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@@ -7,263 +7,268 @@ // Original definitions in by: David Muller <>

export = parse;
export type Callback = (err: CsvError | undefined, records: any | undefined, info: Info) => void;
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, options?: parse.Options, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(options?: parse.Options, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare namespace parse {
export interface Parser extends stream.Transform {}
type Callback = (err: Error | undefined, records: any | undefined, info: Info) => void;
export class Parser {
constructor(options: Options);
__push(line: any): any;
__write(chars: any, end: any, callback: any): any;
readonly options: Options
readonly info: Info;
interface Parser extends stream.Transform {}
export interface CastingContext {
readonly column: number | string;
readonly empty_lines: number;
readonly error: CsvError;
readonly header: boolean;
readonly index: number;
readonly quoting: boolean;
readonly lines: number;
readonly records: number;
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
class Parser {
constructor(options: Options);
__push(line: any): any;
__write(chars: any, end: any, callback: any): any;
readonly options: Options
readonly info: Info;
export type CastingFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => any;
interface CastingContext {
readonly column: number | string;
readonly empty_lines: number;
readonly error: CsvError;
readonly header: boolean;
readonly index: number;
readonly quoting: boolean;
readonly lines: number;
readonly records: number;
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
export type CastingDateFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => Date;
type CastingFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => any;
export type ColumnOption = string | undefined | null | false | { name: string };
type CastingDateFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => Date;
Note, could not `extends stream.TransformOptions` because encoding can be
BufferEncoding and undefined as well as null which is not defined in the
extended type.
export interface Options {
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to native types.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast}
auto_parse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
autoParse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to dates. It requires the "auto_parse" option.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast_date}
auto_parse_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
autoParseDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* If true, detect and exclude the byte order mark (BOM) from the CSV input if present.
bom?: boolean;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to native types.
* If a function, receive the value as first argument, a context as second argument and return a new value. More information about the context properties is available below.
cast?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to dates.
* If a function, receive the value as argument and return a new value. It requires the "auto_parse" option. Be careful, it relies on Date.parse.
cast_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
castDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* List of fields as an array,
* a user defined callback accepting the first line and returning the column names or true if autodiscovered in the first CSV line,
* default to null,
* affect the result data set in the sense that records will be objects instead of arrays.
columns?: ColumnOption[] | boolean | ((record: any) => ColumnOption[]);
* Convert values into an array of values when columns are activated and
* when multiple columns of the same name are found.
group_columns_by_name?: boolean;
groupColumnsByName?: boolean;
* Treat all the characters after this one as a comment, default to '' (disabled).
comment?: string;
* Set the field delimiter. One character only, defaults to comma.
delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer;
* Set the source and destination encoding, a value of `null` returns buffer instead of strings.
encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined;
* Set the escape character, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
escape?: string | null | false | Buffer;
* Start handling records from the requested number of records.
from?: number;
* Start handling records from the requested line number.
from_line?: number;
fromLine?: number;
* Don't interpret delimiters as such in the last field according to the number of fields calculated from the number of columns, the option require the presence of the `column` option when `true`.
ignore_last_delimiters?: boolean | number;
* Generate two properties `info` and `record` where `info` is a snapshot of the info object at the time the record was created and `record` is the parsed array or object.
info?: boolean;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter (i.e. left-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
ltrim?: boolean;
* Maximum numer of characters to be contained in the field and line buffers before an exception is raised,
* used to guard against a wrong delimiter or record_delimiter,
* default to 128000 characters.
max_record_size?: number;
maxRecordSize?: number;
* Name of header-record title to name objects by.
objname?: string;
* Alter and filter records by executing a user defined function.
on_record?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
onRecord?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
* Optional character surrounding a field, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
quote?: string | boolean | Buffer | null;
* Generate two properties raw and row where raw is the original CSV row content and row is the parsed array or object.
raw?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count, default to false.
relax_column_count?: boolean;
relaxColumnCount?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains less fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_less?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountLess?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains more fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_more?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountMore?: boolean;
* Preserve quotes inside unquoted field.
relax_quotes?: boolean;
relaxQuotes?: boolean;
* One or multiple characters used to delimit record rows; defaults to auto discovery if not provided.
* Supported auto discovery method are Linux ("\n"), Apple ("\r") and Windows ("\r\n") row delimiters.
record_delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
recordDelimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately preceding the delimiter (i.e. right-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
rtrim?: boolean;
* Dont generate empty values for empty lines.
* Defaults to false
skip_empty_lines?: boolean;
skipEmptyLines?: boolean;
* Skip a line with error found inside and directly go process the next line.
skip_records_with_error?: boolean;
skipRecordsWithError?: boolean;
* Don't generate records for lines containing empty column values (column matching /\s*\/), defaults to false.
skip_records_with_empty_values?: boolean;
skipRecordsWithEmptyValues?: boolean;
* Stop handling records after the requested number of records.
to?: number;
* Stop handling records after the requested line number.
to_line?: number;
toLine?: number;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately around the delimiter, defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
trim?: boolean;
type ColumnOption = string | undefined | null | false | { name: string };
export interface Info {
* Count the number of lines being fully commented.
readonly comment_lines: number;
* Count the number of processed empty lines.
readonly empty_lines: number;
* The number of lines encountered in the source dataset, start at 1 for the first line.
readonly lines: number;
* Count the number of processed records.
readonly records: number;
* Count of the number of processed bytes.
readonly bytes: number;
* Number of non uniform records when `relax_column_count` is true.
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
interface Options {
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to native types.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast}
auto_parse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
autoParse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to dates. It requires the "auto_parse" option.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast_date}
auto_parse_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
autoParseDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* If true, detect and exclude the byte order mark (BOM) from the CSV input if present.
bom?: boolean;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to native types.
* If a function, receive the value as first argument, a context as second argument and return a new value. More information about the context properties is available below.
cast?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to dates.
* If a function, receive the value as argument and return a new value. It requires the "auto_parse" option. Be careful, it relies on Date.parse.
cast_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
castDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* List of fields as an array,
* a user defined callback accepting the first line and returning the column names or true if autodiscovered in the first CSV line,
* default to null,
* affect the result data set in the sense that records will be objects instead of arrays.
columns?: ColumnOption[] | boolean | ((record: any) => ColumnOption[]);
* Convert values into an array of values when columns are activated and
* when multiple columns of the same name are found.
columns_duplicates_to_array?: boolean;
columnsDuplicatesToArray?: boolean;
* Treat all the characters after this one as a comment, default to '' (disabled).
comment?: string;
* Set the field delimiter. One character only, defaults to comma.
delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer;
* Set the source and destination encoding, a value of `null` returns buffer instead of strings.
encoding?: string | null;
* Set the escape character, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
escape?: string | null | false | Buffer;
* Start handling records from the requested number of records.
from?: number;
* Start handling records from the requested line number.
from_line?: number;
fromLine?: number;
* Don't interpret delimiters as such in the last field according to the number of fields calculated from the number of columns, the option require the presence of the `column` option when `true`.
ignore_last_delimiters?: boolean | number;
* Generate two properties `info` and `record` where `info` is a snapshot of the info object at the time the record was created and `record` is the parsed array or object.
info?: boolean;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter (i.e. left-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
ltrim?: boolean;
* Maximum numer of characters to be contained in the field and line buffers before an exception is raised,
* used to guard against a wrong delimiter or record_delimiter,
* default to 128000 characters.
max_record_size?: number;
maxRecordSize?: number;
* Name of header-record title to name objects by.
objname?: string;
* Alter and filter records by executing a user defined function.
on_record?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
onRecord?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
* Optional character surrounding a field, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
quote?: string | boolean | Buffer | null;
* Generate two properties raw and row where raw is the original CSV row content and row is the parsed array or object.
raw?: boolean;
* Preserve quotes inside unquoted field.
relax?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count, default to false.
relax_column_count?: boolean;
relaxColumnCount?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains less fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_less?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountLess?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains more fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_more?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountMore?: boolean;
* One or multiple characters used to delimit record rows; defaults to auto discovery if not provided.
* Supported auto discovery method are Linux ("\n"), Apple ("\r") and Windows ("\r\n") row delimiters.
record_delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
recordDelimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately preceding the delimiter (i.e. right-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
rtrim?: boolean;
* Dont generate empty values for empty lines.
* Defaults to false
skip_empty_lines?: boolean;
skipEmptyLines?: boolean;
* Skip a line with error found inside and directly go process the next line.
skip_lines_with_error?: boolean;
skipLinesWithError?: boolean;
* Don't generate records for lines containing empty column values (column matching /\s*\/), defaults to false.
skip_lines_with_empty_values?: boolean;
skipLinesWithEmptyValues?: boolean;
* Stop handling records after the requested number of records.
to?: number;
* Stop handling records after the requested line number.
to_line?: number;
toLine?: number;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately around the delimiter, defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
trim?: boolean;
export type CsvErrorCode =
interface Info {
* Count the number of lines being fully commented.
readonly comment_lines: number;
* Count the number of processed empty lines.
readonly empty_lines: number;
* The number of lines encountered in the source dataset, start at 1 for the first line.
readonly lines: number;
* Count the number of processed records.
readonly records: number;
* Count of the number of processed bytes.
readonly bytes: number;
* Number of non uniform records when `relax_column_count` is true.
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
class CsvError extends Error {
readonly code: CsvErrorCode;
[key: string]: any;
constructor(code: CsvErrorCode, message: string | string[], options?: Options, ...contexts: any[]);
type CsvErrorCode =
export class CsvError extends Error {
readonly code: CsvErrorCode;
[key: string]: any;
constructor(code: CsvErrorCode, message: string | string[], options?: Options, ...contexts: any[]);
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, options?: Options, callback?: Callback): Parser;
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, callback?: Callback): Parser;
declare function parse(options?: Options, callback?: Callback): Parser;
declare function parse(callback?: Callback): Parser;
// export default parse;
export { parse }

