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File Explorer

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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.0.0-rc.9 to 1.0.0-rc.10



import 'bun';
import 'memoirist';
export { Static, TSchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';
export { W as AfterHandler, a1 as BodyHandler, ad as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aH as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, n as ElysiaConfig, a4 as ErrorHandler, B as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, F as InputSchema, a7 as InternalRoute, I as InternalServerError, m as InvalidCookieSignature, z as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, a8 as ListenCallback, a6 as LocalHook, o as MaybePromise, J as MergeSchema, N as NotFoundError, Q as OptionalHandler, P as ParseError, aI as PreContext, a2 as PreHandler, u as RouteBase, w as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, t as SingletonBase, _ as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, $ as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, x as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as ValidationError, Y as VoidHandler, E as default, k as error, au as getResponseSchemaValidator, at as getSchemaValidator, aV as mapCompactResponse, aU as mapEarlyResponse, aT as mapResponse, as as mergeHook, aq as mergeObjectArray, aJ as t } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { A as AfterHandler, J as BodyHandler, a2 as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aw as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, g as ElysiaConfig, Q as ErrorHandler, t as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, I as InputSchema, Y as InternalRoute, r as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, Z as ListenCallback, X as LocalHook, h as MaybePromise, u as MergeSchema, w as OptionalHandler, ax as PreContext, K as PreHandler, l as RouteBase, n as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, k as SingletonBase, z as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, B as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, o as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as VoidHandler, E as default, aj as getResponseSchemaValidator, ai as getSchemaValidator, aK as mapCompactResponse, aJ as mapEarlyResponse, aI as mapResponse, ah as mergeHook, af as mergeObjectArray, ay as t } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
export { InternalServerError, InvalidCookieSignature, NotFoundError, ParseError, ValidationError, error } from './error.js';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { E as Elysia, L as LifeCycleStore, S as SchemaValidator, H as Handler, C as ComposedHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { E as Elysia, L as LifeCycleStore, S as SchemaValidator, H as Handler, C as ComposedHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import { TAnySchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import { Sucrose } from './sucrose.js';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -11,0 +12,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export { aH as Context, aI as PreContext } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aw as Context, ax as PreContext } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import './error.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export { e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, d as ElysiaCookie, f as createCookieJar, p as parseCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, d as ElysiaCookie, f as createCookieJar, p as parseCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -479,3 +479,3 @@ "use strict";

var InvertedStatusMap2 = Object.fromEntries(
var InvertedStatusMap = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(StatusMap).map(([k, v]) => [v, k])

@@ -482,0 +482,0 @@ );

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export { aX as DynamicHandler, aZ as createDynamicErrorHandler, aY as createDynamicHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aM as DynamicHandler, aO as createDynamicErrorHandler, aN as createDynamicHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import './error.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -682,3 +682,3 @@ "use strict";

var InvertedStatusMap2 = Object.fromEntries(
var InvertedStatusMap = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(StatusMap).map(([k, v]) => [v, k])

@@ -685,0 +685,0 @@ );

