
An Ember addon for creating dynamic forms, powered by alpacajs.
ember install ember-cli-dynamic-forms
For now, you'll get a jquery resolution prompt when running install. You'll want to pick the 1.11.3 option.
It's advisable to run ember g ember-cli-dynamic-forms
between upgrades as dependencies may have been added, removed, or upgraded between releases. Please try this, along with clearing node_modules and bower_components before reporting issues after upgrading.
Using ember-cli-dynamic-forms can be as simple as passing a json-schema compliant object into a component. You can also provide the form with data and actions, either in the schema or with separate objects:
{{dynamic-form schema=model.schemaObj data=model.dataObj formActions=formActionsObj}}
You can also create reusable form assets using ember-cli, such as validations and formatting rules:
ember generate dynamic-form-validator drinking-age
And you can reference them in your schema:
"beverage": {
"label": "Choice of Beverage",
"slider": true,
"validator": "drinking-age"
For more details component usage and asset generation, see the ember-cli-dynamic-forms documentation site.
The schema variable can be in string or object form, but needs to be a valid json-schema alpaca form definition. See the alpacajs website for more information about building valid schemas.
git clone
this repository
npm install
bower install
Running Locally
Running Tests
ember test
ember test --server
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.