Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
Eleventy plugin which provides common filters, shortcodes and transforms for Fluid Project websites.
Eleventy plugin which provides common filters, shortcodes and transforms for Fluid Project websites.
Add eleventy-plugin-fluid
to your Eleventy-based static site by running:
npx install-peerdeps eleventy-plugin-fluid
(You can also run npm install --save eleventy-plugin-fluid
, but you'll then need to install the specified infusion
peer dependency in your project as well; the install-peerdeps
command handles both at the same time.)
Then, in your Eleventy configuration file (usually eleventy.config.js
), load the plugin as follows:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
For any options passed to eleventy-plugin-fluid
in the configurations described below, you can override the default
rather than merging with it by passing the option with override:
as a prefix to the key. For example, to override the
default options for the css
configuration block, you could do the following:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ "override:css": {
+ // Your options here.
+ }
+ });
Note that if you don't override required defaults when using this method, your configuration will not be valid, so proceed with caution if you are using this technique.
includes configuration for processing and bundling Sass and CSS files using Sass
and LightningCSS, and JavaScript files using esbuild.
By default, any CSS files found in the ./src/assets/styles/
directory or its children will be processed unless the
filename begins with an underscore (_
). For this reason, if you are using CSS partials via the @import
rule, you should name them according to the pattern _partial.css
to prevent them from being transformed as standalone
files (this convention will be familiar to those who have worked with Sass and Sass partials).
Options for LightningCSS may be modified by passing values to the css
option when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ css: {
+ cssModules: true,
+ }
+ });
Default values are as follows:
let options = {
/* Where should Eleventy look for CSS files to process? */
basePath: `./${eleventyConfig.dir.input || "src"}/assets/styles`,
/* Should CSS files be processed? */
enabled: true,
/* See: https://lightningcss.dev/minification.html */
minify: true,
/* Not yet supported, see https://github.com/fluid-project/eleventy-plugin-fluid/issues/170 */
sourceMap: false,
/* See: https://lightningcss.dev/transpilation.html#draft-syntax */
drafts: {
nesting: true
/* A Browserslist configuration string (see: https://browsersl.ist) */
browserslist: "> 1%"
If you wish to disable CSS processing altogether, set the enabled
key of the options.css
object to false
If you wish to disable Browserslist altogether, you can pass an empty array ([]
) to the browserslist
For more options, see the LightningCSS docs.
Sass processing is disabled by default. When enabled, any Sass files with the .scss
extension found in the
directory or its children will be processed unless the filename begins with an underscore (_
To enable Sass and disable CSS, add the following configuration when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ css: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ sass: {
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ });
Options for Sass may be modified by passing values to the sass
option when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ css: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ sass: {
+ browserslist: '> 1.5%',
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ });
Default values are as follows:
let options = {
/* Where should Eleventy look for Sass files to process? */
basePath: `./${eleventyConfig.dir.input || "src"}/assets/styles`,
/* Should Sass files be processed? */
enabled: false,
/* See: https://lightningcss.dev/minification.html */
minify: true,
/* Not yet supported, see https://github.com/fluid-project/eleventy-plugin-fluid/issues/170 */
sourceMap: false,
/* See: https://lightningcss.dev/transpilation.html#draft-syntax */
drafts: {
nesting: true
/* A Browserslist configuration string (see: https://browsersl.ist) */
browserslist: "> 1%"
Note that all of these will be passed to LightningCSS, not Sass, with the exception of basePath
, enabled
, and sourceMap
If you wish to disable Sass processing altogether, set the enabled
key of the options.sass
object to false
If you wish to disable Browserslist altogether, you can pass an empty array ([]
) to the browserslist
For more options, see the Sass and LightningCSS docs.
