
Node-cqrs-eventdenormalizer is a node.js module that implements the cqrs pattern.
It can be very useful as eventdenormalizer component if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, domain, host, etc.
Table of Contents
npm install cqrs-eventdenormalizer
var denormalizer = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer')({
// the path to the "working directory"
// can be structured like
// [set 1]( or
// [set 2](
denormalizerPath: '/path/to/my/files',
// optional, default is 'commandRejected'
// will be used to catch AggregateDestroyedError from cqrs-domain
commandRejectedEventName: 'rejectedCommand',
// optional, default is 800
// if using in scaled systems, this module tries to catch the concurrency issues and
// retries to handle the event after a timeout between 0 and the defined value
retryOnConcurrencyTimeout: 1000,
// optional, default is in-memory
// currently supports: mongodb, redis, tingodb, couchdb, azuretable, dynamodb and inmemory
// hint: [viewmodel](
// hint settings like: [eventstore](
repository: {
type: 'mongodb',
host: 'localhost', // optional
port: 27017, // optional
dbName: 'readmodel', // optional
timeout: 10000 // optional
// authSource: 'authedicationDatabase', // optional
// username: 'technicalDbUser', // optional
// password: 'secret' // optional
// url: 'mongodb://user:pass@host:port/db?opts // optional
// optional, default is in-memory
// currently supports: mongodb, redis, tingodb, dynamodb and inmemory
// hint settings like: [eventstore](
revisionGuard: {
queueTimeout: 1000, // optional, timeout for non-handled events in the internal in-memory queue
queueTimeoutMaxLoops: 3, // optional, maximal loop count for non-handled event in the internal in-memory queue
startRevisionNumber: 1, // optional, if defined the denormaizer waits for an event with that revision to be used as first event
type: 'redis',
host: 'localhost', // optional
port: 6379, // optional
db: 0, // optional
prefix: 'readmodel_revision', // optional
timeout: 10000 // optional
// password: 'secret' // optional
skipExtendEvent: false, // optional
skipOnEventMissing: false, // optional
skipOnEvent: false, // optional
skipOnNotification: false, // optional
Catch connect ad disconnect events
// repository
denormalizer.repository.on('connect', function() {
console.log('repository connected');
denormalizer.repository.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('repository disconnected');
// revisionGuardStore
denormalizer.revisionGuardStore.on('connect', function() {
console.log('revisionGuardStore connected');
denormalizer.revisionGuardStore.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('revisionGuardStore disconnected');
// anything (repository or revisionGuardStore)
denormalizer.on('connect', function() {
console.log('something connected');
denormalizer.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('something disconnected');
Define the event structure
The values describes the path to that property in the event message.
// optional, default is 'correlationId'
// will use the command id as correlationId, so you can match it in the sender
// will be used to copy the correlationId to the notification
correlationId: 'correlationId',
// optional, default is 'id'
id: 'id',
// optional, default is 'name'
name: 'name',
// optional, default is ''
aggregateId: '',
// optional
context: '',
// optional
aggregate: '',
// optional, default is 'payload'
payload: 'payload',
// optional, default is 'revision'
// will represent the aggregate revision, can be used in next command
revision: 'revision',
// optional
version: 'version',
// optional, if defined the values of the command will be copied to the event (can be used to transport information like userId, etc..)
meta: 'meta'
Define the notification structure
The values describes the path to that property in the notification message.
// optional, default is 'correlationId'
// will use the command id as correlationId, so you can match it in the sender
// will be used to copy the correlationId from the event
correlationId: 'correlationId',
// optional, default is 'id'
id: 'id',
// optional, default is 'name'
action: 'name',
// optional, default is 'collection'
collection: 'collection',
// optional, default is 'payload'
payload: 'payload',
// optional, will be copied from event
aggregateId: '',
// optional, will be copied from event
context: '',
// optional, will be copied from event
aggregate: '',
// optional, will be copied from event
// will represent the aggregate revision, can be used in next command
revision: 'meta.aggregate.revision',
// optional, will be copied from event
eventId: '',
// optional, will be copied from event
event: '',
// optional, if defined the values of the event will be copied to the notification (can be used to transport information like userId, etc..)
meta: 'meta'
Define the id generator function [optional]
you can define a synchronous function
denormalizer.idGenerator(function () {
var id = require('uuid').v4().toString();
return id;
or you can define an asynchronous function
denormalizer.idGenerator(function (callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
var id = require('uuid').v4().toString();
callback(null, id);
}, 50);
Wire up events [optional]
you can define a synchronous function
// pass events to bus
denormalizer.onEvent(function (evt) {
bus.emit('event', evt);
or you can define an asynchronous function
// pass events to bus
denormalizer.onEvent(function (evt, callback) {
bus.emit('event', evt, function ack () {
skip onEvent if provided
You can skip onEvent from being called, by adding the `skipOnEvent` option to the denormalizer. Checkout the usage section for more information.
