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Comparing version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4



@@ -20,6 +20,3 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

lint = require('../streams/lint.js'),
github = require('../streams/github.js'),
normalize = require('../streams/normalize.js'),
flatten = require('../streams/flatten.js'),
filterAccess = require('../streams/filter_access.js');
github = require('../streams/github.js');

@@ -112,8 +109,7 @@ var yargs = require('yargs')

var docStream = documentation(inputs)
var docStream = documentation(inputs, {
private: argv.private
.pipe(argv.lint ? lint() : new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }))
.pipe(argv.g ? github() : new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }))
.pipe(filterAccess(argv.private ? [] : undefined))

@@ -120,0 +116,0 @@

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

[{"description":"Generate JavaScript documentation as a list of parsed JSDoc\ncomments, given a root file as a path.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"documentation"},{"title":"param","description":"files to process","type":{"type":"UnionType","elements":[{"type":"TypeApplication","expression":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Array"},"applications":[{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},"name":"indexes"},{"title":"returns","description":"stream of output","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":25,"column":0},"end":{"line":57,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/index.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar mdeps = require('module-deps'),\n path = require('path'),\n PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough,\n sort = require('./streams/sort'),\n parse = require('./streams/parse'),\n inferName = require('./streams/infer_name'),\n inferKind = require('./streams/infer_kind'),\n inferMembership = require('./streams/infer_membership');\n\n// Skip external modules. Based on\nvar externalModuleRegexp = process.platform === 'win32' ?\n /^(\\.|\\w:)/ :\n /^[\\/.]/;\n\n/**\n * Generate JavaScript documentation as a list of parsed JSDoc\n * comments, given a root file as a path.\n *\n * @name documentation\n * @param {Array<String>|String} indexes files to process\n * @return {Object} stream of output\n */\nmodule.exports = function (indexes) {\n var md = mdeps({\n filter: function (id) {\n return externalModuleRegexp.test(id);\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof indexes === 'string') {\n indexes = [indexes];\n }\n\n indexes.forEach(function (index) {\n md.write(path.resolve(index));\n });\n md.end();\n\n var end = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true });\n\n function deferErrors(stream) {\n return stream.on('error', function (a, b, c) {\n end.emit('error', a, b, c);\n end.emit('end');\n });\n }\n\n return md\n .pipe(deferErrors(parse()))\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferName()))\n .pipe(sort())\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferKind()))\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferMembership()))\n .pipe(end);\n};","path":"index.js","github":""},"name":"documentation","params":[{"title":"param","description":"files to process","type":{"type":"UnionType","elements":[{"type":"TypeApplication","expression":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Array"},"applications":[{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},"name":"indexes"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"stream of output","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["documentation"]},{"description":"Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\nmaking it executable on linux-like systems.","tags":[{"title":"param","description":"the source code in full","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"},"name":"code"},{"title":"returns","description":"code","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}},{"title":"example","description":"var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\nfoo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';"},{"title":"name","name":"commentShebang"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":19,"column":0},"end":{"line":21,"column":1}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar doctrine = require('doctrine'),\n espree = require('espree'),\n through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n extend = require('extend'),\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment');\n\n/**\n * Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\n * making it executable on linux-like systems.\n * @param {String} code the source code in full\n * @return {String} code\n * @example\n * var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\n * foo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';\n */\nfunction commentShebang(code) {\n return (code[0] === '#' && code[1] === '!') ? '//' + code : code;\n}\n\nvar espreeConfig = {\n loc: true,\n attachComment: true,\n // specify parsing features (default only has blockBindings: true)\n ecmaFeatures: {\n // enable parsing of arrow functions\n arrowFunctions: true,\n // enable parsing of let/const\n blockBindings: true,\n // enable parsing of destructured arrays and objects\n destructuring: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression y flag\n regexYFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression u flag\n regexUFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of template strings\n templateStrings: true,\n // enable parsing of binary literals\n binaryLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing of ES6 octal literals\n octalLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing unicode code point escape sequences\n unicodeCodePointEscapes: true,\n // enable parsing of default parameters\n defaultParams: true,\n // enable parsing of rest parameters\n restParams: true,\n // enable parsing of for-of statement\n forOf: true,\n // enable parsing computed object literal properties\n objectLiteralComputedProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal methods\n objectLiteralShorthandMethods: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal properties\n objectLiteralShorthandProperties: true,\n // Allow duplicate object literal properties (except '__proto__')\n objectLiteralDuplicateProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of generators/yield\n generators: true,\n // enable parsing spread operator\n spread: true,\n // enable parsing classes\n classes: true,\n // enable parsing of modules\n modules: true,\n // enable React JSX parsing\n jsx: true,\n // enable return in global scope\n globalReturn: true\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\n * reads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\n * emits parsed comments.\n * @name parse\n * @param {Object} data a chunk of data provided by module-deps\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (data) {\n try {\n var code = commentShebang(data.source),\n ast = espree.parse(code, espreeConfig),\n stream = this;\n } catch(e) {\n e.message += ' (' + data.file + ')';\n this.emit('error', e);\n this.emit('end');\n }\n\n types.visit(ast, {\n visitNode: function (path) {\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n });\n });\n};","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"params":[{"title":"param","description":"the source code in full","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"},"name":"code"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"code","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}}],"examples":["<span class=\"hljs-keyword\">var</span> foo = commentShebang(<span class=\"hljs-string\">'#!/usr/bin/env/node'</span>);\nfoo === <span class=\"hljs-string\">'//#!