This is a shameless (or perhaps shameful) imitation of Python's
datetime library for
JavaScript. It provides methods for creating, comparing, formatting and parsing
dates and times.
This library existed a bit longer than it may seem from commit logs and other
information. It has been sitting on my hard drive much longer than some of the
other libraries out there that provide things like strftime formatting.
Unfortunately, I have not released it until now because I was rather busy with
other things. It just so happened that I had time on my hands, so I decided to
polish and release this.
Another reason is that I have started to use MomentJS, and I hated it with
passion. There are many reasons why strftime formatting is great, and habit is
not even the first reason that comes to mind. Without going further into
philosophical discussion, I consider strftime formatting to be superior and I
want to use it in JavaScript. Period.
The datetime.js
module is in UMD format, and it is usable in both the
browsers and NodeJS. It has no external dependencies.
This module is currently not released on NPM, so please hold on while that is
sorted out.
For browsers, you can simply add it using a <script>
tag or require
it as
you normally do if you use RequireJS and similar AMD loaders.
Basic usage
Since the juicy bit is strftime formatting, let's see an example of that first.
var dt = require('datetime'); // if you need to
var date = new Date(2014, 4, 12, 14, 0, 0);
dt.strftime(date, 'The year is %Y, around %i %p on %b %d');
// returns 'The year is 2014, around 2 p.m. on May 12'
Ideally, we would be able parse using the same formatting string and the result
we've got from #strftime()
, but that's just not possible right now. So we'll
go easy with a slightly more reasonable example.
date = '9/2/2013 11:45 a.m.'
dt.strptime(date, '%n/%D/%Y %i:%M %p');
// Returns Date object for Mon Sep 02 2013 11:45:00
But formatting and parsing isn't all. How about finding out the difference in
time between two Date
// Wrapping it in immmediate-execution for people who are
// trying this in a shell.
(function() {
date = new Date();
setTimeout(function() {
var date1 = new Date();
var delta =, date1)
console.log('Took me ' + delta.seconds + ' seconds');
}, 5400);
// Will eventually print 'Took me 6 seconds'
Or maybe you don't need an exact delta. You only need to know if something is
before or after?
var date = new Date(2013, 6, 12);
var date1 = new Date(2013, 6, 15);
dt.datetime.isAfter(date, date1); // false
dt.datetime.isBefore(date, date1); // true
Sorting dates is also quite easy:
new Date(2013, 6, 12),
new Date(2013, 4, 10),
new Date(2013, 5, 15)
// returns [Date(2013, 4, 10), Date(2013, 5, 15), Date(2013, 6, 12)]
API documentation
Yes, on TODO list. Meanwhile, look at the CoffeeScript source in the src
directory (no, really, just read the comments, even if you don't know any
Reporting bugs
Report all your issues (related to this library, of course) to the GitHub
issue tracker.