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Comparing version 0.3.0 to 0.4.0-beta.1


#!/usr/bin/env node
var rimraf = require('rimraf');
var path = require('canonical-path');
var myArgs = require('optimist')
.usage('Usage: $0 path/to/config')
.usage('Usage: $0 path/to/mainPackage [path/to/other/packages ...]')
var dgeni = require('../lib/index');
var log = dgeni.log;
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
// Set up logging to look nice on the command line
// Extract the paths to the packages from the command line arguments
var packagePaths = myArgs._;
// Load in the config file and run it over the top of the default config
var config = dgeni.loadConfig(myArgs._[0]);
// Require each of these packages and then create a new dgeni using them
var packages = {
if ( packagePath.startsWith('.') ) {
packagePath = path.resolve(packagePath);
return require(packagePath);
var outputFolder = config.get('rendering.outputFolder');
if ( config.get('rendering.cleanOutputFolder') && outputFolder ) {
// Delete the previous output
rimraf.sync(outputFolder);'Removed previous output files from "' + outputFolder + '"');
var dgeni = new Dgeni(packages);
var generateDocs = dgeni.generator(config);
generateDocs().then(function() {'Finished generating docs');
// Run the document generation
dgeni.generate().then(function() {
console.log('Finished generating docs');
# ChangeLog
## v0.4.0-beta.1 (25th July 2014)
This is a major re-architecting of how Dgeni uses Dependency Injection and configuration.
This version of Dgeni is compatible with dgeni-packages@^0.10.0
* Dgeni is now configured by **Packages**, which can depend on other **Packages**.
* **Packages** contain **Services**, **Processors** and **Config Blocks**, which are all
instantiated or invoked by the DI system.
* **Processors** themselves are special instances of DI **Service** rather than the
**process()** being invoked by the DI system.
* Dgeni specific properties on **Processors** are now prefixed with a `$`. E.g. `$process()`,
`$runBefore`, `$runAfter`.
* **Processors** can now be "validated" using []( constraints,
specified in the `processor.$validate` property.
* **Processors** can now be disabled by setting `processor.$enabled = false`.
* **Processors** with the same name will override previously registered **Processors**, say
from a Package dependency.
* New injectable helper services have been provided: `dgeni`, `log`, `getInjectables`.
* Use injectable `log` service in your Processors and Services instead of requiring `winston`.
* Test coverage of the source files is now at 100%.
The most significant commits are listed below:
* fix(Dgeni): allow config blocks to change $enabled on a Processor d231c244
* feat(Dgeni): allow processors to be disabled by setting `$enabled: false` d390fcd3
* feat(Dgeni): allow config blocks to make changes to processor order 604fcbfb
* feat(Dgeni): add package info to processors to help with error reporting 81184052
* fix(Dgeni): processors with the same name should override previous ones ff7ec049
* feat(getInjectables): add new shared service 6d9cef0a
* test(mock/log): add simple mock log service for testing 51a8dc92
* feat(Package): allow processors and service to override their name a9584fd2
* test(Dgeni): add tests to improve code coverage 7b4a757b
* feat(Package): allow processors to be defined as an object a75e9181
* feat(Dgeni): add new (no config - DI based) Dgeni e8d30958
* feat(Package): add Package type 87cbf122
* feat(log): add wrapper around winston c303a9a6
* refact(*): remove previous Dgeni implementation 1cf67e2d
## v0.3.0 (11th April 2014)

@@ -13,7 +52,7 @@

** New Stuff **
**New Stuff**
* feat(doc-processor): processors can declare injectable exports cfd19f08
** Breaking Changes **
**Breaking Changes**

@@ -58,2 +97,2 @@ * refactor(index): provide a cleaner API surface 3c78776d

* Initial version to support AngularJS documentation generation.
* Initial version to support AngularJS documentation generation.
"name": "dgeni",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "0.4.0-beta.1",
"description": "Flexible JavaScript documentation generator used by AngularJS",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"main": "lib/Dgeni.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "jasmine-node spec",
"cover": "istanbul cover jasmine-node -- spec"
"cover": "istanbul cover jasmine-node -- spec",
"docs": "bin/gen-docs.js ./docs/dgeni-docs.js"