/usr/bin/env/node'</span>;"],"name":"commentShebang","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["commentShebang"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `kind` tag from other\ntags or from the context.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferKind"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":12,"column":0},"end":{"line":34,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_kind.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `kind` tag from other\n * tags or from the context.\n *\n * @name inferKind\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n function hasTag(title) {\n return comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === title;\n });\n }\n\n if (!hasTag('kind')) {\n ['class', 'constant', 'event', 'external', 'file',\n 'function', 'member', 'mixin', 'module', 'namespace', 'typedef'].forEach(function (kind) {\n if (hasTag(kind)) {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'kind',\n kind: kind\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_kind.js","github":""},"name":"inferKind","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferKind"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that uses code structure to infer\n`memberof`, `instance`, and `static` tags from the placement of JSDoc\nannotations within a file","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferMembership"},{"title":"returns","description":"stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":17,"column":0},"end":{"line":186,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_membership.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n n = types.namedTypes,\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment'),\n doctrine = require('doctrine');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that uses code structure to infer\n * `memberof`, `instance`, and `static` tags from the placement of JSDoc\n * annotations within a file\n *\n * @name inferMembership\n * @returns {Stream.Transform} stream\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n if (comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === 'memberof';\n })) {\n this.push(comment);\n return;\n }\n\n if (findLendsTag(comment)) {\n return;\n }\n\n /**\n * Extract and return the chain of identifiers from the left hand side of expressions\n * of the forms `Foo = ...`, ` = ...`, ` = ...`, etc.\n *\n * @param {NodePath} path AssignmentExpression, MemberExpression, or Identifier\n * @returns {Array<string>} identifiers\n * @private\n */\n function extractIdentifiers(path) {\n var identifiers = [];\n\n types.visit(path, {\n visitNode: function () {\n return false;\n },\n\n visitAssignmentExpression: function (path) {\n this.traverse(path);\n },\n\n visitMemberExpression: function (path) {\n this.traverse(path);\n },\n\n visitIdentifier: function (path) {\n identifiers.push(;\n return false;\n }\n });\n\n return identifiers;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set `memberof` and `instance`/`static` tags on `comment` based on the\n * array of `identifiers`. If the last element of the `identifiers` is\n * `\"prototype\"`, it is assumed to be an instance member; otherwise static.\n *\n * @param {Array<string>} identifiers array of identifier names\n * @returns {undefined} mutates `comment`\n * @private\n */\n function inferMembership(identifiers) {\n if (identifiers[identifiers.length - 1] === 'prototype') {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'memberof',\n description: identifiers.slice(0, -1).join('.')\n });\n\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'instance'\n });\n } else {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'memberof',\n description: identifiers.join('.')\n });\n\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'static'\n });\n }\n }\n\n function findLendsTag(comment) {\n for (var i = 0; i < comment.tags.length; i++) {\n if (comment.tags[i].title === 'lends') {\n return comment.tags[i];\n }\n }\n }\n\n function findLendsIdentifiers(node) {\n if (!node || !node.leadingComments) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < node.leadingComments.length; i++) {\n var comment = node.leadingComments[i];\n if (isJSDocComment(comment)) {\n var lendsTag = findLendsTag(doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true }));\n if (lendsTag) {\n return lendsTag.description.split('.');\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n var path = comment.context.ast;\n var identifiers;\n\n /*\n * Deal with an oddity of espree: the jsdoc comment is attached to a different\n * node in the two expressions `a.b = c` vs `a.b = function () {}`.\n */\n if (n.ExpressionStatement.check(path.node) &&\n n.AssignmentExpression.check(path.node.expression) &&\n n.MemberExpression.check(path.node.expression.left)) {\n path = path.get('expression').get('left');\n }\n\n /*\n * Same as above but for `b: c` vs `b: function () {}`.\n */\n if (n.Property.check(path.node) &&\n n.Identifier.check(path.node.key)) {\n path = path.get('key');\n }\n\n // = ...;\n // = ...;\n // = ...;\n if (n.MemberExpression.check(path.node)) {\n identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path);\n if (identifiers.length >= 2) {\n inferMembership(identifiers.slice(0, -1));\n }\n }\n\n // /** @lends Foo */{ bar: ... }\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node)) {\n // The @lends comment is sometimes attached to the first property rather than\n // the object expression itself.\n identifiers = findLendsIdentifiers(path.parent.parent.node) ||\n findLendsIdentifiers([0]);\n if (identifiers) {\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n }\n\n // Foo = { bar: ... };\n // Foo.prototype = { bar: ... };\n // = { baz: ... };\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node) &&\n n.AssignmentExpression.check(path.parent.parent.parent.node)) {\n identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path.parent.parent.parent);\n if (identifiers.length >= 1) {\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n }\n\n // var Foo = { bar: ... }\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node) &&\n n.VariableDeclarator.check(path.parent.parent.parent.node)) {\n identifiers = [];\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_membership.js","github":""},"name":"inferMembership","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferMembership"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `name` tag from the context.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferName"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":12,"column":0},"end":{"line":52,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_name.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `name` tag from the context.\n *\n * @name inferName\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n // If this comment is already explicitly named, simply pass it\n // through the stream without doing any inference.\n if (comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === 'name';\n })) {\n this.push(comment);\n return;\n }\n\n // The strategy here is to do a depth-first traversal of the AST,\n // looking for nodes with a \"name\" property, with exceptions as needed.\n // For example, name inference for a MemberExpression ` = baz` will\n // infer the named based on the `property` of the MemberExpression (`bar`)\n // rather than the `object` (`foo`).\n types.visit(comment.context.ast, {\n inferName: function (path, value) {\n if (value && {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'name',\n name:\n });\n this.abort();\n } else {\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n },\n\n visitNode: function (path) {\n this.inferName(path, path.value);\n },\n\n visitMemberExpression: function (path) {\n this.inferName(path,;\n }\n });\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_name.js","github":""},"name":"inferName","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferName"]},{"description":"Detect whether a comment is a JSDoc comment: it must be a block\ncomment which starts with two asterisks, not any other number of asterisks.