Command Line Interface, which is designed to handle things, like Dev(Op) tasks, much faster.
You can install it globally:
npm install -g ego-cli
Or for your project, from where your package.json
file is stored:
npm install --save-dev ego-cli
For example run the integrated Yeoman generator by executing:
ego new
Available commands
A (non complete) list of some interesting commands:
aptdate # Runs 'apt-get update', 'apt-get upgrade' and 'apt-get autoremove' in one command.
api # Runs an Express.js based REST API from current directory.
backup # Backups the current directory.
build # Shorthand for 'npm run build'.
csv-split # Splits one or more (huge) CSV file(s) into separates parts.
chuck # Print a random Chuck Norris joke. Jep it is true! Just try it 😎
devops-items-update # Updates one or more Azure DevOps work items.
docker-stop # Stops all running Docker containers.
docker-up # Shorthand for 'docker-compose up'.
git-checkout # Checks out (to) a branch.
git-delete # Deletes local branches, except 'master' and the current one.
git-export # Clones a repository to the working directory and removes the '.git' subfolder.
git-pull # Pulls from all remotes to the current branch.
git-push # Pushes the current branch to all remotes.
git-sync # Syncs the current branch with all remotes.
job # Executes one or more scripts periodically.
new # Starts the e.GO generator for Yeoman.
node-install # Removes the 'node_modules' subfolder and executes 'npm install'.
public-ip # Print public ipv4 and ipv6 ip address.
pull-request # Starts a pull request (Azure DevOps) for the branch of the current git repository.
qr # Creates an image file with a QR code from a text.
rn-run # Runs the current React Native project.
run # Runs one or more Node.js based script file(s).
serve # Starts a HTTP server that shares files via a web interface.
slack-post # Posts a message to one or more Slack channels.
ssl-new # Creates a new self-signed SSL certificate.
watch # Runs one or more scripts for file changes.
To list all available commands, simply run
Have a look at the wiki, which contains interesting articles and recipes like:
The contribution guide explains, how to implement a new command, work with the code and open a pull request.
That software makes use of free version of MD Bootstrap.