules)
### Additional functionalities
#### trim(formatedText) _(cli-color/trim)_
#### clc.strip(formatedText)
Trims ANSI formatted string to plain text
Strips ANSI formatted string to plain text
var ansiTrim = require('cli-color/trim');
var ansiStrip = require('cli-color/strip');
var plain = ansiTrim(formatted);
var plain = ansiStrip(formatted);
#### throbber(write, interval[, format]) _(cli-color/throbber)_
####, styleConf)
Create a text-graphical art. Within `styleConf`, string replacements needs to be defined, which are then used to convert `text` to styled graphical text.
var text = '.........\n' +
'. Hello .\n' +
var style = { ".": clc.yellowBright("X") };
process.stdout.write(, style));
##### throbber(write, interval[, format])
Writes throbber string to _write_ function at given _interval_. Optionally throbber output can be formatted with given _format_ function

@@ -553,1 +638,9 @@

$ npm test
## Contributors
* [@rentalhost]( (David Rodrigues)
* Help with support for nested styles. Introduction of `` module, and significant improvements to tests coverage.
'use strict';
var bareTests = require('./bare');
module.exports = function (t, a) {
var x, y;
bareTests(t, a);
a(t('test'), 'test', "Plain");
a(t('test', 'foo', 3, { toString: function () { return 'bar'; } }),
'test foo 3 bar', "Plain: Many args");
a(typeof t.windowSize.width, 'number', "Width");
a('foo'), '\x1b[31mfoo\x1b[39m', "Foreground");
a('foo', 'bar', 3), '\x1b[31mfoo bar 3\x1b[39m',
"Foreground: Many args");
a('foo', 'bar', 3), '\x1b[33mfoo bar 3\x1b[39m',
"Foreground: Overriden");
a(t.bgRed('foo', 'bar'), '\x1b[41mfoo bar\x1b[49m', "Background");
a(t.bgRed.bgYellow('foo', 'bar', 3), '\x1b[43mfoo bar 3\x1b[49m',
"Background: Overriden");
a('foo', 'bar'), '\x1b[43m\x1b[34mfoo bar\x1b[39m\x1b[49m',
"Foreground & Background");
a('foo', 'bar'),
'\x1b[45m\x1b[31mfoo bar\x1b[39m\x1b[49m',
"Foreground & Background: Overriden");
a(t.bold('foo', 'bar'), '\x1b[1mfoo bar\x1b[22m', "Format");
a(t.blink('foobar'), '\x1b[5mfoobar\x1b[25m', "Format: blink");
a('foo', 'bar', 3), '\x1b[1m\x1b[34mfoo bar 3\x1b[39m\x1b[22m',
"Foreground & Format");
a(t.redBright('foo', 'bar'), '\x1b[91mfoo bar\x1b[39m', "Bright");
a(t.bgRedBright('foo', 3), '\x1b[101mfoo 3\x1b[49m', "Bright background");
a('foo', 'bar'),
'\x1b[45m\x1b[31mfoo bar\x1b[39m\x1b[49m',
"Foreground & Background: Bright: Overriden");
x =;
y = x.bold;
a(x('foo', 'red') + ' ' + y('foo', 'boldred'),
'\x1b[31mfoo red\x1b[39m \x1b[1m\x1b[31mfoo boldred\x1b[39m\x1b[22m',
"Detached extension");
if (t.xtermSupported) {
a(t.xterm(12).bgXterm(67)('foo', 'xterm'),
'\x1b[48;5;67m\x1b[38;5;12mfoo xterm\x1b[39m\x1b[49m', "Xterm");
a(t.redBright.bgBlueBright.xterm(12).bgXterm(67)('foo', 'xterm'),
'\x1b[48;5;67m\x1b[38;5;12mfoo xterm\x1b[39m\x1b[49m',
"Xterm: Override & Bright");
a(t.xterm(12).bgXterm(67).redBright.bgMagentaBright('foo', 'xterm'),
'\x1b[105m\x1b[91mfoo xterm\x1b[39m\x1b[49m',
"Xterm: Override & Bright #2");
} else {
a(t.xterm(12).bgXterm(67)('foo', 'xterm'),
'\x1b[100m\x1b[94mfoo xterm\x1b[39m\x1b[49m', "Xterm");
a(typeof t.width, 'number', "Width");
a(typeof t.height, 'number', "Height");
a(/\n*\x1bc/.test(t.reset), true, "Reset");
a(t.up(), '', "Up: No argument");
a(t.up({}), '', "Up: Not a number");
a(t.up(-34), '', "Up: Negative");
a(t.up(34), '\x1b[34A', "Up: Positive");
a(t.down(), '', "Down: No argument");
a(t.down({}), '', "Down: Not a number");
a(t.down(-34), '', "Down: Negative");
a(t.down(34), '\x1b[34B', "Down: Positive");
a(t.right(), '', "Right: No argument");
a(t.right({}), '', "Right: Not a number");
a(t.right(-34), '', "Right: Negative");
a(t.right(34), '\x1b[34C', "Right: Positive");
a(t.left(), '', "Left: No argument");
a(t.left({}), '', "Left: Not a number");
a(t.left(-34), '', "Left: Negative");
a(t.left(34), '\x1b[34D', "Left: Positive");
a(t.move(), '', "Move: No arguments");
a(t.move({}, {}), '', "Move: Bad arguments");
a(t.move({}, 12), '\x1b[12B', "Move: One direction");
a(t.move(0, -12), '\x1b[12A', "Move: One negative direction");
a(t.move(-42, -2), '\x1b[42D\x1b[2A', "Move: two negatives");
a(t.move.up(34), '\x1b[34A', "Up: Positive");
a(t.move(2, 35), '\x1b[2C\x1b[35B', "Move: two positives");
a(t.moveTo(), '\x1b[1;1H', "MoveTo: No arguments");
a(t.moveTo({}, {}), '\x1b[1;1H', "MoveTo: Bad arguments");
a(t.moveTo({}, 12), '\x1b[13;1H', "MoveTo: One direction");
a(t.moveTo(2, -12), '\x1b[1;3H', "MoveTo: One negative direction");
a(t.moveTo(-42, -2), '\x1b[1;1H', "MoveTo: two negatives");
a(t.moveTo(2, 35), '\x1b[36;3H', "MoveTo: two positives");
a(t.erase.screen, '\x1b[2J', "Erase");
a(t.bol(), '\x1b[0E', "Bol: No argument");
a(t.bol({}), '\x1b[0E', "Bol: Not a number");
a(t.bol(-34), '\x1b[34F', "Bol: Negative");
a(t.bol(34), '\x1b[34E', "Bol: Positive");
a(t.bol({}, true), '\x1b[0E\x1bK', "Bol: Erase: Not a number");
a(t.bol(-2, true), '\x1b[0E\x1bK\x1b[1F\x1b[K\x1b[1F\x1b[K',
"Bol: Erase: Negative");
a(t.bol(2, true), '\x1b[1E\x1b[K\x1b[1E\x1b[K',
"Bol: Erase: Positive");
a(t.beep, '\x07', "Beep");

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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