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@

const { Transform } = require('stream')
const ResizeableBuffer = require('./ResizeableBuffer')
import { Transform } from 'stream';
import ResizeableBuffer from './ResizeableBuffer.js';

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ // white space characters

// \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff
const tab = 9
const nl = 10 // \n, 0x0A in hexadecimal, 10 in decimal
const np = 12
const cr = 13 // \r, 0x0D in hexadécimal, 13 in decimal
const space = 32
const tab = 9;
const nl = 10; // \n, 0x0A in hexadecimal, 10 in decimal
const np = 12;
const cr = 13; // \r, 0x0D in hexadécimal, 13 in decimal
const space = 32;
const boms = {

@@ -33,15 +33,74 @@ // Note, the following are equals:

'utf16le': Buffer.from([255, 254])
class CsvError extends Error {
constructor(code, message, options, ...contexts) {
if(Array.isArray(message)) message = message.join(' ');
if(Error.captureStackTrace !== undefined){
Error.captureStackTrace(this, CsvError);
this.code = code;
for(const context of contexts){
for(const key in context){
const value = context[key];
this[key] = Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? value.toString(options.encoding) : value == null ? value : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
const underscore = function(str){
return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(_, match){
return '_' + match.toLowerCase();
const isObject = function(obj){
return (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj));
const isRecordEmpty = function(record){
return record.every((field) => field == null || field.toString && field.toString().trim() === '');
const normalizeColumnsArray = function(columns){
const normalizedColumns = [];
for(let i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++){
const column = columns[i];
if(column === undefined || column === null || column === false){
normalizedColumns[i] = { disabled: true };
}else if(typeof column === 'string'){
normalizedColumns[i] = { name: column };
}else if(isObject(column)){
if(typeof !== 'string'){
'Option columns missing name:',
`property "name" is required at position ${i}`,
'when column is an object literal'
normalizedColumns[i] = column;
'Invalid column definition:',
'expect a string or a literal object,',
`got ${JSON.stringify(column)} at position ${i}`
return normalizedColumns;
class Parser extends Transform {
constructor(opts = {}){
super({...{readableObjectMode: true}, ...opts, encoding: null})
this.__originalOptions = opts
super({...{readableObjectMode: true}, ...opts, encoding: null});
this.__originalOptions = opts;
const options = {}
const options = {};
// Merge with user options
for(let opt in opts){
options[underscore(opt)] = opts[opt]
for(const opt in opts){
options[underscore(opt)] = opts[opt];

@@ -52,5 +111,5 @@ // Normalize option `encoding`

if(options.encoding === undefined || options.encoding === true){
options.encoding = 'utf8'
options.encoding = 'utf8';
}else if(options.encoding === null || options.encoding === false){
options.encoding = null
options.encoding = null;
}else if(typeof options.encoding !== 'string' && options.encoding !== null){

@@ -61,7 +120,7 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_ENCODING', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.encoding)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `bom`
if( === undefined || === null || === false){ = false = false;
}else if( !== true){

@@ -71,11 +130,11 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_BOM', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `cast`
let fnCastField = null
let fnCastField = null;
if(options.cast === undefined || options.cast === null || options.cast === false || options.cast === ''){
options.cast = undefined
options.cast = undefined;
}else if(typeof options.cast === 'function'){
fnCastField = options.cast
options.cast = true
fnCastField = options.cast;
options.cast = true;
}else if(options.cast !== true){

@@ -85,12 +144,12 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_CAST', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.cast)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `cast_date`
if(options.cast_date === undefined || options.cast_date === null || options.cast_date === false || options.cast_date === ''){
options.cast_date = false
options.cast_date = false;
}else if(options.cast_date === true){
options.cast_date = function(value){
const date = Date.parse(value)
return !isNaN(date) ? new Date(date) : value
const date = Date.parse(value);
return !isNaN(date) ? new Date(date) : value;

@@ -100,16 +159,16 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_CAST_DATE', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.cast_date)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `columns`
let fnFirstLineToHeaders = null
let fnFirstLineToHeaders = null;
if(options.columns === true){
// Fields in the first line are converted as-is to columns
fnFirstLineToHeaders = undefined
fnFirstLineToHeaders = undefined;
}else if(typeof options.columns === 'function'){
fnFirstLineToHeaders = options.columns
options.columns = true
fnFirstLineToHeaders = options.columns;
options.columns = true;
}else if(Array.isArray(options.columns)){
options.columns = normalizeColumnsArray(options.columns)
options.columns = normalizeColumnsArray(options.columns);
}else if(options.columns === undefined || options.columns === null || options.columns === false){
options.columns = false
options.columns = false;

@@ -120,25 +179,25 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_COLUMNS', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.columns)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `columns_duplicates_to_array`
if(options.columns_duplicates_to_array === undefined || options.columns_duplicates_to_array === null || options.columns_duplicates_to_array === false){
options.columns_duplicates_to_array = false
}else if(options.columns_duplicates_to_array !== true){
'Invalid option columns_duplicates_to_array:',
// Normalize option `group_columns_by_name`
if(options.group_columns_by_name === undefined || options.group_columns_by_name === null || options.group_columns_by_name === false){
options.group_columns_by_name = false;
}else if(options.group_columns_by_name !== true){
'Invalid option group_columns_by_name:',
'expect an boolean,',
`got ${JSON.stringify(options.columns_duplicates_to_array)}`
], options)
`got ${JSON.stringify(options.group_columns_by_name)}`
], options);
}else if(options.columns === false){
'Invalid option columns_duplicates_to_array:',
'Invalid option group_columns_by_name:',
'the `columns` mode must be activated.'
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `comment`
if(options.comment === undefined || options.comment === null || options.comment === false || options.comment === ''){
options.comment = null
options.comment = null;
if(typeof options.comment === 'string'){
options.comment = Buffer.from(options.comment, options.encoding)
options.comment = Buffer.from(options.comment, options.encoding);

@@ -150,8 +209,8 @@ if(!Buffer.isBuffer(options.comment)){

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.comment)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `delimiter`
const delimiter_json = JSON.stringify(options.delimiter)
if(!Array.isArray(options.delimiter)) options.delimiter = [options.delimiter]
const delimiter_json = JSON.stringify(options.delimiter);
if(!Array.isArray(options.delimiter)) options.delimiter = [options.delimiter];
if(options.delimiter.length === 0){

@@ -162,12 +221,12 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_DELIMITER', [

