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css-tree - npm Package Versions



published 3.1.0 •



3.1.0 (December 6, 2024)

  • Added support for boolean expression multiplier in syntax definition, i.e. <boolean-expr[ test ]> (#304)
  • Added source, startOffset, startLine, and startColumn parameters to OffsetToLocation constructor, eliminating the need to call setSource() after creating a new OffsetToLocation instance
  • Exposed OffsetToLocation class in the main entry point, which was previously accessible only via css-tree/tokenizer
  • Fixed Raw node value consumption by ignoring stop tokens inside blocks, resolving an issue where Raw value consumption stopped prematurely. This fix also enables parsing of functions whose content includes stop characters (e.g., semicolons and curly braces) within declaration values, aligning with the latest draft of CSS Values and Units Module Level 5.
  • Fixed TokenStream#balance computation to handle unmatched brackets correctly. Previously, when encountering a closing bracket, the TokenStream would prioritize it over unmatched opening brackets, leading to improper parsing. For example, the parser would incorrectly consume the declaration value of .a { prop: ([{); } as ([{) instead of consuming it until all opened brackets were closed (([{); }). Now, unmatched closing brackets are discarded unless they match the most recent opening bracket on the stack. This change aligns CSSTree with CSS specifications and browser behavior.
  • Fixed syntax definition parser to allow a token to be followed by a multiplier (#303)
  • Fixed location for Layer node (#310)
  • Bumped mdn/data to 2.12.2
published 3.0.1 •



3.0.1 (November 1, 2024)

  • Bumped mdn/data to 2.12.1
  • Added errors array to the Lexer#validate() method result, providing details on problematic syntax.
  • Added CSS wide keyword customization and introspection:
    • Added a Lexer#cssWideKeywords dictionary to list CSS-wide keywords
    • Updated the Lexer's constructor to consider config.cssWideKeywords for overriding the default list
    • Expanded the lexer's dump output to include the cssWideKeywords dictionary
    • Modified the fork() method to accept a cssWideKeywords option, allowing the addition of new keywords to the existing list
  • Reverted changes to Block to include { and }, and Atrule and Rule to exclude { and } for a block (#296)
  • Removed second parameter (assign) for the callback in the fork() method (e.g., syntax.fork((config, assign) => { ... })), as it simply refers to Object.assign()
  • Fixes in syntaxes: <basic-shapes>, <absolute-color-function> and <'stroke-opacity'>
published 3.0.0 •



3.0.0 (September 11, 2024)

  • Added support for the @container at-rule
  • Added support for the @starting-style at-rule
  • Added support for the @scope at-rule
  • Added support for the @position-try at-rule
  • Added support for the @layer at-rule
  • Added support for layer, layer() and supports() in the @media at-rule (according to the @import rule in Cascading and Inheritance 5)
  • Added Layer and LayerList node types
  • Added TokenStream#lookupTypeNonSC() method
  • Added <dashed-ident> to generic types
  • Bumped mdn/data to 2.10.0
  • Aligned <'font'> to CSS Fonts 4
  • Aligned <color> to CSS Color 5
  • Fixed initialization when Object.prototype is extended or polluted (#262)
  • Fixed fork() method to consider the generic option when creating a Lexer instance (#266)
  • Fixed crash on parse error when custom line or offset is specified via options (#251)
  • Fixed speak syntax patch (#241)
  • Fixed :lang() to accept a list of <ident> or <string> per spec (#265)
  • Fixed lexer matching for syntaxes referred to as <'property'>, when the syntax has a top-level #-multiplier (#102)
  • Relaxed parsing of syntax definition to allow whitespaces in range multiplier (#270)
  • Changed parseWithFallback() to rollback tokenIndex before calling a fallback
  • Changed Block to not include { and }
  • Changed Atrule and Rule to include { and } for a block
  • Changed Ratio parsing:
    • Left and right parts contain nodes instead of strings
    • Both left and right parts of a ratio can now be any number; validation of number range is no longer within the parser's scope.
    • Both parts can now be functions. Although not explicitly mentioned in the specification, mathematical functions can replace numbers, addressing potential use cases (#162).
    • As per the CSS Values and Units Level 4 specification, the right part of Ratio can be omitted. While this can't be a parser output (which would produce a Number node), it's feasible during Ratio node construction or transformation.
  • Changes to query-related at-rules:
    • Added new node types:

      • Feature: represents features like (feature) and (feature: value), fundamental for both @media and @container at-rules
      • FeatureRange: represents features in a range context
      • FeatureFunction: represents functional features such as @supports's selector() or @container's style()
      • Condition: used across all query-like at-rules, encapsulating queries with features and the not, and, and or operators
      • GeneralEnclosure: represents the <general-enclosed> production, which caters to unparsed parentheses or functional expressions

      Note: All new nodes include a kind property to define the at-rule type. Supported kinds are media, supports, and container.

    • Added support for functions for features and features in a range context, e.g. (width: calc(100cm / 6))

    • Added a condition value for the parser's context option to parse queries. Use the kind option to specify the condition type, e.g., parse('...', { context: 'condition', kind: 'media' }).

