Digital Ocean API (NodeJS/Javascript)
A thin wrapper for the Digital Ocean API (v2)
Table of Content
First get the package through NPM
npm install digital-ocean-api
Now set it up inside your application
var DigitalOceanApi = require('digital-ocean-api');
var api = new DigitalOceanApi({
token: 'yourAccessToken'
All the methods utilize the same callback interface, except for the Paginator
getPageRange method.
function(error, data) {};
Errors are created internally following the following pattern:
var error = new Error('message');
error.code = 'string_coded_error';
error.original = errorObject; // if applicable
These are the top-level errors (every callback can be return these errors)
- request_error: This is an error returned by the request function. When
this error pops up, something went wrong with the request. This error will
contain the original error as returned by your request function.
- request_implementation_error: When your implementation is flawed, this
will most likely never occur.
- internal_server_error: When a status code between 500 and 599 is returned.
- response_error: When a status code between 400 and 499 is returned
Paginated resources
When a method accesses a paginated resource, you can pass along a callback and
exhaust the entire resource, or you don't provide a callback in which you will
get an instance of Paginator, a helper utility to more easily work with multi-
page resources.
var paginator = api.listDroplets();
The paginator implements the following methods:
- getPage(pageNumber, callback): will get the specified page.
- getPageRange(start, stop, callback): This will attempt to retrieve all
the pages within the range.
- getAll(callback): will exhaust the entire resource.
- setLimit(limit): Set the maximum entries per page.
- setBulkLimit(limit): When calling getAll(), this is the items per page
which will be used.
The getPageRange is the only method to access the api inside this library which
does not respect the same callback interface. Since it's an asynchronous
function it will call the callback whenver it gets back results from a page. The
order is rather random and as such it's important to provide an easy-to-use api
to find out which page it is.
paginator.getPageRange(1, 5, function(error, data, page) {
Tagged Droplet Actions
Droplet actions always have a boolean and callback as it's last two arguments.
API.prototype.rebuildDroplet = function(id, image, tagged, callback)
If the tagged boolean is true, the id argument will be used as a tag instead
and the action will be performed against all droplets with the specified tag.
In that case, the result will be an array of actions.
The "tagged" argument is optional for the sake of backwards compatibility.
Refer to the actual API Documentation
to learn what the returned values can be. Bear in mind that the returned data
is sanitized.
Methods marked with a star (*) are paginated methods.
- Account
- Actions
- Domains
- listDomains (*)
- createDomain
- getDomain
- deleteDomain
- Domain Records
- listDomainRecords (*)
- getDomainRecord
- createDomainRecord
- updateDomainRecord
- deleteDomainRecord
- Droplets
- listDroplets (*)
- getDroplet
- listAvailableKernels (*)
- listDropletsByTag (*)
- listDropletSnapshots (*)
- listDropletBackups (*)
- listDropletActions (*)
- createDroplet
- deleteDroplet
- deleteDropletsByTag
- listDropletNeighbors (*)
- listNeighbors (*)
- Droplet actions
- enableDropletBackups
- disableDropletBackups
- rebootDroplet
- powerCycleDroplet
- shutdownDroplet
- powerOffDroplet
- powerOnDroplet
- restoreDroplet
- passwordResetDroplet
- resizeDroplet
- rebuildDroplet
- renameDroplet
- changeDropletKernel
- enableIpv6Droplet
- enableDropletPrivateNetwork
- snapshotDroplet
- getDropletAction
- Images
- listImages (*)
- listDistributionImages
- listApplicationImages
listUserImages (*)listImageActions (*)- getImage
- getImageBySlug
- updateImage
- deleteImage
- Image Actions
- SSH Keys
- listKeys (*)
- createKey
- getKey
- updateKey
- destroyKey
- Regions
- Sizes
- Floating IPs
listFloatingIPs (*)createFloatingIPcreateUnassignedFloatingIPgetFloatingIPdeleteFloatingIP
- Floating IP Actions
assignFloatingIPunassignFloatingIPlistFloatingIPActions (*)getFloatingIPAction
- Tags
- listTags (*)
- createTag
- getTag
- updateTag
- tag
- untag
- deleteTag
api.getUserInfo(function(err, info) {
// Exhaustive call (not recommended here)
api.listActions(function(err, actions) {
// Paginator object
var paginator = api.listActions();
api.getAction(id, function(err, action) {
// Exhaustive call
api.listDroplets(function(err, droplets) {
// Paginator object
var paginator = api.listDroplets();
// Exhaustive call (recommended)
api.listRegions(function(err, regions) {
// Paginator object
var paginator = api.listRegions();
// Exhaustive call (recommended)
api.listSizes(function(err, sizes) {
// Paginator object
var paginator = api.listSizes();
- Image list functions which filter on type are flawed
- Implement actual request/response testing using a local dummy server and hardcoded JSON responses.