\n\nThe code parser automatically strips out the first asterisk that's\nrequired for the comment to be a comment at all, so we count the remaining\ncomments.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"isJSDocComment"},{"title":"param","description":"an ast-types node of the comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"},{"title":"returns","description":"whether it is valid","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"boolean"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":15,"column":0},"end":{"line":18,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/lib/is_jsdoc_comment.js","code":"'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Detect whether a comment is a JSDoc comment: it must be a block\n * comment which starts with two asterisks, not any other number of asterisks.\n *\n * The code parser automatically strips out the first asterisk that's\n * required for the comment to be a comment at all, so we count the remaining\n * comments.\n *\n * @name isJSDocComment\n * @param {Object} comment an ast-types node of the comment\n * @return {boolean} whether it is valid\n */\nmodule.exports = function isJSDocComment(comment) {\n var asterisks = comment.value.match(/^(\\*+)/);\n return comment.type === 'Block' && asterisks && asterisks[ 1 ].length === 1;\n};","path":"lib/is_jsdoc_comment.js","github":""},"name":"isJSDocComment","params":[{"title":"param","description":"an ast-types node of the comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"whether it is valid","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"boolean"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["isJSDocComment"]},{"description":"Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\nreads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\nemits parsed comments.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"parse"},{"title":"param","description":"a chunk of data provided by module-deps","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"data"},{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":83,"column":0},"end":{"line":134,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar doctrine = require('doctrine'),\n espree = require('espree'),\n through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n extend = require('extend'),\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment');\n\n/**\n * Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\n * making it executable on linux-like systems.\n * @param {String} code the source code in full\n * @return {String} code\n * @example\n * var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\n * foo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';\n */\nfunction commentShebang(code) {\n return (code[0] === '#' && code[1] === '!') ? '//' + code : code;\n}\n\nvar espreeConfig = {\n loc: true,\n attachComment: true,\n // specify parsing features (default only has blockBindings: true)\n ecmaFeatures: {\n // enable parsing of arrow functions\n arrowFunctions: true,\n // enable parsing of let/const\n blockBindings: true,\n // enable parsing of destructured arrays and objects\n destructuring: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression y flag\n regexYFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression u flag\n regexUFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of template strings\n templateStrings: true,\n // enable parsing of binary literals\n binaryLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing of ES6 octal literals\n octalLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing unicode code point escape sequences\n unicodeCodePointEscapes: true,\n // enable parsing of default parameters\n defaultParams: true,\n // enable parsing of rest parameters\n restParams: true,\n // enable parsing of for-of statement\n forOf: true,\n // enable parsing computed object literal properties\n objectLiteralComputedProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal methods\n objectLiteralShorthandMethods: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal properties\n objectLiteralShorthandProperties: true,\n // Allow duplicate object literal properties (except '__proto__')\n objectLiteralDuplicateProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of generators/yield\n generators: true,\n // enable parsing spread operator\n spread: true,\n // enable parsing classes\n classes: true,\n // enable parsing of modules\n modules: true,\n // enable React JSX parsing\n jsx: true,\n // enable return in global scope\n globalReturn: true\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\n * reads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\n * emits parsed comments.\n * @name parse\n * @param {Object} data a chunk of data provided by module-deps\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (data) {\n try {\n var code = commentShebang(data.source),\n ast = espree.parse(code, espreeConfig),\n stream = this;\n } catch(e) {\n e.message += ' (' + data.file + ')';\n this.emit('error', e);\n this.emit('end');\n }\n\n types.visit(ast, {\n visitNode: function (path) {\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n });\n });\n};","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"name":"parse","params":[{"title":"param","description":"a chunk of data provided by module-deps","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"data"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["parse"]},{"description":"Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.","tags":[{"title":"param","description":"the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"},{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}},{"title":"name","name":"parseComment"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":103,"column":8},"end":{"line":124,"column":9}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"{\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"params":[{"title":"param","description":"the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}}],"name":"parseComment","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["parseComment"]},{"description":"Create a stream.Transform that sorts its input of comments\nby the name tag, if any, and otherwise by filename.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"sort"},{"title":"returns","description":"a transform stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":9,"column":0},"end":{"line":23,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/sort.js","code":"var sort = require('sort-stream');\n\n/**\n * Create a stream.Transform that sorts its input of comments\n * by the name tag, if any, and otherwise by filename.\n * @name sort\n * @return {stream.Transform} a transform stream\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n\n function getSortKey(comment) {\n for (var i = 0; i < comment.tags.length; i++) {\n if (comment.tags[i].title === 'name') {\n return comment.tags[i].name;\n }\n }\n return comment.context.file;\n }\n\n return sort(function (a, b) {\n return getSortKey(a) > getSortKey(b);\n });\n};","path":"streams/sort.js","github":""},"name":"sort","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"a transform stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["sort"]}]
