
A Cypress plugin to manage browser launch permissions for various APIs such as Notifications, Geolocation, Cookies, Images, and more.

These APIs can be controlled using browser profile preferences which this plugin will generate and pass for you, as well as resetting them for each test run (otherwise they will be persisted).
This enables you to effectively test permissions-based APIs in continuous integration environments and in headed browsers without prompts. :tada:
Table of Contents
:wave: Read the introduction post for a quick start guide and an example!
Install the package
npm i cypress-browser-permissions --save-dev
yarn install cypress-browser-permissions --save-dev
Import and initialize the plugin
In cypress/plugins/index.js
const { cypressBrowserPermissionsPlugin } = require('cypress-browser-permissions')
module.exports = (on, config) => {
config = cypressBrowserPermissionsPlugin(on, config)
return config
import { cypressBrowserPermissionsPlugin } from 'cypress-browser-permissions'
module.exports = (on, config) => {
config = cypressBrowserPermissionsPlugin(on, config)
return config
Setting Permissions
Setting permissions should work in Chromium (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chromium) and Firefox. They won't take effect in other browser families.
Permissions can be set using Cypress environment variables. The plugin reads permissions from Cypress.env.browserPermissions
and supports all the existing ways to set Cypress environment variables.

In cypress.json
In cypress.json
, set the env.browserPermissions
property with a map of permissions:
"env": {
"browserPermissions": {
"notifications": "allow",
"geolocation": "allow",
"camera": "block",
"microphone": "block",
"images": "allow",
"javascript": "allow",
"popups": "ask",
"plugins": "ask",
"cookies": "allow"
In cypress.env.json
In cypress.env.json
, it follows the same convention:
"browserPermissions": {
"notifications": "allow",
"geolocation": "allow",
"camera": "block",
"microphone": "block",
"images": "allow",
"javascript": "allow",
"popups": "ask",
"plugins": "ask",
"cookies": "allow"
Via cypress open
or cypress run
Since the configuration is nested, you must pass in the permissions as a stringified JSON object:
$ cypress run --env '{\"browserPermissions\": {\"notifications\": 1}}'
$ cypress open --env '{\"browserPermissions\": {\"notifications\": 1}}'
Via machine environment variables
By default, Cypress cannot handle nested variable objects but this plugin will correctly find environment variables that match what it expects and will translate them properly for you automatically:
CYPRESS_browser_permissions_notifications=allow cypress run
Remember: When passing Cypress env vars from the outside, such as from a script, prefix them with CYPRESS_
e.g. CYPRESS_browser_permissions_notifications=allow
. Cypress automatically strips the prefix when passing to Cypress.env
Supported Permissions
These are the supported permission names of the plugin:
Chrome / Edge (Chromium)
Supported Values
Values for a permission can be any of the following:
or ask
- The default permission, which is to prompt the user1
or allow
- Allow the permission2
or block
- Block the permission
Checking Permissions
In your Cypress test suites, you can import permissions helpers from the the package.
Usage Example
import { isPermissionAllowed, isPermissionBlocked, isPermissionAsk } from 'cypress-browser-permissions'
describe('my site', () => {
before(() => cy.visit('/'))
isPermissionAllowed('notifications') &&
it('should show desktop notification', () => {
isPermissionBlocked('notifications') &&
it('should warn user desktop notifications are disabled', () => {
isPermissionAsk('notifications') &&
it('should prompt user to allow desktop notifications', () => {
Also see cypress/integration/ folder for e2e examples.
API Reference
See API reference for documented methods.
Resetting Permissions
This plugin automatically resets each supported permission to the browser default for each test run since otherwise profile preferences are persisted across sessions, which may not be what you intend.
How It Works
Cypress can pass preferences when launching browsers. This plugin adds a small abstraction over this low-level API to take care of setting the permission-related preferences in different browsers, mostly Chrome/Chromium and Firefox.
You can listen to the before:browser:launch
event in your own Cypress application to add any additional preferences.
Chrome / Edge / Chromium Preferences
Documented in pref_names, the permission-related preferences are grouped under profile.managed_default_content_settings
These modify the "managed" settings, such as when group policy is enforced. In the Chrome settings, there is a way to add specific sites to allow / block lists, and this may be possible to do with the plugin if that is stored in the profile data structure.
In about:config
within Firefox, search for permissions.default
to list permissions.
Notably, Firefox does not have some permissions related to JavaScript, Cookies, Plugins, and Popups but those may be managed with other settings.
Thanks to BrowserStack for documenting some of these permissions as well as these StackOverflow posts:
In Web Driver testing, these are passed under capabilities, such as shown in the test-runner configuration and then passing as shown here.
MIT License