By default, any JavaScript files with the .js
extension found in the ./src/assets/scripts/
directory or its children
will be processed with esbuild unless the filename begins with an underscore (_
Options for esbuild may be modified by passing values to the js
option when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ js: {
+ target: "esnext"
+ }
+ });
Default values are as follows:
let options = {
/* Where should Eleventy look for JavaScript files to process? */
basePath: `./${eleventyConfig.dir.input || "src"}/assets/scripts`,
/* Should JavaScript files be processed? */
enabled: true,
/* See: https://esbuild.github.io/api/#minify */
minify: true,
/* See: https://esbuild.github.io/content-types/#javascript */
target: "es2020",
basePath: `./${eleventyConfig.dir.output || "_site"}/assets/styles`
If you wish to disable JavaScript processing altogether, set the enabled
key of the options.js
object to false
adds support for localization using Eleventy's i18n plugin
and eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext
for string translation.
By default, the following languages are configured:
You can add support for additional languages by passing values to the supportedLanguages
option when registering
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ supportedLanguages: {
+ de: {
+ // The slug which will be used in URLs to content in this language.
+ slug: "de",
+ // The slug which will be used to localize UIO (see: https://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/localizationinthepreferencesframework#specifying-a-localization)
+ uioSlug: "de",
+ // The direction of the language.
+ dir: "ltr",
+ // The endonym of the language.
+ name: "Deutsch"
+ }
+ }
+ });
provides the following global data:
"defaultLanguage": "en",
"defaultLanguageDir": "ltr",
"supportedLanguages": {
"en": {
"slug": "en",
"uioSlug": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "English"
"en-CA": {
"slug": "en-ca",
"uioSlug": "en_CA",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "English (Canada)"
"en-US": {
"slug": "en-us",
"uioSlug": "en_US",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "English (United States)"
"es": {
"slug": "es",
"uioSlug": "es",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Español"
"fa": {
"slug": "fa",
"uioSlug": "fa",
"dir": "rtl",
"name": "فارسی"
"fr": {
"slug": "fr",
"uioSlug": "fr",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Français"
"pt-BR": {
"slug": "pt-br",
"uioSlug": "pt_BR",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Português (Brasil)"
The defaultLanguage
can be overridden by passing a new value to the defaultLanguage
options key when registering
By default, eleventy-plugin-fluid
also configures a localesDirectory
for eleventy-plugin-i18n-getttext
as ./src/_locales
. This can be overridden by passing a new value to the
options key when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
also provides two localization-related helpers:
is used to generate localized permalinks for a collection type,
with full support for pagination. Here's an example, as used in an 11tydata.js
const { EleventyI18nPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
const { generatePermalink } = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
const { _ } = require("eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext");
module.exports = {
layout: "layouts/base.njk",
eleventyComputed: {
lang: data => EleventyI18nPlugin.LangUtils.getLanguageCodeFromInputPath(data.page.inputPath),
langDir: data => data.supportedLanguages[data.lang].dir,
locale: data => data.lang,
permalink: data => {
const locale = data.locale;
return generatePermalink(data, "pages", _(locale, "pages"), _(locale, "page"));
In this example, eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext
is used
to localize the URL path for the collection. The _()
method provided by eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext
requires a
variable called locale
as its first parameter (see this issue).
is used to localize directory data
for a directory of content in a specific language (where the directory name is the language code). Here's an example,
as used in an 11tydata.js
const { localizeData } = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = () => {
return localizeData({}, __dirname);
This helper is a wrapper for i18n.enhance11tydata
If you don't need string translation features in your project, you can disable string translation by setting the i18n
option to false when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ i18n: false
+ });
Note that if you do this, you will need to remove any uses of the localizeData
helper or
functions in your
For additional information on setting up localization/internationalization, see:
amends Eleventy's default Markdown configuration
as follows (for more information see markdown-it):
"html": true,
"linkify": true,
"typographer": true
Options for Markdown may be modified by passing values to the markdown
option when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
in your config:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ markdown: {
+ options: {
+ breaks: "true"
+ }
+ }
+ });
You can also enable markdown-it
plugins when
registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
as follows:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ markdown: {
+ plugins: [
+ // The npm package name of the plugin, which must be installed in your project.