[{"description":"Exclude given access levels from the generated documentation: this allows\nusers to write documentation for non-public members by using the\n`@private` tag.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"access"},{"title":"public","description":null,"type":null},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":15,"column":0},"end":{"line":22,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/filter_access.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through');\n\n/**\n * Exclude given access levels from the generated documentation: this allows\n * users to write documentation for non-public members by using the\n * `@private` tag.\n *\n * @name access\n * @public\n * @param {Array<String>} [levels=[private]] excluded access levels.\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function (levels) {\n levels = levels || ['private'];\n return through(function (comment) {\n if (levels.indexOf(comment.access) === -1) {\n this.push(comment);\n }\n });\n};","path":"streams/filter_access.js","github":""},"name":"access","access":"public","memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["access"]},{"description":"Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\nmaking it executable on linux-like systems.","tags":[{"title":"param","description":"the source code in full","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"},"name":"code"},{"title":"returns","description":"code","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}},{"title":"example","description":"var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\nfoo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';"},{"title":"name","name":"commentShebang"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":19,"column":0},"end":{"line":21,"column":1}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar doctrine = require('doctrine'),\n espree = require('espree'),\n through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n extend = require('extend'),\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment');\n\n/**\n * Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\n * making it executable on linux-like systems.\n * @param {String} code the source code in full\n * @return {String} code\n * @example\n * var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\n * foo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';\n */\nfunction commentShebang(code) {\n return (code[0] === '#' && code[1] === '!') ? '//' + code : code;\n}\n\nvar espreeConfig = {\n loc: true,\n attachComment: true,\n // specify parsing features (default only has blockBindings: true)\n ecmaFeatures: {\n // enable parsing of arrow functions\n arrowFunctions: true,\n // enable parsing of let/const\n blockBindings: true,\n // enable parsing of destructured arrays and objects\n destructuring: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression y flag\n regexYFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression u flag\n regexUFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of template strings\n templateStrings: true,\n // enable parsing of binary literals\n binaryLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing of ES6 octal literals\n octalLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing unicode code point escape sequences\n unicodeCodePointEscapes: true,\n // enable parsing of default parameters\n defaultParams: true,\n // enable parsing of rest parameters\n restParams: true,\n // enable parsing of for-of statement\n forOf: true,\n // enable parsing computed object literal properties\n objectLiteralComputedProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal methods\n objectLiteralShorthandMethods: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal properties\n objectLiteralShorthandProperties: true,\n // Allow duplicate object literal properties (except '__proto__')\n objectLiteralDuplicateProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of generators/yield\n generators: true,\n // enable parsing spread operator\n spread: true,\n // enable parsing classes\n classes: true,\n // enable parsing of modules\n modules: true,\n // enable React JSX parsing\n jsx: true,\n // enable return in global scope\n globalReturn: true\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\n * reads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\n * emits parsed comments.\n * @name parse\n * @param {Object} data a chunk of data provided by module-deps\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (data) {\n try {\n var code = commentShebang(data.source),\n ast = espree.parse(code, espreeConfig),\n stream = this;\n } catch(e) {\n e.message += ' (' + data.file + ')';\n this.emit('error', e);\n this.emit('end');\n }\n\n types.visit(ast, {\n visitNode: function (path) {\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n });\n });\n};","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"params":[{"title":"param","description":"the source code in full","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"},"name":"code"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"code","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}}],"examples":["<span class=\"hljs-keyword\">var</span> foo = commentShebang(<span class=\"hljs-string\">'#!/usr/bin/env/node'</span>);\nfoo === <span class=\"hljs-string\">'//#!/usr/bin/env/node'</span>;"],"name":"commentShebang","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["commentShebang"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that flattens tags in an opinionated way.\n\nThe following tags are assumed to be singletons, and are flattened\nto a top-level property on the result whose value is extracted from\nthe tag:\n\n * `@name`\n * `@memberof`\n * `@classdesc`\n * `@kind`\n * `@access`\n\nThe following tags are flattened to a top-level array-valued property:\n\n * `@param` (to `params` property)\n * `@returns` (to `returns` property)\n * `@example` (to `examples` property)\n\nThe `@global`, `@static`, `@instance`, and `@inner` tags are flattened\nto a `scope` property whose value is `\"global\"`, `\"static\"`, `\"instance\"`,\nor `\"inner\"`.\n\nThe `@access`, `@public`, `@protected`, and `@private` tags are flattened\nto an `access` property whose value is `\"protected\"` or `\"private\"`.\nThe assumed default value is `\"public\"`, so `@access public` or `@public`\ntags result in no `access` property.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"flatten"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":37,"column":0},"end":{"line":47,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/flatten.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n extend = require('extend');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that flattens tags in an opinionated way.\n *\n * The following tags are assumed to be singletons, and are flattened\n * to a top-level property on the result whose value is extracted from\n * the tag:\n *\n * * `@name`\n * * `@memberof`\n * * `@classdesc`\n * * `@kind`\n * * `@access`\n *\n * The following tags are flattened to a top-level array-valued property:\n *\n * * `@param` (to `params` property)\n * * `@returns` (to `returns` property)\n * * `@example` (to `examples` property)\n *\n * The `@global`, `@static`, `@instance`, and `@inner` tags are flattened\n * to a `scope` property whose value is `\"global\"`, `\"static\"`, `\"instance\"`,\n * or `\"inner\"`.\n *\n * The `@access`, `@public`, `@protected`, and `@private` tags are flattened\n * to an `access` property whose value is `\"protected\"` or `\"private\"`.\n * The assumed default value is `\"public\"`, so `@access public` or `@public`\n * tags result in no `access` property.