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2.3.1 (December 14, 2022)

  • Added :host, :host() and :host-context() pseudo class support (#216)
  • Fixed generator, parse and parse-selector entry points by adding missed NestedSelector node type
  • Removed npm > 7 version requirement (#218)
published 2.3.0 •



2.3.0 (November 30, 2022)

  • Added CSS Nesting support:
    • Added NestingSelector node type for & (a nesting selector) in selectors
    • Added @nest at-rule
    • Changed behaviour for @media inside a Rule to parse its block content as a Declaration first
    • Changed DeclarationList behaviour to follow the rules for Rule's block
  • Added the dimension units introspection & customisation:
    • Added Lexer#units dictionary to provide unit groups (length, angle, etc.) used for matching
    • Changed Lexer's constructor to take into consideration config.units to override default units
    • Extended lexer's dump to contain a units dictionary
  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.30
published 2.2.1 •



2.2.1 (August 14, 2022)

  • Fixed a regression added in 2.2.0 for at-rule syntax matching when at-rule has no prelude
published 2.2.0 •



2.2.0 (August 10, 2022)

  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.28
  • Added support for CSS wide keywords revert and revert-layer
  • Dropped support for expression() the same way as CSS wide keywords
  • Patched background-clip property definition to match Backgrounds and Borders 4 (#190)
  • Patched content property definition to allow attr() (#201)
  • Fixed definition syntax matching when a comma is expected before a <delim-token>
  • Fixed at-rule validation fail when no prelude is specified and its syntax allows an empty prelude, that's the case for @page at-rule (#191)
  • Added new units according to current state of CSS Values and Units 4: rex, cap, rcap, rch, ic, ric, lh, rlh, vi, vb, sv*, lv*, dv*
  • Added container relative length units from CSS Containment 3: cqw, cqh, cqi, cqb, cqmin, cqmax
  • Removed vm unit (supposed to be an old IE versions supported this unit instead of vmax)
  • Value definition syntax:
    • Added support for stacked multipliers +# and #? according to spec (#199)
    • Added parsing of a dimension in range definition notations, however, a validation for such ranges is not supported yet (#192)
    • Changed parsing of range definition notation to not omitting [-∞,∞] ranges
published 2.1.0 •



2.1.0 (February 17, 2022)

  • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.27
  • Added module field to package.json
  • Fixed minor issues in CommonJS version
  • Fixed css-tree/utils export (#181)
  • Added css-tree/convertor export
  • Added css-tree/selector-parser export (~27kb when bundled, #183)
  • Reduced bundle size:
    • css-tree/parser 50kb -> 41kb
    • css-tree/generator 46kb -> 23kb
  • Renamed syntaxes into types in css-tree/definition-syntax-data-patch
  • Added parsing support for :is(), :-moz-any(), :-webkit-any() and :where() (#182, #184)
published 2.0.4 •



2.0.4 (December 17, 2021)

  • Extended Node.js support to include ^10
  • Fixed generate() in safe mode to add a whitespace between <dimension-token> and <hash-token>, otherwise some values are broken in IE11, e.g. border properties (#173)
  • Removed allowance for : for an attribute name on AttributeSelector parsing as it does not meet the CSS specs (details)
published 2.0.3 •



2.0.3 (December 14, 2021)

  • Fixed unintended whitespace on generate() in safe mode between type-selector and id-selector (e.g. a#id). A regression was introduces in 2.0.2 since IE11 fails on values when <hash-token> goes after <ident-token> without a whitespace in the middle, e.g. 1px solid#000. Thus, in one case, a space between the <ident-token> and the <hash-token> is required, and in the other, vice versa. Until a better solution found, a workaround is used on id-selector generation by producing a <delim-token> instead of <hash-token>.
published 2.0.2 •



2.0.2 (December 10, 2021)

  • Updated width, min-width and max-width syntax definitions
  • Patched counter related syntaxes to match specs until updated in mdn-data
  • Replaced source-map with source-map-js which reduce install size by ~700KB
  • Fixed calc() function consumption on definition syntax matching
  • Fixed generate() auto emitting a whitespace edge cases when next token starts with a dash (minus)
  • Fixed generate() safe mode to cover more cases for IE11
  • Fixed CommonJS bundling by adding browser files dist/data.cjs and dist/version.cjs
  • Added exports:
    • css-tree/definition-syntax-data
    • css-tree/definition-syntax-data-patch
published 2.0.1 •



2.0.1 (December 4, 2021)

  • Extended Node.js support to include ^12.20.0 and ^14.13.0 versions
published 2.0.0 •



2.0.0 (December 3, 2021)

  • Package
    • Dropped support for Node.js prior 14.16 (following patch versions changed it to ^10 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0)
    • Converted to ES modules. However, CommonJS is supported as well (dual module)
    • Added exports for standalone parts instead of internal paths usage (use as import * as parser from "css-tree/parser" or require("css-tree/parser")):
      • css-tree/tokenizer
      • css-tree/parser
      • css-tree/walker
      • css-tree/generator
      • css-tree/lexer
      • css-tree/definition-syntax
      • css-tree/utils
    • Changed bundle set to provide dist/csstree.js (an IIFE version with csstree as a global name) and dist/csstree.esm.js (as ES module). Both are minified
    • Bumped mdn-data to 2.0.23
  • Tokenizer
    • Changed tokenize() to take a function as second argument, which will be called for every token. No stream instance is creating when second argument is ommited.
    • Changed TokenStream#getRawLength() to take second parameter as a function (rule) that check a char code to stop a scanning
    • Added TokenStream#forEachToken(fn) method
    • Removed TokenStream#skipWS() method
    • Removed TokenStream#getTokenLength() method
  • Parser
    • Moved SyntaxError (custom parser's error class) from root of public API to parser via parse.SyntaxError
    • Removed parseError field in parser's SyntaxError
    • Changed selector parsing to produce { type: 'Combinator', name: ' ' } node instead of WhiteSpace node
    • Removed producing of WhiteSpace nodes with the single exception for a custom property declaration with a single white space token as a value
    • Parser adds a whitespace to + and - operators, when a whitespace is before and/or after an operator
    • Exposed parser's inner configuration as parse.config
    • Added consumeUntilBalanceEnd(), consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket(), consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon(), consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon() and consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded() methods to parser's inner API to use with Raw instead of Raw.mode
    • Changed Nth to always consume of clause when presented, so it became more general and moves validation to lexer
    • Changed String node type to store decoded string value, i.e. with no quotes and escape sequences
    • Changed Url node type to store decoded url value as a string instead of String or Raw node, i.e. with no quotes, escape sequences and url() wrapper
  • Generator
    • Generator is now determines itself when a white space required between emitting tokens
    • Changed chunk() handler to token() (output a single token) and tokenize() (split a string into tokens and output each of them)
    • Added mode option for generate() to specify a mode of token separation: spec or safe (by default)
    • Added emit(token, type, auto) handler as implementation specific token processor
    • Changed Nth to serialize +n as n
    • Added auto-encoding for a string and url tokens on serialization
  • Lexer
    • Removed Lexer#matchDeclaration() method
  • Utils
    • Added ident, string and url helpers to decode/encode corresponding values, e.g. url.decode('url("image.jpg")') === 'image.jpg'
    • List
      • Changed List to be iterable (iterates data)
      • Changed List#first, List#last and List#isEmpty to getters
      • Changed List#getSize() method to List#size getter
      • Removed List#each() and List#eachRight() methods, List#forEach() and List#forEachRight() should be used instead
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