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Comparing version 1.4.0 to 1.5.0



@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ /**

@param key: the key within the object to fix.
modifies byref - no return.
modifies byref.
@return new key.
function _flattenSillyArray(parentObj, key, requestContext) {
//debug('_flattenSillyArray', key, parentObj[key]);
var subKey = key.replace(/Array$/, ''); // e.g. 'Order' from 'OrderArray'

@@ -90,2 +92,4 @@ var newKey = subKey + 's'; // e.g. 'Orders'

return newKey;

@@ -130,76 +134,77 @@

also transforms numbers and booleans from strings to types.
`maxDepth` of -1 equals infinity.
exports.flatten = function flatten(el, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth) {
if (_.isUndefined(_depth)) _depth = 0;
if (_.isUndefined(maxDepth) || maxDepth < 1) maxDepth = 10;
if (_depth == null) _depth = 1;
if (maxDepth == null) maxDepth = 10; // default
if (_depth === 0) debug('flattening', el, {maxDepth: maxDepth, requestContext: requestContext});
if (_depth <= maxDepth) {
if (maxDepth >= 0 && _depth > maxDepth) {
return el;
// flatten 1-item arrays.
// note: this is dangerous, means responses w/ single value can look different from multiple values.
// trying to mitigate with `canFlattenKey()` check below.
if (_.isArray(el) && el.length === 1) {
el = _.first(el);
// flatten 1-item arrays.
// note: this is dangerous, means responses w/ single value can look different from multiple values.
// trying to mitigate with `canFlattenKey()` check below.
if (_.isArray(el) && el.length === 1) {
el = _.first(el);
// weird value-pair structure:
// turn `{ @key:KEY, __value__:VALUE }` into `{ KEY: VALUE }`
if (_isValuePair(el)) {
var values = _.values(el);
debug('converting key-value pair', el);
el = {};
el[ values[0] ] = values[1];
// weird value-pair structure:
// turn `{ @key:KEY, __value__:VALUE }` into `{ KEY: VALUE }`
if (_isValuePair(el)) {
var values = _.values(el);
debug('converting key-value pair', el);
el = {};
el[ values[0] ] = values[1];
//// previous fix just creates an array of these. we want a clean key:val obj.
//// so, is this an array of special value-pairs?
//// TODO - disabled this b/c old and inefficient - understand where it was needed, and try to optimize.
//if (_isArrayOfValuePairs(el)) {
// var fixEl = {};
// _(el).each(function(pair) {
// _.extend(fixEl, flatten(pair, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1)); // fix each, combine
// });
// el = fixEl;
//// previous fix just creates an array of these. we want a clean key:val obj.
//// so, is this an array of special value-pairs?
//// TODO - disabled this b/c old and inefficient - understand where it was needed, and try to optimize.
//if (_isArrayOfValuePairs(el)) {
// var fixEl = {};
// _(el).each(function(pair) {
// _.extend(fixEl, flatten(pair, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1)); // fix each, combine
// });
// el = fixEl;
// flatten sub-elements
if (_.isObject(el) && !_.isArray(el)) {
debug('--is an object', el);
_.forOwn(el, function(childEl, childKey) {
debug('--child', childKey, childEl);
// special cases
if (/Array$/.test(childKey)) {
_flattenSillyArray(el, childKey, requestContext); // on parent, byref
else if (/(Amount|Cost|Price)/.test(childKey)) {
el[childKey] = _convertAmountStructure(childEl, requestContext);
// flatten sub-elements
if (_.isObject(el) && !_.isArray(el)) {
_.forOwn(el, function(childEl, childKey) {
// special cases
if (/Array$/.test(childKey)) {
childKey = _flattenSillyArray(el, childKey, requestContext); // on parent, byref; childKey changes!
childEl = el[childKey]; // ref to new element
else if (/(Amount|Cost|Price)/.test(childKey)) {
el[childKey] = _convertAmountStructure(childEl, requestContext);
if (_canFlattenKey(childKey, requestContext)) {
el[childKey] = flatten(childEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
// can't flatten [presumed] array itself, but can still flatten its children.
// @REVIEW: this causes weird skipping behavior, where grandchildren are flattened before higher levels,
// so can't assume that lower levels haven't been flattened yet!
else if (_.isArray(childEl)) {
debug('---grandchildren', childKey, childEl, el[childKey]===childEl, typeof;
el[childKey] = {
return flatten(grandChildEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
if (_canFlattenKey(childKey, requestContext)) {
el[childKey] = flatten(childEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
// can't flatten [presumed] array itself, but can still flatten its children.
// @REVIEW: this causes weird skipping behavior, where grandchildren are flattened before higher levels,
// so can't assume that lower levels haven't been flattened yet!
else if (_.isArray(childEl)) {
el[childKey] = {
return flatten(grandChildEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
if (_.isArray(el)) {
el = {
return flatten(childEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
if (_.isArray(el)) {
el = {
return flatten(childEl, maxDepth, requestContext, _depth + 1);
} //depth
// DISABLE - also casting IDs - fix.
//el = _castTypes(el);
el = _castTypes(el);
debug('flattened to', el);

@@ -214,2 +219,3 @@ return el;

@param requestContext: context on the request.
- same as `options` in `xmlRequest()`, see docs there.
@param callback: gets `null, data` in success case, and `error, data` on error case.