\n *\n * @name flatten\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n var result = extend({}, comment);\n\n comment.tags.forEach(function (tag) {\n (flatteners[tag.title] || function () {})(result, tag);\n });\n\n this.push(result);\n });\n};\n\nvar flatteners = {\n 'name': function (result, tag) {\n =;\n },\n 'memberof': function (result, tag) {\n result.memberof = tag.description;\n },\n 'classdesc': function (result, tag) {\n result.classdesc = tag.description;\n },\n 'kind': function (result, tag) {\n result.kind = tag.kind;\n },\n 'param': function (result, tag) {\n if (!result.params) {\n result.params = [];\n }\n result.params.push(tag);\n },\n 'returns': function (result, tag) {\n if (!result.returns) {\n result.returns = [];\n }\n result.returns.push(tag);\n },\n 'augments': function (result, tag) {\n if (!result.augments) {\n result.augments = [];\n }\n result.augments.push(tag);\n },\n 'example': function (result, tag) {\n if (!result.examples) {\n result.examples = [];\n }\n result.examples.push(tag.description);\n },\n 'global': function (result) {\n result.scope = 'global';\n },\n 'static': function (result) {\n result.scope = 'static';\n },\n 'instance': function (result) {\n result.scope = 'instance';\n },\n 'inner': function (result) {\n result.scope = 'inner';\n },\n 'access': function (result, tag) {\n result.access = tag.access;\n },\n 'public': function (result) {\n result.access = 'public';\n },\n 'protected': function (result) {\n result.access = 'protected';\n },\n 'private': function (result) {\n result.access = 'private';\n }\n};","path":"streams/flatten.js","github":""},"name":"flatten","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["flatten"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `kind` tag from other\ntags or from the context.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferKind"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":12,"column":0},"end":{"line":34,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_kind.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `kind` tag from other\n * tags or from the context.\n *\n * @name inferKind\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n function hasTag(title) {\n return comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === title;\n });\n }\n\n if (!hasTag('kind')) {\n ['class', 'constant', 'event', 'external', 'file',\n 'function', 'member', 'mixin', 'module', 'namespace', 'typedef'].forEach(function (kind) {\n if (hasTag(kind)) {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'kind',\n kind: kind\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_kind.js","github":""},"name":"inferKind","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferKind"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that uses code structure to infer\n`memberof`, `instance`, and `static` tags from the placement of JSDoc\nannotations within a file","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferMembership"},{"title":"returns","description":"stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":17,"column":0},"end":{"line":186,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_membership.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n n = types.namedTypes,\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment'),\n doctrine = require('doctrine');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that uses code structure to infer\n * `memberof`, `instance`, and `static` tags from the placement of JSDoc\n * annotations within a file\n *\n * @name inferMembership\n * @returns {Stream.Transform} stream\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n if (comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === 'memberof';\n })) {\n this.push(comment);\n return;\n }\n\n if (findLendsTag(comment)) {\n return;\n }\n\n /**\n * Extract and return the chain of identifiers from the left hand side of expressions\n * of the forms `Foo = ...`, ` = ...`, ` = ...`, etc.\n *\n * @param {NodePath} path AssignmentExpression, MemberExpression, or Identifier\n * @returns {Array<string>} identifiers\n * @private\n */\n function extractIdentifiers(path) {\n var identifiers = [];\n\n types.visit(path, {\n visitNode: function () {\n return false;\n },\n\n visitAssignmentExpression: function (path) {\n this.traverse(path);\n },\n\n visitMemberExpression: function (path) {\n this.traverse(path);\n },\n\n visitIdentifier: function (path) {\n identifiers.push(;\n return false;\n }\n });\n\n return identifiers;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set `memberof` and `instance`/`static` tags on `comment` based on the\n * array of `identifiers`. If the last element of the `identifiers` is\n * `\"prototype\"`, it is assumed to be an instance member; otherwise static.\n *\n * @param {Array<string>} identifiers array of identifier names\n * @returns {undefined} mutates `comment`\n * @private\n */\n function inferMembership(identifiers) {\n if (identifiers[identifiers.length - 1] === 'prototype') {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'memberof',\n description: identifiers.slice(0, -1).join('.')\n });\n\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'instance'\n });\n } else {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'memberof',\n description: identifiers.join('.')\n });\n\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'static'\n });\n }\n }\n\n function findLendsTag(comment) {\n for (var i = 0; i < comment.tags.length; i++) {\n if (comment.tags[i].title === 'lends') {\n return comment.tags[i];\n }\n }\n }\n\n function findLendsIdentifiers(node) {\n if (!node || !node.leadingComments) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < node.leadingComments.length; i++) {\n var comment = node.leadingComments[i];\n if (isJSDocComment(comment)) {\n var lendsTag = findLendsTag(doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true }));\n if (lendsTag) {\n return lendsTag.description.split('.');\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n var path = comment.context.ast;\n var identifiers;\n\n /*\n * Deal with an oddity of espree: the jsdoc comment is attached to a different\n * node in the two expressions `a.b = c` vs `a.b = function () {}`.\n */\n if (n.ExpressionStatement.check(path.node) &&\n n.AssignmentExpression.check(path.node.expression) &&\n n.MemberExpression.check(path.node.expression.left)) {\n path = path.get('expression').get('left');\n }\n\n /*\n * Same as above but for `b: c` vs `b: function () {}`.\n */\n if (n.Property.check(path.node) &&\n n.Identifier.check(path.node.key)) {\n path = path.get('key');\n }\n\n // = ...;\n // = ...;\n // = ...;\n if (n.MemberExpression.check(path.node)) {\n identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path);\n if (identifiers.length >= 2) {\n inferMembership(identifiers.slice(0, -1));\n }\n }\n\n // /** @lends Foo */{ bar: ... }\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node)) {\n // The @lends comment is sometimes attached to the first property rather than\n // the object expression itself.\n identifiers = findLendsIdentifiers(path.parent.parent.node) ||\n findLendsIdentifiers([0]);\n if (identifiers) {\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n }\n\n // Foo = { bar: ... };\n // Foo.prototype = { bar: ... };\n // = { baz: ... };\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node) &&\n n.AssignmentExpression.check(path.parent.parent.parent.node)) {\n identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path.parent.parent.parent);\n if (identifiers.length >= 1) {\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n }\n\n // var Foo = { bar: ... }\n if (n.Identifier.check(path.node) &&\n n.Property.check(path.parent.node) &&\n n.ObjectExpression.check(path.parent.parent.node) &&\n n.VariableDeclarator.check(path.parent.parent.parent.node)) {\n identifiers = [];\n inferMembership(identifiers);\n }\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_membership.js","github":""},"name":"inferMembership","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferMembership"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `name` tag from the context.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"inferName"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":12,"column":0},"end":{"line":52,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/infer_name.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that attempts to infer a `name` tag from the context.\n *\n * @name inferName\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n // If this comment is already explicitly named, simply pass it\n // through the stream without doing any inference.