Wire up notifications [optional]
you can define a synchronous function
// pass notifications to bus
denormalizer.onNotification(function (noti) {
bus.emit('event', evt);
or you can define an asynchronous function
// pass notifications to bus
denormalizer.onNotification(function (noti, callback) {
bus.emit('notification', noti, function ack () {
skip onNotification if provided
You can skip onNotification from being called, by addding the `skipOnNotification` option to the denormalizer. Checkout the usage section for more information.
Wire up event missing [optional]
you can define a synchronous function
denormalizer.onEventMissing(function (info, evt) {
skip onEventMissing if provided
You can skip onEventMissing from being called, by adding the `skipOnEventMissing` option to the denormalizer. Checkout the usage section more information.
Define default event extension [optional]
you can define a synchronous function
denormalizer.defaultEventExtension(function (evt) {
evt.receiver = [evt.meta.userId];
return evt;
or you can define an asynchronous function
denormalizer.defaultEventExtension(function (evt, callback) {
evt.receiver = [evt.meta.userId];
callback(null, evt);
skip default event extensions
You can skip all event extenders and the default extensions from being executed by adding the option `skipExtendEvent` to the denormalizer. Checkout the usage section for more information.
Using custom structure loader function
The built-in structure loader can be replaced with one adapted to your needs.
To do that, you need to include a loading method in the options object passed to the domain constructor.
// options will contain denormalizerPath as well as the as well as a definition object containing all the constructors of the denormalizer components ( Collection, ViewBuilder etc. )
function structureLoader(options) {
const collection = new options.definitions.Collection({
name: 'col'
collection.addViewBuilder(new options.definitions.ViewBuilder({
name: 'evt',
aggregate: 'agg',
context: 'ctx'
}, function() {}));
return {
collections: [
// or more probably
return myExternalLoader(options.denormalizerPath, options.definitions);
denormalizerPath: '/path/to/my/files',
structureLoader: structureLoader
denormalizer.init(function (err, warnings) {
// this callback is called when all is ready...
// warnings: if no warnings warnings is null, else it's an array containing errors during require of files
// or
denormalizer.init(); // callback is optional
Handling an event
id: 'b80ade36-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e286f',
correlationId: 'c80ada33-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e151d',
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
aggregate: {
id: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70',
name: 'person'
context: {
name: 'hr'
payload: {
firstname: 'Jack',
lastname: 'Huston'
revision: 1,
version: 0,
meta: {
userId: 'ccd65819-4da4-4df9-9f24-5b10bf89ef89'
}); // callback is optional
id: 'b80ade36-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e286f',
correlationId: 'c80ada33-dd05-4340-8a8b-846eea6e151d',
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
aggregate: {
id: '3b4d44b0-34fb-4ceb-b212-68fe7a7c2f70',
name: 'person'
context: {
name: 'hr'
payload: {
firstname: 'Jack',
lastname: 'Huston'
revision: 1,
version: 0,
meta: {
userId: 'ccd65819-4da4-4df9-9f24-5b10bf89ef89'
}, function (errs, evt, notifications) {
// this callback is called when event is handled successfully or unsuccessfully
// errs can be of type:
// - null
// - Array of Errors
// evt: same as passed in 'onEvent' function
// notifications: Array of viewmodel changes
Request denormalizer information
After the initialization you can request the denormalizer information:
denorm.init(function (err) {
// ==>
// {
// "collections": [
// {
// "name": "person",
// "viewBuilders": [
// {
// "name": "enteredNewPerson",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2,
// "priority": 223
// },
// {
// "name": "registeredEMailAddress",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2,
// "priority": 312
// }
// ],
// "eventExtenders": [
// {
// "name": "enteredNewPerson",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2
// }
// ],
// "preEventExtenders": [
// {
// "name": "enteredNewPerson",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// "name": "personDetail",
// "viewBuilders": [
// {
// "name": "enteredNewPerson",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2,
// "priority": 110
// },
// {
// "name": "registeredEMailAddress",
// "aggregate": "person",
// "context": "hr",
// "version": 2,
// "priority": Infinity
// }
// ],
// "eventExtenders": [],
// "preEventExtenders": []
// }
// ],
// "generalEventExtenders": [
// {
// "name": "",
// "aggregate": null,
// "context": null,
// "version": -1
// }
// ],
// "generalPreEventExtenders": []
