
Stepmania SM file genarator CLI.
npm i -g dancedance
Use --help command to see details:
concurrency: number
- how many files to processed. Setting more then server concurrency will take no effect.
token: string
- Auth token for server
album: [choices: "folder", "none", "artist", "artistAlbum"]
- how to make albums for stepmania
inputDir: string
inputMask: string
- mask to search for mp3, default *.mp3
outputDir: string
server: 'jehy' | 'local'
skipExisting: boolean
skip processing already processed
customServer: string
custom server http url
reuseSteps: boolean
don't generate SM files, just copy them to new folder structure
addBackground: boolean
add background for tracks where available
albumPrefix: boolean
add prefix to folder if you wanna differentiate machine generated songs
Sample usage
dancedance --inputDir ~/Downloads/step --outputDir /opt/stepmania/Songs/ --keepDirs true --concurrency 5 --token *** --skipExisting true
``` [boolean]