This addon provides an alternative model implementation to DS.Model
that is
compatible with the rest of the ember-data ecosystem.
Ember-data users define their schemas via DS.Model
classes which explicitly
state what attributes and relationships they expect. Having many such classes
each explicitly defining their schemas provides a lot of clarity and a pleasant
environment for implementing standard object oriented principles.
However, it can be an issue in environments where the API responses are not
easily known in advance, or where they are so varied as to require thousands of
s which can be a burden both to developer ergonomics as well as
runtime performance.
ember-m3 lets you use a single class for many API endpoints, inferring the
schema from the payload and API-specific conventions.
For example, if your API returns responses like the following:
"data": {
"id": "isbn:9780439708180",
"type": "com.example.bookstore.Book",
"attributes": {
"name": "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",
"author": "urn:Author:3",
"chapters": [{
"name": "The Boy Who Lived",
"mentionedCharacters": ["urn:Character:harry"],
"readerComments": [{
"id": "urn:ReaderComment:1",
"type": "com.example.bookstore.ReaderComment",
"name": "Someone or Other",
"body": "I have it on good authority that this is part of a book of some kind",
"included": [{
"id": "urn:author:3",
"type": "com.example.bookstore.Author",
"attributes": {
"name": "JK Rowling",
You could support it with the following schema:
import DefaultSchema from 'ember-m3/services/m3-schema';
const BookStoreRegExp = /^com\.example\.bookstore\./;
const ISBNRegExp = /^isbn:/;
const URNRegExp = /^urn:/;
function computeValue(key, value, modelName, schemaInterface) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && (ISBNRegExp.test(value) || URNRegExp.test(value))) {
return schemaInterface.reference({
type: null,
id: value,
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && typeof value.$type === 'string') {
return {
id: value.isbn,
type: value.$type,
attributes: value,
return value;
export default class Schema extends DefaultSchema {
includesModel(modelName) {
return BookStoreRegExp.test(modelName);
computeAttribute(key, value, modelName, schemaInterface) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return schemaInterface.managedArray(value.map((v) => computeValue(key, v, modelName, schemaInterface)));
} else {
return computeValue(key, value, modelName, schemaInterface);
Notice that in this case, the schema doesn't specify anything model-specific and
would work whether the API returns 3 different kinds of models or 3,000.
Model-specific information is still needed to handle cases that cannot be
generally inferred from the payload (such as distinguishing Date
fields). See
the Schema section for details.
The benefits of using ember-m3 over DS.Model
- handle dynamic schemas whose structure is not known in advance
- handle relationship references at arbitrary points in the payload seamlessly (eg relationship references within POJO attributes)
- limit the payload size of schema information by inferring as much as
possible from the structure of the payload itself
- more easily query arbitrary URLs, especially when the types of the returned models are
not known in advance
The trade-offs made for this include:
- Having only one model class prevents the use of some OOP patterns: You can't
add computed properties to only one model for instance, and will need to
rely on a different pattern of helpers and utility functions
- Inferring the schema from the payload can make the client side code less
clear as is often the case in "static" vs. "dynamic" tradeoffs
The existing store API works as expected. findRecord
, queryRecord
&c., will
build a URL using the -ember-m3
adapter and create a record for the returned
response using MegamorphicModel
. Note that the actual name queried will be
passed to the adapter so you can build URLs correctly.
For example
store.findRecord('com.example.bookstore.book', 'isbn:9780439708180');
Results in an adapter call
import MegamorphicModel from 'ember-m3/model';
findRecord(store, modelClass, id, snapshot) {
modelClass === MegamorphicModel;
snapshot.modelName === 'com.example.bookstore.book';
id === 'isbn:9780439708180';
ember-m3 does not define an -ember-m3
adapter but you can define one in your
app. Otherwise the default adapter lookup rules are followed (ie your
adapter will be used).
ember-m3 also adds store.queryURL
. This is helpful for one-off endpoints or
endpoints where the type returned is not known and you just want a thin wrapper
around the API response that knows how to look up relationships.
store.queryURL(url, options);
Return Value
Returns a promise that will resolve to
- A
if the [primary data][json-api:primary-data] of the normalized response is a resource.
- A
of MegamorphicModel
s if the [primary data][json-api:primary-data] of the normalized response is an array of
The raw API response is normalized via the -ember-m3
serializer. M3 does not
define such a serializer but you can add one to your app if your API requires
normalization to JSON API.
The URL path to query. The -ember-m3
adapter is consulted for its
and namespace
- When
is an absolute URL, (eg http://bookstore.example.com/books
) or a network-path reference (eg //books
), the adapter's host
and namespace
properties are ignored.
