Edge Boilerplate

Edge Boilerplate is a template for modern web applications. Part of the Edge Platform.
- Server Side React Rendering for excellent SEO Support and very high Mobile Performance.
- Semi-Automatic Code-Splitting for both CSS and JS.
- Hot Loading for Client and Server using Webpack Multi Compiler Architecture.
- PostCSS powered CSS pipeline with Sass-inspired features.
- CSS Modules for Component Style Isolation.
- Build Caching using Webpacks Cache-Loader.
- Efficient Long-Term-Caching using Hashed File Names.
- React Helmet for Efficient Header Element Handling
- Redux Infrastructure Built-In
Create .env file
Copy the file .env-dev to .env before running any npm scripts.
Production Build
Bundles and executes a server side React server. Initial rendering is taken place on the server for
optimal client side performance. The server also figures out the initial styles and scripts required for
rendering and allows the client to stream all these resources in parallel to other tasks.
Development Mode
Hot reloading server for client and server side React code. Offers very fast-paced development cycles
as everything is rebuild as needed and in most cases hot-injected into the running application.
Code Style
This package uses readable-code for keeping
a unified code style with other projects.
The UI components can be viewed with the included storybook: Run npm run storybook
and visit http://localhost:1449
The UI components can be viewed with the included styleguidist: Run npm run styleguide
and visit http://localhost:1559
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
Copyright 2017
Sebastian Software GmbH