`got ${delimiter_json}`
], options)
], options);
options.delimiter ={
if(delimiter === undefined || delimiter === null || delimiter === false){
return Buffer.from(',', options.encoding)
return Buffer.from(',', options.encoding);
if(typeof delimiter === 'string'){
delimiter = Buffer.from(delimiter, options.encoding)
delimiter = Buffer.from(delimiter, options.encoding);
if( !Buffer.isBuffer(delimiter) || delimiter.length === 0){
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(delimiter) || delimiter.length === 0){

@@ -177,17 +236,17 @@ 'Invalid option delimiter:',

`got ${delimiter_json}`
], options)
], options);
return delimiter
return delimiter;
// Normalize option `escape`
if(options.escape === undefined || options.escape === true){
options.escape = Buffer.from('"', options.encoding)
options.escape = Buffer.from('"', options.encoding);
}else if(typeof options.escape === 'string'){
options.escape = Buffer.from(options.escape, options.encoding)
options.escape = Buffer.from(options.escape, options.encoding);
}else if (options.escape === null || options.escape === false){
options.escape = null
options.escape = null;
if(options.escape !== null){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: escape must be a buffer, a string or a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.escape)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: escape must be a buffer, a string or a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.escape)}`);

@@ -197,13 +256,13 @@ }

if(options.from === undefined || options.from === null){
options.from = 1
options.from = 1;
if(typeof options.from === 'string' && /\d+/.test(options.from)){
options.from = parseInt(options.from)
options.from = parseInt(options.from);
if(options.from < 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from must be a positive integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from must be a positive integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from)}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(options.from)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(options.from)}`);

@@ -213,13 +272,13 @@ }

if(options.from_line === undefined || options.from_line === null){
options.from_line = 1
options.from_line = 1;
if(typeof options.from_line === 'string' && /\d+/.test(options.from_line)){
options.from_line = parseInt(options.from_line)
options.from_line = parseInt(options.from_line);
if(options.from_line <= 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from_line must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from_line)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from_line must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from_line)}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from_line must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from_line)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: from_line must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.from_line)}`);

@@ -229,7 +288,7 @@ }

if(options.ignore_last_delimiters === undefined || options.ignore_last_delimiters === null){
options.ignore_last_delimiters = false
options.ignore_last_delimiters = false;
}else if(typeof options.ignore_last_delimiters === 'number'){
options.ignore_last_delimiters = Math.floor(options.ignore_last_delimiters)
options.ignore_last_delimiters = Math.floor(options.ignore_last_delimiters);
if(options.ignore_last_delimiters === 0){
options.ignore_last_delimiters = false
options.ignore_last_delimiters = false;

@@ -241,3 +300,3 @@ }else if(typeof options.ignore_last_delimiters !== 'boolean'){

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.ignore_last_delimiters)}`
], options)
], options);

@@ -248,26 +307,26 @@ if(options.ignore_last_delimiters === true && options.columns === false){

'requires the activation of the `columns` option'
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `info`
if( === undefined || === null || === false){ = false = false;
}else if( !== true){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: info must be true, got ${JSON.stringify(}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: info must be true, got ${JSON.stringify(}`);
// Normalize option `max_record_size`
if(options.max_record_size === undefined || options.max_record_size === null || options.max_record_size === false){
options.max_record_size = 0
options.max_record_size = 0;
}else if(Number.isInteger(options.max_record_size) && options.max_record_size >= 0){
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(typeof options.max_record_size === 'string' && /\d+/.test(options.max_record_size)){
options.max_record_size = parseInt(options.max_record_size)
options.max_record_size = parseInt(options.max_record_size);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: max_record_size must be a positive integer, got ${JSON.stringify(options.max_record_size)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: max_record_size must be a positive integer, got ${JSON.stringify(options.max_record_size)}`);
// Normalize option `objname`
if(options.objname === undefined || options.objname === null || options.objname === false){
options.objname = undefined
options.objname = undefined;
}else if(Buffer.isBuffer(options.objname)){
if(options.objname.length === 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a non empty buffer`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a non empty buffer`);

@@ -277,15 +336,31 @@ if(options.encoding === null){

options.objname = options.objname.toString(options.encoding)
options.objname = options.objname.toString(options.encoding);
}else if(typeof options.objname === 'string'){
if(options.objname.length === 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a non empty string`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a non empty string`);
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(typeof options.objname === 'number'){
// if(options.objname.length === 0){
// throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a non empty string`);
// }
// Great, nothing to do
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a string or a buffer, got ${options.objname}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: objname must be a string or a buffer, got ${options.objname}`);
if(options.objname !== undefined){
if(typeof options.objname === 'number'){
if(options.columns !== false){
throw Error('Invalid Option: objname index cannot be combined with columns or be defined as a field');
}else{ // A string or a buffer
if(options.columns === false){
throw Error('Invalid Option: objname field must be combined with columns or be defined as an index');
// Normalize option `on_record`
if(options.on_record === undefined || options.on_record === null){
options.on_record = undefined
options.on_record = undefined;
}else if(typeof options.on_record !== 'function'){

@@ -296,15 +371,15 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_OPTION_ON_RECORD', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(options.on_record)}`
], options)
], options);
// Normalize option `quote`
if(options.quote === null || options.quote === false || options.quote === ''){
options.quote = null
options.quote = null;
if(options.quote === undefined || options.quote === true){
options.quote = Buffer.from('"', options.encoding)
options.quote = Buffer.from('"', options.encoding);
}else if(typeof options.quote === 'string'){
options.quote = Buffer.from(options.quote, options.encoding)
options.quote = Buffer.from(options.quote, options.encoding);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: quote must be a buffer or a string, got ${JSON.stringify(options.quote)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: quote must be a buffer or a string, got ${JSON.stringify(options.quote)}`);

@@ -314,26 +389,46 @@ }

if(options.raw === undefined || options.raw === null || options.raw === false){
options.raw = false
options.raw = false;
}else if(options.raw !== true){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: raw must be true, got ${JSON.stringify(options.raw)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: raw must be true, got ${JSON.stringify(options.raw)}`);
// Normalize option `record_delimiter`
options.record_delimiter = []
if(options.record_delimiter === undefined){
options.record_delimiter = [];
}else if(typeof options.record_delimiter === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(options.record_delimiter)){
if(options.record_delimiter.length === 0){
'Invalid option `record_delimiter`:',
'value must be a non empty string or buffer,',
`got ${JSON.stringify(options.record_delimiter)}`
], options);
options.record_delimiter = [options.record_delimiter];
}else if(!Array.isArray(options.record_delimiter)){
options.record_delimiter = [options.record_delimiter]
'Invalid option `record_delimiter`:',
'value must be a string, a buffer or array of string|buffer,',
`got ${JSON.stringify(options.record_delimiter)}`
], options);
options.record_delimiter = function(rd){
options.record_delimiter =, i){
if(typeof rd !== 'string' && ! Buffer.isBuffer(rd)){
'Invalid option `record_delimiter`:',
'value must be a string, a buffer or array of string|buffer',
`at index ${i},`,
`got ${JSON.stringify(rd)}`
], options);
}else if(rd.length === 0){
'Invalid option `record_delimiter`:',
'value must be a non empty string or buffer',
`at index ${i},`,
`got ${JSON.stringify(rd)}`
], options);
if(typeof rd === 'string'){
rd = Buffer.from(rd, options.encoding)
rd = Buffer.from(rd, options.encoding);
return rd
// Normalize option `relax`
if(typeof options.relax === 'boolean'){
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(options.relax === undefined || options.relax === null){
options.relax = false
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax)}`)
return rd;
// Normalize option `relax_column_count`

@@ -343,5 +438,5 @@ if(typeof options.relax_column_count === 'boolean'){

}else if(options.relax_column_count === undefined || options.relax_column_count === null){
options.relax_column_count = false
options.relax_column_count = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count)}`);

@@ -351,5 +446,5 @@ if(typeof options.relax_column_count_less === 'boolean'){

}else if(options.relax_column_count_less === undefined || options.relax_column_count_less === null){
options.relax_column_count_less = false
options.relax_column_count_less = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count_less must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count_less)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count_less must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count_less)}`);