+ "markdown-it-emoji",
+ // The npm package name of the plugin, which must be installed in your project, and an options object for the plugin.
+ ["markdown-it-anchor", {}]
+ ]
+ }
+ });
All examples use the Nunjucks template language. Eleventy supports a number of other template languages; see Eleventy's documentation on filters for usage with different template languages.
Formats a date string.
{{ "Sun Jun 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time)" | formatDate }}
Output: June 21st, 2020
Optionally, a locale
can be supplied to format a date in a locale other than English.
{{ "Sun Jun 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time)" | formatDate('fr') }}
Output: 21 juin 2020
Formats a date string to ISO 8601 format.
{{ "Sun Jun 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time)") | isoDate }}
Output: 2020-06-21T21:00:00.000Z
Trims an array to the specified length.
{{ ["a", "b", "c"] | limit(2) | dump }}
Output: ["a", "b"]
Processes an input string using Markdown.
{{ "A paragraph with some _emphasis_." | markdown | safe }}
Output: <p>A paragraph with some <em>emphasis</em>.</p>\n
Processes an input string by lowercasing it, replacing whitespace with hyphens, and stripping special characters to create a URL-safe version.
NOTE: This filter is deprecated and the slug-filter.js
file has been removed as of eleventy-plugin-fluid 1.0.
Instead, use Eleventy's new slugify
Splits an input string into an array based on a provided delimiter.
{{ "a,b,c" | split(",") | dump }}
Output: ["a", "b", "c"]
All examples use the Nunjucks template language. Eleventy supports a number of other template languages; see Eleventy's documentation on shortcodes for usage with different template languages.
Outputs a <figure>
element with a <figcaption>
. The first and second parameters in the opening tag of the shortcode
are the image URL and alternative text respectively. Caption content, which can use Markdown, goes in between the
opening and closing shortcode tags.
{% figure "/assets/image.png", "A description of this image." %}
An illustration of something, found [here](https://example.com).
{% endfigure %}
<img src="/assets/image.png" alt="A description of this image." />
<p>An illustration of something, found <a href="https://example.com">here</a>.</p>
Renders a string with a supported template engine using the Eleventy Render plugin. This can be particularly useful when front matter data from a template needs to be processed using Markdown.
title: About
subtitle: Learn about our [mission](/about/mission/), [vision](/about/vision/), and [values](/about/values/).
This is what we do.
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<div class="subtitle">
{% renderString subtitle, "md" %}
{{ content | safe }}
<div class="subtitle">
<p>Learn about our <a href="/about/mission/">mission</a>, <a href="/about/vision/">vision</a>, and <a href="/about/values/">values</a>.</p>
<p>This is what we do.</p>
By default, the following template formats are supported:
)For example, you could enable Vue support when registering
as follows:
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
+ const eleventyVue = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue");
module.exports = function (config) {
+ config.addPlugin(eleventyVue);
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ templateFormats: [
+ "vue"
+ ]
+ });
Outputs links to the required CSS assets for an instance of Infusion User Interface Options. Use this when you want the out-of-the-box/drop-in experience with UI Options styles overriding the site styles. This is the quickest way to start, but harder to customize and fit with your site's own styling.
{% uioStyles %}
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/core/css/fluid.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/Enactors.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/PrefsEditor.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/SeparatedPanelPrefsEditor.css" rel="stylesheet">
Outputs links to the required CSS assets for an instance of Infusion User Interface Options. This only includes the related CSS Custom Properties. Use this when you want to have control over how the enactor styles are applied.
See: Integrating UI Options Styling Preferences
{% uioStyleProps %}
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/core/css/fluid.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/Contrast_base.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/EnhanceInputs_base.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/Font_base.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/PrefsEditor.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/css/SeparatedPanelPrefsEditor.css" rel="stylesheet">
Outputs links to the required JavaScript assets for an instance of Infusion User Interface Options.