- When
is an absolute path reference (eg /books
) it is prefixed with the adapter's host
and/or namespace
if they are present.
- When
is a relative path reference it is prefixed with the adapter's
and/or namespace
, whichever is present. It is an error to call
when url
is a relative path reference and the adapter specifies
neither host
nor namespace
additional options. All are optional, as is the options
defaults to GET
. The HTTP method to use.
defaults to null
. The parameters to include, either in the URL (for GET
requests) or request body (for others).
defaults to null
. The parameters that will be
converted to query string and appended to the URL, especially useful for
method which needs both URL with query string(options.queryParams
and payload data(options.params
defaults to null
. A string to uniquely identify this
request. null
or undefined
indicates the result should not be cached.
It is passed to serializer.normalizeResponse
as the id
parameter, but
the serializer is free to ignore it.
defaults to false
. If true
, make a request even if an
entry was found under cacheKey
. Do not resolve the returned promise
until that request completes.
defaults to false
. If true
, make a request
even if an entry was found under cacheKey
. If true
and a cached entry
was found, resolve the returned promise immediately with the cached entry
and update the store when the request completes.
defaults to undefined
. The custom options to pass along to the queryURL
function on the adapter.
When cacheKey
is provided, the response is cached under cacheKey
If the response contains a model with an id, that model will be cached under that id as
well as under the cacheKey
. The entry under the model's id and under the cacheKey
point to the same model. Changes to the model will be reflected in both the models
retrieved by cacheKey
and the models retreived by the model's id.
Using cacheKey
with queryURL
can be useful to show, eg dashboard data or any other data
that changes over time.
Consider the following:
store.queryURL('/newsfeed/latest', { cacheKey: 'newsfeed.latest', backgroundReload: true });
In this example, the first time the user visits a route that makes this query,
the promise will wait to resolve until the request completes. The second time
the request is made the promise will resolve immediately with the cached values
while loading fresh values in the background.
Note that what is actually cached is the result: ie either a MegamorphicModel
or, more likely, a RecordArray
of MegamorphicModel
It is possible to do the same thing in stock Ember Data by making a @ember-data/model
class to wrap your search results and querying via:
import Model, { hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';
export class NewsFeed extends Model {
store.findRecord('news-feed', 'latest', { backgroundReload: true });
As with ember-m3 generally, similar functionality is provided without the need
to create models and relationships within your app code.
Cache Eviction
Because models (or RecordArray
s of models) are cached, the cache can be emptied
automatically when the models are unloaded. In the case of RecordArray
s of
models, the entire cache entry is evicted if any of the member models is
Manual Cache Insertion
In cases where we need to manually insert into the cache, we can use cacheURL
As an example, we may need to compute a secondary cache key once we receive
response from our API.
store.queryURL('/foo', { cacheKey }).then((result) => {
const secondaryCacheKey = computeSecondaryCacheKey(result);
store.cacheURL(secondaryCacheKey, result);
When we unload the model, we will evict both the initial cacheKey
as well as
store.queryURL('/foo', { cacheKey: 'foo' }).then((result) => {
store.cacheURL('bar', result);
You have to register a schema to tell ember-m3 what types it should be enabled
for, as well as information that cannot be inferred from the response payload.
You can think of the schema as a service that represents the same
information, more or less, as all of your DS.Model
What is a schema
When modeling a payload it is necessary to know what properties of the payload
are attributes that should be accessible to the application & templates, what
properties are relationships that should look up other models, and what
properties should be ignored.
achieves this by enumerating the attributes and relationships on a
subclass inside your app/models
By contrast ember-m3 relies on application-wide conventions to know the
difference between attributes and relationships and otherwise reports all
properties returned by the API as accessible to the application.
For APIs with many models, the ember-m3 approach can produce a substantially
smaller application. Similarly the approach uses fewer classes which reduces
the runtime cost of relationships.
is a service registered from app/services/m3-schema.js
. For convenience,
you can extend a default schema from ember-m3/services/schema
. The schema
have following properties.
Whether or not ember-m3 should handle this
. It's fine to just return true
here but this hook allows
to work alongside DS.Model
computeAttribute(key, value, modelName, schemaInterface)
A function that computes
the value and type of an attribute.
An attribute can be:
- A reference to a record that exists in the identity map
- A nested m3 record that exists as a child of the m3 parent record
- A simple value, like a POJO or a string
- A managedArray of references, nested records or simple values
If the attribute is a reference return:
schemaInterface.reference({ id, type })
where the object properties are
The id of the referenced model (either m3 or @ember-data/model
The type of the referenced model (either m3 or @ember-data/model
is also a valid type in which case id
will be looked up in a global cache.
