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env-verifier - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.1 to 1.5.0




@@ -1,34 +0,3 @@

declare type Cast<X extends any, Y extends any> = X extends Y ? X : Y;
declare type TransformTuple_<U extends any> = (string | ((_: string) => U))[];
declare type MappedConfigElement_<E extends any> = E extends any[] ? E extends TransformTuple_<infer R> ? R : never : E extends InsertValue<infer U> ? U : E extends SecretKey ? Secret : E extends string ? string | undefined : MappedConfig<E>;
declare type MappedConfigElement<E extends any> = MappedConfigElement_<E> extends infer X ? Cast<X, any> : never;
export declare type MappedConfig<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: MappedConfigElement<T[P]>;
export declare type TransformTuple<T> = [string, (_: string) => T];
export declare type ConfigWithEnvKeys<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends InsertValue<infer U> ? InsertValue<U> : T[P] extends SecretKey ? SecretKey : T[P] extends string ? string : T[P] extends TransformTuple<infer U> ? TransformTuple<U> : T[P] extends ConfigWithEnvKeys<T[P]> ? ConfigWithEnvKeys<T[P]> : never;
declare type MissingValue = {
path: string;
envKey: string;
export declare type VerifiedConfig<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends SecretKey ? Secret : T[P] extends TransformTuple_<infer U> ? U : T[P] extends InsertValue<infer U> ? U : T[P] extends string ? string : VerifiedConfig<T[P]>;
export declare class InsertValue<T> {
value: T;
constructor(value: T);
export declare class SecretKey {
secret: string;
constructor(secret: string);
export declare class Secret {
toJSON(): string;
reveal: {
(): string;
constructor(secret: string);
import { ConfigWithEnvKeys, MappedConfig, VerifiedConfig, MissingValue } from './types';
import { InsertValue, SecretKey, TransformValue } from './classes';
export declare type VerifyReturnObject<T> = {

@@ -51,2 +20,6 @@ config: MappedConfig<T>;

export declare function secret(envKey: string): SecretKey;
export {};
export declare function transform<T>(envKey: string, transformFunction: (envValue: string) => T): TransformValue<T>;
export declare function transformFP<T>(transformFunction: (envValue: string) => T, envKey: string): TransformValue<T>;
export declare function transformFP<T>(transformFunction: (envValue: string) => T): (envKey: string) => TransformValue<T>;
export { ConfigWithEnvKeys, MappedConfig, VerifiedConfig, MappedConfigElement, TransformTuple, } from './types';
export { TransformValue, InsertValue, SecretKey, Secret } from './classes';
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.secret = exports.insert = exports.strictVerify = exports.verify = exports.Secret = exports.SecretKey = exports.InsertValue = void 0;
class InsertValue {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
exports.InsertValue = InsertValue;
class SecretKey {
constructor(secret) {
this.secret = secret;
exports.SecretKey = SecretKey;
class Secret {
constructor(secret) {
this.reveal = () => secret;
toJSON() {
return '[secret]';
exports.Secret = Secret;
const isNode = () => typeof process === 'object' && process + '' === '[object process]';
const getSecretObject = (secret) => {
const secretObj = new Secret(secret);
if (isNode()) {
const util = require('util');
secretObj[util.inspect.custom] = () => '[secret]';
return secretObj;
const getEnvValueOrErrorCurried = (env, subPath) => (key) => {
const envValue = env[key];
if (envValue === undefined || envValue.length === 0) {
const error = { envKey: key, path: subPath };
return [undefined, [error]];
return [envValue, []];
exports.Secret = exports.SecretKey = exports.InsertValue = exports.TransformValue = exports.transformFP = exports.transform = exports.secret = exports.insert = exports.strictVerify = exports.verify = void 0;
const classes_1 = require("./classes");
const config_resolvers_1 = require("./config-resolvers");
const getMapConfigFunction = ({ config, env, path = '', }) => (key) => {
const value = config[key];
const subPath = path.length === 0 ? key + '' : `${path}.${key}`;
const getEnvValueOrError = getEnvValueOrErrorCurried(env, subPath);
if (value instanceof SecretKey) {
const secretKey = value.secret;
const [secretValue, errors] = getEnvValueOrError(secretKey);
return [
{ [key]: getSecretObject(secretValue) },
if (value instanceof InsertValue) {
return [{ [key]: value.value }, []];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const [envKey, transformFn] = value;
const [envValue, errors] = getEnvValueOrError(envKey);
const transformedValue = envValue && transformFn(envValue);
return [{ [key]: transformedValue }, errors];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const [envValue, errors] = getEnvValueOrError(value);
return [{ [key]: envValue }, errors];
const subPath = path.length === 0 ? `${key}` : `${path}.${key}`;
const { resolveSecret, resolveInsert, resolveTransformTuple, resolveTransformer, resolveEnvValue } = config_resolvers_1.getResolvers(env, subPath);
if (value instanceof classes_1.SecretKey)
return resolveSecret(key, value);
if (value instanceof classes_1.InsertValue)
return resolveInsert(key, value);
if (value instanceof classes_1.TransformValue)
return resolveTransformer(key, value);
if (Array.isArray(value))
return resolveTransformTuple(key, value);
if (typeof value === 'string')
return resolveEnvValue(key, value);
const { errors, config: subConfig } = recursiveVerify({