{% uioScripts %}
<link rel="preload" href="/lib/infusion/infusion-uio.js" as="script" />
<script src="/lib/infusion/infusion-uio.js"></script>
Outputs the required HTML template markup for an instance of Infusion User Interface Options. This should used
directly after the opening <body>
{% uioTemplate %}
<div class="flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel fl-prefsEditor-separatedPanel">
<div class="fl-panelBar fl-panelBar-smallScreen" id="Editorspace">
<span class="fl-prefsEditor-buttons">
<button class="flc-slidingPanel-toggleButton fl-prefsEditor-showHide"> Show/Hide</button>
<button class="flc-prefsEditor-reset fl-prefsEditor-reset"><span class="fl-icon-undo"></span> Reset</button>
<div class="flc-slidingPanel-panel"></div>
<div class="fl-panelBar fl-panelBar-wideScreen">
<span class="fl-prefsEditor-buttons">
<button class="flc-slidingPanel-toggleButton fl-prefsEditor-showHide"> Show/Hide</button>
<button class="flc-prefsEditor-reset fl-prefsEditor-reset"><span class="fl-icon-undo"></span> Reset</button>
If you want to use a custom integration of User Interface Options, you can insert the required markup directly into your base template.
Outputs the required JavaScript to initialize an instance of Infusion User Interface Options. This should used
directly before the closing </body>
{% uioInit %}
fluid.uiOptions.multilingual(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
"auxiliarySchema": {
"terms": {
"templatePrefix": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/html",
"messagePrefix": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/messages"
"fluid.prefs.tableOfContents": {
"enactor": {
"tocTemplate": "/lib/infusion/src/components/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents.html",
"tocMessage": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/messages/tableOfContents-enactor.json",
"ignoreForToC": {
"ignoreClass": ".flc-toc-ignore"
"prefsEditorLoader": {
"lazyLoad": true
Optionally, to support localization, you can pass in locale and direction arguments.
{% uioInit "fa", "rtl" %}
fluid.uiOptions.multilingual(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
"auxiliarySchema": {
"terms": {
"templatePrefix": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/html",
"messagePrefix": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/messages"
"fluid.prefs.tableOfContents": {
"enactor": {
"tocTemplate": "/lib/infusion/src/components/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents.html",
"tocMessage": "/lib/infusion/src/framework/preferences/messages/tableOfContents-enactor.json",
"ignoreForToC": {
"ignoreClass": ".flc-toc-ignore"
"prefsEditorLoader": {
"lazyLoad": true
"locale": "fa",
"direction": "rtl"
If you want to use a custom integration of User Interface Options, you can insert the required script tag directly into your base template.
adds the Eleventy WebC plugin for WebC support. By
default, the plugin will look for WebC components in ./src/_components/**/*.webc
. This, and other options,
can be modified when registering eleventy-plugin-fluid
const fluidPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
module.exports = function (config) {
- config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin);
+ config.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
+ webc: {
+ components: "./src/_includes/**/*.webc"
+ }
+ });
adds an HTML minify transform to output files with a .html
extension which minifies them
using html-minifier
By default, eleventy-plugin-fluid
copies the required assets for an instance of
Infusion User Interface Options into the lib/infusion
directory of the build directory.
This package uses Conventional Commits, enforced with commitlint. This facilitates releasing new versions of the package via Release Please. To cut a release, merge the current release pull request.
This will tag an appropriate semantic version based on the nature of the recent commits to the project and update the changelog.
You will then need to publish the updated version to the npm registry. This requires an npm account with appropriate maintainer permissions. To publish the package, run:
npm publish
For more information on publishing to npm, see the npm publish documentation.
is based on other publicly available software, categorized by license:
Eleventy plugin which provides common filters, shortcodes and transforms for Fluid Project websites.
The npm package eleventy-plugin-fluid receives a total of 113 weekly downloads. As such, eleventy-plugin-fluid popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that eleventy-plugin-fluid demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
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The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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