\n if (comment.tags.some(function (tag) {\n return tag.title === 'name';\n })) {\n this.push(comment);\n return;\n }\n\n // The strategy here is to do a depth-first traversal of the AST,\n // looking for nodes with a \"name\" property, with exceptions as needed.\n // For example, name inference for a MemberExpression ` = baz` will\n // infer the named based on the `property` of the MemberExpression (`bar`)\n // rather than the `object` (`foo`).\n types.visit(comment.context.ast, {\n inferName: function (path, value) {\n if (value && {\n comment.tags.push({\n title: 'name',\n name:\n });\n this.abort();\n } else {\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n },\n\n visitNode: function (path) {\n this.inferName(path, path.value);\n },\n\n visitMemberExpression: function (path) {\n this.inferName(path,;\n }\n });\n\n this.push(comment);\n });\n};","path":"streams/infer_name.js","github":""},"name":"inferName","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["inferName"]},{"description":"Detect whether a comment is a JSDoc comment: it must be a block\ncomment which starts with two asterisks, not any other number of asterisks.\n\nThe code parser automatically strips out the first asterisk that's\nrequired for the comment to be a comment at all, so we count the remaining\ncomments.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"isJSDocComment"},{"title":"param","description":"an ast-types node of the comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"},{"title":"returns","description":"whether it is valid","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"boolean"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":15,"column":0},"end":{"line":18,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/lib/is_jsdoc_comment.js","code":"'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Detect whether a comment is a JSDoc comment: it must be a block\n * comment which starts with two asterisks, not any other number of asterisks.\n *\n * The code parser automatically strips out the first asterisk that's\n * required for the comment to be a comment at all, so we count the remaining\n * comments.\n *\n * @name isJSDocComment\n * @param {Object} comment an ast-types node of the comment\n * @return {boolean} whether it is valid\n */\nmodule.exports = function isJSDocComment(comment) {\n var asterisks = comment.value.match(/^(\\*+)/);\n return comment.type === 'Block' && asterisks && asterisks[ 1 ].length === 1;\n};","path":"lib/is_jsdoc_comment.js","github":""},"name":"isJSDocComment","params":[{"title":"param","description":"an ast-types node of the comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"whether it is valid","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"boolean"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["isJSDocComment"]},{"description":"Create a transform stream that normalizes synonymous tags to the canonical tag type\nlisted on\n\nFor example, given the input object:\n\n { tags: [\n { title: \"virtual\" },\n { title: \"return\", ... }\n ]}\n\nThe output object will be:\n\n { tags: [\n { title: \"abstract\" },\n { title: \"returns\", ... }\n ]}\n\nThe following synonyms are normalized:\n\n * virtual -> abstract\n * extends -> augments\n * constructor -> class\n * const -> constant\n * defaultvalue -> default\n * desc -> description\n * host -> external\n * fileoverview, overview -> file\n * emits -> fires\n * func, method -> function\n * var -> member\n * arg, argument -> param\n * prop -> property\n * return -> returns\n * exception -> throws\n * linkcode, linkplain -> link","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"normalize"},{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":46,"column":0},"end":{"line":52,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/normalize.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar through = require('through'),\n extend = require('extend');\n\n/**\n * Create a transform stream that normalizes synonymous tags to the canonical tag type\n * listed on\n *\n * For example, given the input object:\n *\n * { tags: [\n * { title: \"virtual\" },\n * { title: \"return\", ... }\n * ]}\n *\n * The output object will be:\n *\n * { tags: [\n * { title: \"abstract\" },\n * { title: \"returns\", ... }\n * ]}\n *\n * The following synonyms are normalized:\n *\n * * virtual -> abstract\n * * extends -> augments\n * * constructor -> class\n * * const -> constant\n * * defaultvalue -> default\n * * desc -> description\n * * host -> external\n * * fileoverview, overview -> file\n * * emits -> fires\n * * func, method -> function\n * * var -> member\n * * arg, argument -> param\n * * prop -> property\n * * return -> returns\n * * exception -> throws\n * * linkcode, linkplain -> link\n *\n * @name normalize\n * @return {stream.Transform}\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (comment) {\n this.push(extend({}, comment, {\n tags:\n }));\n });\n};\n\nvar synonyms = {\n 'virtual': 'abstract',\n 'extends': 'augments',\n 'constructor': 'class',\n 'const': 'constant',\n 'defaultvalue': 'default',\n 'desc': 'description',\n 'host': 'external',\n 'fileoverview': 'file',\n 'overview': 'file',\n 'emits': 'fires',\n 'func': 'function',\n 'method': 'function',\n 'var': 'member',\n 'arg': 'param',\n 'argument': 'param',\n 'prop': 'property',\n 'return': 'returns',\n 'exception': 'throws',\n 'linkcode': 'link',\n 'linkplain': 'link'\n};\n\nfunction normalize(tag) {\n var canonical = synonyms[tag.title];\n return canonical ? extend({}, tag, { title: canonical }) : tag;\n}","path":"streams/normalize.js","github":""},"name":"normalize","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":null,"type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["normalize"]},{"description":"Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\nreads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\nemits parsed comments.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"parse"},{"title":"param","description":"a chunk of data provided by module-deps","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"data"},{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":83,"column":0},"end":{"line":134,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar doctrine = require('doctrine'),\n espree = require('espree'),\n through = require('through'),\n types = require('ast-types'),\n extend = require('extend'),\n isJSDocComment = require('../lib/is_jsdoc_comment');\n\n/**\n * Comment-out a shebang line that may sit at the top of a file,\n * making it executable on linux-like systems.\n * @param {String} code the source code in full\n * @return {String} code\n * @example\n * var foo = commentShebang('#!/usr/bin/env/node');\n * foo === '//#!/usr/bin/env/node';\n */\nfunction commentShebang(code) {\n return (code[0] === '#' && code[1] === '!') ? '//' + code : code;\n}\n\nvar espreeConfig = {\n loc: true,\n attachComment: true,\n // specify parsing features (default only has blockBindings: true)\n ecmaFeatures: {\n // enable parsing of arrow functions\n arrowFunctions: true,\n // enable parsing of let/const\n blockBindings: true,\n // enable parsing of destructured arrays and objects\n destructuring: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression y flag\n regexYFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of regular expression u flag\n regexUFlag: true,\n // enable parsing of template strings\n templateStrings: true,\n // enable parsing of binary literals\n binaryLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing of ES6 octal literals\n octalLiterals: true,\n // enable parsing unicode code point escape sequences\n unicodeCodePointEscapes: true,\n // enable parsing of default parameters\n defaultParams: true,\n // enable parsing of rest parameters\n restParams: true,\n // enable parsing of for-of statement\n forOf: true,\n // enable parsing computed object literal properties\n objectLiteralComputedProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal methods\n objectLiteralShorthandMethods: true,\n // enable parsing of shorthand object literal properties\n objectLiteralShorthandProperties: true,\n // Allow duplicate object literal properties (except '__proto__')\n objectLiteralDuplicateProperties: true,\n // enable parsing of generators/yield\n generators: true,\n // enable parsing spread operator\n spread: true,\n // enable parsing classes\n classes: true,\n // enable parsing of modules\n modules: true,\n // enable React JSX parsing\n jsx: true,\n // enable return in global scope\n globalReturn: true\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Documentation stream parser: this receives a module-dep item,\n * reads the file, parses the JavaScript, parses the JSDoc, and\n * emits parsed comments.