Easily deploy your Ember applications to a remote server using scp via rsync.
Install ember-cli-deploy first:
ember install ember-cli-deploy
Install ember-cli-deploy-build for automated building:
ember install ember-cli-deploy-build
Install ember-cli-deploy-revision-data to keep track of deployed revisions:
ember install ember-cli-deploy-revision-data
Then install ember-cli-deploy-rsync2 plugin (this plugin)
ember install ember-cli-deploy-rsync2
Edit your config/deploy.js
module.exports = function(environment){
const ENV = {
if (environment === 'production') {
ENV.rsync2 = {
host: '<host>',
username: '<username>',
releasesPath: '<remote-path>'
return ENV;
and start deploying:
ember deploy production
Configuration Options
username | SSH user name | required | huafu |
host | SSH host | required | example.com |
releasesPath | Path where all revisions will be uploaded (each revision will be in a separate folder based on the revision name) | required | /var/www/example.com/revisions |
port | SSH port | 22 | 2222 |
sourcePath | Path of the directory that will be uploaded | tmp/deploy-dist | some/local/path |
exclude | Exclude specified files and directories from uploading | null , | ['.htaccess', 'private'] |
include | Include specified files and directories back from exclude (if exclude is not defined, it'll be set to * ) | null , | images/* |
flags | Flags to pass to the rsync command | rtu | ar |
currentPath | Name of the symbolic link that will be created, pointing to the current deployed version. It can be relative to the releasesPath , or absolute. The created link will be relative anyway | current | ../current |
revisionFile | Name of the remote file which will hold the list of revisions. This file is relative to the releasesPath | revisions.json | ../rev-manifest.json |
deployerFormat | Format string for the deployer ({userFullName} , {userName} and {user} are possible variables, {user} will be replaced with the user full name if found, else user name | {user} | Huafu |