@@ -1,9 +0,312 @@

import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { h as ELYSIA_RESPONSE, g as ERROR_CODE, j as ElysiaErrors, I as InternalServerError, m as InvalidCookieSignature, N as NotFoundError, P as ParseError, V as ValidationError, k as error, l as inlineError, i as isProduction } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import 'bun';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import * as undici_types from 'undici-types';
import { TSchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';
import { TypeCheck } from '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
declare const ERROR_CODE: unique symbol;
declare const ELYSIA_RESPONSE: unique symbol;
declare const isProduction: boolean;
type ElysiaErrors = InternalServerError | NotFoundError | ParseError | ValidationError | InvalidCookieSignature;
* @deprecated
* Use inline error instead
* Inline error can provide auto-completion
* and type checking based on route schema
* @example
* ```typescript
* new Elysia()
* .get('/', ({ error }) => error('418', ''))
* ```
declare const error: <const Code extends number | "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required", const T = Code extends 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 307 | 308 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 428 | 429 | 431 | 451 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 510 | 511 ? {
readonly 100: "Continue";
readonly 101: "Switching Protocols";
readonly 102: "Processing";
readonly 103: "Early Hints";
readonly 200: "OK";
readonly 201: "Created";
readonly 202: "Accepted";
readonly 203: "Non-Authoritative Information";
readonly 204: "No Content";
readonly 205: "Reset Content";
readonly 206: "Partial Content";
readonly 207: "Multi-Status";
readonly 208: "Already Reported";
readonly 300: "Multiple Choices";
readonly 301: "Moved Permanently";
readonly 302: "Found";
readonly 303: "See Other";
readonly 304: "Not Modified";
readonly 307: "Temporary Redirect";
readonly 308: "Permanent Redirect";
readonly 400: "Bad Request";
readonly 401: "Unauthorized";
readonly 402: "Payment Required";
readonly 403: "Forbidden";
readonly 404: "Not Found";
readonly 405: "Method Not Allowed";
readonly 406: "Not Acceptable";
readonly 407: "Proxy Authentication Required";
readonly 408: "Request Timeout";
readonly 409: "Conflict";
readonly 410: "Gone";
readonly 411: "Length Required";
readonly 412: "Precondition Failed";
readonly 413: "Payload Too Large";
readonly 414: "URI Too Long";
readonly 415: "Unsupported Media Type";
readonly 416: "Range Not Satisfiable";
readonly 417: "Expectation Failed";
readonly 418: "I'm a teapot";
readonly 421: "Misdirected Request";
readonly 422: "Unprocessable Content";
readonly 423: "Locked";
readonly 424: "Failed Dependency";
readonly 425: "Too Early";
readonly 426: "Upgrade Required";
readonly 428: "Precondition Required";
readonly 429: "Too Many Requests";
readonly 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large";
readonly 451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
readonly 500: "Internal Server Error";
readonly 501: "Not Implemented";
readonly 502: "Bad Gateway";
readonly 503: "Service Unavailable";
readonly 504: "Gateway Timeout";
readonly 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported";
readonly 506: "Variant Also Negotiates";
readonly 507: "Insufficient Storage";
readonly 508: "Loop Detected";
readonly 510: "Not Extended";
readonly 511: "Network Authentication Required";
}[Code] : Code, const Status extends number = Code extends "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required" ? {
readonly Continue: 100;
readonly 'Switching Protocols': 101;
readonly Processing: 102;
readonly 'Early Hints': 103;
readonly OK: 200;
readonly Created: 201;
readonly Accepted: 202;
readonly 'Non-Authoritative Information': 203;
readonly 'No Content': 204;
readonly 'Reset Content': 205;
readonly 'Partial Content': 206;
readonly 'Multi-Status': 207;
readonly 'Already Reported': 208;
readonly 'Multiple Choices': 300;
readonly 'Moved Permanently': 301;
readonly Found: 302;
readonly 'See Other': 303;
readonly 'Not Modified': 304;
readonly 'Temporary Redirect': 307;
readonly 'Permanent Redirect': 308;
readonly 'Bad Request': 400;
readonly Unauthorized: 401;
readonly 'Payment Required': 402;
readonly Forbidden: 403;
readonly 'Not Found': 404;
readonly 'Method Not Allowed': 405;
readonly 'Not Acceptable': 406;
readonly 'Proxy Authentication Required': 407;
readonly 'Request Timeout': 408;
readonly Conflict: 409;
readonly Gone: 410;
readonly 'Length Required': 411;
readonly 'Precondition Failed': 412;
readonly 'Payload Too Large': 413;
readonly 'URI Too Long': 414;
readonly 'Unsupported Media Type': 415;
readonly 'Range Not Satisfiable': 416;
readonly 'Expectation Failed': 417;
readonly "I'm a teapot": 418;
readonly 'Misdirected Request': 421;
readonly 'Unprocessable Content': 422;
readonly Locked: 423;
readonly 'Failed Dependency': 424;
readonly 'Too Early': 425;
readonly 'Upgrade Required': 426;
readonly 'Precondition Required': 428;
readonly 'Too Many Requests': 429;
readonly 'Request Header Fields Too Large': 431;
readonly 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons': 451;
readonly 'Internal Server Error': 500;
readonly 'Not Implemented': 501;
readonly 'Bad Gateway': 502;
readonly 'Service Unavailable': 503;
readonly 'Gateway Timeout': 504;
readonly 'HTTP Version Not Supported': 505;
readonly 'Variant Also Negotiates': 506;
readonly 'Insufficient Storage': 507;
readonly 'Loop Detected': 508;
readonly 'Not Extended': 510;
readonly 'Network Authentication Required': 511;
}[Code] : Code>(code: Code, response?: T) => {
response: T;
_type: { [ERROR_CODE in Status]: T; };