@@ -359,6 +454,14 @@ if(typeof options.relax_column_count_more === 'boolean'){

}else if(options.relax_column_count_more === undefined || options.relax_column_count_more === null){
options.relax_column_count_more = false
options.relax_column_count_more = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count_more must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count_more)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_column_count_more must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_column_count_more)}`);
// Normalize option `relax_quotes`
if(typeof options.relax_quotes === 'boolean'){
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(options.relax_quotes === undefined || options.relax_quotes === null){
options.relax_quotes = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: relax_quotes must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.relax_quotes)}`);
// Normalize option `skip_empty_lines`

@@ -368,64 +471,64 @@ if(typeof options.skip_empty_lines === 'boolean'){

}else if(options.skip_empty_lines === undefined || options.skip_empty_lines === null){
options.skip_empty_lines = false
options.skip_empty_lines = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_empty_lines must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_empty_lines)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_empty_lines must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_empty_lines)}`);
// Normalize option `skip_lines_with_empty_values`
if(typeof options.skip_lines_with_empty_values === 'boolean'){
// Normalize option `skip_records_with_empty_values`
if(typeof options.skip_records_with_empty_values === 'boolean'){
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(options.skip_lines_with_empty_values === undefined || options.skip_lines_with_empty_values === null){
options.skip_lines_with_empty_values = false
}else if(options.skip_records_with_empty_values === undefined || options.skip_records_with_empty_values === null){
options.skip_records_with_empty_values = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_lines_with_empty_values must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_lines_with_empty_values)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_records_with_empty_values must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_records_with_empty_values)}`);
// Normalize option `skip_lines_with_error`
if(typeof options.skip_lines_with_error === 'boolean'){
// Normalize option `skip_records_with_error`
if(typeof options.skip_records_with_error === 'boolean'){
// Great, nothing to do
}else if(options.skip_lines_with_error === undefined || options.skip_lines_with_error === null){
options.skip_lines_with_error = false
}else if(options.skip_records_with_error === undefined || options.skip_records_with_error === null){
options.skip_records_with_error = false;
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_lines_with_error must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_lines_with_error)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: skip_records_with_error must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.skip_records_with_error)}`);
// Normalize option `rtrim`
if(options.rtrim === undefined || options.rtrim === null || options.rtrim === false){
options.rtrim = false
options.rtrim = false;
}else if(options.rtrim !== true){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: rtrim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.rtrim)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: rtrim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.rtrim)}`);
// Normalize option `ltrim`
if(options.ltrim === undefined || options.ltrim === null || options.ltrim === false){
options.ltrim = false
options.ltrim = false;
}else if(options.ltrim !== true){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: ltrim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.ltrim)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: ltrim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.ltrim)}`);
// Normalize option `trim`
if(options.trim === undefined || options.trim === null || options.trim === false){
options.trim = false
options.trim = false;
}else if(options.trim !== true){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: trim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.trim)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: trim must be a boolean, got ${JSON.stringify(options.trim)}`);
// Normalize options `trim`, `ltrim` and `rtrim`
if(options.trim === true && opts.ltrim !== false){
options.ltrim = true
options.ltrim = true;
}else if(options.ltrim !== true){
options.ltrim = false
options.ltrim = false;
if(options.trim === true && opts.rtrim !== false){
options.rtrim = true
options.rtrim = true;
}else if(options.rtrim !== true){
options.rtrim = false
options.rtrim = false;
// Normalize option `to`
if( === undefined || === null){ = -1 = -1;
if(typeof === 'string' && /\d+/.test({ = parseInt( = parseInt(;
if( <= 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(}`);

@@ -435,13 +538,13 @@ }

if(options.to_line === undefined || options.to_line === null){
options.to_line = -1
options.to_line = -1;
if(typeof options.to_line === 'string' && /\d+/.test(options.to_line)){
options.to_line = parseInt(options.to_line)
options.to_line = parseInt(options.to_line);
if(options.to_line <= 0){
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to_line must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.to_line)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to_line must be a positive integer greater than 0, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.to_line)}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to_line must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.to_line)}`)
throw new Error(`Invalid Option: to_line must be an integer, got ${JSON.stringify(opts.to_line)}`);

@@ -456,4 +559,4 @@ }

records: 0
this.options = options
this.options = options;
this.state = {

@@ -468,3 +571,2 @@ bomSkipped: false,

escaping: false,
// escapeIsQuote: options.escape === options.quote,
escapeIsQuote: Buffer.isBuffer(options.escape) && Buffer.isBuffer(options.quote) &&, options.quote) === 0,

@@ -479,3 +581,3 @@ // columns can be `false`, `true`, `Array`

// Skip if the remaining buffer can be delimiter (delimiter) => delimiter.length), => delimiter.length),
// Skip if the remaining buffer can be escape sequence

@@ -491,7 +593,7 @@ options.quote !== null ? options.quote.length : 0,

record_length: 0,
recordDelimiterMaxLength: options.record_delimiter.length === 0 ? 2 : Math.max( (v) => v.length)),
recordDelimiterMaxLength: options.record_delimiter.length === 0 ? 2 : Math.max( => v.length)),
trimChars: [Buffer.from(' ', options.encoding)[0], Buffer.from('\t', options.encoding)[0]],
wasQuoting: false,
wasRowDelimiter: false

@@ -501,9 +603,9 @@ // Implementation of `Transform._transform`

if(this.state.stop === true){
const err = this.__parse(buf, false)
const err = this.__parse(buf, false);
if(err !== undefined){
this.state.stop = true
this.state.stop = true;

@@ -513,25 +615,25 @@ // Implementation of `Transform._flush`

if(this.state.stop === true){
const err = this.__parse(undefined, true)
const err = this.__parse(undefined, true);
// Central parser implementation
__parse(nextBuf, end){
const {bom, comment, escape, from_line, ltrim, max_record_size, quote, raw, relax, rtrim, skip_empty_lines, to, to_line} = this.options
let {record_delimiter} = this.options
const {bomSkipped, previousBuf, rawBuffer, escapeIsQuote} = this.state
let buf
const {bom, comment, escape, from_line, ltrim, max_record_size, quote, raw, relax_quotes, rtrim, skip_empty_lines, to, to_line} = this.options;
let {record_delimiter} = this.options;
const {bomSkipped, previousBuf, rawBuffer, escapeIsQuote} = this.state;
let buf;
if(previousBuf === undefined){
if(nextBuf === undefined){
// Handle empty string
buf = nextBuf
buf = nextBuf;
}else if(previousBuf !== undefined && nextBuf === undefined){
buf = previousBuf
buf = previousBuf;
buf = Buffer.concat([previousBuf, nextBuf])
buf = Buffer.concat([previousBuf, nextBuf]);

@@ -541,3 +643,3 @@ // Handle UTF BOM

if(bom === false){
this.state.bomSkipped = true
this.state.bomSkipped = true;
}else if(buf.length < 3){

@@ -547,22 +649,22 @@ // No enough data

// Wait for more data
this.state.previousBuf = buf
this.state.previousBuf = buf;
for(let encoding in boms){
for(const encoding in boms){
if(boms[encoding].compare(buf, 0, boms[encoding].length) === 0){
// Skip BOM
let bomLength = boms[encoding].length
this.state.bufBytesStart += bomLength
buf = buf.slice(bomLength)
const bomLength = boms[encoding].length;
this.state.bufBytesStart += bomLength;
buf = buf.slice(bomLength);
// Renormalize original options with the new encoding
this.__normalizeOptions({...this.__originalOptions, encoding: encoding})
this.__normalizeOptions({...this.__originalOptions, encoding: encoding});
this.state.bomSkipped = true
this.state.bomSkipped = true;
const bufLen = buf.length
let pos
const bufLen = buf.length;
let pos;
for(pos = 0; pos < bufLen; pos++){