    • Introduced a features section in the syntax configuration for defining functional features of at-rules. Expand definitions using the fork() method. The current definition is as follows:

      features: {
          supports: { selector() { /* ... */ } },
          container: { style() { /* ... */ } }
    • Changes for @media at-rule:

      • Enhanced prelude parsing for complex queries. Parentheses with errors will be parsed as GeneralEnclosed.
      • Added support for features in a range context, e.g. (width > 100px) or (100px < height < 400px)
      • Transitioned from MediaFeature node type to the Feature node type with kind: "media".
      • Changed MediaQuery node structure into the following form:
        type MediaQuery = {
            type: "MediaQuery";
            modifier: string | null; // e.g. "not", "only", etc.
            mediaType: string | null; // e.g. "all", "screen", etc.
            condition: Condition | null;
    • Changes for @supports at-rule:

      • Enhanced prelude parsing for complex queries. Parentheses with errors will be parsed as GeneralEnclosed.
      • Added support for features in a range context, e.g. (width > 100px) or (100px < height < 400px)
      • Added SupportsDeclaration node type to encapsulate a declaration in a query, replacing Parentheses.
      • Parsing now employs Condition or SupportsDeclaration nodes of kind supports instead of Parentheses.
      • Added support for the selector() feature via the FeatureFunction node (configured in features.supports.selector).
published 2.3.1 •



2.3.1 (December 14, 2022)

  • Added :host, :host() and :host-context() pseudo class support (#216)
  • Fixed generator, parse and parse-selector entry points by adding missed NestedSelector node type
  • Removed npm > 7 version requirement (#218)
published 2.3.0 •



2.3.0 (November 30, 2022)

  • Added CSS Nesting support:
    • Added NestingSelector node type for & (a nesting selector) in selectors
    • Added @nest at-rule
    • Changed behaviour for @media inside a Rule to parse its block content as a Declaration first
    • Changed DeclarationList behaviour to follow the rules for Rule's block
  • Added the dimension units introspection & customisation:
    • Added Lexer#units dictionary to provide unit groups (length, angle, etc.) used for matching
    • Changed Lexer's constructor to take into consideration config.units to override default units
    • Extended lexer's dump to contain a units dictionary
  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.30
published 2.2.1 •



2.2.1 (August 14, 2022)

  • Fixed a regression added in 2.2.0 for at-rule syntax matching when at-rule has no prelude
published 2.2.0 •



2.2.0 (August 10, 2022)

  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.28
  • Added support for CSS wide keywords revert and revert-layer
  • Dropped support for expression() the same way as CSS wide keywords
  • Patched background-clip property definition to match Backgrounds and Borders 4 (#190)
  • Patched content property definition to allow attr() (#201)
  • Fixed definition syntax matching when a comma is expected before a <delim-token>
  • Fixed at-rule validation fail when no prelude is specified and its syntax allows an empty prelude, that's the case for @page at-rule (#191)
  • Added new units according to current state of CSS Values and Units 4: rex, cap, rcap, rch, ic, ric, lh, rlh, vi, vb, sv*, lv*, dv*
  • Added container relative length units from CSS Containment 3: cqw, cqh, cqi, cqb, cqmin, cqmax
  • Removed vm unit (supposed to be an old IE versions supported this unit instead of vmax)
  • Value definition syntax:
    • Added support for stacked multipliers +# and #? according to spec (#199)
    • Added parsing of a dimension in range definition notations, however, a validation for such ranges is not supported yet (#192)
    • Changed parsing of range definition notation to not omitting [-∞,∞] ranges
published 2.1.0 •



2.1.0 (February 17, 2022)

  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.27
  • Added module field to package.json
  • Fixed minor issues in CommonJS version
  • Fixed css-tree/utils export (#181)
  • Added css-tree/convertor export
  • Added css-tree/selector-parser export (~27kb when bundled, #183)
  • Reduced bundle size:
    • css-tree/parser 50kb -> 41kb
    • css-tree/generator 46kb -> 23kb
  • Renamed syntaxes into types in css-tree/definition-syntax-data-patch
  • Added parsing support for :is(), :-moz-any(), :-webkit-any() and :where() (#182, #184)
published 2.0.4 •



2.0.4 (December 17, 2021)

  • Extended Node.js support to include ^10
  • Fixed generate() in safe mode to add a whitespace between <dimension-token> and <hash-token>, otherwise some values are broken in IE11, e.g. border properties (#173)
  • Removed allowance for : for an attribute name on AttributeSelector parsing as it does not meet the CSS specs (details)
published 2.0.3 •



2.0.3 (December 14, 2021)

  • Fixed unintended whitespace on generate() in safe mode between type-selector and id-selector (e.g. a#id). A regression was introduces in 2.0.2 since IE11 fails on values when <hash-token> goes after <ident-token> without a whitespace in the middle, e.g. 1px solid#000. Thus, in one case, a space between the <ident-token> and the <hash-token> is required, and in the other, vice versa. Until a better solution found, a workaround is used on id-selector generation by producing a <delim-token> instead of <hash-token>.