declare const inlineError: <const Code extends number | "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required", const T = Code extends 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 307 | 308 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 428 | 429 | 431 | 451 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 510 | 511 ? {
readonly 100: "Continue";
readonly 101: "Switching Protocols";
readonly 102: "Processing";
readonly 103: "Early Hints";
readonly 200: "OK";
readonly 201: "Created";
readonly 202: "Accepted";
readonly 203: "Non-Authoritative Information";
readonly 204: "No Content";
readonly 205: "Reset Content";
readonly 206: "Partial Content";
readonly 207: "Multi-Status";
readonly 208: "Already Reported";
readonly 300: "Multiple Choices";
readonly 301: "Moved Permanently";
readonly 302: "Found";
readonly 303: "See Other";
readonly 304: "Not Modified";
readonly 307: "Temporary Redirect";
readonly 308: "Permanent Redirect";
readonly 400: "Bad Request";
readonly 401: "Unauthorized";
readonly 402: "Payment Required";
readonly 403: "Forbidden";
readonly 404: "Not Found";
readonly 405: "Method Not Allowed";
readonly 406: "Not Acceptable";
readonly 407: "Proxy Authentication Required";
readonly 408: "Request Timeout";
readonly 409: "Conflict";
readonly 410: "Gone";
readonly 411: "Length Required";
readonly 412: "Precondition Failed";
readonly 413: "Payload Too Large";
readonly 414: "URI Too Long";
readonly 415: "Unsupported Media Type";
readonly 416: "Range Not Satisfiable";
readonly 417: "Expectation Failed";
readonly 418: "I'm a teapot";
readonly 421: "Misdirected Request";
readonly 422: "Unprocessable Content";
readonly 423: "Locked";
readonly 424: "Failed Dependency";
readonly 425: "Too Early";
readonly 426: "Upgrade Required";
readonly 428: "Precondition Required";
readonly 429: "Too Many Requests";
readonly 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large";
readonly 451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
readonly 500: "Internal Server Error";
readonly 501: "Not Implemented";
readonly 502: "Bad Gateway";
readonly 503: "Service Unavailable";
readonly 504: "Gateway Timeout";
readonly 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported";
readonly 506: "Variant Also Negotiates";
readonly 507: "Insufficient Storage";
readonly 508: "Loop Detected";
readonly 510: "Not Extended";
readonly 511: "Network Authentication Required";
}[Code] : Code, Status extends number = Code extends "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required" ? {
readonly Continue: 100;
readonly 'Switching Protocols': 101;
readonly Processing: 102;
readonly 'Early Hints': 103;
readonly OK: 200;
readonly Created: 201;
readonly Accepted: 202;
readonly 'Non-Authoritative Information': 203;
readonly 'No Content': 204;
readonly 'Reset Content': 205;
readonly 'Partial Content': 206;
readonly 'Multi-Status': 207;
readonly 'Already Reported': 208;
readonly 'Multiple Choices': 300;
readonly 'Moved Permanently': 301;
readonly Found: 302;
readonly 'See Other': 303;
readonly 'Not Modified': 304;
readonly 'Temporary Redirect': 307;
readonly 'Permanent Redirect': 308;
readonly 'Bad Request': 400;
readonly Unauthorized: 401;
readonly 'Payment Required': 402;
readonly Forbidden: 403;
readonly 'Not Found': 404;
readonly 'Method Not Allowed': 405;
readonly 'Not Acceptable': 406;
readonly 'Proxy Authentication Required': 407;
readonly 'Request Timeout': 408;
readonly Conflict: 409;
readonly Gone: 410;
readonly 'Length Required': 411;
readonly 'Precondition Failed': 412;
readonly 'Payload Too Large': 413;
readonly 'URI Too Long': 414;
readonly 'Unsupported Media Type': 415;
readonly 'Range Not Satisfiable': 416;
readonly 'Expectation Failed': 417;
readonly "I'm a teapot": 418;
readonly 'Misdirected Request': 421;
readonly 'Unprocessable Content': 422;
readonly Locked: 423;
readonly 'Failed Dependency': 424;
readonly 'Too Early': 425;
readonly 'Upgrade Required': 426;
readonly 'Precondition Required': 428;
readonly 'Too Many Requests': 429;
readonly 'Request Header Fields Too Large': 431;
readonly 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons': 451;
readonly 'Internal Server Error': 500;
readonly 'Not Implemented': 501;
readonly 'Bad Gateway': 502;
readonly 'Service Unavailable': 503;
readonly 'Gateway Timeout': 504;
readonly 'HTTP Version Not Supported': 505;
readonly 'Variant Also Negotiates': 506;
readonly 'Insufficient Storage': 507;
readonly 'Loop Detected': 508;
readonly 'Not Extended': 510;
readonly 'Network Authentication Required': 511;
}[Code] : Code>(code: Code, response?: T) => {
response: T;
_type: { [ERROR_CODE in Status]: T; };
declare class InternalServerError extends Error {
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string);
declare class NotFoundError extends Error {
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string);
declare class ParseError extends Error {
body?: unknown;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string, body?: unknown);
declare class InvalidCookieSignature extends Error {
key: string;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(key: string, message?: string);
declare class ValidationError extends Error {
type: string;
validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>;
value: unknown;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(type: string, validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>, value: unknown);
get all(): any[];
static simplifyModel(validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>): any;
get model(): any;
toResponse(headers?: Record<string, any>): undici_types.Response;
export { ELYSIA_RESPONSE, ERROR_CODE, type ElysiaErrors, InternalServerError, InvalidCookieSignature, NotFoundError, ParseError, ValidationError, error, inlineError, isProduction };

