14874 color-names

A handpicked list of 14874 unique color names from various sources and thousands of user submissions. Try it yourself or read the full list.
The names of color function like a thread attached to a frightfully slender needle, capable of stitching together our most delicate emotions and memories. When the needle hits the target, we feel either pleasure or emathy. Kenya Hara – White
About 📋
The aim of this project is to create as large a list as possible of color names. We've merged various lists, modified the names when there were duplicates with different hex values, and shifted the colors a bit when there were identical colors with different names.
Make sure to read the naming rules before you contribute.
color count: 14874 🎉
When coming up with new color names, it is vital to know what spots in a certain color-space are crowded and where there is still room for new colors. For example; Our API returns the closest RGB
color to a given HEX
value. To avoid that to many colors snap to the same name, we aim to distribute the colors evenly in the color space: Visualization PS: you can choose between different color spaces on the bottom right.
Sources 🗒
Usage 📖
Installation Node.js 📦
npm install color-name-list --save
or yarn add color-name-list
API (v1) 🃏
https://color-names.herokuapp.com/v1/{{hexvalue without the #}},{{more comma separated values}}
Single Color
"status": "names for '212121' returned",
"colors": {
"#212121": {
"name": "Lead",
"hex": "#212121",
"rgb": {
"r": 33,
"g": 33,
"b": 33
"isExactMatch": true
Multiple Colors
All Named Colors
In this case colors is not an object
but an array
of objects
sorted by color-name
Usage JS ⌨
Exact Color
import namedColors from 'color-name-list';
let someColor = namedColors.find(color => color.hex === '#ffffff');
let someNamedColor = namedColors.find(color => color.name === 'Eigengrau')
Closest Named Color
Since there are 16581375 possible RGB colors, you might use a library to help you
find the the closest named color.
import namedColors from 'color-name-list';
import nearestColor from 'nearest-color';
let colors = {};
namedColors.forEach(color => {
colors[color.name] = color.hex
nearestColorName = nearestColor.from(colors);
Note: In this example we are using nearest-color.
it is not the most accurate method, but by far the quickest since it looks for
the nearest RGB neighbor. If you are looking for something visually more accurate, you
might use a library returning the color with the closest DeltaE
based on the Lab color-space.
Building 🔨
npm install && npm run build
See package.json for more.
Contributors 🦑
Disclaimer 👮🏾
In the process we try to remove all names that are offensive or racist, as well as protect brandnames.
As some of the color names come from other lists, it might happen that some bad ones slip in. Please report them, they will be removed as quickly as possible.