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Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0



"name": "culori",
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "index.js",
"version": "0.2.0",
"main": "build/culori.js",
"module": "index.js",
"jsnext:main": "index.js",
"repository": "",
"author": "Dan Burzo <>",
"license": "MIT"
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"nyc": "^11.6.0",
"rollup": "^0.57.1",
"tap-spec": "^4.1.1",
"tape": "^4.9.0"
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c",
"pretest": "yarn build",
"test": "tape test/tests/*.js | tap-spec",
"benchmark": "node test/benchmarks/index.js",
"coverage:report" : "nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"coverage:test": "nyc --produce-source-map tape test/tests/*.js | tap-spec"
"nyc": {
"sourceMap": true

@@ -1,2 +0,178 @@

# culori
JS color library
# Culori
Culori is a general-purpose color library for JavaScript.
## Use cases
This library aims to provide a simple API to:
__Convert between a variety of color formats__.
__Build a color picker for a particular format__. Let's take the ubiquitous HSV color picker; the library should allow me to:
* map the user interface for the `h`, `s`, `v` values to a color that I can then convert to any other format
* for a color in any format the user can input (these will usually be the [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors]), obtain the representation in __HSV__ space, so the interface can be updated accordingly
Of particular interest is deciding when to apply the _alpha_ channel to the interface (i.e. to an opacity slider). If the interface contains color swatches, I should decide whether to use the _alpha_ channel or not:
* if the user inputs `#ffffff` I might only use the `h`, `s` and `v` value;
* if the user inputs `#ffffff00` I might also want to apply the `a: 0` value.
__Create color schemes based on a base color__.
__Obtain color scales to use in data visualization__.
## Supported formats
The library supports all the color formats defined in the [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors]:
* ✓ [Named colors][css4-named-colors]
* ✓ [Hex colors]( (with 3, 4, 6, or 8 digits)
* ✓ [RGB and RGBA](
* ✓ [HSL and HSLA](
* [HWB](
* [LAB and LCH](
Additionally, it supports:
* ✓ HSV (also called HSB)
* ✓ HSI
* (Hopefully) CubeHelix
The implementations I've already finished ar denoted by checkmarks (✓).
## API Introduction
## API Reference
<a name='culori' href='#culori'>§</a> __culori__( _Specifier_ or _Color_ ) [<>](./src/culori.js "Source")
Just a convenience for [_culori_.__rgb__()](#culori-rgb).
culori('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
culori({ r: 0.5, g: 0.1, b: 0.2 });
<a name='culori-parse' href='#culori-parse'>§</a> culori.__parse__( _Specifier_ ) → _Color_ [<>](./src/api/parse.js "Source")
Accepts a color in any [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors] format and returns the corresponding __RGB__ or __HSL__ object.
If you'd like to always get a RGB representation regardless of the CSS format, use [__culori()__](#culori) instead.
__Note:__ If the color does not specify an explicit _alpha_ value, the `a` property of the __RGB__ object is marked as _undefined_. Other color libraries will put a default `a: 1` for these colors, but I found this assumption to be limiting. As such, we leave it to the user to place `a: 1` instead of `undefined` when appropriate for their needs.
The individual parsers are exposed in the _culori_.__parse__ namespace:
* culori.parse.__number__( _Specifier_ ) [<>](./src/parsers/number.js "Source")
* culori.parse.__named__( _Specifier_ ) [<>](./src/parsers/named.js "Source")
* culori.parse.__hex__( _Specifier_ ) [<>](./src/parsers/hex.js "Source")
* culori.parse.__rgb__( _Specifier_ ) [<>](./src/parsers/rgb.js "Source")
* culori.parse.__hsl__( _Specifier_ ) [<>](./src/parsers/hsl.js "Source")
