A CSV encoder stream that produces properly escaped CSVs.

A through stream. Write arrays of strings (or JS objects) and you will receive a properly escaped CSV stream out the other end.
var writer = csvWriter([options])
var csvWriter = require('csv-write-stream')
var writer = csvWriter()
is a duplex stream -- you can pipe data to it and it will emit a string for each line of the CSV
default options
separator: ',',
newline: '\n',
headers: undefined,
sendHeaders: true
can be an array of strings to use as the header row. if you don't specify a header row the keys of the first row written to the stream will be used as the header row IF the first row is an object (see the test suite for more details). if the sendHeaders
option is set to false, the headers will be used for ordering the data but will never be written to the stream.
example of auto headers:
var writer = csvWriter()
writer.write({hello: "world", foo: "bar", baz: "taco"})
example of specifying headers:
var writer = csvWriter({ headers: ["hello", "foo"]})
writer.write(['world', 'bar'])
example of not sending headers:
var writer = csvWriter({sendHeaders: false})
writer.write({hello: "world", foo: "bar", baz: "taco"})
see the test suite for more examples
run the test suite
$ npm install
$ npm test
cli usage
This module also includes a CLI, which you can pipe ndjson to stdin and it will print csv on stdout. You can install it with npm install -g csv-write-stream
$ csv-write --help
usage: csv-write [-h] [-v] [--separator SEPARATOR] [--newline NEWLINE]
[--headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]] [--no-send-headers]
A CSV encoder stream that produces properly escaped CSVs. JSON is read from
STDIN, formatted to CSV, and written to STDOUT.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
--separator SEPARATOR
The separator character to use. Defaults to ','.
--newline NEWLINE The newline character to use. Defaults to $'\n'.
--headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
The list of headers to use. If omitted, the keys of
the first row written to STDIN will be used
--no-send-headers Don't print the header row.
$ cat example.ndjson | csv-write > example.csv