// }
Components definition
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineCollection({
// optional, default is folder name
name: 'personDetail',
// optional, default ''
defaultPayload: 'payload',
// optional, default false
noReplay: false,
// indexes: [ // for mongodb
// 'profileId',
// // or:
// { profileId: 1 },
// // or:
// { index: { profileId: 1 }, options: {} },
// ],
// repositorySettings: { // optional
// mongodb: { // for mongo db
// indexes: [ // same as above
// 'profileId',
// // or:
// { profileId: 1 },
// // or:
// { index: { profileId: 1 }, options: {} },
// ],
// },
// elasticsearch6: { // for elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x ( elasticsearch6 type / implementation / driver )
// refresh: 'wait_for', // refresh behaviour on index, default is true ( ie. force index refresh )
// waitForActiveShards: 2, // optional, defaults to 1 ( ie. wait only for primary )
// index: { // optional applied on index create,
// settings: { // will be merged with the default ones,
// number_of_shards: 3, // optional, otherwise taken from type settings, defaults to 1,
// number_of_replicas: 1, // optional otherwise taken from type settings, defaults to 0,
// },
// mappings: { // optiona will be merged with the default ones,
// properties: { // specific properties to not be handled by dynamic mapper
// title: {
// type: 'text',
// },
// },
// },
// },
// },
// },
// optionally, define some initialization data for new view models...
emails: [''],
phoneNumbers: [],
If you need an information from an other collection while denormalizing an event, you can require such a collection and make some lookups.
for example
col.findViewModels({ my: 'value' }, function (err, vms) {});
col.loadViewModel('id', function (err, vm) {});
col.loadViewModelIfExists('id', function (err, vm) {});
But be careful with this!
Each viewBuilder is dedicated to a specific event. It reacts on an event and denormalizes that event in an appropriate collection.
Viewbuilders are structured by collection (not by context).
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineViewBuilder({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
version: 2,
// optional, if not defined or not found it will generate a new viewmodel with new id
id: '',
// optional, suppresses auto-creation of new view model if none matching the id can be found, default is true
autoCreate: true,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
payload: 'payload',
// optional, default Infinity, all view-builders will be sorted by this value
priority: 1
}, function (data, vm) { // instead of function you can define
// a string with default handling ('create', 'update', 'delete')
// or function that expects a callback (i.e. function (data, vm, callback) {})
// if you have multiple concurrent events that targets the same vm, you can catch it like this:
// during a replay the denormalization finishes and the retry does not happen
if (vm.actionOnCommit === 'create') {
return this.retry(); // hint: do not use arrow function in this scope when using this.retry()
// or
//return this.retry(100); // retries to denormalize again in 0-100ms
// or
//return this.retry({ from: 500, to: 8000 }); // retries to denormalize again in 500-8000ms
vm.set('firstname', data.firstname);
vm.set('lastname', data.lastname);
ViewBuilder for multiple viewmodels in a collection
Be careful with the query!
A lot of viewmodels can slow down the denormalization process!
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineViewBuilder({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
version: 2,
// optional, if not defined or not found it will generate a new viewmodel with new id
query: { group: 'admins' },
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
payload: 'payload',
// optional, default Infinity, all view-builders will be sorted by this value
priority: 1
}, function (data, vm) { // instead of function you can define
// a string with default handling ('create', 'update', 'delete')
// or function that expects a callback (i.e. function (data, vm, callback) {})handling ('create', 'update', 'delete')
vm.set('firstname', data.firstname);
vm.set('lastname', data.lastname);
//this.remindMe({ that: 'important value' });
// optional define a function to that returns an id that will be used as viewmodel id when id not specified in options or found
//.useAsId(function (evt) {
// return 'newId';
// or
//.useAsId(function (evt, callback) {
// callback(null, 'newId');
// optional define a function that returns a query that will be used as query to find the viewmodels (but do not define the query in the options)
//.useAsQuery(function (evt) {
// return { my: };
// or async
//.useAsQuery(function (evt, callback) {
// callback(null, { my: });
// optional define a function that returns a list of items, for each the viewbuilder will run.