@@ -572,26 +674,26 @@ // Ensure we get enough space to look ahead

if(this.__needMoreData(pos, bufLen, end)){
if(this.state.wasRowDelimiter === true){
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = false;
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = false;
if(to_line !== -1 && > to_line){
this.state.stop = true
this.state.stop = true;
// Auto discovery of record_delimiter, unix, mac and windows supported
if(this.state.quoting === false && record_delimiter.length === 0){
const record_delimiterCount = this.__autoDiscoverRecordDelimiter(buf, pos)
const record_delimiterCount = this.__autoDiscoverRecordDelimiter(buf, pos);
record_delimiter = this.options.record_delimiter
record_delimiter = this.options.record_delimiter;
const chr = buf[pos]
const chr = buf[pos];
if(raw === true){
if((chr === cr || chr === nl) && this.state.wasRowDelimiter === false ){
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = true
if((chr === cr || chr === nl) && this.state.wasRowDelimiter === false){
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = true;

@@ -601,3 +703,3 @@ // Previous char was a valid escape char

if(this.state.escaping === true){
this.state.escaping = false
this.state.escaping = false;

@@ -610,10 +712,10 @@ // Escape is only active inside quoted fields

if(this.__isQuote(buf, pos+escape.length)){
this.state.escaping = true
pos += escape.length - 1
this.state.escaping = true;
pos += escape.length - 1;
this.state.escaping = true
pos += escape.length - 1
this.state.escaping = true;
pos += escape.length - 1;

@@ -625,17 +727,17 @@ }

if(this.state.quoting === true){
const nextChr = buf[pos+quote.length]
const isNextChrTrimable = rtrim && this.__isCharTrimable(nextChr)
const isNextChrComment = comment !== null && this.__compareBytes(comment, buf, pos+quote.length, nextChr)
const isNextChrDelimiter = this.__isDelimiter(buf, pos+quote.length, nextChr)
const isNextChrRecordDelimiter = record_delimiter.length === 0 ? this.__autoDiscoverRecordDelimiter(buf, pos+quote.length) : this.__isRecordDelimiter(nextChr, buf, pos+quote.length)
const nextChr = buf[pos+quote.length];
const isNextChrTrimable = rtrim && this.__isCharTrimable(nextChr);
const isNextChrComment = comment !== null && this.__compareBytes(comment, buf, pos+quote.length, nextChr);
const isNextChrDelimiter = this.__isDelimiter(buf, pos+quote.length, nextChr);
const isNextChrRecordDelimiter = record_delimiter.length === 0 ? this.__autoDiscoverRecordDelimiter(buf, pos+quote.length) : this.__isRecordDelimiter(nextChr, buf, pos+quote.length);
// Escape a quote
// Treat next char as a regular character
if(escape !== null && this.__isEscape(buf, pos, chr) && this.__isQuote(buf, pos + escape.length)){
pos += escape.length - 1
pos += escape.length - 1;
}else if(!nextChr || isNextChrDelimiter || isNextChrRecordDelimiter || isNextChrComment || isNextChrTrimable){
this.state.quoting = false
this.state.wasQuoting = true
pos += quote.length - 1
}else if(relax === false){
this.state.quoting = false;
this.state.wasQuoting = true;
pos += quote.length - 1;
}else if(relax_quotes === false){
const err = this.__error(

@@ -649,14 +751,14 @@ new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_CLOSING_QUOTE', [

], this.options, this.__infoField())
if(err !== undefined) return err
if(err !== undefined) return err;
this.state.quoting = false
this.state.wasQuoting = true
pos += quote.length - 1
this.state.quoting = false;
this.state.wasQuoting = true;
pos += quote.length - 1;
if(this.state.field.length !== 0){
// In relax mode, treat opening quote preceded by chrs as regular
if( relax === false ){
// In relax_quotes mode, treat opening quote preceded by chrs as regular
if(relax_quotes === false){
const err = this.__error(

@@ -669,9 +771,9 @@ new CsvError('INVALID_OPENING_QUOTE', [

if(err !== undefined) return err
if(err !== undefined) return err;
this.state.quoting = true
pos += quote.length - 1
this.state.quoting = true;
pos += quote.length - 1;

@@ -681,8 +783,8 @@ }

if(this.state.quoting === false){
let recordDelimiterLength = this.__isRecordDelimiter(chr, buf, pos)
const recordDelimiterLength = this.__isRecordDelimiter(chr, buf, pos);
if(recordDelimiterLength !== 0){
// Do not emit comments which take a full line
const skipCommentLine = this.state.commenting && (this.state.wasQuoting === false && this.state.record.length === 0 && this.state.field.length === 0)
const skipCommentLine = this.state.commenting && (this.state.wasQuoting === false && this.state.record.length === 0 && this.state.field.length === 0);
// Skip full comment line

@@ -692,45 +794,45 @@ }else{

if(this.state.enabled === false && + (this.state.wasRowDelimiter === true ? 1: 0) >= from_line){
this.state.enabled = true
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1
this.state.enabled = true;
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1;
// Skip if line is empty and skip_empty_lines activated
if(skip_empty_lines === true && this.state.wasQuoting === false && this.state.record.length === 0 && this.state.field.length === 0){
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1;
} = this.state.bufBytesStart + pos;
const errField = this.__onField()
if(errField !== undefined) return errField
const errField = this.__onField();
if(errField !== undefined) return errField; = this.state.bufBytesStart + pos + recordDelimiterLength;
const errRecord = this.__onRecord()
if(errRecord !== undefined) return errRecord
const errRecord = this.__onRecord();
if(errRecord !== undefined) return errRecord;
if(to !== -1 && >= to){
this.state.stop = true
this.state.stop = true;
this.state.commenting = false
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1
this.state.commenting = false;
pos += recordDelimiterLength - 1;
const commentCount = comment === null ? 0 : this.__compareBytes(comment, buf, pos, chr)
const commentCount = comment === null ? 0 : this.__compareBytes(comment, buf, pos, chr);
if(commentCount !== 0){
this.state.commenting = true
this.state.commenting = true;
let delimiterLength = this.__isDelimiter(buf, pos, chr)
const delimiterLength = this.__isDelimiter(buf, pos, chr);
if(delimiterLength !== 0){ = this.state.bufBytesStart + pos;
const errField = this.__onField()
if(errField !== undefined) return errField
pos += delimiterLength - 1
const errField = this.__onField();
if(errField !== undefined) return errField;
pos += delimiterLength - 1;

@@ -748,11 +850,11 @@ }

], this.options, this.__infoField())
if(err !== undefined) return err
if(err !== undefined) return err;
const lappend = ltrim === false || this.state.quoting === true || this.state.field.length !== 0 || !this.__isCharTrimable(chr)
const lappend = ltrim === false || this.state.quoting === true || this.state.field.length !== 0 || !this.__isCharTrimable(chr);
// rtrim in non quoting is handle in __onField
const rappend = rtrim === false || this.state.wasQuoting === false
if( lappend === true && rappend === true ){
const rappend = rtrim === false || this.state.wasQuoting === false;
if(lappend === true && rappend === true){
}else if(rtrim === true && !this.__isCharTrimable(chr)){

@@ -765,4 +867,4 @@ const err = this.__error(

], this.options, this.__infoField())
if(err !== undefined) return err
if(err !== undefined) return err;

@@ -778,4 +880,4 @@ }

], this.options, this.__infoField())
if(err !== undefined) return err
if(err !== undefined) return err;

@@ -785,44 +887,42 @@ // Skip last line if it has no characters = this.state.bufBytesStart + pos;
const errField = this.__onField()
if(errField !== undefined) return errField
const errRecord = this.__onRecord()
if(errRecord !== undefined) return errRecord
const errField = this.__onField();
if(errField !== undefined) return errField;
const errRecord = this.__onRecord();
if(errRecord !== undefined) return errRecord;
}else if(this.state.wasRowDelimiter === true){;
}else if(this.state.commenting === true){;
this.state.bufBytesStart += pos
this.state.previousBuf = buf.slice(pos)
this.state.bufBytesStart += pos;
this.state.previousBuf = buf.slice(pos);
if(this.state.wasRowDelimiter === true){
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = false;
this.state.wasRowDelimiter = false;
const {columns, columns_duplicates_to_array, encoding, info, from, relax_column_count, relax_column_count_less, relax_column_count_more, raw, skip_lines_with_empty_values} = this.options
const {enabled, record} = this.state
const {columns, group_columns_by_name, encoding, info, from, relax_column_count, relax_column_count_less, relax_column_count_more, raw, skip_records_with_empty_values} = this.options;
const {enabled, record} = this.state;
if(enabled === false){
return this.__resetRecord()
return this.__resetRecord();
// Convert the first line into column names
const recordLength = record.length
const recordLength = record.length;
if(columns === true){
if(skip_lines_with_empty_values === true && isRecordEmpty(record)){
if(skip_records_with_empty_values === true && isRecordEmpty(record)){
return this.__firstLineToColumns(record)
return this.__firstLineToColumns(record);
if(columns === false && === 0){
this.state.expectedRecordLength = recordLength
this.state.expectedRecordLength = recordLength;
if(recordLength !== this.state.expectedRecordLength){
const err = columns === false ?
'Invalid Record Length:',

