Coffeescript React JSX Transformer
This tool is no longer maintained. If you need to transition your codebase from
it, a codemod is available to do so: cjsx-codemod
This project started as a way for me to explore how JSX could fit into
Coffeescript syntax, as a quickly hacked together prototype. While I never
really promoted it, it quickly took on a life of its own, and before long people
were asking for it to support all kinds of different use cases. On top of that I
had no experience writing parsers, so the result is something with
insurmountable limitations.
As I eventually stopped using Coffeescript I ended up neglecting this project,
but as people were using it I didn't want to kill it. I really should have,
however, because it meant that people were using a crappy, ill-conceived,
unmaintained tool. Now, long overdue, I'm putting it out to pasture.
Original readme follows:
Provides support for an equivalent of JSX syntax in Coffeescript (called CJSX) so you can write your React components with the full awesomeness of Coffeescript. Try it out.
Car = React.createClass
render: ->
<Vehicle doors={4} locked={isLocked()} data-colour="red" on>
<Parts.FrontSeat />
<Parts.BackSeat />
<p className="seat">Which seat can I take? {@props?.seat or 'none'}</p>
{# also, this is an inline comment}
Car = React.createClass
render: ->
React.createElement(Vehicle, {"doors": (4), "locked": (isLocked()), "data-colour": "red", "on": true},
React.createElement(Parts.FrontSeat, null),
React.createElement(Parts.BackSeat, null),
React.createElement("p", {"className": "seat"}, "Which seat can I take? ", (@props?.seat or 'none'))
Getting Started
simply handles preprocessing Coffeescript with JSX-style markup into valid Coffeescript. Instead of using it directly, you may want to make use of one of these more high-level tools:
cjsx-transform [input file]
Outputs Coffeescript code to stdout. Redirect it to a file or straight to the Coffeescript compiler, eg.
cjsx-transform examples/ | coffee -cs > car.js
transform = require 'coffee-react-transform'
transformed = transform('...some CJSX code...')
From npm:
npm install -g coffee-react-transform
Version compatibility
- 4.x - React >=0.14.x
- 3.x - React >=0.13.x <=0.14.x
- 2.1.x - React 0.12.1
- 2.x - React 0.12
- 1.x - React 0.11.2
- 0.x - React 0.11 and below
Spread attributes
JSX/CJSX 'spread attributes' allow merging in an object of props when creating an element, eg:
extraProps = color: 'red', speed: 'fast'
<div color="blue" {...extraProps} />
which is transformed to:
extraProps = color: 'red', speed: 'fast'
React.createElement("div", Object.assign({"color": "blue"}, extraProps)
If you use this syntax in your code, be sure to include a shim for Object.assign
for browsers/environments which don't yet support it. object.assign, core-js and
es6-shim are some possible choices.
UMD bundle for the browser
If you want to use coffee-react-transform in the browser or under ExecJS or some other environment that doesn't support CommonJS modules, you can use this build provided by BrowserifyCDN, which will work as an AMD module or just a plain old script tag:
<script src=""></script>
coffeeReactTransform('-> <a />');
npm test
or cake test
or cake watch:test