@@ -426,3 +426,6 @@ "use strict";

[ELYSIA_RESPONSE]: StatusMap[code] ?? code,
response: response ?? (code in InvertedStatusMap ? (
// @ts-expect-error Always correct
) : code),
_type: void 0

@@ -429,0 +432,0 @@ });

import 'undici-types';
export { aW as errorToResponse, aQ as isNotEmpty, aV as mapCompactResponse, aU as mapEarlyResponse, aT as mapResponse, aR as parseSetCookies, aS as serializeCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aL as errorToResponse, aF as isNotEmpty, aK as mapCompactResponse, aJ as mapEarlyResponse, aI as mapResponse, aG as parseSetCookies, aH as serializeCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -585,3 +585,3 @@ "use strict";

var InvertedStatusMap2 = Object.fromEntries(
var InvertedStatusMap = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(StatusMap).map(([k, v]) => [v, k])

@@ -588,0 +588,0 @@ );

import 'bun';
import 'memoirist';
export { Static, TSchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';
export { W as AfterHandler, a1 as BodyHandler, ad as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aH as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, n as ElysiaConfig, a4 as ErrorHandler, B as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, F as InputSchema, a7 as InternalRoute, I as InternalServerError, m as InvalidCookieSignature, z as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, a8 as ListenCallback, a6 as LocalHook, o as MaybePromise, J as MergeSchema, N as NotFoundError, Q as OptionalHandler, P as ParseError, aI as PreContext, a2 as PreHandler, u as RouteBase, w as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, t as SingletonBase, _ as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, $ as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, x as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as ValidationError, Y as VoidHandler, E as default, k as error, au as getResponseSchemaValidator, at as getSchemaValidator, aV as mapCompactResponse, aU as mapEarlyResponse, aT as mapResponse, as as mergeHook, aq as mergeObjectArray, aJ as t } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { A as AfterHandler, J as BodyHandler, a2 as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aw as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, g as ElysiaConfig, Q as ErrorHandler, t as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, I as InputSchema, Y as InternalRoute, r as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, Z as ListenCallback, X as LocalHook, h as MaybePromise, u as MergeSchema, w as OptionalHandler, ax as PreContext, K as PreHandler, l as RouteBase, n as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, k as SingletonBase, z as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, B as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, o as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as VoidHandler, E as default, aj as getResponseSchemaValidator, ai as getSchemaValidator, aK as mapCompactResponse, aJ as mapEarlyResponse, aI as mapResponse, ah as mergeHook, af as mergeObjectArray, ay as t } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
export { InternalServerError, InvalidCookieSignature, NotFoundError, ParseError, ValidationError, error } from './error.js';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { L as LifeCycleStore, H as Handler, T as TraceHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { L as LifeCycleStore, H as Handler, T as TraceHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { a as TraceReporter, T as TraceHandler, b as TraceStream } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { a as TraceReporter, T as TraceHandler, b as TraceStream } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

import '@sinclair/typebox';
export { TypeCheck, TypeCompiler } from '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aL as ElysiaType, aK as ElysiaTypeOptions, aM as TCookie, aJ as t } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aA as ElysiaType, az as ElysiaTypeOptions, aB as TCookie, ay as t } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ export { TypeSystem, TypeSystemDuplicateFormat, TypeSystemDuplicateTypeKind, TypeSystemPolicy } from '@sinclair/typebox/system';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export { a9 as AddPrefix, aa as AddPrefixCapitalize, ab as AddSuffix, ac as AddSuffixCapitalize, W as AfterHandler, ae as BaseMacro, a1 as BodyHandler, ad as Checksum, ak as ComposeElysiaResponse, C as ComposedHandler, A as ContentType, aj as CreateEden, D as DefinitionBase, n as ElysiaConfig, ag as ElysiaFn, a4 as ErrorHandler, G as GetPathParameter, a3 as GracefulHandler, B as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, K as InlineHandler, F as InputSchema, a7 as InternalRoute, a5 as Isolate, z as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, am as LifeCycleType, a8 as ListenCallback, a6 as LocalHook, ah as MacroManager, ai as MacroQueue, af as MacroToProperty, X as MapResponse, M as MaybeArray, o as MaybePromise, al as MergeElysiaInstances, J as MergeSchema, v as MetadataBase, O as ObjectValues, Q as OptionalHandler, s as Partial2, a2 as PreHandler, q as Prettify, r as Prettify2, R as Reconcile, u as RouteBase, w as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, t as SingletonBase, _ as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, a0 as TraceListener, $ as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, Z as TransformHandler, y as UnwrapGroupGuardRoute, x as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, Y as VoidHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { _ as AddPrefix, $ as AddPrefixCapitalize, a0 as AddSuffix, a1 as AddSuffixCapitalize, A as AfterHandler, a3 as BaseMacro, J as BodyHandler, a2 as Checksum, a9 as ComposeElysiaResponse, C as ComposedHandler, s as ContentType, a8 as CreateEden, D as DefinitionBase, g as ElysiaConfig, a5 as ElysiaFn, Q as ErrorHandler, G as GetPathParameter, N as GracefulHandler, t as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, v as InlineHandler, I as InputSchema, Y as InternalRoute, W as Isolate, r as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, ab as LifeCycleType, Z as ListenCallback, X as LocalHook, a6 as MacroManager, a7 as MacroQueue, a4 as MacroToProperty, x as MapResponse, M as MaybeArray, h as MaybePromise, aa as MergeElysiaInstances, u as MergeSchema, m as MetadataBase, O as ObjectValues, w as OptionalHandler, j as Partial2, K as PreHandler, P as Prettify, i as Prettify2, R as Reconcile, l as RouteBase, n as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, k as SingletonBase, z as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, F as TraceListener, B as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, y as TransformHandler, q as UnwrapGroupGuardRoute, o as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as VoidHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'memoirist';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aB as InvertedStatusMap, aA as StatusMap, ay as asHookType, av as checksum, aF as createMacroManager, az as filterGlobalHook, aw as getCookieValidator, au as getResponseSchemaValidator, at as getSchemaValidator, aG as isNumericString, ap as mergeCookie, ao as mergeDeep, as as mergeHook, ax as mergeLifeCycle, aq as mergeObjectArray, ar as primitiveHooks, an as replaceUrlPath, aC as signCookie, aE as traceBackMacro, aD as unsignCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aq as InvertedStatusMap, ap as StatusMap, an as asHookType, ak as checksum, au as createMacroManager, ao as filterGlobalHook, al as getCookieValidator, aj as getResponseSchemaValidator, ai as getSchemaValidator, av as isNumericString, ae as mergeCookie, ad as mergeDeep, ah as mergeHook, am as mergeLifeCycle, af as mergeObjectArray, ag as primitiveHooks, ac as replaceUrlPath, ar as signCookie, at as traceBackMacro, as as unsignCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "use strict";

__export(utils_exports, {
InvertedStatusMap: () => InvertedStatusMap2,
InvertedStatusMap: () => InvertedStatusMap,
StatusMap: () => StatusMap,