@@ -834,6 +934,4 @@ `expect ${this.state.expectedRecordLength},`,

'Invalid Record Length:',

@@ -844,76 +942,62 @@ `columns length is ${columns.length},`, // rename columns

record: record,
if(relax_column_count === true ||
(relax_column_count_less === true && recordLength < this.state.expectedRecordLength) ||
(relax_column_count_more === true && recordLength > this.state.expectedRecordLength) ){
this.state.error = err
// Error is undefined with skip_lines_with_error
(relax_column_count_more === true && recordLength > this.state.expectedRecordLength)){;
this.state.error = err;
// Error is undefined with skip_records_with_error
const finalErr = this.__error(err)
if(finalErr) return finalErr
const finalErr = this.__error(err);
if(finalErr) return finalErr;
if(skip_lines_with_empty_values === true && isRecordEmpty(record)){
if(skip_records_with_empty_values === true && isRecordEmpty(record)){
if(this.state.recordHasError === true){
this.state.recordHasError = false
this.state.recordHasError = false;
if(from === 1 || >= from){
const {objname} = this.options;
// With columns, records are object
if(columns !== false){
const obj = {}
const obj = {};
// Transform record array to an object
for(let i = 0, l = record.length; i < l; i++){
if(columns[i] === undefined || columns[i].disabled) continue
if(columns[i] === undefined || columns[i].disabled) continue;
// Turn duplicate columns into an array
if (columns_duplicates_to_array === true && obj[columns[i].name] !== undefined) {
if (group_columns_by_name === true && obj[columns[i].name] !== undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(obj[columns[i].name])) {
obj[columns[i].name] = obj[columns[i].name].concat(record[i])
obj[columns[i].name] = obj[columns[i].name].concat(record[i]);
} else {
obj[columns[i].name] = [obj[columns[i].name], record[i]]
obj[columns[i].name] = [obj[columns[i].name], record[i]];
} else {
obj[columns[i].name] = record[i]
obj[columns[i].name] = record[i];
const {objname} = this.options
// Without objname (default)
if(objname === undefined){
if(raw === true || info === true){
const err = this.__push(Object.assign(
{record: obj},
(raw === true ? {raw: this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding)}: {}),
(info === true ? {info: this.__infoRecord()}: {})
return err
const err = this.__push(obj)
return err
if(raw === true || info === true){
const extRecord = Object.assign(
{record: obj},
(raw === true ? {raw: this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding)}: {}),
(info === true ? {info: this.__infoRecord()}: {})
const err = this.__push(
objname === undefined ? extRecord : [obj[objname], extRecord]
return err;
// With objname (default)
if(raw === true || info === true){
const err = this.__push(Object.assign(
{record: [obj[objname], obj]},
raw === true ? {raw: this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding)}: {},
info === true ? {info: this.__infoRecord()}: {}
return err
const err = this.__push([obj[objname], obj])
return err
const err = this.__push(
objname === undefined ? obj : [obj[objname], obj]
return err;

@@ -924,14 +1008,19 @@ }

if(raw === true || info === true){
const err = this.__push(Object.assign(
const extRecord = Object.assign(
{record: record},
raw === true ? {raw: this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding)}: {},
info === true ? {info: this.__infoRecord()}: {}
const err = this.__push(
objname === undefined ? extRecord : [record[objname], extRecord]
return err
return err;
const err = this.__push(record)
const err = this.__push(
objname === undefined ? record : [record[objname], record]
return err
return err;

@@ -941,8 +1030,8 @@ }

const {firstLineToHeaders} = this.state
const {firstLineToHeaders} = this.state;
const headers = firstLineToHeaders === undefined ? record :, record)
const headers = firstLineToHeaders === undefined ? record :, record);

@@ -957,11 +1046,11 @@ return this.__error(

const normalizedHeaders = normalizeColumnsArray(headers)
this.state.expectedRecordLength = normalizedHeaders.length
this.options.columns = normalizedHeaders
const normalizedHeaders = normalizeColumnsArray(headers);
this.state.expectedRecordLength = normalizedHeaders.length;
this.options.columns = normalizedHeaders;
return err
return err;

@@ -971,77 +1060,77 @@ }

if(this.options.raw === true){
this.state.error = undefined
this.state.record = []
this.state.record_length = 0
this.state.error = undefined;
this.state.record = [];
this.state.record_length = 0;
const {cast, encoding, rtrim, max_record_size} = this.options
const {enabled, wasQuoting} = this.state
const {cast, encoding, rtrim, max_record_size} = this.options;
const {enabled, wasQuoting} = this.state;
// Short circuit for the from_line options
if(enabled === false){
return this.__resetField()
return this.__resetField();
let field = this.state.field.toString(encoding)
let field = this.state.field.toString(encoding);
if(rtrim === true && wasQuoting === false){
field = field.trimRight()
field = field.trimRight();
if(cast === true){
const [err, f] = this.__cast(field)
if(err !== undefined) return err
field = f
const [err, f] = this.__cast(field);
if(err !== undefined) return err;
field = f;
// Increment record length if record size must not exceed a limit
if(max_record_size !== 0 && typeof field === 'string'){
this.state.record_length += field.length
this.state.record_length += field.length;
this.state.wasQuoting = false
this.state.wasQuoting = false;
const {on_record} = this.options
const {on_record} = this.options;
if(on_record !== undefined){
const info = this.__infoRecord()
const info = this.__infoRecord();
record =, record, info)
record =, record, info);
return err
return err;
if(record === undefined || record === null){ return }
if(record === undefined || record === null){ return; }
// Return a tuple with the error and the casted value
const {columns, relax_column_count} = this.options
const isColumns = Array.isArray(columns)
const {columns, relax_column_count} = this.options;
const isColumns = Array.isArray(columns);
// Dont loose time calling cast
// because the final record is an object
// and this field can't be associated to a key present in columns
if( isColumns === true && relax_column_count && this.options.columns.length <= this.state.record.length ){
return [undefined, undefined]
if(isColumns === true && relax_column_count && this.options.columns.length <= this.state.record.length){
return [undefined, undefined];
if(this.state.castField !== null){
const info = this.__infoField()
return [undefined,, field, info)]
const info = this.__infoField();
return [undefined,, field, info)];
return [err]
return [err];
return [undefined, parseFloat(field)]
return [undefined, parseFloat(field)];
}else if(this.options.cast_date !== false){
const info = this.__infoField()
return [undefined,, field, info)]
const info = this.__infoField();
return [undefined,, field, info)];
return [undefined, field]
return [undefined, field];
// Helper to test if a character is a space or a line delimiter
return chr === space || chr === tab || chr === cr || chr === nl || chr === np
return chr === space || chr === tab || chr === cr || chr === nl || chr === np;

@@ -1055,17 +1144,17 @@ // Keep it in case we implement the `cast_int` option

return (value - parseFloat( value ) + 1) >= 0 // Borrowed from jquery
return (value - parseFloat(value) + 1) >= 0; // Borrowed from jquery
__compareBytes(sourceBuf, targetBuf, targetPos, firstByte){
if(sourceBuf[0] !== firstByte) return 0
const sourceLength = sourceBuf.length
if(sourceBuf[0] !== firstByte) return 0;
const sourceLength = sourceBuf.length;
for(let i = 1; i < sourceLength; i++){
if(sourceBuf[i] !== targetBuf[targetPos+i]) return 0
if(sourceBuf[i] !== targetBuf[targetPos+i]) return 0;
return sourceLength
return sourceLength;
__needMoreData(i, bufLen, end){
if(end) return false
const {quote} = this.options
const {quoting, needMoreDataSize, recordDelimiterMaxLength} = this.state
const numOfCharLeft = bufLen - i - 1
if(end) return false;
const {quote} = this.options;
const {quoting, needMoreDataSize, recordDelimiterMaxLength} = this.state;
const numOfCharLeft = bufLen - i - 1;
const requiredLength = Math.max(