@@ -108,9 +61,23 @@ config: value,

function insert(value) {
return new InsertValue(value);
return new classes_1.InsertValue(value);
exports.insert = insert;
function secret(envKey) {
return new SecretKey(envKey);
return new classes_1.SecretKey(envKey);
exports.secret = secret;
function transform(envKey, transformFunction) {
return new classes_1.TransformValue(envKey, transformFunction);
exports.transform = transform;
function transformFP(transformFunction, envKey) {
if (envKey)
return new classes_1.TransformValue(envKey, transformFunction);
return (envKey_) => new classes_1.TransformValue(envKey_, transformFunction);
exports.transformFP = transformFP;
var classes_2 = require("./classes");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "TransformValue", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return classes_2.TransformValue; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "InsertValue", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return classes_2.InsertValue; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "SecretKey", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return classes_2.SecretKey; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Secret", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return classes_2.Secret; } });
"name": "env-verifier",
"version": "1.4.1",
"version": "1.5.0",
"description": "\"Make sure you have all your env variables!\"",

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"prepack": "tsc",
"prepare": "husky install",
"build": "tsc"

@@ -24,4 +25,8 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "^13.1.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^13.1.0",
"@semantic-release/git": "^9.0.0",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.10",
"@types/node": "^12.7.1",
"husky": "^7.0.1",
"jest": "^26.6.3",

@@ -28,0 +33,0 @@ "onchange": "^7.0.2",

@@ -5,2 +5,4 @@ # env-verifier


@@ -13,6 +15,9 @@

Certain types of apps require the use of different variables depending on the environment that the app is run in.
The purpose of this package is to fail early whenever one of those values is missing from the environment object (ie: `process.env`).
Using this package properly will prevent the sometimes cryptic errors that occur when environment variables are missing.
Because every missing environment variable that `env-verifier` encountered is returned (or is displayed in a thrown error), this package can also help with the: `run the app, app crashes because of missing environment variable, add environment variable` loop that sometimes occurs.
Because every missing environment variable that `env-verifier` encountered is returned (or is displayed in a thrown error), this package can also help with the: `run the app, app crashes because of missing environment variable, add environment variable, repeat` loop that sometimes occurs.
## Getting Started

@@ -49,3 +54,3 @@

This package exposes two verification functions - `verify` and `strictVerify`. Use `verify` (as seen below) when you want to handle reporting missing values, and `strictVerify` (as seen above) when you want, when any `env` misses are encountered, us to throw a descriptive error containing all `env` misses.
This package exposes two verification functions - `verify` and `strictVerify`. Use `verify` (as seen below) when you want to handle reporting missing values, and `strictVerify` (as seen above) when you want, when any `env` misses are encountered, a descriptive error containing all `env` misses to be thrown.

