Our primary goals are
- view template engine
- Dom control and reorder
- all internal variables are managed by proxy. (DomRenderProxy)
🚀 Quick start
npm install dom-render
😃 examples
📄 Code description
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><body id="app"></body></html>
const target = document.querySelector('#app');
const data = DomRender.run({name: 'my name is dom-render'}, target);
data.name = 'modify name';
print and call
<div>${this.office.addr.first}, ${this.office.addr.last}, ${this.office.addr.street} (${this.office.name})</div>
<div dr="this.office.addr.street">${this.getOfficeFullAddr()}</div>
<div dr-if="true">true</div>
<div dr-if="this.gender==='M'">gender: M</div>
dr-for, dr-for-of
<div dr-for="var i = 0; i < this.friends.length; i++"> friend</div>
<div dr-for-of="this.friends"> ${#it#.name}</div>
<div dr-for-of="$range(10, 20)"><div>${#it#}</div><div>
<div dr-for="var i = 1 ; i <= 9 ; i++" dr-it="i">
${#it#} *
<scope dr-for="var y = 1 ; y <= 9 ; y++" dr-it="y" dr-var="superIt=#it#" dr-strip="true">
#it# = ${var.superIt * #it#}
<div dr-repeat="10"><div>#it#</div></div>
<div dr-repeat="$range(10, 20)"><div>#it#</div></div>
<div dr-repeat="$range(10, 20, 5)"><div>#it#</div></div>
<div dr-repeat="$range('10..5, 2')"><div>#it#</div></div>
dr-inner-text, dr-inner-html
<div dr-inner-text="'<b>aa</b> <button dr-event-click=\'alert(1)\'>aa</button>'"> friend</div>
<div dr-inner-html="'<b>aa</b> <button dr-event-click=\'alert(1)\'>aa</button>'"> friend</div>
- click, mousedown, mouseup, dblclick, mouseover, mouseout, mousemove, mouseenter, mouseleave, contextmenu, keyup, keydown, keypress, change, input, submit, resize, focus, blur
- ref: element
- variable: $event, $target
click: <button dr-event-click="this.name = 'name' + new Date()">click</button> <br>
change: <input type="text" dr-event-change="this.name = $target.value"> <br>
input: <input type="text" dr-event-input="this.name = $target.value"> <br>
keyup: <input type="text" dr-event-keyup="this.name = $target.value"> <br>
keydown: <input type="text" dr-event-keydown="this.name = $target.value"><br>
submit: <form dr-event-submit="console.log($event); $event.preventDefault();"><input type="text"> <button type="submit">submit</button></form><br>
- ref: window
- variable: $target
window-event-popstate: <input type="text" dr-window-event-popstate="alert(this.name)"><br>
- other event
- ref: element
- variable: $params, $event
<input dr-event:bind='eventName1, eventName2' dr-event="console.log('event', $params, $event)" type="text">
dr-value, value-link
- The value is assigned the first time.
- Value and variable values are referencing each other. It affects each other when changing. (Immediate reflection event: input)
dr-value: <input type="text" dr-value="this.office.name"> <br>
dr-value-link: <input type="text" dr-value-link="this.office.addr.street"> <br>
<textarea dr-attr="{rows: this.age/2, cols: this.age}"></textarea>
<div dr-attr="{wow: '123', good: 123444}"></div>
<div dr-attr="['wow=123', 'good=123444']"></div>
<div dr-attr="'wow=123, good=123444'"></div>
<div dr-class="{big: this.age > 50, red: this.age > 50}">
<div dr-class="'big yellow ' + (this.age > 50 ? 'old' : 'young')">
<div dr-class="['small', 'yellow']">
<div dr-style="{fontSize: this.age + 'px'}"> style </div>
<div dr-style="{'font-size': '20px'}"> style</div>
<div dr-style="'font-size: ' + this.age +'px; margin: ' + this.age + 'px'"> style </div>
<div dr-style="['font-size: ' + this.age +'px', 'margin: ' + this.age + 'px']"> style </div>
<div dr-strip="true"><span>hello</span></div>
<input dr-on-init="this.onInitElement">
dr-before, dr-after
<div dr-before="console.log('process before')" dr-after="console.log('process after')"></div>
<select dr-value-link="this.currentContry" dr-event-change="this.contryChange($event)">
<option dr-for-of="this.languages" dr-value="#it#.key" dr-complete="this.currentContry='defaultValue'">${#it#.title}</option>
* OnInitRender
- onInitRender(): init render call
new DomRender.run(obj, target, {
scripts: {
concat: function (head: string, tail: string) {
return head + tail;
using script
const data = config.scripts.concat('head', 'tail')
<div>${$scripts.concat('head', 'tail')}</div>
<div dr-if="$scripts.concat('wow', 'good') === 'wowgood'"> is wowgood</div>
export namespace Profile {
export const templat = '<div>aaaaa${this.name}aaaaa </div>';
export const styles = ['p {color: red}', 'div {margin: ${this.margin} + \'px\' }'];
export class Component {
public name = 'default name';
public margin = 5;
public say() {
new DomRender.run(obj, target, {
targetElements: [
RawSet.createComponentTargetElement('my-element', (e, o, r) => new Profile.Component(), Profile.templat, Profile.styles, scripts)
using component
<my-element dr-on-init="$component.say();"></my-element>
- attribute
- dr-on-init: component created init call script
- $component: component instance
- $element: element instance
- $attribute: element attribute object
- $innerHTML: element innerHTML string
- event: change
- modify change: dr-form:event="input"
class User {
form = {};
submit() {
const form = (this.form as any)
console.log('submit->', form, form.name, form.age, form.addr);
<form dr-form="this.form" dr-event-submit="this.submit(); $event.preventDefault();">
name: <input name="name">
age: <input name="age">