@@ -1078,95 +1167,95 @@ needMoreDataSize,

quoting ? (quote.length + recordDelimiterMaxLength) : 0,
return numOfCharLeft < requiredLength
return numOfCharLeft < requiredLength;
__isDelimiter(buf, pos, chr){
const {delimiter, ignore_last_delimiters} = this.options
const {delimiter, ignore_last_delimiters} = this.options;
if(ignore_last_delimiters === true && this.state.record.length === this.options.columns.length - 1){
return 0
return 0;
}else if(ignore_last_delimiters !== false && typeof ignore_last_delimiters === 'number' && this.state.record.length === ignore_last_delimiters - 1){
return 0
return 0;
loop1: for(let i = 0; i < delimiter.length; i++){
const del = delimiter[i]
const del = delimiter[i];
if(del[0] === chr){
for(let j = 1; j < del.length; j++){
if(del[j] !== buf[pos+j]) continue loop1
if(del[j] !== buf[pos+j]) continue loop1;
return del.length
return del.length;
return 0
return 0;
__isRecordDelimiter(chr, buf, pos){
const {record_delimiter} = this.options
const recordDelimiterLength = record_delimiter.length
const {record_delimiter} = this.options;
const recordDelimiterLength = record_delimiter.length;
loop1: for(let i = 0; i < recordDelimiterLength; i++){
const rd = record_delimiter[i]
const rdLength = rd.length
const rd = record_delimiter[i];
const rdLength = rd.length;
if(rd[0] !== chr){
for(let j = 1; j < rdLength; j++){
if(rd[j] !== buf[pos+j]){
continue loop1
continue loop1;
return rd.length
return rd.length;
return 0
return 0;
__isEscape(buf, pos, chr){
const {escape} = this.options
if(escape === null) return false
const l = escape.length
const {escape} = this.options;
if(escape === null) return false;
const l = escape.length;
if(escape[0] === chr){
for(let i = 0; i < l; i++){
if(escape[i] !== buf[pos+i]){
return false
return false;
return true
return true;
return false
return false;
__isQuote(buf, pos){
const {quote} = this.options
if(quote === null) return false
const l = quote.length
const {quote} = this.options;
if(quote === null) return false;
const l = quote.length;
for(let i = 0; i < l; i++){
if(quote[i] !== buf[pos+i]){
return false
return false;
return true
return true;
__autoDiscoverRecordDelimiter(buf, pos){
const {encoding} = this.options
const chr = buf[pos]
const {encoding} = this.options;
const chr = buf[pos];
if(chr === cr){
if(buf[pos+1] === nl){
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\r\n', encoding))
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 2
return 2
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\r\n', encoding));
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 2;
return 2;
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\r', encoding))
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 1
return 1
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\r', encoding));
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 1;
return 1;
}else if(chr === nl){
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\n', encoding))
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 1
return 1
this.options.record_delimiter.push(Buffer.from('\n', encoding));
this.state.recordDelimiterMaxLength = 1;
return 1;
return 0
return 0;
const {skip_lines_with_error} = this.options
const err = typeof msg === 'string' ? new Error(msg) : msg
this.state.recordHasError = true
this.emit('skip', err)
return undefined
const {encoding, raw, skip_records_with_error} = this.options;
const err = typeof msg === 'string' ? new Error(msg) : msg;
this.state.recordHasError = true;
this.emit('skip', err, raw ? this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding) : undefined);
return undefined;
return err
return err;

@@ -1178,6 +1267,6 @@ }

columns: this.options.columns
const {columns} = this.options
const {columns, raw, encoding} = this.options;
return {

@@ -1188,11 +1277,12 @@ ...this.__infoDataSet(),

index: this.state.record.length,
raw: raw ? this.state.rawBuffer.toString(encoding) : undefined
const {columns} = this.options
const isColumns = Array.isArray(columns)
const {columns} = this.options;
const isColumns = Array.isArray(columns);
return {
column: isColumns === true ?
( columns.length > this.state.record.length ?
(columns.length > this.state.record.length ?
columns[this.state.record.length].name :

@@ -1203,3 +1293,3 @@ null

quoting: this.state.wasQuoting,

@@ -1209,12 +1299,12 @@ }

const parse = function(){
let data, options, callback
for(let i in arguments){
const argument = arguments[i]
const type = typeof argument
let data, options, callback;
for(const i in arguments){
const argument = arguments[i];
const type = typeof argument;
if(data === undefined && (typeof argument === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(argument))){
data = argument
data = argument;
}else if(options === undefined && isObject(argument)){
options = argument
options = argument;
}else if(callback === undefined && type === 'function'){
callback = argument
callback = argument;

@@ -1224,103 +1314,41 @@ throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_ARGUMENT', [

`got ${JSON.stringify(argument)} at index ${i}`
], options || {})
], options || {});
const parser = new Parser(options)
const parser = new Parser(options);
const records = options === undefined || options.objname === undefined ? [] : {}
const records = options === undefined || options.objname === undefined ? [] : {};
parser.on('readable', function(){
let record
let record;
while((record = !== null){
if(options === undefined || options.objname === undefined){
records[record[0]] = record[1]
records[record[0]] = record[1];
parser.on('error', function(err){
callback(err, undefined, parser.__infoDataSet())
callback(err, undefined, parser.__infoDataSet());
parser.on('end', function(){
callback(undefined, records, parser.__infoDataSet())
callback(undefined, records, parser.__infoDataSet());
if(data !== undefined){
// Give a chance for events to be registered later
const writer = function(){
// Support Deno, Rollup doesnt provide a shim for setImmediate
if(typeof setImmediate === 'function'){
setTimeout(writer, 0);
return parser
return parser;
class CsvError extends Error {
constructor(code, message, options, ...contexts) {
if(Array.isArray(message)) message = message.join(' ')
if(Error.captureStackTrace !== undefined){
Error.captureStackTrace(this, CsvError)
this.code = code
for(const context of contexts){
for(const key in context){
const value = context[key]
this[key] = Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? value.toString(options.encoding) : value == null ? value : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
parse.Parser = Parser
parse.CsvError = CsvError
module.exports = parse
const underscore = function(str){
return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(_, match){
return '_' + match.toLowerCase()
const isObject = function(obj){
return (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj))
const isRecordEmpty = function(record){
return record.every( (field) => field == null || field.toString && field.toString().trim() === '' )
const normalizeColumnsArray = function(columns){
const normalizedColumns = [];
for(let i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++){
const column = columns[i]
if(column === undefined || column === null || column === false){
normalizedColumns[i] = { disabled: true }
}else if(typeof column === 'string'){
normalizedColumns[i] = { name: column }
}else if(isObject(column)){
if(typeof !== 'string'){
'Option columns missing name:',
`property "name" is required at position ${i}`,
'when column is an object literal'
normalizedColumns[i] = column
'Invalid column definition:',
'expect a string or a literal object,',
`got ${JSON.stringify(column)} at position ${i}`
return normalizedColumns;
// export default parse
export { parse, Parser, CsvError };

@@ -5,62 +5,62 @@

this.size = size
this.length = 0
this.buf = Buffer.alloc(size)
this.size = size;
this.length = 0;
this.buf = Buffer.alloc(size);
const length = this.length + val.length
const length = this.length + val.length;
if(length >= this.size){
if(length >= this.size){
const buf = this.buf
this.buf = Buffer.alloc(this.size)
val.copy(this.buf, 0)
buf.copy(this.buf, val.length)
this.length += val.length
const buf = this.buf;
this.buf = Buffer.alloc(this.size);
val.copy(this.buf, 0);
buf.copy(this.buf, val.length);
this.length += val.length;
const length = this.length++
const length = this.length++;
if(length === this.size){
const buf = this.clone()
this.buf[0] = val
buf.copy(this.buf,1, 0, length)
const buf = this.clone();
this.buf[0] = val;
buf.copy(this.buf,1, 0, length);
const length = this.length++
const length = this.length++;
if(length === this.size){
this.buf[length] = val
this.buf[length] = val;
return Buffer.from(this.buf.slice(0, this.length))
return Buffer.from(this.buf.slice(0, this.length));
const length = this.length
this.size = this.size * 2
const buf = Buffer.alloc(this.size)
this.buf.copy(buf,0, 0, length)
this.buf = buf
const length = this.length;
this.size = this.size * 2;
const buf = Buffer.alloc(this.size);
this.buf.copy(buf,0, 0, length);
this.buf = buf;
return this.buf.slice(0, this.length).toString(encoding)
return this.buf.slice(0, this.length).toString(encoding);
return, this.length))
return, this.length));
return this.toString('utf8')
return this.toString('utf8');
this.length = 0
this.length = 0;
module.exports = ResizeableBuffer
export default ResizeableBuffer;