@@ -798,3 +798,3 @@ asHookType: () => asHookType,

var InvertedStatusMap2 = Object.fromEntries(
var InvertedStatusMap = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(StatusMap).map(([k, v]) => [v, k])

@@ -801,0 +801,0 @@ );

import 'bun';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aO as ElysiaWS, aN as websocket } from '../dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aD as ElysiaWS, aC as websocket } from '../dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '../error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'bun';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aP as WS } from '../dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aE as WS } from '../dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '../error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { E as Elysia, L as LifeCycleStore, S as SchemaValidator, H as Handler, C as ComposedHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { E as Elysia, L as LifeCycleStore, S as SchemaValidator, H as Handler, C as ComposedHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import { TAnySchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import { Sucrose } from './sucrose.js';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -11,0 +12,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export { aH as Context, aI as PreContext } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aw as Context, ax as PreContext } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import './error.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export { e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, d as ElysiaCookie, f as createCookieJar, p as parseCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, d as ElysiaCookie, f as createCookieJar, p as parseCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export { aX as DynamicHandler, aZ as createDynamicErrorHandler, aY as createDynamicHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aM as DynamicHandler, aO as createDynamicErrorHandler, aN as createDynamicHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import './error.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,9 +0,312 @@

import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { h as ELYSIA_RESPONSE, g as ERROR_CODE, j as ElysiaErrors, I as InternalServerError, m as InvalidCookieSignature, N as NotFoundError, P as ParseError, V as ValidationError, k as error, l as inlineError, i as isProduction } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import 'bun';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import * as undici_types from 'undici-types';
import { TSchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';
import { TypeCheck } from '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
declare const ERROR_CODE: unique symbol;
declare const ELYSIA_RESPONSE: unique symbol;
declare const isProduction: boolean;
type ElysiaErrors = InternalServerError | NotFoundError | ParseError | ValidationError | InvalidCookieSignature;
* @deprecated
* Use inline error instead
* Inline error can provide auto-completion
* and type checking based on route schema
* @example
* ```typescript
* new Elysia()
* .get('/', ({ error }) => error('418', ''))
* ```
declare const error: <const Code extends number | "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required", const T = Code extends 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 307 | 308 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 428 | 429 | 431 | 451 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 510 | 511 ? {
readonly 100: "Continue";
readonly 101: "Switching Protocols";
readonly 102: "Processing";
readonly 103: "Early Hints";
readonly 200: "OK";
readonly 201: "Created";
readonly 202: "Accepted";
readonly 203: "Non-Authoritative Information";
readonly 204: "No Content";
readonly 205: "Reset Content";
readonly 206: "Partial Content";
readonly 207: "Multi-Status";
readonly 208: "Already Reported";
readonly 300: "Multiple Choices";
readonly 301: "Moved Permanently";
readonly 302: "Found";
readonly 303: "See Other";
readonly 304: "Not Modified";
readonly 307: "Temporary Redirect";
readonly 308: "Permanent Redirect";
readonly 400: "Bad Request";
readonly 401: "Unauthorized";
readonly 402: "Payment Required";
readonly 403: "Forbidden";
readonly 404: "Not Found";
readonly 405: "Method Not Allowed";
readonly 406: "Not Acceptable";
readonly 407: "Proxy Authentication Required";
readonly 408: "Request Timeout";
readonly 409: "Conflict";
readonly 410: "Gone";
readonly 411: "Length Required";
readonly 412: "Precondition Failed";
readonly 413: "Payload Too Large";
readonly 414: "URI Too Long";
readonly 415: "Unsupported Media Type";
readonly 416: "Range Not Satisfiable";
readonly 417: "Expectation Failed";
readonly 418: "I'm a teapot";
readonly 421: "Misdirected Request";
readonly 422: "Unprocessable Content";
readonly 423: "Locked";
readonly 424: "Failed Dependency";
readonly 425: "Too Early";
readonly 426: "Upgrade Required";
readonly 428: "Precondition Required";
readonly 429: "Too Many Requests";
readonly 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large";
readonly 451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
readonly 500: "Internal Server Error";
readonly 501: "Not Implemented";
readonly 502: "Bad Gateway";
readonly 503: "Service Unavailable";
readonly 504: "Gateway Timeout";
readonly 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported";
readonly 506: "Variant Also Negotiates";
readonly 507: "Insufficient Storage";
readonly 508: "Loop Detected";
readonly 510: "Not Extended";
readonly 511: "Network Authentication Required";
}[Code] : Code, const Status extends number = Code extends "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required" ? {
readonly Continue: 100;
readonly 'Switching Protocols': 101;
readonly Processing: 102;
readonly 'Early Hints': 103;
readonly OK: 200;
readonly Created: 201;
readonly Accepted: 202;
readonly 'Non-Authoritative Information': 203;
readonly 'No Content': 204;
