Devmtn Auth with passport & json web tokens
This module is a Passport strategy to allow for Devmountain microservice authentication with relatively little configuration. You get all the normal benefits of passport, including auth redirect/callback, req.user and req.logout(), and serializing the user onto the session. Successful authentication will provide a user object with email, user roles, and the unique id from the authentication server database. If your app needs different/more information, it must be configured on Devmountain's app.
Example/recommended server setup here.
Getting started
Install devmtn-auth:
- Ask a mentor to get a copy of the devmtn-auth module.
- Unzip the devmtn-auth-master folder into the root of your project.
- To install the module and its dependencies:
- the trailing slash tells npm to install install from a folder, rather than the npm registry
npm install devmtn-auth-master/
To make devmtn-auth install with everything else when you run npm install:
"scripts": {
"preinstall" : "npm install devmtn-auth-master/"
The example has what is basically a Minimum Setup.
Create and/or modify your .gitignore to include devmtnAuthConfig.js
Create a devmtnAuthConfig.js to look like this: (specific values will need to be provided to you)
module.exports = {
app: 'app_name_placeholder',
client_token: 'client_token_placeholder',
callbackURL: 'callbackURL_placeholder',
jwtSecret: 'jwtSecret_placeholder'
That's it for setup!
However, for this to work, your app must be configured on the authentication server, and you must be given appropriate config values.
The token can be accessed in the verify callback when you set up the strategy
passport.use('devmtn', new DevmtnStrategy(devmtnAuthConfig, function(jwtoken, user, done) {
req.session.jwtoken = jwtoken;
User.findOrCreate({email:}, function(err, local_user) {
return done(err, local_user)
For convenience, devmtn-auth exposes a checkRoles function that can be used to verify user roles from the decoded json web token.
var Devmtn = require('devmtn-auth');
Devmtn.checkRoles(req.user, 'student')
Running Tests
npm test