@@ -1,6 +0,11 @@

import * as csvParse from './index';
export = parse;
import { Options } from './index';
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, options?: csvParse.Options): any;
declare namespace parse {}
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, options?: Options): any;
// export default parse;
export { parse };
export {
CastingContext, CastingFunction, CastingDateFunction,
ColumnOption, Options, Info, CsvErrorCode, CsvError
} from './index';
const parse = require('.')
import { Parser } from './index.js';
module.exports = function(data, options={}){
const parse = function(data, options={}){
if(typeof data === 'string'){
data = Buffer.from(data)
data = Buffer.from(data);
const records = options && options.objname ? {} : []
const parser = new parse.Parser(options)
const records = options && options.objname ? {} : [];
const parser = new Parser(options);
parser.push = function(record){
if(record === null){
if(options.objname === undefined)
records[record[0]] = record[1]
records[record[0]] = record[1];
const err1 = parser.__parse(data, false)
if(err1 !== undefined) throw err1
const err2 = parser.__parse(undefined, true)
if(err2 !== undefined) throw err2
return records
const err1 = parser.__parse(data, false);
if(err1 !== undefined) throw err1;
const err2 = parser.__parse(undefined, true);
if(err2 !== undefined) throw err2;
return records;
// export default parse
export { parse };
export { CsvError } from './index.js';
"version": "4.16.3",
"version": "5.0.0",
"name": "csv-parse",

@@ -13,15 +13,2 @@ "description": "CSV parsing implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` API",

"coffeelintConfig": {
"indentation": {
"level": "error",
"value": 2
"line_endings": {
"level": "error",
"value": "unix"
"max_line_length": {
"level": "ignore"
"author": "David Worms <> (",

@@ -46,56 +33,83 @@ "contributors": [

"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./lib/index.js",
"require": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs"
"./sync": {
"import": "./lib/sync.js",
"require": "./dist/cjs/sync.cjs"
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.14.8",
"@babel/core": "^7.15.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.15.0",
"@rollup/plugin-eslint": "^8.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^13.0.6",
"@types/mocha": "^9.0.0",
"@types/node": "^16.7.8",
"babelify": "^10.0.0",
"browserify": "^17.0.0",
"coffeescript": "^2.5.1",
"csv-generate": "^3.4.3",
"@types/node": "^16.11.7",
"coffeelint": "^2.1.0",
"coffeescript": "^2.6.1",
"csv-generate": "^4.0.0",
"csv-spectrum": "^1.0.0",
"each": "^1.2.2",
"eslint": "^7.32.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"mocha": "^9.1.1",
"eslint": "^8.2.0",
"mocha": "^9.1.3",
"pad": "^3.2.0",
"rollup": "^2.60.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-builtins": "^2.1.2",
"rollup-plugin-node-globals": "^1.4.0",
"should": "^13.2.3",
"stream-transform": "^2.1.3",
"ts-node": "^10.2.1",
"typescript": "^4.4.2"
"stream-transform": "^3.0.0",
"ts-node": "^10.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.4.4"
"files": [
"main": "./lib",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs",
"mocha": {
"throw-deprecation": true,
"inline-diffs": true,
"loader": "./test/loaders/all.mjs",
"recursive": true,
"reporter": "spec",
"require": [
"inline-diffs": true,
"timeout": 40000,
"reporter": "spec",
"recursive": true
"throw-deprecation": true,
"timeout": 40000
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"directory": "packages/csv-parse"
"scripts": {
"build:babel": "cd lib && babel *.js -d es5 && cd ..",
"build:browserify": "browserify lib/index.js --transform babelify --standalone parse > lib/browser/index.js && browserify lib/sync.js --transform babelify --standalone parse > lib/browser/sync.js",
"build": "npm run build:babel && npm run build:browserify",
"preversion": "cp lib/*.ts lib/es5 && git add lib/es5/*.ts",
"build": "npm run build:rollup && npm run build:ts",
"build:rollup": "npx rollup -c",
"build:ts": "cp lib/*.ts dist/cjs && cp lib/*.ts dist/esm",
"lint": "npm run lint:lib && npm run lint:samples && npm run lint:test",
"lint:lib": "eslint --fix lib/*.js",
"lint:samples": "eslint --fix samples/*.js",
"lint:test": "coffeelint --fix test/*.coffee",
"preversion": "npm run build && git add dist",
"pretest": "npm run build",
"lint": "eslint lib/*.js",
"test": "npm run lint && TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{\"strictNullChecks\":true}' mocha test/**/*.{coffee,ts}"
"test": "mocha 'test/**/*.{coffee,ts}'",
"test:legacy": "mocha --loader=./test/loaders/legacy/all.mjs 'test/**/*.{coffee,ts}'"
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"gitHead": "0fd5209b6862655c384cda052abf38019b959e70"
"type": "module",
"types": "dist/esm/index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
"*": {
".": [
"sync": [
"gitHead": "d95c35dc7fd698e8e3278f539c8f1d43fb77640b"
# CSV Parser for Node.js
# CSV parser for Node.js and the web
[![Build Status](](!/adaltas/node-csv-parse) [![NPM](]( [![NPM](](
[![Build Status](](
The [`csv-parse` package]( is a parser converting CSV text input into arrays or objects. It is part of the [CSV project](
Part of the [CSV module](, this project is a parser converting CSV text input into arrays or objects. It implements the Node.js [`stream.Transform` API]( It also provides a simple callback-based API for convenience. It is both extremely easy to use and powerful. It was first released in 2010 and is used against big data sets by a large community.
It implements the Node.js [`stream.Transform` API]( It also provides a simple callback-based API for convenience. It is both extremely easy to use and powerful. It was first released in 2010 and is used against big data sets by a large community.
## Documentation
* [Project homepage](
* [API](
* [Options](
* [Info properties](
* [Common errors](
* [Examples](
* [Project homepage](
* [API](
* [Options](
* [Info properties](
* [Common errors](
* [Examples](
## Features
## Main features
* Flexible with lot of [options](
* Multiple [distributions]( Node.js, Web, ECMAScript modules and CommonJS
* Follow the Node.js streaming API

@@ -24,5 +30,58 @@ * Simplicity with the optional callback API

* Support big datasets
* Complete test coverage and samples for inspiration
* Complete test coverage and lot of samples for inspiration
* No external dependencies
* Work nicely with the [csv-generate](, [stream-transform]( and [csv-stringify]( packages
* MIT License
## Usage
Run `npm install csv` to install the full csv module or run `npm install csv-parse` if you are only interested by the CSV parser.
Use the callback and sync APIs for simplicity or the stream based API for scalability.
## Example
The [API]( is available in multiple flavors. This example illustrates the stream API.
import assert from 'assert';
import { parse } from 'csv-parse';
const records = [];
// Initialize the parser
const parser = parse({
delimiter: ':'
// Use the readable stream api to consume records
parser.on('readable', function(){
let record;
while ((record = !== null) {
// Catch any error
parser.on('error', function(err){
// Test that the parsed records matched the expected records
parser.on('end', function(){
[ 'root','x','0','0','root','/root','/bin/bash' ],
[ 'someone','x','1022','1022','','/home/someone','/bin/bash' ]
// Write data to the stream
// Close the readable stream
## Contributors
The project is sponsored by [Adaltas](, an Big Data consulting firm based in Paris, France.
* David Worms: <>
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