\n * @name parse\n * @param {Object} data a chunk of data provided by module-deps\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n return through(function (data) {\n try {\n var code = commentShebang(data.source),\n ast = espree.parse(code, espreeConfig),\n stream = this;\n } catch(e) {\n e.message += ' (' + data.file + ')';\n this.emit('error', e);\n this.emit('end');\n }\n\n types.visit(ast, {\n visitNode: function (path) {\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }\n });\n });\n};","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"name":"parse","params":[{"title":"param","description":"a chunk of data provided by module-deps","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"data"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["parse"]},{"description":"Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.","tags":[{"title":"param","description":"the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"},{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}},{"title":"name","name":"parseComment"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":103,"column":8},"end":{"line":124,"column":9}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/parse.js","code":"{\n /**\n * Parse a comment with doctrine and decorate the result with file position and code context.\n *\n * @param {Object} comment the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment\n * @return {undefined} this emits data\n */\n function parseComment(comment) {\n var parsedComment = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true });\n\n parsedComment.context = {\n loc: extend({}, path.value.loc),\n file: data.file\n };\n\n // This is non-enumerable so that it doesn't get stringified in output; e.g. by the\n // documentation binary.\n Object.defineProperty(parsedComment.context, 'ast', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: path\n });\n\n if (path.parent && path.parent.node) {\n parsedComment.context.code = code.substring\n .apply(code, path.parent.node.range);\n }\n\n stream.push(parsedComment);\n }\n\n (path.value.leadingComments || [])\n .filter(isJSDocComment)\n .forEach(parseComment);\n\n this.traverse(path);\n }","path":"streams/parse.js","github":""},"params":[{"title":"param","description":"the current state of the parsed JSDoc comment","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"comment"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"this emits data","type":{"type":"UndefinedLiteral"}}],"name":"parseComment","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["parseComment"]},{"description":"Create a stream.Transform that sorts its input of comments\nby the name tag, if any, and otherwise by filename.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"sort"},{"title":"returns","description":"a transform stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":9,"column":0},"end":{"line":23,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/streams/sort.js","code":"var sort = require('sort-stream');\n\n/**\n * Create a stream.Transform that sorts its input of comments\n * by the name tag, if any, and otherwise by filename.\n * @name sort\n * @return {stream.Transform} a transform stream\n */\nmodule.exports = function () {\n\n function getSortKey(comment) {\n for (var i = 0; i < comment.tags.length; i++) {\n if (comment.tags[i].title === 'name') {\n return comment.tags[i].name;\n }\n }\n return comment.context.file;\n }\n\n return sort(function (a, b) {\n return getSortKey(a) > getSortKey(b);\n });\n};","path":"streams/sort.js","github":""},"name":"sort","returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"a transform stream","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"stream.Transform"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["sort"]},{"description":"Generate JavaScript documentation as a list of parsed JSDoc\ncomments, given a root file as a path.","tags":[{"title":"name","description":null,"name":"documentation"},{"title":"param","description":"files to process","type":{"type":"UnionType","elements":[{"type":"TypeApplication","expression":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Array"},"applications":[{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},"name":"indexes"},{"title":"param","description":"options","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"options"},{"title":"returns","description":"stream of output","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"}},{"title":"memberof","description":"module"},{"title":"static"}],"context":{"loc":{"start":{"line":29,"column":0},"end":{"line":66,"column":2}},"file":"/Users/tmcw/src/documentation/index.js","code":"'use strict';\n\nvar mdeps = require('module-deps'),\n path = require('path'),\n PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough,\n flatten = require('./streams/flatten.js'),\n sort = require('./streams/sort'),\n normalize = require('./streams/normalize.js'),\n filterAccess = require('./streams/filter_access.js'),\n parse = require('./streams/parse'),\n inferName = require('./streams/infer_name'),\n inferKind = require('./streams/infer_kind'),\n inferMembership = require('./streams/infer_membership');\n\n// Skip external modules. Based on\nvar externalModuleRegexp = process.platform === 'win32' ?\n /^(\\.|\\w:)/ :\n /^[\\/.]/;\n\n/**\n * Generate JavaScript documentation as a list of parsed JSDoc\n * comments, given a root file as a path.\n *\n * @name documentation\n * @param {Array<String>|String} indexes files to process\n * @param {Object} options options\n * @return {Object} stream of output\n */\nmodule.exports = function (indexes, options) {\n options = options || options;\n\n var md = mdeps({\n filter: function (id) {\n return externalModuleRegexp.test(id);\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof indexes === 'string') {\n indexes = [indexes];\n }\n\n indexes.forEach(function (index) {\n md.write(path.resolve(index));\n });\n md.end();\n\n var end = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true });\n\n function deferErrors(stream) {\n return stream.on('error', function (a, b, c) {\n end.emit('error', a, b, c);\n end.emit('end');\n });\n }\n\n return md\n .pipe(deferErrors(parse()))\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferName()))\n .pipe(sort())\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferKind()))\n .pipe(deferErrors(inferMembership()))\n .pipe(normalize())\n .pipe(flatten())\n .pipe(filterAccess(options.private ? [] : undefined))\n .pipe(end);\n};","path":"index.js","github":""},"name":"documentation","params":[{"title":"param","description":"files to process","type":{"type":"UnionType","elements":[{"type":"TypeApplication","expression":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Array"},"applications":[{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},{"type":"NameExpression","name":"String"}]},"name":"indexes"},{"title":"param","description":"options","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"},"name":"options"}],"returns":[{"title":"returns","description":"stream of output","type":{"type":"NameExpression","name":"Object"}}],"memberof":"module","scope":"static","members":{"instance":[],"static":[]},"path":["documentation"]}]