<a name='culori-convert' href='#culori-convert'>§</a> culori.__convert__( _Specifier_ or _Color_ ) [<>](./src/api/convert.js "Source")
<a name='culori-css' href='#culori-css'>§</a> culori.__css__( _Color_, _format_ ) [<>](./src/api/css.js "Source")
Converts a Color to a CSS representation. Accepted values for the format:
Format | Example
------ | -------
`rgb` (default) |
`hex` |
`hsl` (coming soon) |
### HSL
<a name='culori-hsl' href='#culori-hsl'>§</a> culori.__hsl__( _Specifier_ or _HSL_ or _RGB_ or _Object_) → _HSL_ [<>](./src/api/hsl.js "Source")
Accepts a color in any [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors] format and returns the corresponding __HSL__ object.
When passed a culori object:
* if it's a __HSL__ object, it just returns it back
* it it's a __RGB__ object, it converts it to a __HSL__ object.
When passed a plain object, it assumes it's a normalized __HSL__ object.
### HSV
<a name='culori-hsv' href='#culori-hsv'>§</a> culori.__hsv__( _Specifier_ or _HSL_ or _RGB_ or _Object_) → _HSV_ [<>](./src/api/hsv.js "Source")
Accepts a color in any [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors] format and returns the corresponding __HSV__ object.
When passed a culori object:
* if it's a __HSV__ object, it just returns it back
* it it's a __RGB__ object, it converts it to a __HSV__ object.
When passed a plain object, it assumes it's a normalized __HSV__ object.
### HSI
<a name='culori-hsi' href='#culori-hsi'>§</a> culori.__hsi__( _Specifier_ or _HSI_ or _RGB_ or _Object_) → _HSI_ [<>](./src/api/hsi.js "Source")
Accepts a color in any [CSS Colors Level 4][css4-colors] format and returns the corresponding __HSI__ object.
When passed a culori object:
* if it's a __HSI__ object, it just returns it back
* it it's a __RGB__ object, it converts it to a __HSI__ object.
When passed a plain object, it assumes it's a normalized __HSI__ object.
### Color sets
<a name='culori-named' href='#culori-named'>§</a> culori.__named__ [<>](./src/colors/named.js "Source")
Contains the set of [CSS Named Colors][css4-named-colors].
<a name='culori-brewer' href='#culori-brewer'>§</a> culori.__brewer__
ColorBrewer (coming soon).
### Utilities
<a name='culori-round' href='#culori-round'>§</a> culori.__round__( _value_ | _object_ [, _precision_ = 4 ] ) [<>](./src/api/round.js "Source")
Rounds the value, or each property in an object, to a certain number of decimal places. This is useful in a couple of situations:
* When creating the CSS representation of the value;
* To deal with floating-point errors that occur when converting between color formats.
<a name='culori-prepare' href='#culori-prepare'>§</a> culori.__prepare__( _Specifier_ or _Color_ ) [<>](./src/api/prepare.js "Source")
### Definitions
_Specifier_. is a color in any parsable format. It is normally a string, but numbers (e.g. `0xFFF`) are also accepted.
__RGB__ is any plain object containing the `r`, `g`, `b`, and optionally `a`, properties with all values normalized to the interval `[0..1]`.
__HSL__ is any plain object containing the `h`, `s`, `l`, and optionally `a`, properties with the values for `s`, `l`, and `a`, normalized to the interval `[0..1]`.
__HSV__ is any plain object containing the `h`, `s`, `v`, and optionally `a`, properties with the values for `s`, `v`, and `a`, normalized to the interval `[0..1]`.
__HSI__ is any plain object containing the `h`, `s`, `i`, and optionally `a`, properties with the values for `s`, `i`, and `a`, normalized to the interval `[0..1]`.
## Prior art
This library is indebted to these projects:
* [chroma.js](
* [d3-color](
* [TinyColor](
## Benchmarks
`colori` stacks well against its peers: [benchmarks](./test/benchmarks/
## Further reading
* [HSL and HSV]( on Wikipedia
* [CSS Color Module Level 4](
* [CSSOM standard serialization](
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