Getting Started with Empower Container Component
Sample Usage
import { MenuBar, Modal } from react-empower-container;
const menuBarConfig = {
config: {
isWidget: true,
withTalent: true,
iconType: ["standard"],
showInfo: true,
title: "Sample title ",
icon: "Sample icon"
button: {
show: true,
actions: [
show: true,
label: "Sample label",
action: "Sample action"
icon: "Sample icon"
search: {
show: false,
value: "Sample value"
pagination: {
show: true,
hideSummary: true,
counter: 10,
perPage: 10,
page: 1,
total: 0,
pivot: {
show: true,
inputElement: {
id: 'statPivot',
type: 'select',
placeholder: 'Sample placeholder',
options: ["sample options"],
value: 30,
disabled: true,
required: true,
hideClearIcon: true
check: {
disabled: true,
selected: 0,
total: 0
toggle: {
buttons: [
icon: "Sample icon,
selectedIconDisplay: "Sample icon",
value: 'activated'
icon: "Sample icon",
selectedIconDisplay: "Sample icon",
value: 'deactivated'
mainButton: {
show: true,
label: 'Sample Label',
icon: 'Sample icon",
actions: []
buttonFooter: {
show: true,
className: 'buttonFooter',
actions: [
show: true,
label: 'Sample Label',
action: 'sample action',
icon: "Sample icon",
className: 'button'
undoButton: {
show: true,
actions: [
show: true,
label: "Sample label",
action: "submit",
icon: "Sample icon,
timer: "Number of seconds",
disabled: true
customClass: "Sample class name",
info: "Sample text",
const modalConfig = {
config: {
isWidget: true,
withTalent: true,
iconType: ['close', 'standard'],
showInfo: true,
modalSize: 'lg',
contentOnly: false,
title: 'Sample title',
icon: 'Sample icon"
modalTitle: "Process Request",
button: {
show: true,
actions: [
show: true,
label: "Sample label",
action: "sample action"
icon: "Sample icon"
hideMenuBar: true
getActions={(action, data) => this.getActions(action, data)}
getActions={(action, data) => this.getActions(action, data)}