@@ -224,7 +230,8 @@ - error can be from response or parsing failure. (see error types.)

requestContext = requestContext || {};
// flattening can be slow with big responses;
// don't necessarily want to flatten all the way up front.
// (maybe better to let app pick the keys it wants and flatten only them.)
// depth here is arbitrary.
data = flatten(data, 5, requestContext);
data = flatten(data, requestContext.parseDepth, requestContext);

@@ -251,2 +258,3 @@ // find the response key.

errorMessage, // build a string

@@ -256,12 +264,7 @@ errorClassification = 'RequestError', // 'RequestError' or 'SystemError'

// normalize to uppercase
if (!_.isUndefined(data.ack)) {
data.Ack = data.ack;
delete data.ack;
if (!_.isUndefined(data.Ack)) {
data.Ack = flatten(data.Ack, -1, requestContext);
if (!_.isUndefined(data.Ack)) ack = data.Ack;
else if (!_.isUndefined(data.ack)) ack = data.ack;
if (ack != null) ack = flatten(ack, -1, requestContext);
// note: docs say,

@@ -271,5 +274,6 @@ // "Both Success and Warning indicate that the request was successful.

// that may affect your application or the user."
// for now, treat Warning as a failure.
// for now, treat Warning as an error.
// (caller still gets the data, so can choose to ignore.)
if (_.isUndefined(data.Ack) || data.Ack !== 'Success') {
if (_.isUndefined(ack) || ack !== 'Success') {

@@ -301,5 +305,5 @@ // handle all different ways errors can be represented

debug('response error', errorClassification, data.Ack, errorMessage);
debug('response error', errorClassification, ack, errorMessage);
if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = util.format("Bad ack code: ", data.Ack); // fallback
if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = util.format("Bad ack code: ", ack); // fallback

@@ -306,0 +310,0 @@ if (errorClassification === 'SystemError') {

@@ -72,4 +72,9 @@ var

@option {object} params: this gets converted to an XML body with request parameters.
all filters go in here. use nested objects where appropriate. see the API docs.
- all filters go in here. use nested objects where appropriate. see the API docs.
@option {int} parseDepth: how many levels down to try to parse/interpret the response.
- see `parseResponseJson()` and its tests.
- higher number can make app-level code easier, but is riskier;
lower number here shifts the parsing burden to the application.

@@ -91,2 +96,5 @@

// for default parser
options.parseDepth = options.parseDepth != null ? options.parseDepth : -1; // default parse all the way
options.reqOptions = options.reqOptions || {};

@@ -141,2 +149,3 @@ options.reqOptions.headers = options.reqOptions.headers || {};

// or if actually can't parse.
// `options.parseDepth` is very important here.
options.parser(data, options, next);

@@ -143,0 +152,0 @@ }

"name": "ebay-api",
"description": "eBay API Client",
"version": "1.4.0",
"version": "1.5.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "author": "Ben Buckman <> (",

@@ -28,2 +28,11 @@ eBay API client for Node.js

### Current state
The 1.x branch is currently under active development, and there may be breaking changes between minor releases.
(I realize this is contrary to best practice, but the module is not yet settled enough to major-bump every time.)
**If you are using the 1.x branch, I recommend that you a) let me know your use case, b) help develop it,
c) watch the commit and release logs carefully.**
## Usage

@@ -74,2 +83,5 @@

- `raw`: boolean, set `true` to skip parsing and return the raw XML response.
- `parseDepth`: how many levels down to try to parse/interpret the response.
_The default parser is still experimental._ Set this to 0 or 1 to let your app do all the parsing.
(Default: unlimited)

@@ -76,0 +88,0 @@ _for authentication, include:_

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ require('./helpers');

describe('`parseResponseJson`', function() {
describe('`parseResponseJson` with unlimited depth', function() {

@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ context('GetOrders response', function () {

serviceName: 'Trading',
opType: 'GetOrders'
opType: 'GetOrders',
parseDepth: -1

@@ -53,2 +54,3 @@


@@ -61,3 +63,5 @@ });

// `Transactions` are always arrays

@@ -95,11 +99,16 @@ expect(_orders[0].Transactions).to.have.length(1);

it('converts booleans', function() {
it.skip('converts booleans', function() { // DISABLED temporarily
expect(parsedResponse.Orders[0])'IsMultiLegShipping', false);
it('converts numbers', function() {
it.skip('converts numbers, but not numeric IDs', function() { // DISABLED temporarily
// converted
expect(parsedResponse)'PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages', 1);
expect(parsedResponse)'PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfEntries', 2);
// still a string
expect(parsedResponse.Orders[0].Transactions[0])'Item.ItemID', '222222222222');
it('converts currency amounts', function() {

@@ -116,2 +125,5 @@ expect(parsedResponse.Orders[0])'AdjustmentAmount')

// TODO test parseDepth:0, shouldn't transform at all
context('GetSingleItem response', function () {

@@ -118,0 +130,0 @@ var responseXml, responseJson, parsedResponse;

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