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Copy Kitten
Tiny immutable JSON data structures (< 1kb gzip)
This is a minimal library, designed specifically for
JSON-compatible values: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, null, Objects, and Arrays.
For a wider selection of immutable data structures with less naive
implementations, see Immutable.js.
Copy Kitten manipulates JSON data and returns an updated copy; the original data is
preserved. A reference to a Copy Kitten result will always return the same
value. Use this to write easy-to-understand code and optimise
top-down rendering (e.g. Redux).
Data conversion
var immutable = copykitten.toImmutable({example: 'value'})
Converts value
to an immutable value. Basic types (string, number,
boolean, null) are untouched, objects and arrays are converted to
FrozenObject and FrozenArray types respectively.
var data = copykitten.toImmutable({
name: 'Kitten'
Returns true for string, number, boolean, null, undefined,
FrozenObject and FrozenArray. Otherwise returns false.
copykitten.isImmutable({name: 'Kitten'})
var data = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
Represents a JSON-style object (e.g. {hello: 'world'}) which has been
frozen and made immutable.
This constructor should not be called directly.
set(key, value)
Returns a new copy of the FrozenObject with the property key
set to
. The value is first converted to an immutable (including deep
references) before being set on the newly returned FrozenObject.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
var b = data.set('status', 'sleepy');
Returns a new copy of the FrozenObject with the property key
var a = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten', toy: 'ball'});
var b = a.remove('toy');
Returns a new copy of the FrozenObject including the properties and
values from the props
object. Any values defined on props
will be
converted to immutables first (including deep references).
var a = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
var b = a.merge({status: 'hungry'});
Like merge(props) but will recursively merge
nested objects.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable({animal: {name: 'Kitten'}});
var b = a.deepMerge({animal: {status: 'hungry'}});
Calls the function f
with a mutable copy of the current
FrozenObject, then returns an immutable version including any
modifications made by f
var a = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
var b = a.update(function (obj) {
obj.type = 'animal';
Only the current object is mutable, any nested properties will remain
immutable while f
is being called.
Returns a mutable JSON data type for the current object. Any nested
properties will remain immutable.
var obj = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
Converts the current object and all nested properties to their mutable
JSON data type representations.
var obj = copykitten.toImmutable({name: 'Kitten'});
FrozenArray extends FrozenObject. In addition to the FrozenObject
methods, it provides immutable implementations of most Array methods.
Some descriptions borrowed from the
[MDN Array documentation][mdn-arra].
This constructor should not be called directly.
push(element1, ..., elementN)
Returns a new FrozenArray with value
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball']);
var b = a.push('mouse');
Returns a new FrozenArray with the last item removed.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var b = a.pop();
Note: does not return the popped element, just the updated array.
unshift([element1[, ...[, elementN]]])
Returns a new FrozenArray with value
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball']);
var b = a.unshift('mouse');
Returns a new FrozenArray with the first item removed.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var b = a.shift();
Note: does not return the shifted element, just the updated array.
Returns a new, sorted FrozenArray.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var b = a.sort();
splice(start, deleteCount[, item1[, item2[, ...]]])
Works as the Array.splice method. Returns a new FrozenArray updated by
adding and/or removing elements from the original.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball']);
var b = a.splice(1, 1, 'mouse');
slice([begin[, end]])
Returns a new FrozenArray including a portion of the original.
var a = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var b = a.slice(1)
every(callback[, thisArg])
Tests whether all elements in the FrozenArray pass the test
implemented by the provided function. Returns boolean.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var small = toys.every(function (toy) {
return toy.length < 10;
filter(callback[, thisArg])
Creates a new FrozenArray with all elements that pass the test implemented
by the provided function.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var tiny = toys.filter(function (toy) {
return toy.length < 4;
forEach(callback[, thisArg])
Executes a provided function once per FrozenArray element.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
toys.forEach(function (toy) {
indexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex = 0])
Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the
FrozenArray, or -1 if it is not present.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
join([separator = ','])
Joins all elements of a FrozenArray into a string.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
toys.join(' and ');
lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex = arr.length - 1])
Returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the
FrozenArray, or -1 if it is not present. The FrozenArray is searched
backwards, starting at fromIndex.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse', 'ball']);
map(callback[, thisArg])
Creates a new FrozenArray with the results of calling a provided
function on every element in this FrozenArray.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var caps = (toy) {
return toy.toUpperCase();
reduce(callback[, initialValue])
Applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the
FrozenArray (from left-to-right) to reduce it to a single value.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var size = toys.reduce(function (count, toy) {
return count + toy.length;
}, 0);
reduceRight(callback[, initialValue])
Applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the
FrozenArray (from right-to-left) has to reduce it to a single value.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var smallest = toys.reduceRight(function (min, toy) {
if (toy.length < min.length) {
return toy;
return min;
some(callback[, thisArg])
Tests whether some element in the FrozenArray passes the test
implemented by the provided function.
var toys = copykitten.toImmutable(['yarn', 'ball', 'mouse']);
var got_ball = toys.some(function (toy) {
return toy === 'ball';