dfuse JavaScript/TypeScript Client Library
A GraphQL, WebSocket and HTTP REST client library to consume dfuse API https://dfuse.io (dfuse docs).
Using Yarn:
yarn add @dfuse/client
# Use this command if you are using npm
#npm install --save @dfuse/client
What you get by using this library:
- Full dfuse API coverage (GraphQL, REST & WebSocket)
- API Token issuance & management (auto-refresh, expiration handling, storage, etc)
- Automatic re-connection on socket close
- Stream progress management and auto-restart at last marked location on socket re-connection
- Full customization power
Quick Start
Notice You should replace the sequence of characters Paste your API key here
in the script above with your actual API key obtain from https://app.dfuse.io. A
valid API key starts with either mobile_
, server_
or web_
followed by a series of
hexadecimal character (i.e.) web_0123456789abcdef
See examples/graphql-stream-transfers.ts
const { createDfuseClient } = require("@dfuse/client")
const client = createDfuseClient({ apiKey: "<Paste your API key here>", network: "mainnet" })
const streamTransfer = `subscription($cursor: String!) {
searchTransactionsForward(query: "receiver:eosio.token action:transfer", cursor: $cursor) {
undo cursor
trace {
matchingActions { json }
await client.graphql(streamTransfer, (message, stream) => {
if (message.type === "error") {
console.log("An error occurred", message.errors, message.terminal)
if (message.type === "data") {
const data = message.data.searchTransactionsForward
const actions = data.trace.matchingActions
actions.forEach(({ json }: any) => {
const { from, to, quantity, memo } = json
console.log(`Transfer [${from} -> ${to}, ${quantity}] (${memo})`)
stream.mark({ cursor: data.cursor })
if (message.type === "complete") {
console.log("Stream completed")
See examples/eth-stream-transfers.ts
const { createDfuseClient } = require("@dfuse/client")
const streamTransfer = `subscription($cursor: String) {
searchTransactions(query: "method:'transfer(address,uint256)'", cursor: $cursor) {
undo cursor
node { hash from to value(encoding: ETHER) }
await client.graphql(streamTransfer, (message, stream) => {
if (message.type === "error") {
console.log("An error occurred", message.errors, message.terminal)
if (message.type === "data") {
const { cursor, node } = message.data.searchTransactions
console.log(`Transfer [${node.from} -> ${node.to}, ${node.value}]`)
stream.mark({ cursor })
if (message.type === "complete") {
console.log("Stream completed")
If you target a Node.js
environment instead, you will need bring a fetch
function and a proper WebSocket
You are free to use any compatible library respecting the respective requirements. To
make it simple, if fetch
and/or WebSocket
are available in the global scope (global
they are picked automatically by the library. While polluting the global scope, it's the
easiest way to get started.
It's what the examples in this project do using respectively
node-fetch and
and ws for fetch
and WebSocket
Installation instructions using Yarn would be:
yarn add node-fetch ws
In the bootstrap phase of your application, prior doing any @dfuse/client
put the following code:
global.fetch = require("node-fetch");
global.WebSocket = require("ws");
You can check the Node.js Configuration
example for how to avoid polluting the global scope.
Sane Defaults
The library make sane default assumptions about some of the dependencies
the library requires. This section details the choices we think are the
most important ones.
The library requires a Fetch
like interface. In the Browser environment,
this is the fetch
function that is used (we check that window.fetch
a function).
If window.fetch
is undefined, we fallback to check global.fetch
This can be set in a Node.js environment to point to a compatible implementation
of fetch
, like the one provided by the node-fetch
If none is provided, the library throw an error. To avoid this error, you should pass
the httpClientOptions.fetch
option when creating the dfuse Client.
It possible to provide you own implementation using under the cover any
HTTP library like axios or even
if you wish so.
The library requires a WebSocket
client interface having the same semantics
as the WebSocket API in the Browser environment.
In the Browser environment, this is the standard WebSocket
variable that is used
(we check that window.WebSocket
is present).
If window.WebSocket
is undefined, we fallback to check global.WebSocket
This can be set in a Node.js environment to point to a compatible implementation
of WebSocket
client, like the one provided by the ws
If none is provided, the library throw an error. To avoid this error, you should pass
the streamClientOptions.socketOptions.webSocketFactory
and the
options when creating the dfuse
Client. This factory method receives the full url to connect to the remote endpoint
(this will include the API token to use in query parameters of the url) and should
return a valid WebSocket
client object.
We highly suggest to use ws package straight in a
Node.js environment.
