
Support for multiple yield slots, including default slots, within a component block
Target syntax is:
{{#block-slot 'header' as |x|}}
I am the content {{x}}
{{#block-slot 'main'}}
I am the content
{{#block-slot 'footer' as |y z|}}
I am the content {{y}} {{z}}
The component needs to yield for each slot, so the conditional in the component won't work, but we still need to handle defaults, which means that if a slot isn't provided we need an option to go back to the component template for the default. It's like we need to yield once to let all the block slots activate, but wait for the block slots to then put content back in (instead of coming from the yield? seems portal-ish)
Give credit to @runspired
This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.
Using this addon in your application
ember install ember-block-slots
In the component template, place a "named" yield-slot block with what will be passed though for that named slot.
{{#yield-slot 'header'}}
{{yield (block-params header 'hello' 'world')}}
{{#yield-slot 'main'}}
{{yield (block-params body 'goodnight' 'moon')}}
Default {{sampleBody}}
{{#yield-slot 'footer'}}
{{yield (block-params footer 'awesome' 'you')}}
Then, in your parent template place your component with the block-slots inside, matching them by name to the yield-slot. Within each block-slot, place the content that you want to yield for that block.
{{#sample-component sampleBody='BODY' as |slot|}}
{{#block-slot slot 'header' as |info w1 w2|}}
I am the content {{info.title}} | {{w1}} | {{w2}}
{{#block-slot slot 'footer' as |info w1 w2|}}
I am the content {{info.title}} | {{w1}} | {{w2}}
Given this data:
header: { title: 'HEADER' },
body: { title: 'BODY' },
footer: { title: 'FOOTER' }
The rendered output is:
I am the content HEADER | hello | world
Default BODY
I am the content FOOTER | awesome | you
Development Environment
git clone
this repository
npm install
bower install
Running Tests
npm test
(Runs ember try:testall
to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
ember test
ember test --server
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.