Note that attribute references are all treated as synchronous.
There is no ember-m3 analogue to @ember-data/model
async relationships.
If you are returning a nested m3 model, return:
schemaInterface.nested({ id, type, attributes })
If you are returning a managed array, return:
schemaInterface.managedArray([schemaInterface.nested(obj), someOtherValue])
If you are returning the value you can return the raw value without passing it
through the schemaInterface call
For example, if we have a book object:
id: 'book-id:1',
type: 'com.example.library.book',
mostSimiliarBook: 'book-id:2'
bestChapter: {
number: 7,
title: 'My chapter'
characterPOV: 'urn:character:2'
We would want `model.get('mostSimilarBook')` to return the book object and the
to return the character model with id 2
as an object. This requires us to interpret mostSimiliarBook
as a reference
and bestChapter
a nested m3 model and not a simple object.
We would write the following method.
computeAttribute(key, value, modelName, schemaInterface) {
if (key === 'mostSimilarBook') {
return schemaInterface.reference({
type: 'com.example.library.book',
id: value
} else if (key === 'bestChapter') {
return schemaInterface.nested({
type: 'chapter',
attributes: value
setAttribute(modelName, attrName, value, schemaInterface)
A function that can be used
to update the record-data with raw value instead of resolved value.
should be invoked inside the function to set
the value. If this function is not provided, m3 will set value as is.
setAttribute(modelName, attrName, value, schemaInterface) {
if (value && value.constructor && value.constructor.isModel) {
schemaInterface.setAttr(attrName, value.get('id'));
isAttributeResolved(modelName, attrName, value, schemaInterface)
A function
that determines whether a value that is being set should be treated as
resolved or not. Unresolved values that are set will be resoled when they
are next accessed -- resolved values are cached upon being set.
isAttributeResolved(modelName, attrName, value, schemaInterface) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
} else {
return super.isAttributeResolved(...arguments);
computeAttributes(keys, modelName)
Compute the actual attribute names, default just return the
array passed in.
This is useful if you need to "decode/encode" your attribute names in a certain form, e.g.,
add a prefix when serializing.
an object containing type-specific information that cannot be
inferred from the payload. The models
property has the form:
models: {
myModelName: {
attributes: [],
defaults: {
attributeName: 'defaultValue',
aliases: {
aliasName: 'attributeName',
transforms: {
attributeName: transformFunctionn
The keys to models
are the types of your models, as they exist in your
normalized payload.
A list of whitelisted attributes. It is recommended to omit
this unless you explicitly want to prevent unknown properties returned in
the API payload from being read. If present, it is an array of strings that
list whitelisted attributes. Reads of non-whitelisted properties will
return undefined
An object whose key-value pairs map attribute names to default
values. Reads of properties not included in the API will return the default
value instead, if it is specified in the schema.
Alternate names for payload attributes. Aliases are read-only, ie
equivalent to Ember.computed.reads
and not Ember.computed.alias
An object whose key-value pairs map attribute names to
functions that transform their values. This is useful to handle attributes
that should be treated as Date
s instead of strings, for instance.
function dateTransform(value) {
if (!value) { return; }
return new Date(Date.parse());
models: {
'com.example.bookstore.book': {
transforms: {
publishDate: dateTransform,
Helps the model.js
determine whether the errors
should be read from the underlying data payload. The default return is false which creates an object compatible with
how Ember Data treats errors
property. Return true to read from the data payload for the model.
If true
is returned, removes the need to use .set
and .get
on m3 record of a given type.
Instead of model.get('someAttribute')
and model.set('someAttribute)
, you can do model.someAttribute
model.someAttribute = value
. When set to false
deprecates your current .
access to aid in the migration. For migration
and deprecation guide see the deprecations guide.
Serializer / Adapter
ember-m3 will use the -ember-m3
adapter to make queries via findRecord
, queryURL
&c. Responses will be normalized via the -ember-m3
ember-m3 provides neither an adapter nor a serializer. If your app does not
define an -ember-m3
adapter, the normal lookup rules are followed and your
adapter is used instead
It is perfectly fine to use your application
adapter and serializer. However,
if you have an app that uses both m3 models as well as DS.Model
s you may
want to have different request headers, serialization or normalization for
your m3 models. The -ember-m3
adapter and serializer are the appropriate
places for this.
To learn how to debug m3
records, refer to the debugging documentation
For help with migrating deprecations refer to the deprecations guide
Customizing Store
If your app customizes the store service, it will need to import and extend the store service provided by ember-m3
instead of the store provided by @ember-data/store
. Example:
import M3Store from 'ember-m3/services/store';
export default class AppStore extends M3Store {}
Alternative Patterns
If you are converting an application that uses DS.Model
s (perhaps because it
has a very large number of them and ember-m3 can help with performance) you may
have some patterns in your model classes beyond schema specification.