//.executeForEach(function (evt) {
// return [{ init: 'value1' }, { init: 'value2' }];
// or async
//.executeForEach(function (evt, callback) {
// callback(null, [{ init: 'value1' }, { init: 'value2' }]);
// optional define a function that checks if an event should be handled ( before vm is loaded )
//.defineShouldHandleEvent(function (evt) {
// return true;
// or
//.defineShouldHandleEvent(function (evt, callback) {
// callback(null, true');
// optional define a function that checks if an event should be handled ( after vm is loaded )
//.defineShouldHandle(function (evt, vm) {
// return true;
// or
//.defineShouldHandle(function (evt, vm, callback) {
// callback(null, true');
// optional define a function that checks if an event should be handled
//.onAfterCommit(function (evt, vm) {
// //var memories = this.getReminder();
// //console.log(memories.that); // 'important value'
// //doSomethingStrange()
// or
//.onAfterCommit(function (evt, vm, callback) {
// var memories = this.getReminder();
// //console.log(memories.that); // 'important value'
// // doSomethingStrange(callback)
// callback(memories.that === 'important value' ? null : new Error('important value not set'));
for a collection (in a collection folder)
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineEventExtender({
// module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').definePreEventExtender({ // same api as normal EventExtenders but executed before viewBuilder so the extended event can be used
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
// if set to -1, it will ignore the version
version: 2//,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
// payload: 'payload'
}, function (evt, col, callback) {
// col.loadViewModel()... or from somewhere else... (col.findViewModels( /* see */ ))
evt.extended = true;
callback(null, evt);
// or
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineEventExtender({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
// if set to -1, it will ignore the version
version: 2,
// if defined it will load the viewmodel
id: ''//,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
// payload: 'payload'
function (evt, vm) {
evt.extended = vm.get('myValue');
return evt;
// or
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineEventExtender({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
// if set to -1, it will ignore the version
version: 2,
// if defined it will load the viewmodel
id: ''//,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
// payload: 'payload'
function (evt, vm, callback) {
evt.extended = vm.get('myValue');
callback(null, evt);
// optional define a function to that returns an id that will be used as viewmodel id when id not specified in options or found
//.useAsId(function (evt) {
// return 'newId';
// or
//.useAsId(function (evt, callback) {
// callback(null, 'newId');
not for a collection
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineEventExtender({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
// if set to -1, it will ignore the version
version: 2//,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
// payload: 'payload'
}, function (evt) {
evt.extended = true;
return evt;
// or
module.exports = require('cqrs-eventdenormalizer').defineEventExtender({
// optional, default is file name without extension,
// if name is '' it will handle all events that matches
name: 'enteredNewPerson',
// optional
aggregate: 'person',
// optional
context: 'hr',
// optional, default is 0
// if set to -1, it will ignore the version
version: 2//,
// optional, if not defined it will pass the whole event...
// payload: 'payload'
}, function (evt, callback) {
evt.extended = true;
callback(null, evt);
Replay events
Replay whenever you want...
denormalizer.replay([/* ordered array of events */], function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
or when catching some events:
denormalizer.onEventMissing(function (info, evt) {
// grab the missing events, depending from info values...
// info.aggregateId
// info.aggregateRevision
// info.aggregate
// info.context
// info.guardRevision
// and call handle...
denormalizer.handle(missingEvent, function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
you can skip onEventMissing from being called, if provided, by adding the option `skipOnEventMissing` to the denormalizer. Checkout the usage section for more information.
or depending on the last guarded event:
denormalizer.getLastEvent(function (err, evt) {
if (event.occurredAt < {
// ...
denormalizer.replayStreamed(function (replay, done) {
done(function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
if you want to clear the readModel before replaying...
denormalizer.clear(function (err) {
ES6 default exports
Importing ES6 style default exports is supported for all definitions where you also use module.exports
module.exports = defineCollection({...});
works as well as
exports.default = defineCollection({...});
as well as (must be transpiled by babel or tsc to be runnable in node)
export default defineCollection({...});
exports.default = defineViewBuilder({...});
exports.default = defineEventExtender({...});
// etc...
Exports other than the default export are then ignored by this package's structure loader.
Release notes
Copyright (c) 2019 Adriano Raiano
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.