readonly 'Reset Content': 205;
readonly 'Partial Content': 206;
readonly 'Multi-Status': 207;
readonly 'Already Reported': 208;
readonly 'Multiple Choices': 300;
readonly 'Moved Permanently': 301;
readonly Found: 302;
readonly 'See Other': 303;
readonly 'Not Modified': 304;
readonly 'Temporary Redirect': 307;
readonly 'Permanent Redirect': 308;
readonly 'Bad Request': 400;
readonly Unauthorized: 401;
readonly 'Payment Required': 402;
readonly Forbidden: 403;
readonly 'Not Found': 404;
readonly 'Method Not Allowed': 405;
readonly 'Not Acceptable': 406;
readonly 'Proxy Authentication Required': 407;
readonly 'Request Timeout': 408;
readonly Conflict: 409;
readonly Gone: 410;
readonly 'Length Required': 411;
readonly 'Precondition Failed': 412;
readonly 'Payload Too Large': 413;
readonly 'URI Too Long': 414;
readonly 'Unsupported Media Type': 415;
readonly 'Range Not Satisfiable': 416;
readonly 'Expectation Failed': 417;
readonly "I'm a teapot": 418;
readonly 'Misdirected Request': 421;
readonly 'Unprocessable Content': 422;
readonly Locked: 423;
readonly 'Failed Dependency': 424;
readonly 'Too Early': 425;
readonly 'Upgrade Required': 426;
readonly 'Precondition Required': 428;
readonly 'Too Many Requests': 429;
readonly 'Request Header Fields Too Large': 431;
readonly 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons': 451;
readonly 'Internal Server Error': 500;
readonly 'Not Implemented': 501;
readonly 'Bad Gateway': 502;
readonly 'Service Unavailable': 503;
readonly 'Gateway Timeout': 504;
readonly 'HTTP Version Not Supported': 505;
readonly 'Variant Also Negotiates': 506;
readonly 'Insufficient Storage': 507;
readonly 'Loop Detected': 508;
readonly 'Not Extended': 510;
readonly 'Network Authentication Required': 511;
}[Code] : Code>(code: Code, response?: T) => {
response: T;
_type: { [ERROR_CODE in Status]: T; };
declare const inlineError: <const Code extends number | "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required", const T = Code extends 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 307 | 308 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 428 | 429 | 431 | 451 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 510 | 511 ? {
readonly 100: "Continue";
readonly 101: "Switching Protocols";
readonly 102: "Processing";
readonly 103: "Early Hints";
readonly 200: "OK";
readonly 201: "Created";
readonly 202: "Accepted";
readonly 203: "Non-Authoritative Information";
readonly 204: "No Content";
readonly 205: "Reset Content";
readonly 206: "Partial Content";
readonly 207: "Multi-Status";
readonly 208: "Already Reported";
readonly 300: "Multiple Choices";
readonly 301: "Moved Permanently";
readonly 302: "Found";
readonly 303: "See Other";
readonly 304: "Not Modified";
readonly 307: "Temporary Redirect";
readonly 308: "Permanent Redirect";
readonly 400: "Bad Request";
readonly 401: "Unauthorized";
readonly 402: "Payment Required";
readonly 403: "Forbidden";
readonly 404: "Not Found";
readonly 405: "Method Not Allowed";
readonly 406: "Not Acceptable";
readonly 407: "Proxy Authentication Required";
readonly 408: "Request Timeout";
readonly 409: "Conflict";
readonly 410: "Gone";
readonly 411: "Length Required";
readonly 412: "Precondition Failed";
readonly 413: "Payload Too Large";
readonly 414: "URI Too Long";
readonly 415: "Unsupported Media Type";
readonly 416: "Range Not Satisfiable";
readonly 417: "Expectation Failed";
readonly 418: "I'm a teapot";
readonly 421: "Misdirected Request";
readonly 422: "Unprocessable Content";
readonly 423: "Locked";
readonly 424: "Failed Dependency";
readonly 425: "Too Early";
readonly 426: "Upgrade Required";
readonly 428: "Precondition Required";
readonly 429: "Too Many Requests";
readonly 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large";
readonly 451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
readonly 500: "Internal Server Error";
readonly 501: "Not Implemented";
readonly 502: "Bad Gateway";
readonly 503: "Service Unavailable";
readonly 504: "Gateway Timeout";
readonly 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported";
readonly 506: "Variant Also Negotiates";
readonly 507: "Insufficient Storage";
readonly 508: "Loop Detected";
readonly 510: "Not Extended";
readonly 511: "Network Authentication Required";
}[Code] : Code, Status extends number = Code extends "Continue" | "Switching Protocols" | "Processing" | "Early Hints" | "OK" | "Created" | "Accepted" | "Non-Authoritative Information" | "No Content" | "Reset Content" | "Partial Content" | "Multi-Status" | "Already Reported" | "Multiple Choices" | "Moved Permanently" | "Found" | "See Other" | "Not Modified" | "Temporary Redirect" | "Permanent Redirect" | "Bad Request" | "Unauthorized" | "Payment Required" | "Forbidden" | "Not Found" | "Method Not Allowed" | "Not Acceptable" | "Proxy Authentication Required" | "Request Timeout" | "Conflict" | "Gone" | "Length Required" | "Precondition Failed" | "Payload Too Large" | "URI Too Long" | "Unsupported Media Type" | "Range Not Satisfiable" | "Expectation Failed" | "I'm a teapot" | "Misdirected Request" | "Unprocessable Content" | "Locked" | "Failed Dependency" | "Too Early" | "Upgrade Required" | "Precondition Required" | "Too Many Requests" | "Request Header Fields Too Large" | "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | "Internal Server Error" | "Not Implemented" | "Bad Gateway" | "Service Unavailable" | "Gateway Timeout" | "HTTP Version Not Supported" | "Variant Also Negotiates" | "Insufficient Storage" | "Loop Detected" | "Not Extended" | "Network Authentication Required" ? {
readonly Continue: 100;
readonly 'Switching Protocols': 101;
readonly Processing: 102;
readonly 'Early Hints': 103;
readonly OK: 200;
readonly Created: 201;
readonly Accepted: 202;
readonly 'Non-Authoritative Information': 203;
readonly 'No Content': 204;
readonly 'Reset Content': 205;
readonly 'Partial Content': 206;
readonly 'Multi-Status': 207;
readonly 'Already Reported': 208;
readonly 'Multiple Choices': 300;
readonly 'Moved Permanently': 301;
readonly Found: 302;
readonly 'See Other': 303;