@@ -85,4 +90,5 @@ Use example for `verify`:

- [Error Generation and Reporting](#error-generation-and-reporting)
- [Variable Transformation (TransformTuple)](#variable-transformation)
- [Variable Transformation](#variable-transformation)
- [Dynamic Typings](#dynamic-typings)
- [`env-verifier` vs `convict`](#env-verifier-vs-convict)

@@ -98,2 +104,7 @@ ### Function Parameters and Return Types

export function transform<T>(envKey: string, transformFn: (envValue: string) => T) => T // see `Variable Transformation` documentation
export function transformFP<T>(transformFn: (envValue: string) => T, envKey: string) => T
export function transformFP<T>(transformFn: (envValue: string) => T) => ((envKey: string) => T) // see `Variable Transformation` documentation
export type TransformTuple = [string, (envValue: string) => any]

@@ -291,23 +302,51 @@

### Variable Transformation (TransformTuple)
### Variable Transformation
Since `env-verifier` only takes environment key-value pair objects that have `strings` as the values, its sometimes necessary to transform those strings into something else (IE: transform the string `"true"` to a boolean `true`)
This can be done by passing in an array (called a `TransformTuple` in this context) containing the `env` variable name, and the function that you would like to use to transform the `env` variable value like so:
This can be done in two ways:
1. By passing in an array (called a `TransformTuple` in this context) containing the `env` variable name, and the function that you would like to use to transform the `env` variable value
1. By calling the `transform` function which takes the `env` variable name and the transformer function.
Here is an example for both:
const config = {
useNewFeature: ['USE_NEW_FEATURE', trueOrFalse => trueOrFalse === 'true'],
useNewFeature: ['USE_NEW_FEATURE', trueOrFalse => trueOrFalse === 'true'], // results a boolean
serverHosts: ['SERVER_HOSTS', csvString => csvString.split(',')] // results in a string array
buildDate: transform('BUILD_DATE', dateString => new Date(dateString)) // results in a `Date` object
... //other env variables
module.exports = verify(config)
Transformation functions will not be run if its corresponding env value is missing.
Functions passed to either `transform` or given in a `TransformTuple` will not be run if its corresponding env value is missing.
A `transformFP` function is also provided that accepts the transforming function first and will return a partially applied function if an environment key string is not supplied:
import { transformFP, verify } from 'env-verifier'
const parseBoolean = transformFP(trueOrFalse => trueOrFalse === 'true')
export const config = verify({
useNewFeature: parseBoolean('USE_NEW_FEATURE'), // results in a boolean value
hosts: transformFP(csvList => csvList.split(','), 'HOSTS') // results in a string array
... other values
### Dynamic Typings
**Important**: as of `v1.4.0` `env-verifier` should now be able to correctly and dynamically infer the return types of both `verify` and `strictVerify` without any extra help. the below is only valid for versions that pre-date `v1.4.0`
As of `v1.4.0`, `env-verifier` should now be able to correctly and dynamically infer the return types of both `verify` and `strictVerify` without any extra help. the below is only valid for versions that pre-date `v1.4.0`
`env-verifier` tries to give typescript typings for the config object that it returns, but needs a little help to get the correct types

@@ -365,2 +404,23 @@

### `env-verifier` vs `convict`
Mozilla produces the excellent [`convict`]( package that does most (if not all) of the same things that this package does. Here are a quick list of comparisons between the two:
| Config Merging | ⚠️ | ✔️ |
| Nested Structures | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Environmental Variables | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Command-line arguments | ❌ | ✔️ |
| Validation | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Secret Obfuscation | ✔️ | ✔️ |
`convict` does more than what's included on the above list, and certainly more than `env-verifier` can do; so, it may be the correct choice for your project, especially if your project is a large one with many different/changing contributors.
However `env-verifier` excels in the following:
* Simplicity: Does one thing, and does it well
* Size: ~8kb packed, ~18kb unpacked, 4 source files total
* No production dependencies
## Prerequisites

@@ -367,0 +427,0 @@

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