API Token Store
The API token store interface is used by the dfuse Client to perform the
persistent retrieval and writing of the API token. Indeed, we rate limit
the API token issuance endpoint and as such, it's highly important
to re-use a valid token instead of generating a new one each time it's
required to avoid hitting the API token issue rate limiter.
The library, when no apiTokenStore
options is passed to the client will
pick a default ApiTokenStore
implementation based on your environment.
In a Browser environment, the concrete implementation that is used is the
class. This will save and retrieve the token from the browser localStorage
(under a dfuse:token
In a Node.js environment, the concrete implementation that is used is the
OnDiskApiTokenStore class.
This will save and retrieve the token from a local file on the disk
at ~/.dfuse/<sha256-api-key>/token.info
Note Depending on your deployment target (Docker
, VM, etc.), it's possible
that the home directory (~
) is not writable, causing the default
instance on Node.js environment to not work correctly. In those cases, simply define
yourself the apiTokenStore
instance to use and pick the location where the token
should be saved. Instantiate a
instance and use it as the apiTokenStore
configuration value when instantiating the
dfuse Client:
import { createDfuseClient, FileApiTokenStore } from "@dfuse/client";
const client = createDfuseClient({
apiTokenStore: new FileApiTokenStore("/tmp/dfuse-token.json"),
The full API reference can be found at https://dfuse-io.github.io/client-js/.
This site is generated by running typedoc
on this repository. The full API
reference being rather exhaustive, here a quick index pointing to the most
important entities' documentation section that should be read to understand
the various part of the library:
Note DefaultStreamClient
, DefaultHttpClient
, DefaultSocket
, DefaultApiTokenManager
are all private implementations not exposed.
Note You can run the examples straight from this repository quite easily. Clone it to
you computer, run yarn install && yarn build
in the project directory. Link the local
build so it's usable by the examples:
yarn link # Adds a symlink of this project to your global installation
yarn link @dfuse/client # Adds `@dfuse/client` in this project's `node_modules` folder (global symlink)
Ensures you have an environment variable DFUSE_API_KEY
set to your dfuse API Key value.
Then simply issue the following command (pick the example file you want to run):
yarn run:example examples/basic/stream-transfers.ts
Browser Example
For the browser example to work, you need to edit the browser.html
- Edit the
file to put your own API key, search for apiKey: "<Paste API key here!>",
in the file.
Once this is done, simply double-click on the browser.html
file (open examples/reference/browser.html
on Unix/Mac system).
These are the starter examples showing a concrete use case you can solve using @dfuse/client
library. Those toy examples have low to no error handling, check the Advanced section
for production grade details on efficiently use @dfuse/client
You will find examples leveraging the full power library with all the correct patterns to
consume the Blockchain data efficiently, with strict data integrity and how to properly
deal with error and edge cases (like micro-forks!).
In this folder, you will get full reference examples. Those are used to showcase the actual full data
you receive with each call. It's also there where you can check the flow of messages that can be handled
in each dfuse Stream and full configuration options for the library itself and all the API calls.
The best way to develop this library is through modifying and adding examples
to the project.
To run the examples, it's quite simple, follow these instructions:
Install project dependencies so that you get development tools at the same time:
yarn install
Link the project inside itself, that will be necessary to correct run the
examples which import @dfuse/client
yarn link
yarn link @dfuse/client
Start the build watcher so distribution files are always up-to-date. Forgetting
to do that will prevent examples from picking latest changes you've made to
source files!
yarn start
Last step is to add .env
file containing the dfuse API key
required to run the examples. Create a file .env
at the root of the project
with the following content:
DFUSE_API_KEY=Replace this with API key!
Final check, let's run an example to ensure everything is working:
yarn run:example examples/basic/check-balance.ts
First step is to update the change log (CHANGELOG.md) by updating the
## In Progress
header to change to ## <Version> (<Month> <Day>, <Year>)
(i.e. ## 0.11.11 (March 26, 2019)
and the commit that.
Assuming you have been granted access rights to publish this package, the command to perform is simply:
yarn run publish:latest
This command will automatically perform a clean build followed by the execution of the full test
suite then a publish the package followed by a publish of the docs and finally push the commits
and tag to the remote repository.
If you want to publish a pre-release version not flagged as the latest so that people still pulls
the current stable version unless they opt-in explicitly, use the following invocation:
yarn run publish:next
Does the same work as publish:latest
but the docs is not published by this step.
Credits / Acknowledgement
A big thanks (and hug) to our dear friend Denis Carriere from
EOS Nation for creating the initial version of this project.