readonly 'Not Modified': 304;
readonly 'Temporary Redirect': 307;
readonly 'Permanent Redirect': 308;
readonly 'Bad Request': 400;
readonly Unauthorized: 401;
readonly 'Payment Required': 402;
readonly Forbidden: 403;
readonly 'Not Found': 404;
readonly 'Method Not Allowed': 405;
readonly 'Not Acceptable': 406;
readonly 'Proxy Authentication Required': 407;
readonly 'Request Timeout': 408;
readonly Conflict: 409;
readonly Gone: 410;
readonly 'Length Required': 411;
readonly 'Precondition Failed': 412;
readonly 'Payload Too Large': 413;
readonly 'URI Too Long': 414;
readonly 'Unsupported Media Type': 415;
readonly 'Range Not Satisfiable': 416;
readonly 'Expectation Failed': 417;
readonly "I'm a teapot": 418;
readonly 'Misdirected Request': 421;
readonly 'Unprocessable Content': 422;
readonly Locked: 423;
readonly 'Failed Dependency': 424;
readonly 'Too Early': 425;
readonly 'Upgrade Required': 426;
readonly 'Precondition Required': 428;
readonly 'Too Many Requests': 429;
readonly 'Request Header Fields Too Large': 431;
readonly 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons': 451;
readonly 'Internal Server Error': 500;
readonly 'Not Implemented': 501;
readonly 'Bad Gateway': 502;
readonly 'Service Unavailable': 503;
readonly 'Gateway Timeout': 504;
readonly 'HTTP Version Not Supported': 505;
readonly 'Variant Also Negotiates': 506;
readonly 'Insufficient Storage': 507;
readonly 'Loop Detected': 508;
readonly 'Not Extended': 510;
readonly 'Network Authentication Required': 511;
}[Code] : Code>(code: Code, response?: T) => {
response: T;
_type: { [ERROR_CODE in Status]: T; };
declare class InternalServerError extends Error {
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string);
declare class NotFoundError extends Error {
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string);
declare class ParseError extends Error {
body?: unknown;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(message?: string, body?: unknown);
declare class InvalidCookieSignature extends Error {
key: string;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(key: string, message?: string);
declare class ValidationError extends Error {
type: string;
validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>;
value: unknown;
code: string;
status: number;
constructor(type: string, validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>, value: unknown);
get all(): any[];
static simplifyModel(validator: TSchema | TypeCheck<any>): any;
get model(): any;
toResponse(headers?: Record<string, any>): undici_types.Response;
export { ELYSIA_RESPONSE, ERROR_CODE, type ElysiaErrors, InternalServerError, InvalidCookieSignature, NotFoundError, ParseError, ValidationError, error, inlineError, isProduction };
import 'undici-types';
export { aW as errorToResponse, aQ as isNotEmpty, aV as mapCompactResponse, aU as mapEarlyResponse, aT as mapResponse, aR as parseSetCookies, aS as serializeCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aL as errorToResponse, aF as isNotEmpty, aK as mapCompactResponse, aJ as mapEarlyResponse, aI as mapResponse, aG as parseSetCookies, aH as serializeCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'bun';
import 'memoirist';
export { Static, TSchema } from '@sinclair/typebox';
export { W as AfterHandler, a1 as BodyHandler, ad as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aH as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, n as ElysiaConfig, a4 as ErrorHandler, B as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, F as InputSchema, a7 as InternalRoute, I as InternalServerError, m as InvalidCookieSignature, z as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, a8 as ListenCallback, a6 as LocalHook, o as MaybePromise, J as MergeSchema, N as NotFoundError, Q as OptionalHandler, P as ParseError, aI as PreContext, a2 as PreHandler, u as RouteBase, w as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, t as SingletonBase, _ as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, $ as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, x as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as ValidationError, Y as VoidHandler, E as default, k as error, au as getResponseSchemaValidator, at as getSchemaValidator, aV as mapCompactResponse, aU as mapEarlyResponse, aT as mapResponse, as as mergeHook, aq as mergeObjectArray, aJ as t } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { A as AfterHandler, J as BodyHandler, a2 as Checksum, C as ComposedHandler, aw as Context, e as Cookie, c as CookieOptions, D as DefinitionBase, E as Elysia, g as ElysiaConfig, Q as ErrorHandler, t as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, I as InputSchema, Y as InternalRoute, r as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, Z as ListenCallback, X as LocalHook, h as MaybePromise, u as MergeSchema, w as OptionalHandler, ax as PreContext, K as PreHandler, l as RouteBase, n as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, k as SingletonBase, z as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, B as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, o as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as VoidHandler, E as default, aj as getResponseSchemaValidator, ai as getSchemaValidator, aK as mapCompactResponse, aJ as mapEarlyResponse, aI as mapResponse, ah as mergeHook, af as mergeObjectArray, ay as t } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
export { InternalServerError, InvalidCookieSignature, NotFoundError, ParseError, ValidationError, error } from './error.js';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { L as LifeCycleStore, H as Handler, T as TraceHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { L as LifeCycleStore, H as Handler, T as TraceHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { a as TraceReporter, T as TraceHandler, b as TraceStream } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
import { a as TraceReporter, T as TraceHandler, b as TraceStream } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox/system';