addr: <input dr-form:event="input" name="addr">
<button type="submit"> aa</button>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col">
<input class="w-100" type="text" name="id" placeholder="아이디" dr-value-link="this.form.id.value" dr-event-blur="this.form.id.valid()" required/>
<span dr-on-init="this.form.id.msgElement" class="d-none"></span>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col">
<input class="w-100" type="password" name="id" placeholder="숫자, 영문, 특수문자 조합 최소 8자~20자" dr-value-link="this.form.password.value" dr-event-blur="this.form.password.valid()" required/>
<span dr-on-init="this.form.password.msgElement" >password valid message section</span>
<input class="w-100" type="password" name="id" placeholder="비밀번호 재입력" dr-value-link="this.form.confirmPassword" required/>
<span dr-class="{'d-block': this.form.password != this.form.confirmPassword, 'text-danger': this.form.password != this.form.confirmPassword}">2nd input password valid message section</span>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col">
<input class="w-100" type="email" name="id" placeholder="이메일" dr-value-link="this.form.email" required/>
<span class="">2nd input password valid message section</span>
class SignUp {
public form = new class extends Validation {
id = new class extends Validation {
public msgElement!: HTMLElement;
valid(): boolean {
let valid = false;
if (this.length == 0) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = '아이디를 입력해주세요.';
} else if (this.length < 3 || this.length > 20) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = '아이디는 4글자 이상 20자 미만 이어야 합니다.';
} else {
let isExist = false;
if (isExist) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = '이미 사용중인 아이디입니다. 다른 아이디를 이용해주세요.';
} else {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-success';
this.msgElement.textContent = '사용 가능한 아이디입니다.';
valid = true;
return valid;
password = new class extends Validation {
public msgElement!: HTMLElement;
valid(): boolean {
let valid = false;
let regExp = /^.*(?=.)(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).*$/;
const ERROR_REQUIRE_PW = '비밀번호를 입력해주세요.';
const ERROR_PW_LENGTH = '비밀번호는 8글자~20글자로 이루어져야 합니다.';
const ERROR_PW_REGEXP = '비밀번호는 숫자, 영문, 특수문자 조합으로 이루어져야 합니다.';
const SUCCESS_AVAILABLE_USER_PW = '사용 가능한 비밀번호입니다.';
if (this.length == 0) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = ERROR_REQUIRE_PW;
} else if (this.length < 8 || this.length > 20) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = ERROR_PW_LENGTH;
} else {
if (regExp.test(this.value)) {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-success';
this.msgElement.textContent = SUCCESS_AVAILABLE_USER_PW;
valid = true;
} else {
this.msgElement.className = 'd-block text-danger';
this.msgElement.textContent = ERROR_PW_REGEXP;
return valid;
confirmPassword = new class extends Validation {
value = '';
valid(): boolean {
return true;
email = new class extends Validation {
value = '';
valid(): boolean {
return true;
valid() {
return this.childValid()
dr-form (validation)
form = new class extends Validation {
id = new class extends Validation {
valid(): boolean {
return false;
valid(): boolean {
return false;
<form dr-form="this.form" dr-event-submit="this.submit(); $event.preventDefault();">
<input name="id">
<input name="">
<button type="submit"> submit</button>
Detect Get, Set
export interface OnBeforeReturnSet {
onBeforeReturnSet(name: string, value: any, fullPath?: string[]): void;
export interface OnBeforeReturnGet {
onBeforeReturnGet(name: string, value: any, fullPath?: string[]): void;
using detect
name: 'dom-render'
onBeforeReturnSet: (name: string, value: any, fullpath: string[]) => {
console.log('set name-->', name, value, fullpath);
onBeforeReturnGet: (name: string, value: any, fullpath: string[]) => {
console.log('get name-->', name, value, fullpath);
exclude detect property: Config
- proxyExcludeOnBeforeReturnGets: ['propertyName']
- proxyExcludeOnBeforeReturnSets: ['propertyName']
all internal variables are managed by proxy. (DomRenderProxy)
exclude proxy (situation: Maximum call stack error)
exclude detect property: Config
- proxyExcludeTyps: [Class...]
Code base
{name : Object.freeze({...})}
{name : new Shield()}
{name : DomRenderProxy.final({...})}
export type TargetElement = {
_name: string,
template?: string,
styles?: string[],
callBack: (target: Element, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => DocumentFragment,
complete?: (target: Element, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => void
export type TargetAttr = {
name: string,
callBack: (target: Element, attrValue: string, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => DocumentFragment,
complete?: (target: Element, attrValue: string, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => void
export interface Config {
targetElements?: TargetElement[];
targetAttrs?: TargetAttr[];
onElementInit?: (name: string, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => void;
onAttrInit?: (name: string, attrValue: string, obj: any, rawSet: RawSet) => void;
proxyExcludeTyps?: ConstructorType<any>[];
proxyExcludeOnBeforeReturnSets?: string[];
proxyExcludeOnBeforeReturnGets?: string[];
scripts?: { [n: string]: any };
applyEvents?: { attrName: string, callBack: (elements: Element, attrValue: string, obj: any) => void }[];