:warning: Maturity Level: Alpha
Minimal CLI utility to generate files using edge.js templates
pnpm i -g edgejs-cli
edget -i templates/home.edge -o site/home.html
edget -i templates/home.edge -o site/home.html -c context.json
edget -i templates -o site -c context.json
edget -i sql-templates -o sql --skipEscaping
Use cases
This is intended to be a minimal utility that simplifies tasks like below for JS/TS developers comfortable with CLI:
- Building static sites
- Knowledge-graphs
- Code generation
If you don't care about cross-language support, edgejs is easier than Handlebars/mustache/liquid etc.
because the embedded expressions are plain JS - so there is less need to learn custom syntax specific
to the templating language, and we also have first class support for async.
Also unlike JSX based solutions, it is more versatile because it is not limited to HTML
:warning: This project has nothing to do with Microsoft edge browser.