import '@sinclair/typebox';
export { TypeCheck, TypeCompiler } from '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aL as ElysiaType, aK as ElysiaTypeOptions, aM as TCookie, aJ as t } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aA as ElysiaType, az as ElysiaTypeOptions, aB as TCookie, ay as t } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ export { TypeSystem, TypeSystemDuplicateFormat, TypeSystemDuplicateTypeKind, TypeSystemPolicy } from '@sinclair/typebox/system';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export { a9 as AddPrefix, aa as AddPrefixCapitalize, ab as AddSuffix, ac as AddSuffixCapitalize, W as AfterHandler, ae as BaseMacro, a1 as BodyHandler, ad as Checksum, ak as ComposeElysiaResponse, C as ComposedHandler, A as ContentType, aj as CreateEden, D as DefinitionBase, n as ElysiaConfig, ag as ElysiaFn, a4 as ErrorHandler, G as GetPathParameter, a3 as GracefulHandler, B as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, K as InlineHandler, F as InputSchema, a7 as InternalRoute, a5 as Isolate, z as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, am as LifeCycleType, a8 as ListenCallback, a6 as LocalHook, ah as MacroManager, ai as MacroQueue, af as MacroToProperty, X as MapResponse, M as MaybeArray, o as MaybePromise, al as MergeElysiaInstances, J as MergeSchema, v as MetadataBase, O as ObjectValues, Q as OptionalHandler, s as Partial2, a2 as PreHandler, q as Prettify, r as Prettify2, R as Reconcile, u as RouteBase, w as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, t as SingletonBase, _ as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, a0 as TraceListener, $ as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, Z as TransformHandler, y as UnwrapGroupGuardRoute, x as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, Y as VoidHandler } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { _ as AddPrefix, $ as AddPrefixCapitalize, a0 as AddSuffix, a1 as AddSuffixCapitalize, A as AfterHandler, a3 as BaseMacro, J as BodyHandler, a2 as Checksum, a9 as ComposeElysiaResponse, C as ComposedHandler, s as ContentType, a8 as CreateEden, D as DefinitionBase, g as ElysiaConfig, a5 as ElysiaFn, Q as ErrorHandler, G as GetPathParameter, N as GracefulHandler, t as HTTPMethod, H as Handler, v as InlineHandler, I as InputSchema, Y as InternalRoute, W as Isolate, r as LifeCycleEvent, L as LifeCycleStore, ab as LifeCycleType, Z as ListenCallback, X as LocalHook, a6 as MacroManager, a7 as MacroQueue, a4 as MacroToProperty, x as MapResponse, M as MaybeArray, h as MaybePromise, aa as MergeElysiaInstances, u as MergeSchema, m as MetadataBase, O as ObjectValues, w as OptionalHandler, j as Partial2, K as PreHandler, P as Prettify, i as Prettify2, R as Reconcile, l as RouteBase, n as RouteSchema, S as SchemaValidator, k as SingletonBase, z as TraceEvent, T as TraceHandler, F as TraceListener, B as TraceProcess, a as TraceReporter, b as TraceStream, y as TransformHandler, q as UnwrapGroupGuardRoute, o as UnwrapRoute, U as UnwrapSchema, V as VoidHandler } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ import '@sinclair/typebox';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'memoirist';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aB as InvertedStatusMap, aA as StatusMap, ay as asHookType, av as checksum, aF as createMacroManager, az as filterGlobalHook, aw as getCookieValidator, au as getResponseSchemaValidator, at as getSchemaValidator, aG as isNumericString, ap as mergeCookie, ao as mergeDeep, as as mergeHook, ax as mergeLifeCycle, aq as mergeObjectArray, ar as primitiveHooks, an as replaceUrlPath, aC as signCookie, aE as traceBackMacro, aD as unsignCookie } from './dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aq as InvertedStatusMap, ap as StatusMap, an as asHookType, ak as checksum, au as createMacroManager, ao as filterGlobalHook, al as getCookieValidator, aj as getResponseSchemaValidator, ai as getSchemaValidator, av as isNumericString, ae as mergeCookie, ad as mergeDeep, ah as mergeHook, am as mergeLifeCycle, af as mergeObjectArray, ag as primitiveHooks, ac as replaceUrlPath, ar as signCookie, at as traceBackMacro, as as unsignCookie } from './dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'bun';

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import 'memoirist';

import 'eventemitter3';
import './error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'bun';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aO as ElysiaWS, aN as websocket } from '../dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aD as ElysiaWS, aC as websocket } from '../dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '../error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
import 'bun';
import '@sinclair/typebox';
import '@sinclair/typebox/compiler';
export { aP as WS } from '../dynamic-handle-BBrvTKxk.js';
export { aE as WS } from '../dynamic-handle-DSSN9819.js';
import 'memoirist';
import 'openapi-types';
import 'eventemitter3';
import '../error.js';
import 'undici-types';
import '@sinclair/typebox/system';
"name": "elysia",
"description": "Ergonomic Framework for Human",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.9",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.10",
"author": {

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "name": "saltyAom",

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