There are no particular requirements around refactoring these except that when
you only have a single class for your models you won't be able to use typical
object-oriented patterns.
The following are simply recommendations for common patterns.
Use the schema defaults
feature to replace constant values in your DS.Model
classes. For example:
import Model from '@ember-data/model';
export Model.extend({
myConstant: 24601,
models: {
'my-model': {
defaults: {
myConstant: 24601,
Use the schema aliases
feature to replace use of Ember.computed.reads
. You
can likely do this also to replace the use of Ember.computed.alias
as quite
often they can be read only.
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export Model.extend({
name: attr(),
aliasName: Ember.computed.reads('name'),
models: {
'my-model': {
aliases: {
aliasName: 'name',
Random UI State or other non-attr non-relationship properties
Let's say you are converting the following Museum
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export Model.extend({
name: attr(),
And that for Bad Reasons™
you discover that your team has been stashing a custom
object on the museum describing some ad-hoc state (maybe for the ui?):
Ember.set(museum, 'retrofit', retrofitState);
Let's say this state has a formal class:
const RetrofitState = Ember.Object.extend({
statusText: Ember.computed('statusCode', function () {
let code = this.get('statusCode');
switch (code) {
case 0:
return 'Not started';
case 1:
return 'In Progress';
case 2:
return 'Incomplete, on hold';
case 3:
return 'Completed';
return 'Unknown';
While you should not store local-state/ui-state (e.g. any state not part of the schema) on records, you can make this
pattern temporarily work with M3
by doing a Bad Thing™
and giving the class constructor a static isModel
RetrofitState.isModel = true;
This is not without consequences. Setting this flag makes M3
treat this object as a resolvedValue
, meaning that it
will be included as an attribute when snapshot.eachAttribute is called by a serializer. This is very likely not what
you want and very likely will cause "spooky action at a distance" bugs for others on your team (like suddenly sending
serialized information about retrofits to the API).
Before saving these records, you would need to carefully scrub it by deleting this and any other local properties off of
it, or you would need to ensure that the serializer did not serialize this attribute. This will be tedious, annoying and
brittle, but that is the sacrifice paid for such Bad Things™
Ultimately, you should refactor your application away from this Bad Practice™
to pass these separate objects alongside
each other, for instance by wrapping them in an hash like the following:
let museumRetrofit = {
Other Computed Properties
More involved computed properites can be converted to either utility functions
(if used within JavaScript) or helper functions (if used in templates).
For properties used in both templates and elsewhere (eg components) a convenient
pattern is to define a helper that exports both.
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export Model.extend({
name: attr('string'),
sillyName: Ember.computed('name', function() {
return `silly ${this.get('name')}`;
{{! some-template.hbs }}
{{my-component name=model.sillyName}}
let sn = model.get('sillyName');
Coverted to
export function getSillyName(model) {
if (!model) {
return `silly ${model.get('name')}`;
function sillyNameHelper(positionalArgs) {
if (positionalArgs.length < 1) {
return getSillyName(positionalArgs[0]);
export default Ember.Helper.helper(sillyNameHelper);
{{! some-template.hbs }}
{{silly-name model}}
{{my-component name=(silly-name model)}}
import { getSillyName } from '../helpers/silly-name';
let sn = getSillyName(model);
ember-m3 does not impose any particular requirements with saving models. If
your endpoints cannot reliably be determined via snapshot.modelName
it is
recommended to add support for adapterOptions.url
in your adapter. For
import ApplicationAdapter from './application';
export default ApplicationAdapter.extend({
findRecord(store, type, id, snapshot) {
let adapterOptions = snapshot.adapterOptions || {};
let url = adapterOptions.url;
if (!url) {
url = this.buildURL(snapshot.modelName, id, snapshot, 'findRecord');
return this.ajax(url, 'GET');
this.store.findRecord('com.example.bookstore.book', 1, { url: '/book/from/surprising/endpoint' });
- Ember >= 3.16.x < 4.x
- Ember Data >= 3.16.x < 4.x
- Node >= 14.x (i.e. an active version)
Utilizing less of EmberData
ember-m3 does not require all of EmberData to function properly, and if your app does not need
all of EmberData either then you can choose to use ember-m3 with only the subset of EmberData
packages ember-m3 currently requires.
As of 13 May 2020 this means:
- @ember-data/store >= 3.16
- @ember-data/model >= 3.16
- ember-inflector >= 3.0