This is a custom Create React App script that is perfect for getting started with React, TypeScript
and MobX. It has quite a few nice features:
- Nice tech stack
- React
- TypeScript
- MobX
- Reach Router
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Cypress
- Cypress Testing Library
- ESLint
- Prettier
- husky/lint-staged
- Flexible folder structure
- MobX root store pattern with Dependency Injection for easy testing
- Git hooks for pre-commit and pre-push that run the linter and tests, respectively
- CI ready to run unit, integration and end-to-end tests
- Webpack aliases set up for easy path imports
- CSS, or SCSS/Sass, or CSS Modules with SCSS/CSS
- PurgeCSS to remove all unused CSS during build
- Feature switch for hiding features behind feature flags
- Code splitting (JS & CSS)
- Production profiling and bundle analyzing
- Hot reloading
- Cache busting
- PWA ready
create-react-app <name-of-app> --scripts-version daxko-react-scripts
This package includes scripts and configuration used by Create React App.
Please refer to its documentation: