CodeCharta visualization

CodeCharta by MaibornWolff
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Change working directory cd <projectpath>/codecharta/visualization/
Install application for desktop usage with npm
- install with
npm install codecharta-visualization -g
- run with
Install application for desktop usage
- Download or build latest version for your system.
- Doubleclick the system specific Runnable. You may be required to give it executable rights.
Install project for development
- Install node >= 8
- Install dependencies
npm install
Once you have installed the project, you can use all tasks described in the next section.
npm run build
builds the project in dist/app. This artifact is ready to be served as a web application.
npm run test
runs all unit tests on the source files in app/ and generates a coverage report in dist/coverage/.
npm run e2e
runs all e2e tests on the built app in headless mode. You have to stop your running dev-webserver and execute npm run build:web
To follow/watch the steps the e2e test is performing, deactivate headless mode in jest-puppeteer.config.js (and maybe set the slowMo parameter).
adding ":auto" to run target will run the tests in watch mode
npm run dev
starts a simple web server and serves the project on localhost:3000.
npm run start
starts the nwjs app
npm run package
packages the nwjs app
Generate code
npm run plop
runs the code generation via plop.
You can generate the following modules:
- "state service" - an empty service with corresponding test file
- "ui module" - an ui module with an empty component, all necessary files and tests
- "util static class" - an empty static class with corresponding test file
- "redux property" - a store property including actions, reducer, service and test files
- "redux subreducer" - creates a subreducer like dynamicSettings
JSON structure
Example Data
JSON Schema