@@ -22,15 +23,16 @@ "repository": {

"dependencies": {
"winston": "~0.7.2",
"rimraf": "~2.2.5",
"canonical-path": "~0.0.2",
"dependency-graph": "~0.1.0",
"di": "0.0.1",
"es6-shim": "^0.12.0",
"optimist": "~0.6.0",
"lodash": "~2.4.1",
"dependency-graph": "~0.1.0",
"q": "~0.9.7",
"di": "0.0.1",
"canonical-path": "~0.0.2"
"validate.js": "^0.2.0",
"winston": "~0.7.2"
"devDependencies": {
"jasmine-node": "~1.12.0",
"rewire": "~2.0.0",
"istanbul": "^0.2.7"
"dgeni-packages": "^0.10.0",
"istanbul": "^0.2.7",
"jasmine-node": "^2.0.0",
"rewire": "~2.0.0"

@@ -37,0 +39,0 @@ "contributors": [

@@ -11,5 +11,7 @@ # Dgeni - Documentation Generator [![Build Status](](

You'll need node.js and a bunch of npm modules installed to run this tool. Get node.js from here: Then, in your project folder run:
You'll need node.js and a bunch of npm modules installed to use Dgeni. Get node.js from here:
In the project you want to document you install Dgeni by running:

@@ -22,59 +24,215 @@ npm install dgeni --save

## Architecture
## Running Dgeni
The tool is modular. There are three main phases of document generation:
Dgeni on its own doesn't do much. You much configure it with **Packages** that contain **Services**
and **Processors**. It is the **Processors** that actually convert your source files to
documentation files.
* File Reading - reading docs from files.
* Doc Processing - parsing ngdocs and calculating meta data
* HTML Rendering - converting the parsed docs into HTML
To the run the processors we create a new instance of `Dgeni`, providing to it an array of **Packages**
to load. Then simply call the `generate()` method on this instance. The `generate()` method runs the
processors asynchronously and returns a **Promise** to the generated documents.
Each of these phases will execute a set of plugins (extractors, processors and renderers) to
generate the documentation.
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
### Document Processors
var packages = [require('./myPackage')];
In practice all these phases are executed by a pipeline of **document processors**. Each processor
can provide a list of other processors that it must come before or after, and it can provide zero or
more of the following handlers:
var dgeni = new Dgeni(packages);
* `init(config, injectables) { ... }` - gives the processor and opportunity to initialize itself
based on the configuration object and also add items to the dependency injection container.
* `process(docs, ...) { ... }` - invoked by the dependency injector. Each processor's process
handler is called an order that fits with the declared `runBefore` and `runAfter` dependencies.
dgeni.generate().then(function(docs) {
console.log(docs.length, 'docs generated');
The `before` and `after` handlers can be synchronous or asynchronous. If they are synchronous then
they should return undefined or a new array of documents. If they are asynchronous then they must
return a promise, which will resolve to undefined or a new collection of documents.
## Packages
#### Pseudo Marker Processors
**Services**, **Processors**, configuration values and templates are be bundled into a `Package`. Packages
can depend upon other Packages. In this way you can build up your custom configuration on
top of an existing configuration.
### Defining a Package
Dgeni provides a `Package` type that you instantiate. This instance has methods to register **Services** and
**Processors**, and to configure the properties of **Processors**:
var Package = require('dgeni').Package;
var myPackage = new Package('myPackage', ['packageDepencency1', 'packageDependency2']);
myPackage.config(function(processor1, service2) {
service2.someProperty = 'some value';
processor1.specialService = service2;
## Services
Dgeni makes significant use of **Dependency Injection (DI)** to instantiate objects. Objects that
will be instantiated by the DI system must be provided by a **factory function**, which is registered
in a **Package**, either as a **Processor**, by `myPackage.processor(factoryFn)`, or as a **Service**,
by `myPackage.factory(factoryFn)`.
### Defining a Service
The parameters to a factory function are dependencies on other services that the DI system must find
or instantiate and provide to the factory function.
module.exports = function car(function(engine, wheels) {
return {
drive: function() {
Here we have defined a `car` service, which depends upon two other services, `engine` and `wheels`
defined elsewhere. Note that this `car` service doesn't care how and where these dependencies are
defined. It relies on the DI system to provide them when needed.
The `car` service returned by the factory function is an object containing one method, `drive()`,
which in turn calls methods on `engine` and `wheels`.
## Processors
**Processors** are **Services** that contain a `$process(docs)` method. The processors are run
one after another in a pipeline. Each Processor takes the collection documents from the previous