@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ 'use strict';

PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough,
flatten = require('./streams/flatten.js'),
sort = require('./streams/sort'),
normalize = require('./streams/normalize.js'),
filterAccess = require('./streams/filter_access.js'),
parse = require('./streams/parse'),

@@ -24,5 +27,8 @@ inferName = require('./streams/infer_name'),

* @param {Array<String>|String} indexes files to process
* @param {Object} options options
* @return {Object} stream of output
module.exports = function (indexes) {
module.exports = function (indexes, options) {
options = options || {};
var md = mdeps({

@@ -58,3 +64,6 @@ filter: function (id) {

.pipe(filterAccess(options.private ? [] : undefined))
"name": "documentation",
"version": "1.0.3",
"version": "1.0.4",
"description": "a documentation generator",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ 'use strict';

* @name access
* @public
* @param {Array<String>} [levels=[private]] excluded access levels.
* @name access
* @return {stream.Transform}

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ */

@@ -13,2 +13,13 @@ 'use strict';

* Make slugg a unary so we can use it in functions
* @private
* @param {string} input text
* @returns {string} output
function slug(p) {
return slugg(p);
var BUILTINS = [

@@ -175,3 +186,3 @@ 'Array',

var paths = (comment) {
}).filter(function (path) {

@@ -186,3 +197,3 @@ return path;

Handlebars.registerHelper('permalink', function () {

@@ -196,4 +207,4 @@

function autolink(text) {
if (paths.indexOf(slugg(text)) !== -1) {
return '<a href="#' + slugg(text) + '">' + text + '</a>';
if (paths.indexOf(slug(text)) !== -1) {
return '<a href="#' + slug(text) + '">' + text + '</a>';
} else if (BUILTINS[text.toLowerCase()]) {

@@ -200,0 +211,0 @@ return '<a href="' + text + '">' + text + '</a>';

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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