🔮 Discord.js Akinator 🔮
A Discord.js v13 Module that allows you to Create an Akinator Command for Your Discord Bot within Seconds of Installation.
UPDATE 3.0.0 - Lots of New Changes! (and some breaking, so be careful!)
New Features Include:
FULL TRANSLATION (100+ New Languages!)
Discord.js Akinator no longer relies on other Akinator API servers to translate, as they are all slow and laggy apart from the European one. Also, they would only translate the questions and nothing else!
By utilising Google Translate and creating hard-coded translation mappings, OVER 100 NEW LANGUAGES are now supported! Also, every piece of text is now translatable, not just the questions!
With this new option, you can choose to use the new discord buttons!
Do keep in mind that it is false
by default.
Want to filter out NSFW questions? Simply set this option to true
Again, this will default to false
The package no longer requires you to pass in a Discord.Client
object to function.
Just pass in the Discord.Message
and it'll handle the rest!
Install Package
Let's take a look at how you can install this package into your Discord Bot Project.
npm i discord.js-akinator --save
For versions 3.0.0 and Above, you'll also need discord.js v13. This can easily be installed with:
npm i discord.js@13 --save
For versions earlier than 3.0.0, you'll need discord.js v12. However it is recommended you update to patch bugs and security vulnerabilities, as well as getting the newest features from this package!
npm i discord.js@12 --save
Example Code
const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js");
const akinator = require("discord.js-akinator");
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] });
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log("Bot is Online")
const PREFIX = "!";
const language = "en";
const childMode = false;
const useButtons = true;
client.on("messageCreate", async message => {
if(message.content.startsWith(`${PREFIX}akinator`)) {
akinator(message, {
language: language,
childMode: childMode,
useButtons: useButtons
client.login("Discord Bot Token")
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