Processor and manipulates it, maybe inserting new documents or adding meta data to documents that are
there already.
Processors can expose properties that tell Dgeni where in the pipeline they should be run and
how to validate the configuration of the Processor.
* `$enabled` - if set to `false` then this Processor will not be included in the pipeline
* `$runAfter` - an array of strings, where each string is the name of a Processor that must appear
**earlier** in the pipeline than this Processor
* `$runBefore` - an array of strings, where each string is the name of a Processor that must appear
**later** in the pipeline than this one
* `$validate` - a []( constraint object that Dgeni uses
to validate the properties of this Processor.
### Defining a Processor
You define Processors just like you would a Service:
module.exports = function myDocProcessor(dependency1, dependency2) {
return {
$process(docs) { ... do stuff with the docs ... }
$runAfter: ['otherProcessor1'],
$runBefore: ['otherProcessor2', 'otherProcessor3'],
$validate: {
myProperty: { presence: true }
myProperty: 'some config value'
### Registering a Processor
You then register the Processor with a Package:
var Package = require('dgeni').Package;
module.exports = new Package('myPackage')
### Asynchronous Processing
The `$process(docs)` method can be synchronous or asynchronous:
* If synchronous then it should return `undefined` or a new array of documents.
If it returns a new array of docs then this array will replace the previous `docs` array.
* If asynchronous then it must return a **Promise**, which should resolve to `undefined`
or a new collection of documents. By returning a **Promise**, the processor tells Dgeni
that it is asynchronous and Dgeni will wait for the promise to resolve before calling the
next processor.
Here is an example of an asynchronous **Processor**
var qfs = require('q-io/fs');
module.exports = function readFileProcessor() {
return {
filePath: 'some/file.js',
$process(docs) {
return qfs.readFile(this.filePath).then(function(response) {
### Standard Dgeni Packages
The [dgeni-packages repository]( contains a many Processors
- from basic essentials to complex, angular.js specific. These processors are grouped into Packages:
* `base` - contains the basic file reading and writing Processors as well as an abstract
rendering Processor.
* `jsdoc` - depends upon `base` and adds Processors and Services to support parsing and
extracting jsdoc style tags from comments in code.
* `nunjucks` - provides a [nunjucks]( based rendering
* `ngdoc` - depends upon `jsdoc` and `nunjucks` and adds additional processing for the
AngularJS extensions to jsdoc.
* `examples` - depends upon `jsdoc` and provides Processors for extracting examples from jsdoc
comments and converting them to files that can be run.
### Pseudo Marker Processors
There are a number of processors that don't do anything but act as markers for stages of the
processing. You can use these markers in `runBefore` and `runAfter` properties to ensure that your
processor is run at the right time. Here is the list of these marker processors in order:
processing. You can use these markers in `$runBefore` and `$runAfter` properties to ensure
that your Processor is run at the right time. Here is a list of these marker processors in order:
* loading-files
* files-loaded
* parsing-tags
* tags-parsed
* extracting-tags
* tags-extracted
* processing-docs
* docs-processed
* adding-extra-docs
* extra-docs-added
* rendering-docs
* docs-rendered
* writing-files
* files-written
* reading-files *(defined in base)*
* files-read *(defined in base)*
* parsing-tags *(defined in jsdoc)*
* tags-parsed *(defined in jsdoc)*
* extracting-tags *(defined in jsdoc)*
* tags-extracted *(defined in jsdoc)*
* processing-docs *(defined in base)*
* docs-processed *(defined in base)*
* adding-extra-docs *(defined in base)*
* extra-docs-added *(defined in base)*
* rendering-docs *(defined in base)*
* docs-rendered *(defined in base)*
* writing-files *(defined in base)*
* files-written *(defined in base)*
## Packages
Document processors, templates and other configuration can be bundled into a `package`. Packages
can load up and extend other packages. In this way you can build up your custom configuration on
top of an existing configuration.
## Configuration Blocks
There are some initial packages defined in the
[dgeni-packages repository](
You can configure the **Services** and **Processors** defined in a **Package** or its dependencies
by registering **Configuration Blocks** with the **Package**. These are functions that can be
injected with **Services** and **Processors** by the DI system, giving you the opportunity to
set properties on them.
### Registering a Configuration Block
You register a **Configuration Block** by calling `config(configFn)` on a Package.
myPackage.config(function(readFilesProcessor) {
readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = ['src/**/*.js'];

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